The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 327 Arrested

Chapter 327 Arrested
Downstairs, Zhou Qinghe went to Zeng Haifeng's room.

"Dear brother, you are here." Zeng Haifeng was almost bored to death, with a sad face: "I am really almost bored to death."

I haven't gone out for twenty days, and I've been surrounded by wine and delicious food all day long, but I'm getting bored of having nothing to do.

"Have you had a good rest?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

"I had a very good rest." Zeng Haifeng answered seriously.

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "Okay, then we have to get down to business. Do you know about the vaccination against smallpox in Shanghai?"

"I read the newspaper. It's a big deal, 400 million copies, amazing!" The key is that it's Japanese money but Chinese business. Zeng Haifeng really admires it. He even drank two more glasses of wine when he saw the news.

"You also know that the Military Control Commission is still carrying out assassinations?"

"I saw it. Jiang Wen did a good job."

"Next, I will send you back to your house in the French Concession. Just like here, you are not allowed to go out until I say it's okay."

"Change where you sleep? What are you up to?"

Zhou Qinghe just patted his shoulder and said, "Just tell me whether you believe me or not?"

"What I'm saying is, if I don't trust you, who else can I trust?" Zeng Haifeng blurted out.

"That's all." Zhou Qinghe said with a smile, "It won't work if you say it out loud. Let's go. By the way, you can't be idle when you get back. I've prepared a radio and a code book for you. Take them back and familiarize yourself with them as soon as possible. Have fun with them when you have nothing to do."

"What do you mean it doesn't work anymore? Have you changed your career to become a Wong Tai Sin?" Zeng Haifeng muttered a few words and could only disguise himself and change his clothes.

Zhou Qinghe smiled, and then he would have to give Station Master Zeng a hard time.

If Zeng Haifeng were told that he was going to betray him and have him arrested by Unit 76, Zeng Haifeng didn't know if he could bear it.

We agreed that we are not afraid of death.

After sending Zeng Haifeng off, the next day, Zhou Qinghe received a call from Miura Jiro while drinking coffee.

"The telecommunications room has received a message. The headquarters has ordered you to come up with a solution to the Shanghai incident as soon as possible. Fujita, do you have any idea?"

Jiro Miura was really worried. If this matter could not be resolved, Fujita would not be blamed too much, after all, he had the emperor's protection. But failure would definitely leave a bad impression on the emperor. The loss would outweigh the gain, and there was no need to accept it.

"Hurry up, hurry up, the base camp is so idle every day. There are so many things to deal with on the front battlefield, but you are staring at me? The vaccination in Shanghai has not been completed yet, and you have to act out the whole play. Okay, let me calculate the time, you take a rest first, and I will handle it."

Zhou Qinghe hung up the phone, walked to the small table on the balcony by the window, picked up the newspaper and continued drinking his coffee.

All matters concerning vaccination in Shanghai have been completed, and the time node for the European battlefield has arrived. The two combined into one is his point of action. However, now that the base camp is urging him, it wouldn't hurt to do it a little earlier.

He drank for the whole afternoon, looked at his watch and listened to the radio when it was time. This has become his daily task recently. Hitler fought very bravely and the French were retreating step by step.

After listening, Zhou Qinghe went to the German Consulate, and then went to the French Consulate with the German consul.

Finally, I returned to the Chinachem Hotel and called Li Liqun, "Come to the Chinachem Hotel to find me, right now."

Li Liqun was a little flustered when he received Zhou Qinghe's call. There was no progress on the matter in Shanghai, and the person he was most afraid of seeing now was Zhou Qinghe.

I have no choice but to face it head on.

He knocked on the door and Red Rose opened it for him. Li Liqun smiled and nodded at Red Rose, then quickly walked to Zhou Qinghe's desk and bowed, saying, "Section Chief Fujita, there was a traffic jam on the road, so I'm late."

Zhou Qinghe flipped through the newspaper, left him alone for a while, drank a sip of coffee, and then asked, "How is the military investigation going?"

Li Liqun smiled apologetically: "No. 76 is doing its best to track him down, but we really haven't found him yet."

Zhou Qinghe squinted at him and asked in confusion, "Director Li, the Military Control Commission is carrying out so many sabotage operations in Shanghai every day, and city government officials are dying every day. How come you, Unit 76, can't catch anyone? I also prepared a vaccination plan for you?"

