The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 345 Withdrawal

Chapter 345 Withdrawal
Women’s words can be deceiving. Zhou Qinghe never expected that Liu Yidan was still being deceived.

After entering the house and seeing people, Liu Yidan's eyes were so excited that he was about to cry, but he tried hard to suppress it, which was really sympathetic.

Xu Meifeng, you are such a ruthless person.

Since you don't know, you can only get rid of it.

Zhou Qinghe examined Xu Meifeng, took her pulse, and said, "Go buy an old hen, angelica, ginseng, ginger, and wolfberry to make a bowl of chicken soup. Then buy a crucian carp and braise it."

"Are we making medicinal food? What's wrong with my mother?" Liu Yidan was still relatively naive and thought about it subconsciously.

Zhou Qinghe was more ruthless, "I'm hungry, I have to eat."

Liu Yidan frowned, quite shocked, but still agreed: "Okay, I'll go buy it."

"Thank you." Zhou Qinghe smiled at her. After the people left, he heard the sound of a door opening and closing in the yard. He leaned back and said, "You are really good at hiding it. How long do you plan to keep it a secret?"

Xu Meifeng was still weak, but she smiled when she saw Zhou Qinghe: "Then I can't do anything about it. Can I tell her about my identity as a member of the Central Bureau of Investigation or my identity as a member of the Red Party?
Worrying too much will lead to confusion. If she knows too much, if she sees any operation to arrest Central Bureau of Investigation personnel on the road one day, she may worry that I might be implicated and may not be able to help but rescue me.

Dandan is so kindhearted that I dare not tell her. Besides, we have a rule that we cannot tell her on our own initiative. "

"Your family affairs are your own decisions. Tell me, what happened to you?" Zhou Qinghe looked at Xu Meifeng. She was indeed weak and she was not pretending.

Xu Meifeng smiled and said, "I'm hungry. I have a headache and I'm very hungry, so I look a little weak."

"what's the situation?"

"I want to ask you to buy a batch of medicine."

"How much?"

"Ten boxes of quinine, six boxes of aspirin, one box of sulfa, and hopefully some morphine. I also need you to help me transport it out."

"Central Bureau or the Red Party?"

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters. Once the things are in the hands of the Central Bureau of Investigation, they will be resold. Why should I spend this effort to make money for them?"

"Red Party, I promise that all of this batch of medicine will be used to fight the Japanese!"

Xu Meifeng said with a firm look: "The Hundred Regiments Campaign and the actions of the Red Party in North China dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese invaders and inspired the Chinese people's fighting spirit. They have been working hard! They are not afraid of sacrifice!
However, the strength of the Japanese army is also a reality. Now the Japanese army has sent two additional divisions to North China, and tens of thousands of people have formed a network to sweep the Red Party base.

Chongqing should have launched a decisive attack on the Japanese defense zone where the strength of the troops was greatly reduced at this time, but it did not.

President Chiang chose to turn his sword inward at this time and adopted the strategy of pacifying the country before fighting the enemy. While our army was transferring in southern Anhui, he used 7 divisions with more than 8 people to block more than 9000 New Fourth Army soldiers. After seven days and nights of bloody fighting, 7000 people died heroically.

Why couldn't he use these seven divisions to fight the Japanese?
He never thought about fighting the Japanese! Only the Red Party persisted!

The situation in North China is very bad. They have just experienced a war and are physically exhausted. Now the Japanese are carrying out a large-scale sweep. Supplies are extremely scarce and many soldiers are sick. I am in Shanghai and hope to send some supplies over.

However, Japan has been very strict on the transportation of materials recently. It is difficult to leave Shanghai and enter North China. The materials are all controlled drugs. I have no choice but to ask you to find a solution. "

The human heart is difficult to guess. Xu Meifeng knows that Zhou Qinghe is an anti-Japanese hero, but he is also Boss Dai's ace agent.

When the two sides were cooperating in the past, Zhou Qinghe was willing to help, but now the situation has changed and the attitude of the national government has changed. She can't say which side Zhou Qinghe is on, so she can only use the comparison between the two sides and the national justice to awaken Zhou Qinghe's conscience and increase the probability of success of this matter.

There was one thing she didn't dare to say. After the Hundred Regiments Campaign, the base was severely raided by the Japanese. The scale of the battle was too large and the logistics could not keep up. The Japanese raids meant that the people had no time to grow crops during the spring planting and autumn harvest. The result was that today's harvest would be unusually small and this year would be very difficult.

