Chapter 346 Busy
The next morning, after receiving the transfer order, Tsukahara Jishizo returned to Japan.

The first thing is to thank Zhou Qinghe.

Ever since his arm was blown off, he was transferred to a retirement base, and his lower body was also in poor condition. These blows combined really made him feel that his life was bleak.

And ever since he met Fujita Kazukiyo, Fujita Kazukiyo has brought him all the light, brighter than the sun!
They came with their whole family, and his wife was quite capable. As soon as she got off the car, she took a bunch of things and asked someone to move them in. They were basically some paintings and calligraphy by famous artists, as well as some animal furs, including tiger skins.

After some refusals, he accepted it with a smile.

After saying the words of thanks, Tsukahara had another important matter to attend to this visit.

"Fujita-kun, do you still have that medicine?"

Although Tsukahara Jishizo's life is quite regular, he couldn't hold it in a while ago. Besides, there are only eight pills in total, and they are gone after taking them. It's very uncomfortable.

It would be fine if I was away from home, but now that I suddenly return home, I have to reclaim the wasteland.

"No more." Zhou Qinghe regretted.

Tsukahara Jishisan was a little anxious: "The factory hasn't been built yet?"

"Now all the factories in the country are preparing for war. Even the pharmaceutical factories are producing what is needed for the war. I can't spend manpower and resources on this kind of entertainment product."

"Alas." Tsukahara Jishisan sighed.

Zhou Qinghe sneered at his expression and said, "President Yasuda still has two pills left. He knows you're anxious, so he even brought his wife along. How can I understand what he meant? I'll get them for you right away."

"Thank you so much." Tsukahara Jishizo immediately bowed happily: "President Yasuda won't blame me, right?"

"Then do you want to be blamed?" Zhou Qinghe joked.

This is going to require Tsukahara Jishizo to fight with him. He made up his mind, "One is fine, I'll leave one for President Yasuda."

"Hahahaha." Zhou Qinghe laughed. "I'll give them all to you. I've already arranged for the factory to be opened in Shanghai. This way, when the drugs are produced, I can also sell them. If we go to war with the United States, we will inevitably be sanctioned by the United States. The sales of these things will be a problem in the future. We have to avoid them in advance. But I will definitely give you your share. I will personally supervise this matter."

What else could Tsukahara Jishisan say, "Please."

Zhou Qinghe went out for a while, and came back with two pills and handed them to him. Tsukahara Jishizo secretly hid them for fear that his wife would see them.

After this matter was completed, Tsukahara Jishizo said goodbye.

"I came to your place first. I have to go to the Naval General Staff soon. Let me learn about the Navy's Pearl Harbor plan first. We can talk about the rest later."

In the evening, the Tokyo Imperial Medical College called and said that the professor from the United States had arrived.

It was just a routine notification. The reception would be handled by people from the medical school. Zhou Qinghe didn't plan to meet them in person, in case something went wrong if his purpose was too strong.

However, the people from the United States directly asked to visit the laboratory of the pharmaceutical company owned by Zhou Qinghe, and expressed their desire to visit Fujita Kazukiyo.

The drug for tuberculosis is a major breakthrough in the history of this disease. There is no doubt that Japan has a top team of experts in the research of viruses and bacteria, and Fujita Kazukiyo is the boss of this company. Regardless of the purpose, both of them want to meet and have a chat.

Now that you're here, it would be a shame if you don't get to know each other. It's just a request anyway.

So the call to request was made to Zhou Qinghe.

Since they came to him on their own initiative, Zhou Qinghe would give them a chance.

"Okay, let them rest first. Their report meeting will be at nine o'clock tomorrow, right? After they finish the report, I will treat them to dinner."

He did not attend the lecture the next day until dinner time, when Zhou Qinghe received them at the booked hotel.

An Australian, a German Jew.

From any perspective, Zhou Qinghe's status was much higher than theirs, so both of them were very polite.

"The last time Mr. Fujita came to our school to give a speech, I listened to your lecture below and it was very wonderful," said the Australian.

"You also study surgical procedures?"