This.” Li Liqun was sweating a little, and after thinking for a while, he said, “Section Chief Fujita, I have actually thought about this matter. The Military Control Commission can still operate so recklessly in Shanghai, it is nothing more than that they found a loophole in your plan. Of course! It’s not that your plan is bad, it’s that the people of the Military Control Commission are too cunning. ”

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that the vaccination plan you are thinking of can indeed solve the problem of outdated household registration records in SH City, and if the people of the Military Control Commission dare not come to get the cowpox vaccine, it can indeed reduce their space for activities, but..."

Li Liqun paused and said, "The premise of all this is that the registrar at the vaccination site is dedicated to the public. If the registrar at the vaccination site is helping the Military Control Commission, or if he is actually a member of the Military Control Commission! In fact, the Military Control Commission has already completed the vaccination and evaded the comparison, and we can't find these people at all, so they can act unscrupulously in Shanghai. I think this is the strategy adopted by the Military Control Commission now."

What a quick thinker. "Good idea, what next?" Zhou Qinghe crossed his legs and flipped through the newspaper.

"Then?" Li Liqun was stunned. He felt that he had explained it clearly enough. Fujita still had a problem, that is, what he said was not clear enough. After racking his brains, he did have some inspiration:

“Then I did think of a way to deal with this, which is to wait until we have vaccinated all the people in SH City, and then send someone to review the documents and change the personnel to cross-verify the base register.

If the Military Control Commission members really used the method I just described to complete the vaccination, they would definitely be found by us during this review operation, and then we can follow the clues based on their addresses and capture them in one fell swoop."

"Director Li is still very smart." Zhou Qinghe praised.

"Thank you, Section Chief Fujita. This is what we should do."

Li Liqun was also grateful for his quick wit, but Zhou Qinghe couldn't resist taking a sip of coffee and saying something else.

"So what happens next?"

"And then?" Li Liqun frowned and thought for a moment, then said hesitantly, "And then we'll just wait for the results to come out and arrest the people. As long as the Military Control Commission is active in Shanghai, they'll definitely be exposed."

"Just...wait." Zhou Qinghe put down the newspaper. "Director Li, do you mean that we can only wait? As the deputy director of the Special Agents Headquarters, facing the agents making trouble in Shanghai, your plan is to wait?
Send someone to verify the documents, and then the Military Intelligence Bureau will know your action plan, and the Military Intelligence Bureau’s people will disappear ahead of schedule. Then I will find you again, and you will come to explain to me why the Military Intelligence Bureau disappeared. Then I will ask a question and you will answer it. Then I will urge you and you will let me wait again.

Director Li, if I don’t give you a push, will you not look for someone?
Or is it that Yingzuo asked you to deliberately drag me down, so you don't try your best?"

"That's not what I meant!"

Li Liqun was sweating a little and was in a very nervous mood. "Section Chief Fujita, I will do my best to find it. I will go back and find a way now. I promise! From today on, all personnel at the secret service headquarters will have their working hours extended. Everyone must devote themselves to the work of arresting the Chongqing elements."

Zhou Qinghe chuckled: "It's nothing more than looking for the Military Control Commission. Is it really necessary to be so cumbersome? You have the list, but you can't find a few people?
Director Li, the Military Control Commission will not change a living person. The name can be changed, and the face can also be reshaped, right? "

Li Liqun said aggrievedly: "But we have indeed searched everywhere, and so far, there is no clue."

Zhou Qinghe picked up the coffee cup and asked, "Are you sure now that the Military Control Commission's people are still in Shanghai?"

"Yes!" Li Liqun nodded decisively: "They carried out attacks in Shanghai, so it is impossible for them to go in and out of Shanghai every day. Some of them must have been living in Shanghai, and I think it is the vast majority! It's just that we haven't found a suitable method."

"Since it is in Shanghai, where do you think this location is?" Zhou Qinghe continued to ask.

Li Liqun thought for a moment and said, "Zhabei is probably the largest one at the moment, and the concession is also a possibility."

“So after you send someone to verify the documents, what do these people do?”

"There is no place for them to survive in Zhabei. They either have to leave Shanghai or move into the concession."

"So do you think they already have the status of a concession, or are they waiting for you to send someone to verify their documents before they can get the status of a concession."

"It must have been prepared a long time ago."

"Since you know that, why don't you check the household registration book of the concession?"

Li Liqun's cerebellum shrank and he was shocked: "Section Chief Fujita, it is impossible for the British, Americans and French to let us check their household registration books."

