The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 348: Double Break

Chapter 348: Double Break
As the Japanese army slithered across the Pacific.

Americans are on vacation.

There's nothing I can do about it. Today is the weekend and we have to have two days off a week. This is a right that even God cannot deprive us of.

In Hawaii, the naval commander of Pearl Harbor was leisurely playing golf.

The commander of the Combined Fleet was quite busy. Pearl Harbor was some distance away from the continental United States, so he had to go home on weekends and have some cigar exchanges with senior officials in Washington to maintain friendship.

This is quite common in the upper classes.

The naval aviation commander was making his own breakfast at home.

Although he is the commander, the final say in naval battles these days lies in the hands of the veteran battleships. The commander of an aircraft carrier does not have much say and even has to sit in the back during meetings.

In fact, he was not happy with Pearl Harbor.

Roosevelt sent them to this frontier position in the Pacific. He inspected it on the plane and was very worried about the terrain of Pearl Harbor because the terrain of Pearl Harbor was a standard gourd-mouth terrain with a big belly and a small mouth. As long as one ship sank into the sea at the opening, all the ships in Pearl Harbor would be locked inside and unable to move, which was really not very safe.

He made suggestions for this, but they were rejected by his superiors. No one cared about his opinion. The military superiors only cared about whether this was the closest point for the United States to Asia when needed.

So, the meal is over.

While the top brass are relaxing, there are still people in the Intelligence Bureau who are sticking to their posts.

There is a mysterious department inside the Intelligence Bureau. It is so strictly confidential that even non-departmental personnel who enter this department will be arrested and strictly examined. In fact, all outsiders are refused entry.

This department is called the Black Room.

The purpose of the black room is to decipher and monitor official communications of various countries. For example, all the telegram codes from Japan to the Japanese Embassy in the United States have been cracked by them.

Although the functions of this department seem to be similar to those of the telecommunications rooms of ordinary countries, because the intelligence it is responsible for is the top intelligence between countries and involves the latest strategies that various countries want their ambassadors to respond to, this department is directly responsible to the Presidential Office.

An ordinary office with a no entry sign on the door. After entering, there is an automatic telegraph machine on the table.

When the telegraph technology of other countries was still at the stage of wearing headphones, monitoring the mysterious radio waves from all over the world, receiving the information and then taking out the code book to translate it word by word.

Their technology had advanced to the point where they could simply type the telegraphic information into the machine verbatim, and the machine would automatically translate it into the Japanese original based on a built-in program, and then print it out on a connected printer.

In other words, they can see the latest telegrams faster than the Japanese ambassador to the United States.

This leaves the country with enough time to respond strategically.

At that moment, a telegram was translated.

Recently, Japan has been negotiating with Congress to discuss whether the two sides can reach an agreement under certain conditions to avoid possible risks of hostility. For example, the United States should allow the Japanese to freely obtain minerals and other resources from East Asia. As long as the United States agrees, the Japanese are willing to withdraw their troops from China.

Of course, Congress would not agree to such an unreasonable request, so the two sides have been in a tug of war.

This telegram was sent by the Japanese ambassador to Japan after the negotiations to propose the new opinions of the United States, and then Japan responded with a strategic telegram on how to proceed with the negotiations.

He knows the content and every process of the negotiations between the two countries better than anyone else in Congress, and he is the first person to know.

At this time, Steve, who was checking the telegram, frowned. He was in charge of this machine and of course he could understand Japanese.

The content of the telegram was actually very normal. It just meant that the Japanese side disagreed with the new demands put forward by the United States and asked the Japanese ambassador to the United States to reject them in a stern manner and stick to the bottom line without giving in.

Very normal.

But Steve still felt something was wrong.

Because the US-Japan negotiations were not going smoothly, and in order to increase the psychological pressure on both sides during each negotiation, everyone would agree on the final end time of the negotiations before the formal start of a negotiation. In terms of negotiation skills, this is coercion. When the time is up, I will not talk anymore. If you don’t agree, we will end the negotiations. You can deal with it later and bear the consequences yourself!