"A good surgeon must have done research on the causes of diseases. Mr. Fujita, as a top expert in this field, I believe you must have a deep understanding of the causes of diseases. I am the director of the Department of Pathology. If I miss a lecture like this, it would be a dereliction of duty."

Commercial flattery is really frustrating. Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "Let's eat."

After a brief chat about medicine, Zhou Qinghe naturally turned the topic to their research.

"A new bacterial community has been discovered, and it has a killing effect on pathogenic bacteria. This research is quite meaningful. Has anyone invested in it?" Zhou Qinghe asked casually.

"We're already negotiating it." The Australian smiled.

As expected of the department head, he is quite good at acting, unlike the German professor next to him, who had no expression of joy on his face. Even when the Australian said they were already in talks, he glanced at him strangely, and then silently looked away.

Zhou Qinghe smiled faintly and chose to expose the scar directly.

"Penicillin is currently only at the stage of being published in a paper, that is, it is a laboratory product.

It seems that there is only one step from laboratory products to large-scale R&D and production, but in fact the distance is very long, so long that many research papers cannot cross this hurdle in a lifetime.

If you want to sell a laboratory product, you have to get pharmaceutical companies to spend real money to support continued research, buy a production line to make the drug, and then look for human trials. In the end, you may end up with nothing.

Is this step difficult or not? How could I not know?

Negotiate, you won’t have a buyer.”

The Australian was a little embarrassed. “Our products are very good. There will definitely be companies that want them.”

Since you said that and are so unwilling to give up, Zhou Qinghe will continue to dig up the scars.

"The dream is beautiful, but it is just a dream. Don't doubt my judgment. No pharmaceutical company in the United States is willing to purchase your product. Don't believe it? Do you want to hear the reason?"

The Australian pursed his lips, indeed very curious as to why no company was willing to acquire this product.

In fact, he had already flown to visit all the pharmaceutical companies in the United States with his product, but no company was willing to acquire it.

Even under the premise that this drug has already produced effects on the human body, it is not just a product of the laboratory, but has actually been used on the human body and is effective, and the effects are very good.

But no company was willing to take it.

If there was a company that wanted him, would he still come to Japan for such a small amount of money?
The Australian nodded. "Please go ahead."

Zhou Qinghe said bluntly, "Because the effect of this bacterial community is very similar to sulfonamide, and sulfonamide is already very cheap in cheap places, such as the British and American militaries, which purchase a large amount of it, and every soldier is equipped with sulfonamide.

In places where it is expensive, it is more expensive than gold, such as in China. That is because the entire country of China is blockaded by us and there is no circulation, which makes it expensive, not because the thing itself is so expensive.

You think your products are good, but pharmaceutical companies are not doing charity. They don’t care what the products can be used for, they only care about how much they can sell for.

You care about results, they care about profits.

So, since the effect of this drug is similar to that of sulfonamide, and sulfonamide is very cheap, why would they cut off their own sulfonamide business and risk failure to acquire, develop and produce this drug?

Even if the final cost of this drug is cheaper than sulfa, who can guarantee that this drug will not cause other problems without long-term follow-up research?

If you were the owner of a pharmaceutical company, would you do that? "

Zhou Qinghe picked up the fish on the table and said, "I'm telling you now, this fish in my hand tastes better than the one in front of you. It may taste a little better, but it may taste a little worse. I'll sell it to you for $10,000. Now you have a very delicious fish on the table. You already have enough to eat. Do you still want to buy it?"

The Australians were stunned, and finally understood why they had been hitting a wall everywhere. This was not the logic of medicine, but the logic of business.

"So the pharmaceutical company is not interested in this." Zhou Qinghe put down the fish. "I can take the stuff, but I'm not interested in the stuff itself because I already have it. What I'm interested in is you two. Are you willing to come work for me?"

"Wait." The Australian raised his hand, his mind a little confused. Fujita Kazukiyo jumped too fast.

He first asked, "Do you have penicillin?"

Zhou Qinghe nodded. "I have done research on this thing you made in the past, but I gave it up later because I was busy. I noticed you two in The Lancet and remembered this thing, so I invited you to come over. Your production process is too backward. I can tell you a better way to make penicillin. Yes, this is my name."

