The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 321 Transparency

Chapter 321 Transparency

"Chief, Mr. Miura Jiro has also been attacked, and the Military Intelligence Bureau is trying to storm his ward! The remaining forces of the Military Police Headquarters have already gone there, and the only ones we can use now are the patrol team in Hongkou."

"Come here first and inform the garrison in Zhabei to go back to defend Hongkou. When they get there, half of them will go inside, and the other half will seal off all the entrances and exits of Hongkou! I want them to never come back!"


Chinachem Hotel, top floor.

Zhou Qinghe received a call from Red Rose, informing him that the garrison and the gendarmerie had withdrawn half of their troops to defend Hongkou.

I can finally put my mind at ease.

No matter from which point of view, the safety of the headquarters and the safety of Yingzo's own Mei Agency are higher priority than arresting the Military Control Commission.

It was Zhou Qinghe, and Zhou Qinghe did the same.

There were not many people attacking Mei's agency and headquarters, most of them were grenades and machine guns.

One of these two things makes a loud noise, and the other has strong firepower. The Rose Company is not short of money, and they can afford to throw grenades. Throwing a hundred or eighty of them would be really scary for the people in the house in the middle of the night, just like an earthquake.

I have a lot of money, so I throw it to Yingzou to make a noise.

Things have come to this point, and everything that can be done has been done.

Zhou Qinghe looked at the time. It was already past 11 o'clock. Everyone who should have received the message should have already received it. The rest of the notification and breakout would depend on themselves.

There are still half of the defenders left, and it's not easy, but tonight should have been a night of bloodshed. Now they don't have to be slaughtered, and there is still room for a showdown. Killing one will break even, killing two will make a huge profit, and fighting their way out will lead to a smooth road to heaven.

Come on, fight for a way out.

The sound of gunfire in Zhabei did not stop all night.

The search in Hongkou also continued all night.


Li Liqun hurried to the study of Yingzuo of Meiji Bureau to report the battle situation.

"General, at the end of last night's operation, the Military Control Commission's personnel began to break through the checkpoints and flee to the suburbs of Shanghai. We fought and chased them. After a night of hard work by our No. 76 colleagues, we captured 7 high-level members of the Military Control Commission's Shanghai Station. The remaining 59 people were interrogated overnight. The names of those who have not yet been verified are being verified and checked.

I believe that the number of Military Control Commission personnel in Shanghai at this moment is definitely very small.

All checkpoints in and out of Shanghai are now heavily guarded, and there are people from Unit 76 assisting in the investigation. I believe it will be very difficult for the Military Control Commission to get in again."

The results of the battle were much smaller than expected, but considering that the Military Control Commission's target was himself, Yingzuo could be said to be relatively satisfied with the result.

"The Military Control Commission went to great lengths to kill me, but unfortunately, the gain did not outweigh the loss!"

Yingzuo sneered and sighed, then asked, "Your losses at No. 76 are not small, right?"

"Yes." Li Liqun looked a little aggrieved and tired. "More than 30 people died, and the rest who went out to fight were basically all injured."

Ying Zuo nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work. There will be compensation later. The large-scale action of the Military Control Commission was planned for a long time. Look at this Mei Agency building. Even I almost lost my life."

Li Liqun glanced at the house, and it was true. When he came in just now, he saw that the first floor of Mei's office was blown to pieces. Even the window of Yingzuo's room was blown crooked, and there were bullet holes on the wall, which showed how fierce the firepower of the Military Control Commission was last night.

"Did you catch it?"

"No, we searched all night, and during the final investigation, someone said they saw a large number of people going out to the sea on a boat, heading towards Pudong. They were well prepared."

"The Military Control Commission is so ruthless. Chen Mingchu has been planning this for a long time. He even used the real list of the Military Control Commission as bait. His determination to kill you is appalling. Fortunately, you are blessed by good fortune. You have worked hard."

Yingzo sneered with emotion: "This Shanghai station's Chief Zeng is indeed the trusted disciple of Chongqing Boss Dai. He is as cunning as a fox and knows human nature well.

When Chen Mingchu handed over the list of Shanghai Station, we sent people to verify several section chief-level figures. Without exception, they were all true. Otherwise, how could we easily believe him? But who would have thought that the list was real, but the purpose was fake? Zeng Haifeng is not simple. I am really curious about him. Is there any news about him? "

"Not yet, but we are stepping up the interrogation. We would also like to apply for a wanted warrant from you, General, to search for Zeng Haifeng. It doesn't matter if he escapes or not. There's no harm in giving it a try."