A little trick: if you are really sincere in negotiating, then it's okay to add some time at the end to continue the talks. Politicians are shameless anyway.

The time for this negotiation was approaching, and Lieutenant Colonel Steve remembered clearly that the last time the Japanese ambassador had clearly asked the Japanese top leaders in a telegram whether they wanted to request an increase in time.

However, at the end of today's telegram, the Japanese officials gave a clear answer as to whether the negotiations should be delayed. If the United States does not agree, they will end on time.

Steve stood up and handed it to the messenger outside the door: "Report it immediately, the Japanese may start a war! The war should start after the negotiations are over!"

This judgment was quickly handed over to the President's Office, and the Supreme Staff composed of naval and army generals was responsible for analyzing it.

They were called back from their happy weekend and unanimously agreed with the lieutenant colonel's judgment. This incident did foreshadow Japan's attitude.

In fact, they had already judged Japan's desire to attack.

Long before Tojo came to power, they had already been making preparations, such as expanding the army and recruiting MacArthur, who was most familiar with East Asia, from retired generals, to resume active service and continue to serve as the Far East commander in the front-line command in the Philippines.

All possible preparations have been made. Now all we have to do is determine the time and place of the Japanese attack.

The Vice Admiral said: "According to the Japanese's consistent style, they want to save face. Even when they attacked China, they found an excuse of losing soldiers before starting the war. So if Japan wants to take action, the time should be after the negotiation is over. When will the negotiation end?"

"Five days later, Friday." A female clerk answered quickly.

"Friday!" The Vice Admiral thought for a moment and nodded suddenly: "That's right. When the negotiations end on Friday, it will be the weekend again. The Japanese want to take advantage of our rest time to attack us. The time should be the early morning of the next day."

A rear admiral said, "Then let MacArthur step up the alert. The Japanese won't try to attack our Pearl Harbor, will they?"

After saying that, he looked at the female clerk and asked with a smile, "Which country last said that the Japanese army would attack our Pearl Harbor?"

The female clerk had a good memory. "It was the Chinese intelligence department, but they said it was twelve days later. I don't know if they converted the time. It could be thirteen days."

The major general laughed and shook his head, "China's President Jiang is crazy about benefits. He dares to make up any lies. We listened to his thirteen days, but the Japanese came in five days. Did he want us to be bombed?"

"Did the Soviet Union say that?" asked another general.

The female clerk nodded: "Three days ago they said that the Japanese army had made unusual movements, and the target might be the Philippines."

"Where are the Japanese ships that our own intelligence agencies have access to?"

"It's in Japan's inland sea, but our people lost track of the aircraft carrier six days ago, and we're still trying to find it."

After hearing this, everyone could only nod and continue to guess. In fact, the intelligence provided by the intelligence department was very complicated. It was not too little, but too much.

Not to mention telegrams saying that Japan would attack the United States, they would occasionally receive telegrams saying that China was preparing to attack the United States.

The sources of intelligence are complex, and everyone can give a detailed account of the intelligence they provide.

As for the Japanese, the most common telegrams were about the Japanese attacking the East Asian islands. Several out of ten of them specified the specific time and route.

But the result is obvious: the Japanese have not taken any action yet.

So intelligence is just intelligence, and all intelligence needs to be analyzed and judged.

"Should we notify Pearl Harbor to step up alert?"

"It's still possible. Let them be on high alert. Okay, I have to continue my weekend. Otherwise, if Japan calls, I'm afraid I won't have time to take a walk with my daughter. It would be best if they can handle it themselves. I already have a mission scheduled for next weekend, hahahaha."

The news was notified to the Far East Command and the Combined Fleet Command in Pearl Harbor.

When the person who received the message saw the order, he immediately called the commander, but was told that the commander was out.

Then he called the General Staff. The person who answered the phone at the General Staff heard that the attack would take place next week and thought it was still possible.