If this was possible, Li Liqun would have checked it long ago. What surprised him was that Fujita Kazukiyo didn't know about this. Isn't this common sense?

"That's definitely impossible!" Li Liqun was extremely sure.

Checking the citizens' information on other people's territory is an infringement of sovereignty. Let alone Britain, the United States and law, even if the Chongqing government was in such a state now, it would not do such a thing that would lose sovereignty and humiliate the country.

Do you still want face?
Absolutely not! There is not even a single possibility!
Zhou Qinghe took out a staff certificate with the official seal of the French Consulate from the inner pocket of his suit, put it on the table, and said, "I'll give you one day to use it. Return it after you're done."

"This is..." Li Liqun didn't know French, but he had actually seen that seal before.

"The consulate's approval?!"

"It's the consul's document." Zhou Qinghe said.

Li Liqun suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Zhou Qinghe. The appearance of this official seal made him feel that his cerebellum had completely atrophied.

"Impossible." Li Liqun returned to No. 76 and was still muttering to himself.

What is common sense? Common sense is what cannot be broken.

How could Fujita Kazukiyo get this thing? The French must be crazy, how could they give this thing to the Japanese?

This is a consulate document!
The consulate!

Seeing his expression, the brother-in-law asked, "What's wrong? Did Fujita give you a hard time?"

Li Liqun thought for a moment and said, "Fujita asked us to look up the household registration department in the concession."

When the brother-in-law heard this, he got angry and said, "Is Fujita mentally ill?

The household registration of British and American people, but can we translate it?

If we can translate it, why do we need him to tell us? I think the Japanese are really mentally ill to give us these unsolvable problems. Why don’t they translate it themselves? "

"Is there really no way?" Li Liqun asked him with a frown.

First, ask yourself, and second, this brother-in-law does have a lot of crooked ideas. Li Liqun himself couldn't figure out how Fujita got it, so maybe this brother-in-law can find another way.

The brother-in-law chuckled, "Brother-in-law, I thought about going in eight hundred years ago, but this is really impossible. The household registration department is in the police station. There are people on duty 24 hours a day, and there are not just one, but at least four permanent staff. When have you ever heard of a police station without a single person?"

That's right, this is still the most basic method. Li Liqun threw the certificate Zhou Qinghe gave him on the table.

"What's this?" His brother-in-law couldn't understand French either.

"Staff ID of the French Consulate." Li Liqun said silently.

"Where did it come from?" The brother-in-law picked it up and looked at it carefully in shock.

"It was given by Fujita."

"How amazing! He can even get this?" The brother-in-law was just shocked and looked at it carefully. He had no interest in how Fujita got the documents.

Li Liqun realized that he was talking to a cow, so he stopped talking: "With this thing, we can enter the French data room. Take your people and go there immediately to check for the Chongqing elements hiding in the French Concession."


With the ID, everything was easy. The people from No. 76 led the team to the police station in the French Concession.

My brother-in-law showed him the ID card, and the people in the household registration department seemed to have received the notice long ago and did not ask them any questions.

Instead, he said, "According to the agreement above, you can only query the information of one person. Give me the photo of the person you want to query. Only one person."

"Why only one?"

My brother-in-law didn't know about this, so he called No. 76 to contact Li Liqun.

Since he could only check one person, Li Liqun said without hesitation: "Give them the photo of Zeng Haifeng."

Who is the most important person in the Military Control Commission Shanghai Station? Of course it is Zeng Haifeng!
After searching Zhabei several times, no trace of Zeng Haifeng was found. Li Liqun actually had always believed that the stationmaster of Shanghai Station must be hiding in the concession.

We didn't have the chance to investigate before, but now we have the chance, so we must not let it go! We don't have to investigate anyone in the Shanghai station, as long as we find Zeng Haifeng, it means we have the entire Shanghai station of the Military Control Commission in our hands.

"Just check him!"

Zeng Haifeng used the alias Liu Chengdong in Zhabei, and the negative of his ID card was soon delivered to the police in the French Concession.

The entire search was done by the French's own patrol police, which was the best they could do.

The people at No. 76 waited outside for seven hours, and finally, the contact person came out.

The French policeman took a registration book and opened a page to show them. His expression was not so cheerful, as if he was unwilling to do so. He said, "This is the person you are looking for. I will only show you the information once. If you can't remember it, it is none of my business. I remind you that if you take any action, you must do it when we are not able to see it. Otherwise, if you alert the police, they will shoot you."

