Chapter 320 Expert
76 number.

Li Liqun's face was of no use in front of the Japanese military doctors.

This matter still depends on Yingzuo.

After Yingzuo came down, he did not take the military doctor seriously and ordered him to open the door and release the people.

However, the military doctor's stubborn resistance made him realize that taking command of the gendarmerie was completely different from being the gendarmerie commander.

"I'm sorry, General, they have smallpox. According to epidemic prevention regulations, no one is allowed to go out. Please don't make things difficult for us."

Kagesawa pressed again.

The military doctor just said one thing: it is not impossible to release the person, but they need an order from the military police commander, otherwise they have to perform their duties.

“We cannot bear this responsibility.”

Smallpox is indeed an infectious disease, and it cannot be said that the military doctors did something wrong.

Yingzuo was unexpectedly rejected. He took note of the incident, let the military doctor go for the time being, and asked his men to contact Miura Jiro in the hospital.

Jiro Miura didn't make things difficult for him, but he also had a condition. All command rights could be given to Kagesawa, but the prerequisite was that Kagesawa had to take the responsibility. If smallpox spread, he would not bear any responsibility.

Simply put, the headquarters had to personally give an order to the Military Police Headquarters to allow Yingzuo to go.

This is not a difficult problem. If Kagesawa were in Miura Jiro's position, he would definitely cut off all ties with him.

Why do you get the benefits while I bear the risks?

So although the matter was cumbersome and some time was wasted in going back and forth on the telegrams, Yingzuo finally got the authorization.

Up to now, the entire gendarmerie headquarters is truly under his command.

"Deputy Director Li, the next action depends on you. I'm waiting for your good news." At the Mei Agency, Yingzuo made a phone call to Li Liqun to start the operation.

"Please rest assured, General. We will do our best!"

Inside Room 76, Li Liqun put down the phone and went to the conference room to convey the message.

"According to the plan just arranged, everyone go to the assigned police station and lead your team to make sure the arrest is successful. If there is any situation, please call me at any time. I will be here all night."


Everyone stood up and spoke in unison. Although there was the threat of smallpox, it was obvious that if they didn't do their job properly, the threat from the Japanese would be more direct.

The operation began. Everyone trotted down the stairs, the military doctors retreated, and vehicles filed out one after another, making a lot of noise.

People who live close to No. 76 know that something big is going to happen today.

The people from No. 76 dispersed to their respective police stations, and the process of the investigation was bound to change. This was all within the expectations of Zhou Qinghe and others.

Afterwards, No. 76 also adopted a second search method, which was to go through all the information from middle and high-level officials in order to maintain the greatest degree of confidentiality, and after confirming the address, they took unified action.

This time is ten o'clock, which is close to people's sleeping time and their alertness will be relatively low, which is definitely a good choice for action.

For Zhou Qinghe, this was also a good choice. If No. 76 chose to work together, the lead time would be long. As long as Zeng Haifeng's men could hold on for an hour, they would be able to complete the sending and receiving of the telegram. At least they had done their job. If anyone did not listen to the telegram on time, it only meant that this person had extremely bad luck, and luck was part of survival.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the arrest operation of No. 76 began uniformly.

In the dark night, on the quiet streets, the members of Action Team No. 76 got out of the car and quickly moved towards the apartment building in front of them.

Soon, gunshots rang out.

Mei organs.

Yingzuo has received the report from Li Liqun that the operation has officially begun.

In response, he also sat cross-legged in his room and waited.

Thirty minutes later, he received a call from Li Liqun.

"General Yingzuo, the people we sent to arrest were strongly counterattacked by the Military Control Commission. The battle was fierce and there were many casualties."

Yingzo didn't take it seriously at first. For a Military Control Commission with more than 800 people, isn't it normal for some of them to live together?

For example, if the members of the action team rent a suite together and a gunfight breaks out when they encounter the person they are trying to arrest, then that will naturally not be as smooth as arresting a single person.

So it is normal to have resistance.

It was not until I asked a few more questions that I heard Li Liqun say, "General, it's not just one place! It's many places!

The first few action teams I sent out to arrest people haven't returned yet. I contacted several other police stations and found out that there were a total of 18 arrest teams in the first batch, but up to now, not a single team has brought anyone back!

In addition, the police received a call reporting a large number of gunshots near the arrest site and the battle was very fierce.

I now feel that something is wrong with this matter. It doesn't seem like we were accidentally attacked by the enemy's firepower team. It's more like our people were ambushed and the enemy was deliberately waiting for us to capture them!"