Why are you in such a hurry? Don’t you know today is the weekend?
"Let's talk about it at work tomorrow."

The next day, at work, the commanders did receive the notice and made arrangements.

"We need to set up a lookout site somewhere with the highest terrain nearby."

“Hawaii Park, there are mountains there.”

"Then there."

"It may not be possible. You need to apply for it."

"Who should our navy apply to build a lookout station? The President? Congress?" "The Wildlife Association..."

"What association?"

"Wildlife Association, I wanted to set up a lookout last time, but the Wildlife Association thinks this behavior violates the legal survival rights of animals. So in order to prevent us from being complained and subsequently demolished, it is best to apply and tell them that we are going to be attacked. Maybe they will agree to our application on the premise of protecting animals."

".Move to a place where they have no control!"

"There are basically animals on the mountain. Come on, I'll look for them."

The commander retracted his murderous gaze and said, "We still need some aircraft patrols."

The staff officer immediately gave his opinion: "If we want to monitor the entire Pacific Ocean without blind spots, we will need about 260 patrol aircraft."

"How many?" The commander laughed after hearing this. "Even if you pull all the patrol planes in Washington here, you don't know if there are 260 of them. So make a report and ask them to send planes. Now let the patrol boats go out to patrol. This doesn't require the consent of the Animal Association, right?"

"Yes." The subordinates began to write reports and applications.

The commander went back to rest.

Since the attack will only take place on weekends, it means that there is nothing to do during these days.

In a blink of an eye, it’s Friday, and the wonderful weekend is definitely gone. Everyone cancels their weekend and begins to enter a state of combat readiness.

Two days passed and nothing happened, only curses were heard.

"What a waste of information! You've wasted two days of my weekend. Do you know how important this weekend is to me? I've made an appointment with my beloved Maria to go to the movies."

The entire naval base, from top to bottom, was cursing. The weekend was gone, so they had to work five more days, and twelve days in a row before they could rest. It was so abominable. Even God could not allow such a thing to exist!
Friday, 5:30 p.m., darkroom.

Steve, who was ridiculed for leaking intelligence, received another telegram.

The content of this telegram was described very clearly, directly telling the Japanese ambassador to the United States that the next message to be sent would be very long and was expected to take 41 minutes. The content was a letter from Japan to the United States.

All the content will be divided into fourteen parts and will start in half an hour. He should be prepared to receive it.

It's not the first time that Steve has been working overtime. As the matter is so important, he decided not to eat or leave work and just keep an eye on it.

Half an hour later, the message began to be transmitted.

One, two. There was a pause between each telegram sent by the Japanese, so it was very clear how many messages were sent.

After receiving all thirteen articles, the content of the fourteenth article suddenly changed.

"The last one will be sent the day after tomorrow morning. I'll finish sending it today."

Isn't this disgusting? Not only him, but also the Japanese ambassador on the other side was disgusted. Steve complained and frowned to read the content. The content above was actually a standard letter of credence, a lot of meaningless content. If they wanted to explain something, they should put it in the final conclusion, but the Japanese didn't publish this article.

No matter how disgusting it was, Steve decided to go home and talk about it the day after tomorrow. Of course, he still had to submit this article.

When the stuff arrived at the president's office, they saw that there were only thirteen articles, and the people in the office didn't even think about reporting it.

"Mr. President, it's time to go off work. Since there is still one article missing, I will collect them all the day after tomorrow and report them to the President together. Now, I am also going off work. See you the day after tomorrow."

At 9: am the day after tomorrow, the last telegram was finally sent from Japan. No, not one, but two.

The typewriter typed in the content quickly, and the printing press next to it output Japanese text.

The first telegram, the last of fourteen articles, criticized the power of the United States. Japan made the decision to formally declare war on the United States!
The second telegram was to the Japanese ambassador to the United States, asking him to destroy all cipher machines, code books, and previously received telegrams and all information after receiving the telegram, and to formally submit his credentials to the Office of the President of the United States at 1:00 p.m.