The Australian was surprised at first, then frowned and thought carefully, then asked, "I haven't seen your paper? Which issue?"

"I don't need a thesis." The Australian man's smile faded slightly. What Fujita Kazukiyo said was not an exaggeration. Others wrote papers to prove themselves, but Fujita Kazukiyo was waiting to be surpassed by others. He was a legendary figure who would go down in medical history books.

The Australians felt that Fujita Kazukiyo was still trying to deceive them.

"May I ask what kind of technology this more advanced technology you are talking about is? Of course, I know it is confidential, and you don't have to tell us if you don't want to." The Australian smiled.

"There's nothing that can't be said."

Zhou Qinghe very generously told them the more advanced production technology.

The Australian's smile faded slightly.

Zhou Qinghe continued, "I have already opened a factory in Shanghai and plan to produce penicillin, so the bad news is that if you want to go back, I'm afraid you will have to start the research all over again, and this thing will be worthless.

If you are willing to work for me, you will have a separate laboratory in Shanghai. The initial experimental funding is $10, and each person will receive $1000 in resettlement allowance. Salaries will be paid separately, not less than $ a month. It is up to you to decide whether to go or not."

This was a sudden bad news, a bolt from the blue.

“Are you planning to give birth?”

"I have already opened the factory and the new machines have arrived. I didn't plan to start production because I really don't have the time to manage it. But after seeing your paper, I have no choice but to start production ahead of schedule. I'm really sorry."


The two discussed for a whole night and finally decided to make this money. Fifty thousand dollars for settling in was a huge sum of money, and $1000 a month was enough for them to live a superior life in Shanghai. In addition, joining the school of medical legend Kazukiyo Fujita and having their own separate laboratory was also progress.

In the afternoon, Zhou Qinghe returned to the Army Ministry to work and received a call from Tsukahara Jishizo, informing him that he had understood the plan clearly, so Zhou Qinghe asked him to come directly to the military headquarters to find him.

In the conference room, Zhou Qinghe pulled Tojo to listen to the lecture together.

Tsukahara Jishizo said: "I have read the military's plan to attack Pearl Harbor. The whole plan is very risky, like a gamble. For example, the entire Pacific Ocean is the territory of the US Pacific Fleet, and there are often aircraft patrols. Radio silence can indeed avoid some risks, but whether the shuttle can be successful or not is a test of the commander's ability and luck.

The current plan is to shuttle back and forth. If we are discovered, we will pretend nothing happened and come back immediately.

If you don't find anything, then continue. This can only be judged based on the specific situation at the time.

After eliminating this factor, as long as our warships can reach Pearl Harbor, I will carry out the bombing of the target. I will bet my life to ensure that the mission is completed and all the fleets docked are destroyed."

People with ability speak with confidence.

"Hahahaha." Tojo wanted to win, so he had no objection after hearing that. "You said that the mission must be completed. I have to lead the navy to victory."

Tsukahara Jishisan's mouth twitched when he heard this, "Definitely."

"Fujita, do you have any other opinions?"

"There are naval experts here, what can I say? Destroy as much as possible. If you have the ability, you can even sink the Hawaiian Island. Don't save face for me."

"Hahahaha." The two burst into laughter.

"Then I'll work harder." Tsukahara Jishizo said with a smile.

"Give me some time. I need to step up the training of naval pilots. The environment there is unfamiliar. The U.S. military must be unaware of our planes before they arrive at Pearl Harbor!"

Since the navy has accelerated its preparations, the army must prepare for the navy's victory.

The promotion list is about to be finalized.

This time it is not just about promotion, but also about transfers to various key positions in the name of promotion, so that the right people can step onto the right stage.

Only Zhou Qinghe and Tojo were involved in making this list, and all information was kept confidential to the outside world.

As for the divisions on the Chinese battlefield, at the same time as the navy starts the war, the army will also begin sieges on various islands, so whichever division needs to be mobilized and which island corresponds to it must be prepared.

Just like the list, the news will not be released for the time being, and everything will not be truly mobilized until the navy's operation is successful.