"Thank you, General." Li Liqun pointed at the list on the table and smiled: "General, this is actually a good thing. Of course, if something happened to you, it would be a very bad thing, but if nothing happened to you, then this matter has become a very good thing. You can be much more relaxed in the future."

Yingzuo looked at Li Liqun and pursed his lips: "Keep working hard. It's impossible for everyone to escape. Zeng Haifeng couldn't have notified so many of his men in advance. You have to strive to expand the results of the battle. I will ask for credit for you, No. 76, from the headquarters."

"Yes! I will do my best!"

As soon as Li Liqun left, Yingzuo picked up the list of arrested Military Control Commission personnel that Li Liqun had just brought over from the table. As he looked at it, his smile widened.

It is indeed a good thing. If the Military Intelligence Bureau did not have this plan and contribution list, how would he have the opportunity to take action against Fujita Kazukiyo?

Although it was designed by the Military Control Commission and the purpose was wrong, the result was actually the same.

The Military Intelligence Bureau designed this operation and risked everything. The price of failure would be that this list would fall into his hands, and the Military Intelligence Bureau Shanghai Station would have no chance of survival in Shanghai!

The goal of destroying the Military Control Commission’s Shanghai Station was still achieved.

Then he can also report back to the base camp.

"It's time to give everyone an explanation. The phone calls from the consulate are really annoying."

Two hours later, at Rose Store.

Hong Meigui came in with a folder and handed it to Zhou Qinghe.

"The message just sent by the Mei Agency."

Zhou Qinghe took it and took a look. Yingzuo reported to the headquarters that the Military Control Commission's Shanghai Station was wiped out in one fell swoop. Except for a few senior officials who were still at large, more than 200 people were killed or injured, more than 100 people were captured, and the remaining fugitives were all being pursued.

"This operation has obtained the list of all the personnel of the Military Control Commission Shanghai Station. The Military Control Commission Shanghai Station will definitely be destroyed. The Shanghai incident has been effectively resolved and normal order will be restored soon."

With a snap, Zhou Qinghe closed the folder.

Comment: "I'm pretty anxious."

Red Rose chuckled: "The telegram from the headquarters is almost driving him to death, how can he not be anxious? To wipe them out in one fell swoop, the data fraud has almost tripled. Do you want to go to the headquarters and file a complaint against him?"

Zhou Qinghe sneered, "Is this necessary? You have to make others happy too.

Yingzuo did capture the Military Intelligence Bureau, and everyone in the Shanghai station fled Shanghai. This is a fact. Judging from the effect, it is not wrong to say that they were wiped out in one fell swoop. If I go to complain now, that is not called complaining, that is called jealousy. Wiping out the Military Intelligence Bureau Shanghai Station in one fell swoop is a great achievement. People will say that I am narrow-minded. "

"But we can't just watch him being proud, right?"

"Of course, I don't have a good heart towards Yingzuo." Zhou Qinghe picked up the folder, patted it, and smiled: "Do you know why we didn't die to help the Military Control Commission yesterday?"

"Why?" Red Rose really didn't know.

In fact, according to the conflict between them and Yingzuo, they should have killed No. 76 at all costs last night, let the Military Control Commission leave the city, and let Yingzuo not get a single person.

In this way, Yingzuo's entire plan was completely ruined.

Zhou Qinghe answered her: "Because it involves responsibility.

We will try our best to attack Kagezoe's men, and of course Kagezoe will gain nothing. But don't forget, the price of doing so is that Kagezoe will not be able to explain to the base, and he will go crazy!

He would bite us at all costs, saying that we were secretly helping the Military Control Commission. As far as he could see, we were the only people he could bite.

It's hard to explain the matter, but as long as Yingzuo bites the bullet and someone in the headquarters is fanning the flames, the headquarters will launch an investigation. With so many people from our Special High Section participating in the operation, it would be difficult to expect everyone to keep their mouths shut. It can be said to be impossible.

Once one person tells the truth, we will be convicted of helping the Military Control Commission. That’s why.”

Hong Meigui understood, "Yingzuo will definitely drag you down with him, and you will share the responsibility for the failure of the Military Control Commission to capture him. The Military Control Commission has escaped, and Yingzuo will not be able to solve the chaos in Shanghai. The headquarters will definitely hold you accountable for this matter, and there is no way to solve it."

"Yes, the key is the chaos in Shanghai. If this matter cannot be resolved, someone must take responsibility for it."

"So as soon as this telegram was sent." Red Rose thought of what Zhou Qinghe had just said, her eyes lit up: "The Shanghai issue has been resolved. This was reported to the headquarters by Yingzuo himself. We did not interfere with him throughout the process, and there is nothing about us in the report. This matter is now completely over at the headquarters.

