Chapter 326 Fryer
Office of the Consul General.

Hasegawa personally poured tea for Zhou Qinghe.

"Save Shanghai, save me. If Yingzuo continues to torment me like this, I think I'll retire and return home. You know, when I sleep at night, my dreams are filled with the ringing of the phone, which is really killing me."

"Hahaha, Mr. Hase, since I'm here, I must have brought a solution. Leave this matter to me, and I will definitely find a way to solve it for you."

Hasegawa likes the confidence in Fujita Kazukiyo, who always keeps his word and, most importantly, has a very high credibility and can always do what he says.

"What can we do? Let's talk about it."

"Let's save time and hold a press conference in the name of the consulate. I will announce it directly to the whole of Shanghai at the conference. This thing does not need to be kept secret."


There really are people willing to come out and support the broken roof of Shanghai, and Hasegawa Inkawa has no complaints about that.

"I'll make an appointment for you right away."

"One more thing. Please help me find the consulates of several other countries and notify them. It would be best if their commercial counselors could also attend the meeting."

"You have business to do? Pharmaceuticals? OK, I'll contact you right away."

This is normal communication between consulates, and the communication is convenient and fast.

As for the media reporters in Shanghai, they were all called in with one phone call. Now that the Japanese have ruined Shanghai so badly, everyone is staring at Japan. Either they are out to get scolded, or they have new ways to deal with it. In any case, it will all be headlines.

4pm, Japanese Consulate.

The hall was full of reporters and the cameras were already set up. Zhou Qinghe came in from the back door, late.

As soon as they entered the venue, there was a burst of exclamations and the atmosphere was instantly ignited.

The reporters were excited!

It turned out to be Zhou Qinghe who came!

No wonder the security check upon entering the door was so cumbersome, so cumbersome to the point of being outrageous. It turned out that Zhou Qinghe was here!

Shanghai’s problems may really be solved!

Rice, I can’t even afford rice!

"Mr. Fujita."

"Mr. Fujita."

The reporters in the audience spontaneously called out and greeted him. Zhou Qinghe nodded politely at them and then went straight to the podium.

"Welcome friends from the press of various countries. I am Kazukiyo Fujita. His Majesty the Emperor is also very concerned about the economic problems in Shanghai. I came to Shanghai this time on the Emperor's behalf to handle a series of problems facing Shanghai.

I hope you can give me some time. I will deal with it as soon as possible and make appropriate strategic adjustments. I also hope to get your active cooperation on the adjusted policies.

Now is the time for questions. Please ask questions in an orderly manner. "

Immediately, a bunch of people raised their hands, and Zhou Qinghe picked one and made a gesture to invite him to come in.

The man was very happy and asked directly, "Mr. Fujita, the biggest problem Shanghai is facing now is the turbulent situation and soaring prices. I wonder what measures you are going to take to stabilize the situation and control prices."

“These are two issues.

I believe everyone here has heard about the reasons for the turbulent situation. I know the reasons, but the means of dealing with them are military secrets. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I came here to hold this meeting as soon as I arrived in Shanghai. I haven't communicated with the military about the current situation, so I can't give you an answer for the time being.

However, Shanghai is not just our Shanghai, it is the Shanghai where people from all over the world live together. A peaceful Shanghai is beneficial to all parties, so I believe that this matter will be properly resolved.

After the issue is resolved, Shanghai has answered your second question. Shanghai does not lack trade. As long as the environment is stable, all prices will be stabilized. Before that, we will also allocate some supplies to alleviate the difficulties encountered by citizens. Thank you. "

"Mr. Fujita, actually you didn't answer the question we are concerned about. You said that as long as the situation is peaceful, prices will naturally be peaceful, but what we are concerned about is how and when the situation can be peaceful. Since you know that this is a military measure, if you want to actually solve the problem, you should ask about the military-related content and give us reassurance." A reporter asked sharply.

If you ask a question quickly, you will get beaten. There are so many colleagues waiting to ask questions, but this question is indeed what they are concerned about, so no one objected for a while.

Zhou Qinghe smiled calmly: "Please raise your hand to ask questions next time, otherwise I will not invite you to my next press conference."

"I'm sorry." The reporter apologized: "I was too anxious, Mr. Fujita. My income is not high, and I have a family to support. I can hardly afford to eat. It's really urgent."