Although many people, whether in the General Staff or the Army Ministry, knew that the military had made plans to fight against the United States and the Dutch East Indies, there had been countless such plans, and as long as the mystery was not revealed, this was just an ordinary plan.

Maintain high confidentiality, maintain normalcy, and confuse American spies to the greatest extent possible.

Among those who were promoted, the only one who was transferred early was Feifeiyuan.

In order to capture detailed intelligence on the island countries in East Asia and make final preparations before the war.

Doizo was also pulled out of school by Tojo, promoted to general, and responsible for the dispatch of spies to all islands.

Zhou Qinghe agreed with this matter. It was a good thing for China. The people that Tu Feiyuan was most comfortable using were the Chinese. Now many of them were selected and sent to various islands.

Storm is coming.

United States.

The situation in Japan has always been under the attention of the United States. Ever since Tojo of the Army Ministry assassinated pro-American factions, the United States has been certain that Tojo will take action in East Asia, and their target must be the Dutch East Indies.

But before the Japanese really attacked, they couldn't say anything, after all, the fighting hadn't really started yet.

The Japanese haven't really fought yet, are we forcing them to fight?
This is impossible.

From their point of view at this moment, the European battlefield is the important one. They can delay the situation in Asia for as long as possible. They should not provoke the Japanese but should also monitor them. That is enough.

What we can do now is to let the spies keep an eye on the direction of the Dutch East Indies and closely monitor whether there will be army soldiers boarding the ship. That will be the beginning of the signal.

As for the domestic information in Japan, one piece of information caught the attention of the US intelligence agencies.

It turned out that after two professors went to Japan, they resigned and went to Shanghai at the same time?
This matter was very strange, so an investigation was started immediately. After a quick search, we found out the two people's recent research and the reason for going to Japan. We then discovered that they had been to Fujita Kazukiyo's research institute and finally resigned and went to Shanghai.

All eyes were focused on the medicine they were researching.

"What kind of medicine is it?" The intelligence personnel found the manager of Pfizer.

The manager shrugged. "I don't know. This can't be considered a medicine. It can only be considered a kind of bacteria. It has a certain sterilization effect, similar to sulfa. But what exactly it is like, unless it is produced, only God knows the effect."


Japan has no shortage of sulfonamides, so why would Fujita Kazukiyo need them?
The investigator couldn't understand this matter, but found it a little strange, so he reported it immediately.

The leaders above didn't understand it either, and the matter was reported up the chain of command until it reached Roosevelt's ears.

When Roosevelt heard that this matter was related to Fujita Kazukiyo, he said, "What else is there to consider? Let the pharmaceutical company make this medicine right away and see the effect!"

No matter whether it is useful or not, Fujita Kazukiyo thought it was a good thing, and Roosevelt thought it must be a good thing.

Pfizer was forced to conduct research, and luckily these two guys had been to their place, so the information could probably be found if they looked for it.

As time went by, high-ranking Japanese military insiders became increasingly busy.

The foreign minister was busy trying to establish relations with the Soviet Union. Everyone was friendly to each other. At this time, both sides were on guard against each other. The Soviet Union was afraid that Germany would take action, and Japan would come to its aid, forming a pincer attack.

Of course, Japan was afraid that the Soviet Union would go crazy and suddenly attack China, or wait until they attacked the United States, and then give them a blow.

The Finance Minister is busy collecting taxes, and now this time window is the last safe period. The United States is afraid that they will take action against the Netherlands, so it has relaxed some controls as a consolation.

During this period, a large amount of crude oil, grain and steel will need to be imported.

The Minister of the Navy is busy managing the warships. Now the Americans' eyes are closely on Hedong. This is the best news. Except for Hedong, the Americans' vigilance has been reduced to the lowest level, and the team has been quietly gathering.

Konoe had the most mood swings. On the one hand, he was declaring war on the United States. If successful, he would become the number one person in Japanese history. On the other hand, if he failed, the glory of the Konoe family would be destroyed. Every day during these days was filled with drastic mood swings and he was worried about gains and losses.

Finally, the wait signal arrived.

Germany, with its strongest army in history, led a million troops to invade Soviet Russia!
The flames of war spread across Soviet Russia!

(End of this chapter)

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