"All right, all right, I see."

Li Liqun's brother-in-law laughed when he saw the photo in the registration book. This little boy looked exactly like the photo of Liu Chengdong, who used a pseudonym.

"Thank you, get in the car."

The team members of No. 76 quickly got in the car, and the brother-in-law went to the vicinity of Zeng Haifeng's residence without any hesitation.

No. 300, Petain Road, a new-style lane.

The brother-in-law directed the team members to surround Zeng Haifeng's residence from front to back, and then called Li Liqun in a public telephone booth.

"Hey, brother-in-law, we found Zeng Haifeng's house, the lights are on, do you want to catch him?"

"Catch him!" How could he let go of such a great feat? And the longer the night, the more dreams there are.

Li Liqun said without hesitation: "We must arrest him! But you have to be careful. Zeng Haifeng is an old military commander with many secrets. You must be careful and don't let him commit suicide."

"I know. I'll start then."

The brother-in-law narrowed his eyes, directed the team members to prepare for action, and gradually approached.

Inside the house, Zeng Haifeng was sending a telegram with headphones on.

There were several telegrams on the table.

Zhou Qinghe told him to send action objectives and instructions to Jiang Wen's team at a fixed time and location, and he only needed to send and not receive.

Although Zeng Haifeng was not good at sending telegrams, he had nothing to do anyway, so when Zhou Qinghe asked him to send one, he just sent it.

Beep, beep, beep. Jiang Wen has a large team, so Zeng Haifeng sends messages quite frequently.

For a moment, he did not hear the man No. 76 secretly climbing over the wall next door and entering his yard.

Although Li Liqun's brother-in-law was cynical, he was serious in his actions. Two of his men squatted outside the door, and the only thing left was someone to knock on the door.

A neighbor kidnapped one of them and made him shout Zeng Haifeng's alias in the French Concession.

Inside the house, Zeng Haifeng heard someone calling him and immediately took off his headphones. He listened and found that it was the sound of the door. The voice was also the neighbor's voice, so he put down his headphones and walked over in confusion.

He opened the door of his inner room with one hand and slowly slid the other hand to his waist.

Because his attention was drawn to the large iron gate of the yard, he briefly lost sight of the two sides of his inner room door.

And it was at this moment!
The members of Operation No. 76 who were hiding behind the walls on both sides suddenly jumped up!
He suddenly jumped up and pounced on Zeng Haifeng.

Zeng Haifeng was frightened for a moment and quickly tried to step back and close the door, and even tried to pull out his gun to resist.

But at this time, the people from No. 76 did not give him any chance. The two big men directly pressed on Zeng Haifeng and knocked him down.

The three men wrestled on the ground. Zeng Haifeng roared in shock and anger, waving his hands and using all his strength to try to find a way to survive!
As a result, it was restocked by No. 76.

There were a total of ten people in No. 76's operation. From the moment he was approached, Zeng Haifeng had no chance of escape at all!
Zeng Haifeng, with his hands tied, glared at Li Liqun's brother-in-law.

The brother-in-law just chuckled, looking very proud, "Are you the webmaster Zeng Haifeng?"

"How did you find me?" Zeng Haifeng asked in a deep voice.

"Want to know?" The brother-in-law raised his eyebrows. After Zeng Haifeng said he wanted to, he immediately said, "I won't tell you."

It's so despicable that it makes people hate it.

"Captain, there is a telegraph here!" The searching team members soon discovered it.

My brother-in-law walked over and saw a radio, telegrams, code books, a whole set of things.

He picked up a copy and looked at the telegram, which was still fresh. It directed the Military Control Commission's combat team to attack the home of the city government's new secretary-general half an hour later and kill the secretary-general.

The brother-in-law checked the time and saw that there were still 18 minutes before the attack, so he said, "Call the secretary-general and ask him to be prepared. Have our team members and the nearest police station send someone over immediately."


The brother-in-law smiled at Zeng Haifeng and said, "Stationmaster Zeng, what hatred do you have? You have killed three secretaries-general in such a short period of time. Now this person has only been the secretary-general for one day, and you want to kill him. Isn't it a bit too much?"

"You're almost there too." Zeng Haifeng said with his eyes wide open.

“Hahahaha, take it away!”

(End of this chapter)

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