As for Yingzuo, although there is still some follow-up work to be done, the matter is basically over.

What he should be thinking about now is waiting for the reward from the base camp, integrating the Green Gang, reshaping the economic situation in Shanghai, and taking over all your power in Shanghai.

As for us, Yingzuo's biggest trump card for disturbing Shanghai and fighting us is the Military Control Commission. With this merit, any mistakes can be covered up at the headquarters, even if you report them. In fact, Yingzuo's destruction of the Shanghai Station is definitely a meritorious service.

So, now that Kagezoe has played his most crucial card, do you want to continue?
And Yingzuo has no more trump cards in his hand, so now is the time for us to take real action.

Pretending to be a military commander? "

"Perfect answer. The most difficult part to define was solved by Yingzuo himself. If Shanghai becomes chaotic again this time, who will save Yingzuo?"

Zhou Qinghe picked up the map of Shanghai on the table. On it, more than twenty places were circled and numbered.

"In order, three places a day, with unlimited weapons and ammunition, and no one will be left alive."

Red Rose looked at the locations above and was shocked. There were so many military warehouses and medical and food warehouses.

Military warehouses are fine, weapons and ammunition are just scrap metal in Shanghai nowadays, but food is the most scarce thing in Shanghai nowadays.

The military and reserve granaries here were bombed. I'm afraid the grain prices in Shanghai will skyrocket!

"Any questions?"


"Okay, make a better plan and don't let Yingzuo get hold of any evidence. If anyone is caught alive, go find Commander Miura. He will help you. After the operation, send me a telegram of the situation every day."

"You're going out? Not in Shanghai?" Red Rose was surprised that he would leave at this time.

Zhou Qinghe gave her a questioning look: "That's a strange question. I was originally in Hankou. When did I come to Shanghai?"

Oh~, Red Rose smiled knowingly: "I have definitely not been here."

"I'm leaving things here to you. Don't let me down."

After meeting Red Rose, Zhou Qinghe returned to the Cathay Hotel.

Zeng Haifeng had indeed arrived.

My mood is very different now, and I feel a little smiley.

Zeng Haifeng talked about the escape of the Military Control Commission personnel last night. Although there were casualties, it was definitely a thousand times better than the complete annihilation of the Shanghai station.

The most important thing is that now that the bomb has exploded, I feel a lot more relaxed. Otherwise, I would have been living in fear all day long and it would have been impossible to live like this.

"Qinghe, I have to pay my respects to you on behalf of the hundreds of colleagues who ran away in Shanghai. Your life-saving grace is like giving me a new life. I will be grateful to you forever and will never forget it. I will work like a slave for you for the rest of my life." As he said this, he was about to bow.

"My family has plenty of cattle and horses, so there's no place for you. Okay, keep it for the temple to pray to the gods and fulfill your vows." Zhou Qinghe walked to the bar and poured him a glass of wine. "You must be tired after tossing around all night. After we finish talking, you can go to bed early."

Zeng Haifeng took it and took a sip, then lay down on the sofa with a sigh. This sip was clear.

Zhou Qinghe laughed at Zeng Haifeng's lazy look and said, "I'm going to Hankou soon, but the battle in Shanghai cannot stop yet."

"Channel? I know. What do you think I should do?" Zeng Haifeng remembered the mission he had left behind.

Zhou Qinghe waved his hand and said, "It's not the time to use you yet. Let Jiang Wen handle everything from now on. I will talk to Jiang Wen. Don't show up or contact anyone, including Jiang Wen.

I told you that from the moment you come back, you can't leave the main door at all. Yingzuo's pursuit of you has just begun, and you can't have any accidents. Once you are captured by Yingzuo, my subsequent plans will be interrupted, and even the whole of Shanghai will fall into Yingzuo's hands. It involves the channel, you are very important, you must remember it. "

"Then what should I do?" Zeng Haifeng approached and asked.

Zhou Qinghe frowned and thought for a while, then paused and said, "I can't tell you the plan now. It won't work if I tell you."

"What is so mysterious?" Zeng Haifeng looked at Zhou Qinghe, trying to see the answer from his face, but it was obviously impossible.

There was still time to think slowly, "Okay, I definitely won't go out, just arrange for someone to bring me food, how long will it take."

"I'm not sure yet, but I think it will take ten days or half a month."

"So long? Okay, I'll hold it in."

Zhou Qinghe nodded. This was a serious matter involving channels. Zeng Haifeng was trustworthy and could keep his temper.