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "I really don't have an answer to your question now. Without investigation, I have no right to speak. I can only make a correct judgment on this matter after communicating with the military department.

As for your question, why didn't I ask clearly before holding a press conference later? I can answer this question for you.

Because I'm a doctor.

A smallpox epidemic broke out in Shanghai, which is undoubtedly adding insult to injury for Shanghai today. Whether it is the torture of illness or the expenses of medicine, it will increase a family's expenses.

As you said, you can't even afford to eat, so I can't let you get sick. If you get smallpox, not only will you lose your income, but your life will also be threatened.

Some things can wait, but some things really cannot wait. Someone may die every minute.

So I decided to purchase 400 million doses of cowpox vaccine from around the world and give one dose to every citizen in Shanghai for free, so that smallpox will be eradicated forever in Shanghai."

The reporters in the audience were completely shocked. This decision was heart-wrenching.

400 million copies, for all SH citizens, this is the largest amount ever seen in history!
The cameras sparkle, and the emotions are driven straight to the climax.

"Mr. Fujita, is this true?"

"Mr. Fujita, how long do you expect this work to be completed?"

“Is it all free, with no other charges?”

"Even beggars are allowed? Is there any age limit?"


Zhou Qinghe smiled faintly and waited for a while, then pressed his hands to calm down a little, and said affirmatively: "Yes, you heard it right, even beggars are welcome, everything is free."

Wow! The crowd is even more enthusiastic!

"Mr. Fujita, as far as I know, your Japanese Army Ministry has no such expenditure. Where does your money come from? Will it be implemented this year, or will it be implemented after the budget is increased next year?"

“For this issue, it depends on whether the inventory reserves of various countries are sufficient. This transaction is not in the form of cash settlement, but exchange.

As you may know, I have been researching drugs in China for some time, and I have indeed researched drugs for treating the fatal disease tuberculosis. So, in this transaction, in barter, I will take out the quota of tuberculosis drugs to exchange for the cowpox vaccines in the hands of various countries.

It is also based on this that I have invited commercial counselors from various countries, hoping that they can provide us with convenience in the subsequent negotiations. The speed of vaccination of SH citizens depends on the speed of our negotiations."

After the meeting, Zhou Qinghe handed the matter over to the commercial counselor of the Japanese consulate to negotiate with the other party. Tuberculosis drugs are unique in the world and every country has a demand for them. They originally had to be purchased with real money, but now they can be exchanged for some stockpiled vaccines.

Countries that have the ability to produce vaccines don't mind producing new ones. It is more important to be able to get the tuberculosis drugs in Zhou Qinghe's hands, because that thing is even rarer.

As the news spread, not only the commercial counselors, but also major pharmaceutical companies and sharks that smelled blood all flocked over.

Transactions between countries are handled by the Commercial Counselor, while transactions with pharmaceutical companies are handled by Red Rose.

Find a temporary office to set up a shell company.

Zhou Qinghe completed the task assigned by Hirohito for the pharmaceutical company during the press conference.

As for the factory, now that Shanghai is back in his hands, it's time to build it. The sophisticated equipment had long been shipped from Japan to Shanghai and had been stored in the warehouse. Now all he needed to do was to gather some high-tech medical research and development personnel from Japan, and the production line for tuberculosis drugs could be built in Shanghai.

Green Gang, Wu Sibao is dead, it's time for Huang Jinrong to step up and take over.

Zhou Qinghe called Huang Jinrong. The matter had already been discussed, and Huang Jinrong was also ready. He was just waiting for Zhou Qinghe's signal.

After finishing the call, Zhou Qinghe thought of someone. He almost forgot about Zhang Fayao.

That guy is still locked up in the dungeon of Rose Commercial Firm. It’s been about a month, right?

Rose Firm, dungeon.

Red roses accompanied Zhou Qinghe as he walked down.

This is Zhou Qinghe’s first time here. Although it’s called a dungeon, it’s actually quite exquisite. The small rooms are decorated similarly to a hotel, except that there are no windows.

"Normally there will be people on duty sleeping here, so it's kept very clean."

After all, the Rose Company also has the tasks of the Special Higher Police, so if there are people who are not convenient to be placed in the Military Police Headquarters, they can be placed here.