"Is there such a thing?" Yingzuo's expression became serious: "Are you saying that all 18 groups encountered fierce confrontation?"

"I'm not sure whether there are 18 of them, but at least ten of them fought fiercely. The key is that no one from the Military Control Commission has been captured so far!"

Yingzuo realized the seriousness of the matter and his expression suddenly became serious, but he did not speak for a while. This matter was very strange and he could not figure it out.

"Could it be that there is something wrong with Chen Mingchu? Is it a trap set by the Military Control Commission to deliberately lure us in?" Li Liqun was very vigilant: "Is he still under your control?"

"He's right across from me."

Yingzo glanced at Chen Mingchu opposite him. He had a little doubt that there might be something wrong with Chen Mingchu. After all, it was he who provided the list, and they found the address of the Military Control Commission according to the list he provided, and then this address was ambushed.

No matter how you look at it, Chen Mingchu is a very suspicious person.

But considering that Chen Mingchu has been with them for quite some time, and has given a letter of allegiance, and he is still here, there shouldn't be any problem.

To put it bluntly, if this was a plot by the Military Control Commission to deliberately lure them over, at most they would just kill some people from Unit 76. Would the benefits be great? Was it necessary to set up this plot?
Then he said, "Mr. Chen, there will be no problem. Let's put this matter aside. The people you haven't sent out should fully support the teams that have been sent out. Don't arrest the remaining people who haven't been arrested yet. I will contact the nearest military police on duty and ask them to go over immediately. There will be more armed support later. We will go directly to the police station to help you arrest people."

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait for your support, General." Li Liqun hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Chen Mingchu looked at Yingzuo and asked, "Is it not going well?"

Yingzuo thought for a moment, carefully observed Chen Mingchu's expression, and asked, "Mr. Chen, Deputy Director Li said that the people he sent to arrest encountered strong resistance from the Military Control Commission members, and there were quite a few of them. I don't think you told me about this situation."

"It's normal to resist." Chen Mingchu was a little confused.

Ying Zuo said in a deep voice: "Among the eighteen arrest teams, at least ten teams encountered strong resistance. Mr. Chen, do you still think this is normal?"

"What?" Chen Mingchu exclaimed in surprise, "This is not right. Even if there are many military action teams, this probability is impossible. What's more, what time is it? It's not daytime. Why are they gathering together? Are they taking action?"

Yingzuo gave him a look, do you understand who is asking who.

Chen Mingchu was thinking and really didn't pay attention to Yingzuo's eyes, but he immediately thought of a possibility and said quite seriously: "General Yingzuo, I know, it must be someone inside No. 76 who leaked the news, and the military intelligence personnel were prepared, otherwise it would be impossible for such a situation to occur. I have never heard of it, it must be like this!"

Li Liqun, Chen Mingchu, you two are really interesting. You keep telling each other that there are problems. Yingzuo looked a little unfriendly, but he didn't ask any more questions.

It's a waste of time asking these two idiots.

He picked up the phone and called the gendarmerie headquarters, asking them to send more personnel for immediate support.

After thinking about it, he called the army troops stationed in Zhabei.

Something was a little unusual about what happened tonight, and Yingzuo couldn't figure out what went wrong for a moment.

Normally speaking, it is possible that person No. 76 leaked the information.

But even if someone from No. 76 leaked the information to the Military Intelligence Bureau, the response they should have taken would have been to escape. How could it have been an ambush?
And if Chen Mingchu was a false traitor, then the purpose of the ambush should not be just to kill a group of No. 76 people, there should be a bigger plan.

What plans can be made?
If Yingzo can't understand the Military Control Commission's ambush operation, then just make it simple.

He said to the army troops: "According to the plan, the Zhabei area will be under curfew from now on. The Zhabei area will be divided into four areas: A, B, C, and D. Roadblocks will be set up on all main roads and intersections. No one will be allowed to pass. Only people with No. 76 permits can pass. If you encounter the arrest of Chongqing elements, you will assist from the side, and those who resist will be killed on the spot!"

No matter what the Military Control Commission's purpose is, as long as these people are kept in Zhabei, no matter how bad the trouble they make, they are trapped in his jar!

Chinachem Hotel, top floor. Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling.

Zhou Qinghe looked at the night view, turned around and walked back to pick up the phone.