Some people even choose to leave because they can't hold on.

Whether in Chongqing or the Red Party, some people are now very pessimistic. With foreign aid cut off, it can be said that this is the most difficult time since the War of Resistance.

"Can you help me?" Xu Meifeng looked at Zhou Qinghe who was thinking and asked again.

"Okay, but I have to think about how to help."

This answer was enough. Xu Meifeng smiled and leaned back on the bed, looking somewhat relieved.

“North China.”

For Zhou Qinghe, leaving Shanghai was very easy. Supplies were transported every day and escorted by military police. Who dared to stop them?
But given the current situation in North China, with tens of thousands of Japanese troops sweeping the country, even if he sent the supplies over by express delivery, the Red Party members seemed unable to pick them up at the train station, penetrate the Japanese blockade, and transport them safely back to the base.

We can't let the military police escort the food all the way and hand it over to the Red Party personally, right?
The previous commander of the Japanese North China Front Army was Tada Shun, who was dealt with by the angry Tojo because of the failure of the Hundred Regiments Campaign. The current commander is General Okamura Yasuji.

Just looking at his Chongqing strategy, we can tell that this guy is meticulous, cunning, and good at spy warfare.

It's not easy to advance, so let them retreat. We have kept Tojo for so long, it's time for him to contribute.

Zhou Qinghe had an idea. "I'll find a way to get the stuff. I'll ask Okamura Neiji to withdraw his troops, and then I'll leave a way for you to transport the goods out."

"Can you make Okamura Yasuji withdraw his troops?" Xu Meifeng was shocked beyond words.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Zhou Qinghe smiled: "But it's not certain. Anyway, I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, there are still ways, but it's a little troublesome. For example, I have to find a way to rob two American planes and fly them to northwest Shanxi to drop airdrops for you."

Wow, what a generous deal!
Xu Meifeng's eyes sparkled, and she asked with a smile, "What level have you achieved with the Japanese now?"

"A small figure, a small assistant."

"Tsk~" Xu Meifeng didn't ask any more questions and said, "No matter what the result is, I will definitely remember your help this time. Thank you very much. There is one more thing that I may be embarrassed about, which is that I have to wait a little longer on the money issue."

Xu Meifeng uncovered the quilt and got out of bed, then took out a box from the closet, which contained two small yellow croakers.

"This is the deposit. I'll give you the rest of the money after I sell the house. Is that okay?"

"You want to sell your house?" Zhou Qinghe glanced at the building. "You only have two small yellow croakers in cash. So for these drugs, don't you have to sell all the buildings?"

"It's a bit difficult now, and the funds are a bit low." Xu Meifeng just smiled and said, "Please help me."

"It's such a shame to sell it without my consent as the tenant." Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment and said, "I won't take the money."

"No, I can't let you pay for it yourself. You can't get it reimbursed."

"You need a place to stay when you fight in Shanghai. Where will you live after you sell your house? How will you fight in the future? Listen to me.

I won’t take the money. Just write a promissory note. It’s not yours, but Yan’an’s.

Please help me pass on a message. I heard that the calligrapher in Yan'an is an excellent calligrapher. For every word he writes on the IOU, I will give you ten boxes of sulfa."

"Are you serious?" Xu Meifeng's eyes widened. Sulfonamide, a box of sulfonamide is worth a building, and it has to be a building in the French Concession!

It really is true that every word is worth a thousand gold. No, every word is worth ten thousand gold.

"Of course it's true." Zhou Qinghe also had to leave some traces. It was not popular in this line of work to do good deeds without leaving a name. He could leave his name behind, but he had to leave proof.

Zhou Qinghe continued, "Don't write my name on the IOU. Yan'an is not a 100% safe place. Don't tell anyone that I borrowed it, not even your superiors or your superiors. Don't tell anyone about the medicine or the withdrawal of troops from North China. If you leak it once, we will sever our relationship. As for the IOU, leave the name blank. He can write it and borrow it. I will pay him with the bill later."

“Is there a date limit?”

"More than ten years, don't worry." Zhou Qinghe smiled.

That was really a relief. Xu Meifeng heard a message that Zhou Qinghe absolutely believed that the Red Party could survive for more than ten years. This confidence was much stronger than those who had left the team.

The cost of this IOU is very expensive.