The comfortable layout is for the security guards to sleep in.

"How is Zhang Fayao?" Zhou Qinghe asked. "He was a little uncomfortable at first, but now he's OK and quite obedient. But I guess he hasn't explained everything yet, so he'll just stay in this room."

Zhou Qinghe walked to the outside of a room. The door was similar to the iron door of a prison cell, and one could see inside at a glance.

Zhang Fayao was lying on the bed, smoking opium comfortably. When he saw them coming, he twitched his eyelids but did nothing about them.

After all, Zhou Qinghe was his enemy who came to capture him, but the look in this guy's eyes only conveyed one message: I don't know him.

What enemy? Where are the enemies? I am very happy.

Red Rose sneered, "According to what you said, if you don't give him opium, he will be charged 100,000 yuan each time if he wants opium. He refused at first, said all kinds of harsh words, and even went on a hunger strike to protest.

I just said one thing, they were awkward for one day, and the price doubled the next day. Now they are paying it very happily.

But he was a little clever. He remembered clearly that there was an account with more than 700,000 yuan, so when he gave money to that account, he asked for seven days' supply at once."

Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "As long as he gives me money, there is still a long way to go. Zhang Xiaolin has helped me a lot. I don't want to do too much to Zhang Fayao. I can still afford some money for opium. One hundred thousand a day, and we can talk about it after we spend it."

Zhang Xiaolin died so suddenly that Zhou Qinghe didn't even have time to ask him for the money he was keeping for him.

It is very difficult to guess this number. Zhang Xiaolin has been plundering wealth for so many years, and he must have a lot of wealth. He would feel sad if he lost a little of his money.

So I can only rely on Zhang Fayao. He is a poisonous insect. When he needs a bite, all the money will be waste paper, not to mention money.

Cutting meat with a blunt knife will lead to slow spitting out of it. If you force yourself into a corner, it will be a great loss if you die.

Too lazy to look at this person any longer, Zhou Qinghe and Hong Meigui walked up to him.

“How has the pharmaceutical company responded?”

"I'm very interested, but businessmen are only interested in profit. Now that you've said it, they're betting that you'll maintain your credibility, so they want to take the opportunity to lower the price. The ratio you gave is one box of tuberculosis medicine for two vaccines. Together, they want to get two boxes of medicine and three vaccines."

Zhou Qinghe has a very good reputation in Shanghai, which was earned from his previous work. Reputation may be lost once it is ruined. Zhou Qinghe said he wanted 400 million boxes, which was too large a number and not many people could provide it, so the businessman had some evil ideas.

Zhou Qinghe did not comment, "What about the counselor?"

"Because of the results of your previous negotiations, the negotiations went smoothly. Most of the countries gave you face, so they can actually solve most of the 400 million copies. But what's interesting is that they basically have a request."

"any request?"

"They will ship it over as soon as possible, but you have to come forward and the news will specifically mention the speed at which they ship it. It shows that their country cares about the citizens of SH, and it needs to be published in the newspaper."

"Haha, ok, no problem."

People carry the fancy sedan, some want profit, some want fame. Zhou Qinghe doesn't mind giving fame, but as for profit, don't even think about taking money out of his pocket.

"I told all the major pharmaceutical companies that this price is first come first served. If they don't participate in this exchange, the price of my drugs will increase by 30% in the future and the prices will be notified to their respective countries."


three days later

After calculating the time for the next batch of vaccines to arrive, Zhou Qinghe ordered the military medical team and all doctors and nurses to set up vaccination sites in Shanghai and start using the borrowed vaccines from SH city's stockpile.

In theory, if Zhou Qinghe implemented a city-wide vaccination order, the inventory they had left in their hands would be completely useless.

Rather than letting it rot in my hands, I might as well exchange it with Zhou Qinghe for some future tuberculosis drugs. It’s a sure win no matter how you look at it.

The vaccination began, and every vaccination site was crowded with people.

Zhou Qinghe doesn't care about the citizens' mood.

According to the Japanese management method, every street would have a Chinese person as the street chief, and the Japanese would delegate responsibilities and let the street chief, security chief and other figures force people to fight.