Red Rose reported: "Boss, there is something unusual. Our people followed the people from No. 76. We were planning to attack them from behind when they were trying to capture the Military Control Commission, so that Yingzuo could not catch them. However, the leader reported that the people from No. 76 were attacked by the Military Control Commission, and the Military Control Commission had an ambush!

Our people don’t know what to do now, and asked me if I still want to take action? "

"The Military Control Commission has an ambush? Is there such a thing?" Zhou Qinghe was stunned for a moment, paused and murmured: "This matter is a bit strange. If the person from No. 76 leaked the news, the people from the Military Control Commission knew the news in advance, and someone wanted to catch him, then shouldn't he run away? Why did he stay where he was and ambush the people from No. 76?"

Red Rose couldn't figure it out either, and said hesitantly, "It's very strange. Either the Military Control Commission has other goals to accomplish, or... I'm wondering if Ying Zuo's Chen Mingchu is a self-torture trick of the Military Control Commission?"

Zhou Qinghe couldn't figure it out, and sneered, "It's a bit interesting, but never mind, it's not that important. We were originally going to kill No. 76, but now that the Military Control Commission has done it for us, it saves us a lot of trouble. It's a good thing."

Red Rose also laughed: "It's a good thing indeed. I was originally worried that if our people accidentally fell into Yingzuo's hands, he would find out about the sneak attack on him, which would be troublesome. Now there is no problem at all. Should I notify our people to withdraw the troops?"

"That's fine. Wait, there's no need to be so anxious. Since we're already there, just go and watch. The Military Intelligence Bureau's people may not be Yingzuo's opponents. Tell our people not to take action for the time being. If the Military Intelligence Bureau can't hold on, you can have them carry out a sneak attack. One principle is that you must not let Yingzuo successfully capture the Military Intelligence Bureau's people. I want to see how he cleans up this mess."

"Yes, I'll give the order right away."

Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows as he looked at the hung up call. Although Hong Meigui was one of his own and he trusted her quite a bit, trust was trust and work like information isolation still had to be done.

No matter what Red Rose guessed in her heart, or whether she could guess it or not, acting is a necessary skill for adults.

His plan with Red Rose was very simple. The battle of Shanghai was initiated by Kagesa, and Fujita Kazukiyo was forced to fight. Now Kagesa was under tremendous pressure to stir up trouble in Shanghai, and he was counting on a trump card of the Military Control Commission to make a complete reversal and shock the headquarters and Fujita Kazukiyo.

Of course, ideally, it should also include people from Chongqing, such as Boss Dai.

Since Fujita and Kiyoshi already know Kagesawa's trump card, if they destroy it, won't Kagesawa cry?

So from this perspective, it was reasonable for him to discuss with Red Rose about the ambush on No. 76 and letting the Military Control Commission escape. No other excuse was needed. Fujita Kazukiyo's own interests were damaged, and this was the best reason to take action.

As for whether Red Rose believes it or not, and whether she will be suspicious, if a smart woman, a woman who has been hurt, a woman who has tasted sweetness, still does not know how to cherish life, then Zhou Qinghe will send her to the west with a bullet.

Don't employ someone if you doubt him, and don't doubt someone if you employ him. Even if you have guessed something, keep it in your heart and don't ask. If Red Rose asks about it one day, it means your death is near.

No matter what the reason is, Zhou Qinghe will never show mercy as long as he opens his mouth.

Ding-ling-ling. Ding-ling-ling.

The phone rang again and Zhou Qinghe picked up the phone.

Still Red Rose: "Boss, the latest news is that Yingzuo has mobilized the military police and the garrison troops in Zhabei to block the entire Zhabei, and they are intercepting in sections, setting up roadblocks, setting up machine guns, and questioning suspicious people, etc."

"Very decisive, very effective counterattack." Zhou Qinghe praised: "In this way, the range of activities of the Military Control Commission will definitely be restricted. Will it be inconvenient for our people to move around?"

"That's not necessarily true. If our people show their credentials from the Special High Section of the Military Police Headquarters, they should have no problem passing through. But if that happens, if Kagesawa investigates later and the garrison tells others about it, Kagesawa will find out that a large number of our people passed through. Will that cause you trouble?"

Red Rose thought that Yingzuo failed to capture the Military Control Commission and was held accountable by the headquarters, and then Yingzuo threw the responsibility onto the boss. It was a confusing account, hard to explain, and disgusting.

Zhou Qinghe also needs to be on guard against this. It is very important to keep the feathers clean.

At least we can't let Yingzuo get any substantial evidence.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Should our people follow No. 76's people in batches now?"