"I will definitely pass it on." Xu Meifeng finally felt relieved and asked with a smile, "How can I repay your kindness?"

"Just live well."

As they were talking, Liu Yidan, with a worried look on her face, came back from buying vegetables. She came in, glanced at her mother and asked what was going on.

Zhou Qinghe asked her to cook right away. After dinner, Zhou Qinghe prepared a magic pill, and after Xu Meifeng took it, she felt much better.

Liu Yidan's eyes widened. Zhou Qinghe was truly a miracle doctor.

Some people are really hopeless. It has been a long time since Zhou Qinghe gave the formula of penicillin to that young master. Even if it is difficult to cultivate the bacterial flora, it should have borne fruit by now.

As a result, we have not seen large-scale production so far, and the drug used is still the extremely expensive imported sulfonamide.

It may also be due to limited production capacity. These things are regarded as life-saving medicines and are kept as treasures by the people themselves. At most, they are circulated at high prices in a small range among senior officials.

This is something this young master would do.

If Zhou Qinghe dared to write a promissory note for ten boxes of sulfa, he must have the ability to repay.

It is definitely impossible for the other party to write a book for him. This is a question of character. But even if it is a book, Zhou Qinghe has to be able to do what he says.

The eldest master is unreliable, so you have to do it yourself.

The first batch of supplies that the Red Party wanted was just a small amount for Zhou Qinghe. He didn't even need to buy them. They were already in the Red Rose's warehouse. He could just arrange for the military police to escort them to Taiyuan.

Zhou Qinghe asked Hong Meigui to build a pharmaceutical factory. The equipment would be shipped from Japan the next day, and then Zhou Qinghe returned to Japan.

In the reference room, Zhou Qinghe was reading medical papers. Penicillin, also known as penicillin, was invented during World War II, so it should be possible to get some idea about its development by now.

After a quick flip through, Zhou Qinghe found the paper on penicillin in The Lancet, which was published only three months ago.

"The head of the pathology department at Oxford University is Australian, and there's a German biochemist. Why did the Germans go to the United States? Jews?"

It doesn’t matter who they are. Zhou Qinghe just wants the ready-made fungi they have and spend money to buy them.

Zhou Qinghe called the Tokyo Imperial Medical College and asked them to invite them to give lectures in Japan in the name of exchange, with food and accommodation provided, and the salary of US$1000 per person.

This is a huge sum of money nowadays, and it can be used in a report to show off in front of the Japanese, so the other party agreed immediately.

He said he could come tomorrow.

Since it is tomorrow, Zhou Qinghe will deal with the matters in North China first.

When he arrived at the Army Ministry, Zhou Qinghe went straight to find Tojo Hideki.

"I went to Shanghai yesterday and heard about an incident where the Chongqing army attacked the Red Party's New Fourth Army in southern Anhui and killed 7000 of them."

"Is there such a thing?" There were too many Chinese war reports, and those that were not very important to deal with were reported to the General Staff Headquarters, and even Tojo Hideki could not see them.

Zhou Qinghe nodded and said solemnly: "The relationship between Chongqing and the Red Party has changed. I have a guess that their relationship is going to break down. President Jiang of Chongqing may have realized that the United States only wants them to fight a war of attrition with us. He doesn't want to contribute now. He is afraid that he will be swallowed up by the Red Party in the end, so he directly points the finger at the Red Party.

There was another reason. The Red Party’s combat capability in North China exceeded his expectations, and in fact, it also exceeded our expectations, so he was really afraid.”

"What can we do?" asked Tojo Hideki.

"Withdraw the troops and let Chongqing and the Red Party fight among themselves."

Zhou Qinghe turned around and pointed at the map on the wall: "Look, for example, the battlefield in North China. I just went to the General Staff Headquarters to learn about it. After the battle, Okamura Ningji cleaned up North China, and now the Red Party has been wiped out.

If we continue to sweep, wasting our own manpower and funds, and the Red Party declines, Chongqing will have free manpower and will be unscathed, and we will be the ones who pay the price in the end.

We cannot defeat the Red Party to death. The current situation is very favorable to us.

Our current focus is on the East Asian battlefield, and our goal is to get out of the Chinese battlefield. Now that Chongqing wants to attack Yan'an, we will let go and let them consume each other. Not only will we be able to free up our hands to go to East Asia, we can also reap the benefits.

Do you know what this situation is like now?
Chongqing and the Red Party are us and China, and we are now the United States, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, so that they will both suffer losses. "

Tojo Hideki understood and nodded slightly.