The person from No. 76 worked seriously. He mixed in with the police team nearby and acted as a household registration police officer, comparing the identity information of the people who came one by one.

As time goes by, more and more people are vaccinated, but No. 76 has achieved little.

During this period, two Central Bureau of Investigation and Statistics personnel were discovered, as well as several real wanted criminals who were involved in petty thefts, but not a single cent was caught from the Military Bureau of Investigation and Statistics personnel.

However, the actions of the Military Control Commission continued.

There are still acts of sabotage and high-ranking officials of the pseudo-government are still being killed.

Li Liqun was worried that Zhou Qinghe would hold him accountable.

He paid his respects three times a day, and each time he did so he would report on the situation and say how hard he was working. Zhou Qinghe was too lazy to reply, Li Liqun said nervously.

"Section Chief Fujita, I have sent out all the people. I have repeatedly emphasized to them that the information of every person who wants to be vaccinated must be strictly verified. They should also go in plain clothes and inquire in various streets to see if there are any hidden people who have not been vaccinated."

Zhou Qinghe's reply was: "I understand."

Li Liqun felt uneasy no matter how he thought about it, so he went to ask Yingzo again.

Yingzuo was also a little confused. "The Military Control Commission is still in action. This is impossible. If they have been vaccinated, you just didn't find out. If they haven't been vaccinated, with so many people, how can we not worry about accidents? Did you, No. 76, search carefully?"

Yingzuo was not hoping that Fujita Kazukiyo would catch the Military Control Commission, but this matter was not normal and he couldn't understand it.

These were all he could think about in the ward.

"We tried really hard to find them." Li Liqun complained: "General Yingzuo, except for my people at the vaccination site, more than a hundred of them have been spread out. If we find suspicious people on the street, we will verify their identities, but we really didn't find any suspicious people."

"That's strange." Yingzo believed that Li Liqun would not dare to play tricks on him. The whole thing was indeed strange.

"How dare the Military Control Commission take action?"

Yingzuo couldn't figure it out, but he was increasingly looking forward to how things would develop.

Fujita Kazukiyo's vaccination plan went smoothly, but the Imperial Headquarters and even the Emperor asked Fujita Kazukiyo to solve not the smallpox problem.

Now the Military Control Commission is still wreaking havoc with impunity, and Shanghai's economy is in a state of disarray.

How did Fujita Kazukiyo break the impasse?

Maybe I can trick him.

“This is great timing.”

Kagesawa thought for a moment and called his men: "Send a telegram to the Takenaka Agency, and have them join our people in the military to put pressure on the Yasuda family and force Fujita Kazukiyo to resolve the Shanghai issue as soon as possible."

As soon as Yingzo sent the telegram, it reached Zhou Qinghe.

The top floor of the Chinachem Hotel.

Red Rose was indeed worried: "Now that we can't find anyone from No. 76, you won't be able to explain to the military."

"What are you afraid of?" Zhou Qinghe, who was dressed in a suit, took a sip of coffee calmly, put the cup down, crossed his legs and read the newspaper again, enjoying the beautiful afternoon. "Do you read the newspaper every day?"

"Read it." Of course Red Rose read the newspaper.

"Which papers?"

"I read all the major newspapers in Shanghai and Nanjing. My staff will also go through them, pick out the key points, and help me fill in the gaps."

"Do you listen to the radio?"

"I listen to the radio, but not often. I usually use it to understand the direction of the Red Party. They have few newspapers, but the radio has a lot of propaganda content."

"Listen more, especially to those from abroad, so you can understand the global situation." Zhou Qinghe smiled at her: "Don't worry, the transfer will come soon."

The global situation is taking a turn for the better. What does this have to do with the Military Control Commission?
Red Rose didn't understand what he meant and asked, "Which country do you think I should listen to first?"

"You really know how to ask questions." Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "Germany."

"I'll listen when I get back."

As soon as Red Rose left, Zhou Qinghe looked at the time on his watch, turned on the radio and listened to the German news.

Hitler was indeed strong, and he crushed France on the European battlefield with ease. France was almost unable to hold on.

It's almost time to get to work.

The final step to completely defeat Yingzuo is for Zhou Qinghe to completely resolve the Shanghai issue.

At this step, it is Zeng Haifeng's turn to come on stage.

(End of this chapter)

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