"Let them move in the areas divided by the garrison. They should stay in the areas they are in now and not cross the border. If they need to be tracked, you can set up an information transfer station at the Rose Business Bank, contact them by phone, and take over the tracking. The people from Unit 76 will be monitored by people from that area wherever they go."

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

Zhou Qinghe put down the phone and went back to the window.

It takes at least 20 minutes for the garrison troops to enter each street in Zhabei, and it may take 30 or 40 minutes to enter the more distant streets.

It is now ten thirty-five, which means that the Japanese army should complete the initial blockade on the nearest street by ten fifty-five at the earliest, and eleven fifteen at the latest.

Zeng Haifeng's people received the message at 11 o'clock. By the time they received the message, the roads had most likely been completely blocked.

After receiving the telegram, these people had to notify their superiors and subordinates, and then leave Shanghai together.

If you want to escape in this situation, you can only rush through the checkpoint, which is bound to lead to a fierce battle.

Yingzuo's reaction was quick and resolute, which made the escape of these people tonight more difficult.

We need to attract some of the Japanese troops to return to defend! Open up a gap!

Zhou Qinghe walked back, picked up the phone, and called Red Rose: "Let the people in Hongkou get up and pretend to attack the Mei Agency and the military hospital ward where Mr. Sanpu is!"

Mei organs.

Yingzuo still hasn't figured out the significance of the Military Control Commission's actions tonight.

The actions of the Military Control Commission were very unusual. After being exposed in Shanghai, they did not flee but ambushed? This was not a normal operation no matter how you looked at it.

It's not that he hadn't thought of Fujita Kazukiyo. After all, Fujita Kazukiyo was missing in Hankou, or hadn't been seen for several days. It's possible that he would appear in Shanghai to cause trouble for him.

But the conflict of interest between him and Fujita was actually very simple. Fujita wanted to interrupt his plan, and the most effective way was to prevent him from catching the Military Control Commission.

If the Military Control Commission ran away and was tipped off by someone, Yingzuo would definitely suspect No. 76 and Fujita Kazukiyo.

But now the Military Intelligence Bureau did not run away, but started a positional war. This was definitely not the work of Fujita Kazukiyo.

What went wrong, what else did the Military Control Commission have planned, and what was the significance of this operation?
The ambush means that the Military Control Commission knows that someone is coming to arrest them, and the address was provided by Chen Mingchu. Yingzuo observed Chen Mingchu.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang! The house shook, and the ground was shaking, as if it was going to collapse!
"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Mei Ji's voice came out.

Yingzuo and Chen Mingchu looked at each other, both of them were shocked and dazed.

Boom boom!

"Baga! It's a grenade! The Military Control Commission is attacking!" There was a chaotic shouting coming from outside the door.

Yingzo was completely shocked and stood up suddenly. The Mei Agency in Hongkou was actually attacked by the Military Control Commission and thrown grenades at their doorstep.

boom! boom!
Da da da.

There were explosions and gunshots, and chaos broke out outside.

Yingzuo's mind raced, he reached into the drawer, took out a gun and pointed it at Chen Mingchu, his voice cold and dark: "Mr. Chen, you have a very deep plan."

"What does it have to do with me?" Chen Mingchu straightened his neck and cried out in grievance.

"Chief!" A subordinate ran in and opened the door. He took a look at the situation inside the room without asking any questions. Instead, he reported in a hurried tone: "Chief, more than a dozen people are besieging us at the front and back doors. They have machine guns and grenades. The firepower is very strong. Please be careful."

"Tie him up first and call for backup."

"Hey, someone."

"Hey, General Kagesawa, what do you mean? This matter has nothing to do with me. What do you think? General Kagesawa."

The irritable sound is gone.

Yingzuo's eyes turned slightly cold, and he finally understood what happened that night.

A section chief was sent out to guide Unit 76 to arrest people at their homes and to set up an ambush in Zhabei, forcing him to use the army and military police, resulting in an unusually weak defense force in the HK area.

The Military Control Commission had been planning for such a long time, and its target was actually him, the director of the Special Service Committee and the shadow emperor of the Nanjing government.

Good plan! Good plan!
A head of the personnel department, 821 names, the entire Military Control Commission Shanghai Station! Plus an action team leader Wan Lilang, this plate of appetizers is so delicious that you can't stop eating.

Who wouldn’t be fooled?
The Military Control Commission really has some experts.

"Zeng Haifeng!"

(End of this chapter)

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