Zhou Qinghe continued, "The soldiers we have recalled should not be idle. The planting season is coming, and there are large tracts of land in North China that can be planted. Once we go to war with the United States, the oil problem may be solved, but food will still be a big problem. Let them come back to plant the land to alleviate our food problem."

"That makes sense, rice is very important."

He may not care about other things, but Tojo Hideji cares most about the food ration. If the ration was sufficient, would he be so frugal?

He knew that so many people in the military scolded him for being stingy, but who knew his good intentions?

“When is the right time to withdraw troops?”

"We must act without delay. We must give the Red Party more space in North China and relax the atmosphere. Let them recover slowly. If all the Red Party members die, who will the people in Chongqing kill?"

After hearing this, Tojo Hideki walked back quickly, picked up the phone on the table and made a call: "Send a telegram to Okamura Yasuji immediately, asking him to withdraw the troops from the Red Party and send the people to farm."

North China Front Army Headquarters.

Okamura Neiji frowned as he read the message. "What does this idiot mean? Withdraw troops and cultivate the land?"

The North China mopping-up operation was going on smoothly, but out of nowhere, such a telegram was sent. It was incoherent and had no beginning or end.
"Reply, I don't understand. The North China sweep is at a critical moment. The Red Party is about to be destroyed. We cannot withdraw our troops at this time."

A general may not be subject to certain restrictions when he is away from home, but as a general, Okamura Yasuji still has the power to make decisions.

When Tojo Hideki saw the telegram, he yelled, "Idiot! You don't even know how to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

The Red Party is about to collapse. How can Chongqing send troops to suppress bandits if it is collapsed?
Tojo Hideki sent a stern reply, ordering the troops to withdraw immediately! If they did not withdraw, Okamura Yasuji would be removed from his position as commander of the North China Front Army!
Finally, a line of words was attached to the telegram: Use your brain. Chongqing and the Red Party have fallen out. Would it be possible for you to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between the two tigers?
Okamura Neiji's face darkened after being scolded, "This poor student! What qualifications does he have to scold others? He is the stupidest!"

But he finally understood the reason.

Although he was a little unwilling, Okamura Yasuji actually knew very well that it was difficult to strangle the Red Party in North China. When they took off their clothes, they were civilians, and when they held guns, they were soldiers. In the end, it was nothing more than the size of the results of the battle. Since Tojo had this attitude and strategic intention, he should withdraw his troops.

"Notify them to withdraw the troops."

Japanese troops in North China began to retreat.

The only person who knows the inside story of this matter is Xu Meifeng.

In response to this, she who received the news could only exclaim: "Supernatural powers are so great."

It's time to send a telegram and ask the other party to arrange to pick up the goods. This batch of medicines is extremely precious.

In the Army Ministry, Tojo was very excited and planned to take Zhou Qinghe to the university to discuss with agricultural experts how to increase grain yield per mu.

The withdrawn soldiers were allowed to farm the land. With such a large piece of land, it should be no problem to feed the North China Front Army, let alone a million people, at least it could provide food for the North China Front Army, right?
Can save a lot of foreign exchange.

"We plant in spring and harvest in autumn. Starting from autumn, we don't have to pay the North China Army for food. We should be able to pay some of it."

Tojo happily told Zhou Qinghe that generating income was a rare and happy thing.

"I hope so." Zhou Qinghe smiled: "You need to pay more attention, otherwise I'm afraid they will be lazy."

That makes sense. Tojo decided to send a telegram every morning to inquire about the progress.

The two of them really went to visit the agricultural expert. Now Tojo's mind was full of the scene of the autumn harvest. Zhou Qinghe had to satisfy this little habit that made his superior happy.

"How is your communication with the navy going? When will Tsukahara Jishisan arrive?"

"What's the point of communicating with the Navy? It doesn't make sense at all. They're talking about the rule that if you have two fingers broken, you can't go on board the ship. They don't consider the chances of winning the war at all. It's really stupid.

I spoke directly to His Majesty about this during the Imperial Council today. His Majesty stated that if Tsukahara Jishizo's abilities were indeed an indispensable part of the Empire, he should be summoned to the ship, and special talents should be given special treatment.

However, considering that his arm is indeed not very convenient, a backup commander should be arranged. There will definitely be no problem if we have two of us together. "

(End of this chapter)

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