The time was very tight. Although Steve didn't know the significance of this time, it was obviously unusual, so he reported it immediately.

Sunday was a fucking day, and Steve's weekend was ruined again.

The president had been waiting for this telegram in advance, and the staff quickly gave their opinions.

As in the last exercise, everyone should be alert at all locations.

When the telegram was sent to Pearl Harbor, the person who received it rolled his eyes, went out and threw it to the female clerk in the office, asking her to make a phone call.

The female employee looked at the time. It was only five in the morning. There was a time difference between the two sides. People in Washington were having lunch, but it was only early morning for them. It would be inhumane to call now. The commander would be unhappy if they disturbed his sleep. So she waited another hour and a half.

An hour and a half later, she called but the call didn't go through, so the female employee put the message in an envelope, sealed the number, and called a soldier to deliver the message.

The soldier was about to change shifts and go back to sleep, and didn't say where to send it, so he threw it to the message room, which had to deliver the package to the headquarters anyway.

When the message room saw that there was no emergency mark on it, they just put it among the pile of telegrams on the table and waited until there were enough to deliver together, preferably after get off work, so that they only had to make one trip.

Having to work on weekends is really annoying. God should eliminate the concept of being on duty.

Above the Pacific Ocean, in the fog.

On an aircraft carrier.

Fighter planes took off from the ground, soared into the sky, and rushed into the distance.

Tsukahara Jishizo is full of passion at this moment!

As a soldier and a sailor, my biggest dream is to fight a decisive battle with the United States in the Pacific!

He was not a traditional pedantic person. He would not be like Yamamoto Isoroku and Nanyun Chuichi, who always thought about artillery bombardment. Aircraft carriers were just auxiliary tools. The function of aircraft carriers was to load aircraft and then let these aircraft fly to help them find the opponent's main battleships.
The thinking is too outdated.

In this era, the new navy should use new tactics to resolve battles.

That is the aircraft carrier! Air combat supremacy at sea!

No one can rival him in this field.

From this moment on, he only needed to wait for a signal, a signal that a plane had arrived at Pearl Harbor. As long as the plane arrived, he would have absolute confidence that he would win the battle and that the American Pacific Fleet would definitely suffer heavy losses!
I hope these Showa boys can give him a good signal.

The posture of the nuclear recruiting boy is indeed heroic.

Although there was a map drawn by intelligence personnel, they had never flown this route before. In order to avoid the eyes and ears of the US military, the planes on this trip flew through the mountains in the first part, sticking close to the cliffs and flying at low altitude throughout the entire journey.

The leader of the team is a lieutenant colonel with good technical skills. Now the Japanese Air Force is the most superior air force in the world. At this moment, the planes are shuttling across the United States, which also gives these young people who are prosperous in imperialism a great confidence boost.

Keep moving forward without any worries.

Finally! They saw the gourd mouth, which was very similar to the island terrain in the training. Pearl Harbor was already in sight.

The lieutenant colonel showed a look of triumph on his face, and immediately said, "Send the signal, we found Pearl Harbor, bang! bang! bang!"

The atmosphere on Pearl Harbor was great, it was a beautiful morning.

The weekend makes people feel happy.

Some people were already eating, some were still sleeping.

Some were doing their morning jogs, others were performing the daily flag-raising ceremony.

When the plane flew over their heads, they looked up and realized that it was very disrespectful to the military flag for not avoiding it during the flag-raising ceremony. This soldier must be dealt with when the time comes. Then they straightened their backs and continued to salute and watch the flag-raising ceremony.

There seems to be some movement ahead.

Their eyes glanced.

The plane seemed to have taken a big dump.

A 100-kilogram bomb was dropped from the plane and landed on the warship docked below.

Boom! A violent explosion and a violent splash of water!
Before they could react, the engines of the fighter jets behind them roared towards them!

Countless fighter jets flew over their national flag!
(End of this chapter)

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