After giving instructions to Zeng Haifeng, Zhou Qinghe asked someone to pass a message to Jiang Wen, telling him that he had to leave Shanghai in the remaining time.

Something that is not to Yingzo's liking will happen in Shanghai next. In order to prevent Yingzo from putting the blame on him and complaining to the headquarters, it is appropriate for him to let the headquarters serve as a witness to the time.

In the afternoon, Zhou Qinghe flew to Hankou on a navy plane. He came quietly and left quietly just as he did.

At the same time, Mei Agency.

After Yingzo's telegram was sent, the mood in the entire Mei Agency relaxed a little.

Once you relax, something goes wrong.

"Chief, we have someone here who has smallpox."


"One of our people went to the hospital to get his wound stitched up, and was diagnosed with smallpox. I just asked the people in the office, and three of them also said they were feeling unwell."

"Isolate everyone! Immediately call the military medical department to disinfect the entire house. Call a doctor to strictly check everyone's condition. If there is any problem, send them to the hospital immediately!"


In the evening, Zhou Qinghe arrived in Hankou.

After getting off the plane, Commander Tsukahara Jishizo came to greet us personally.

Tsukahara Jishizo was all smiles: "This time you went there, you actually helped me find a traitor."

"Really?" Zhou Qinghe smiled in surprise: "Could it be someone from the fat general's bamboo organization?"

"You can guess this?" Tsukahara Jishisan stood in awe: "Fujita-kun, how did you guess this?"

Nonsense, I've read the telegram that Tu Feiyuan found out I left. Zhou Qinghe sneered, "General Tu Feiyuan likes to eavesdrop on other people's places. He must have people everywhere. Otherwise, how could he become the famous spy king?"

"Hahahaha." Tsukahara Jishida was very happy.

"Has Endo Saburo done anything in the past few days?"

"He often went to the Expeditionary Army Headquarters to complain about you, saying that you killed his people, that you had no sympathy for the wounded, and that you actually used the wounded to guard the warehouse. The key point was that the wounded spread the word in the barracks, saying that someone in the high-level headquarters was harming them because they took money from the Chongqing elements and poisoned their medicines, hoping that the army of the Empire of Japan would be defeated on the front battlefield. The rumors were not good, and people were panicked. Many people believed them, and Endo Saburo looked very unhappy."

"Hahahaha, why does it sound so happy?"

Zhou Qinghe laughed and walked towards the car. "Let him suffer first. There will be more suffering later. Please accompany me to the telecommunications office first. I will use your radio station."

After dragging it out for so many days, Zhou Qinghe had to submit an investigation report on Hankou to the headquarters.

The content was similar to what the hospital had prepared last time, but in the final version sent to the headquarters, Zhou Qinghe directly added his judgment on Chief of Staff Endo Saburo.

"There is no dispute that the drugs were poisoned. Takada Daikuma poisoned the frontline troops and there is a strong suspicion that he was bribed by the Chongqing elements. During the investigation of this incident, the Chief of Staff of the Hankou Command, Major General Endo Saburo, sent people to obstruct the investigation many times. After visiting, he had a close relationship with Takada Daikuma who committed suicide. This person is suspected of communicating with the Chongqing elements. He holds a key position. I hope this headquarters will pay attention to it."

"Will the headquarters believe it?" Tsukahara Jishizo thought the telegram was a bit untrue, mainly because he knew that this was a conspiracy against Fujita, so he couldn't believe that Endo Saburo was in contact with Chongqing.

"Of course I don't believe it." Zhou Qinghe looked at the telegraph operator who had already started sending the telegram and said to him, "You know the truth, and many people in the headquarters also know the truth. This matter is nothing more than a fight between two gangs, and it has nothing to do with Chongqing.

As for the remaining uninformed staff, I think they can guess something when they see the situation on the stage, and they will express their opinions cautiously. If they want to bring down Endo Saburo, this accusation is definitely not enough. "

"You're still sending it out when it's not enough? What's the reason?"

"What's the harm in applying eye drops? I'm just sitting there doing nothing. If the headquarters disagrees, I'll continue to post them tomorrow." Zhou Qinghe smiled: "Maybe they'll be useful someday."

Tsukahara Jishizo didn't understand, so he just laughed and said, "Whatever, he just wanted to watch the fun."

The telegram was sent to the Japanese headquarters.

At this time, the headquarters was also holding a meeting. The topic was of course about the grand victory achieved by Yingzuo in Shanghai. It was a Class A battle of the Military Control Commission. It was definitely worth holding a separate commendation meeting for Yingzuo to discuss the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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