The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 349 Declaration of War

Chapter 349 Declaration of War
Groups of fighter jets roared past overhead!

One after another, huge bombs were dropped, landing precisely on the warships parked at the port. Boom! The warships shook, and the waves surged into the sky!

Intense flames spread across the warship, and at this moment, the Americans woke up from their dream.

"Enemy attack!"

However it was too late.

Tsukahara Jishizo's first bombing plan was to destroy the manpower of the US Pacific Fleet and eliminate all resistance factors.

Therefore, the warships in the port and the planes at the airport are the primary targets and are targets that must absolutely be eliminated.

Bombs fell from fighter planes, and the entire port was engulfed in flames.

The Japanese pilots who went to deal with the American planes found that the American planes seemed to have some serious illness and had placed their planes in a very neat and uniform manner under the airport.

There's no need to aim at all. Just throwing a bomb down randomly would trigger a chain explosion, right?
This was indeed the case. A bomb went off, boom, boom, the plane was blown up, causing the aviation fuel to explode, one plane after another was infected, and the hundreds of fighter jets at the entire airport were all destroyed in an instant without any effort.

"Too easy, right? Hahaha." The nuclear-recruiting boy didn't expect that the US military was so vulnerable. Before leaving, he did not forget to fire a volley of onboard machine gun bullets at the pilot who had just run out naked.

The American troops throughout the port were either swaying on their boats, or watching on the beach, or some of them might not have woken up yet, and those who did wake up were now staying in their houses and dared not come out.

Too scary!

For the Americans who had just been drafted, this scene was like hell.

The Commander is back running!

His pupils widened when he saw this scene. He immediately called the telegraph room and said, "Send a message to Washington immediately. Pearl Harbor has been attacked."

After saying that, he thought about the fact that today was the weekend, so he had to add: "Plus, please note, this is not a drill!"

The nuclear recruiting boys sat on the plane and dropped the most glorious bomb of their lives. After the excitement, the lieutenant colonel pilot in charge asked the wingman behind him to send a message.

"We destroyed four battleships, three cruisers, and ten destroyers. We did not find any other aircraft carriers. The first bombing mission is complete. We are preparing to return."

"Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!"

The telegram soon reached Tsukahara Jishizo's hands.

Tsukahara Jishizo frowned. The US aircraft carrier was gone!

The intelligence we received before departure was that there were at least two aircraft carriers in the port, but now there is not a single one left!

Others were not as worried as he was, and cheers had already broken out on the boat.

But Tsukahara Jishizo was very upset. He lost two aircraft carriers and missed such a good opportunity. How much effort would he have to put in the future to deal with these two aircraft carriers?

"Second wave of attack, search for US aircraft carriers along the island and continue to destroy the shipyard, repair yard, and all combat facilities on the island."

The returning attack team took off again.

54 bombers and 78 dive bombers began searching for the US aircraft carrier.

But found nothing.

The remaining three aircraft carriers all have their own missions and are indeed not around the port at the moment.

Planes bombed the remaining targets and the shipyard. The Japanese discovered ships that were still under repair and increased their firepower without hesitation.

The flames from the explosion that shot up into the sky completely destroyed all the warships that the US military was repairing here.

After two attacks, the U.S. military finally organized a resistance force and fired machine guns at the planes in the sky.

Time passed, and no plane found the aircraft carrier.

Tsukahara Jishizo frowned.

The second attack ended and the planes returned.

"Prepare for the third attack, as planned, auxiliary ships and oil depot repair shop."


"Wait! We can't do this a third time."

At this time, Nanyun Chuichi came over and said, "Forget it if we can't find the aircraft carrier. We have to go back."

"Go back?" Tsukahara Jishisan glanced at him in surprise. "Why do we have to go back? Our plan is to attack three times, and we still have auxiliary ships and oil depots to bomb. Why do you have such a strange idea?"

Nanyun Chuichi frowned and said: "The plan is a plan, but now we can't launch the third attack if we can't find the aircraft carrier. All our plans are based on destroying the aircraft carrier, but now the aircraft carrier has not been destroyed, and no one knows where these three aircraft carriers are.

Yes, our ammunition can support three attacks, but what happens after the attack? Our ammunition is gone, and the planes have little fuel left. What if the enemy's aircraft carrier returns? We will all die here!

The results are good, we have completed our mission, there are only a few aircraft carriers left in the Pacific Fleet, and we have a long period of peace and stability. "

"Stupid." Tsukahara Jishizo rolled his eyes at him, then turned to the lieutenant colonel and said, "Carry out the third attack as planned."

"Hi!" The lieutenant colonel captain was so happy that he left immediately after hearing the news.

However, Nanyun Chuichi suddenly shouted, "Stop! No more attacks!"

He turned around and said to Tsukahara Jishizo in dissatisfaction: "Enough, if we go back now, we will be heroes, but if we die here, Japan will be finished, all our navy's assets are here! We can't have any losses, don't take risks!"

Seeing him like this, Tsukahara Jishizo suddenly laughed: "Nanyun, are you dissatisfied with me for taking your position as commander?"


"I see. The plan was originally made with you as the commander, and crossing the Pacific Ocean was also your feat. I know that when I was the commander before, there was no place for you. Now it's finally your turn, but you haven't been in office for two days and it's my turn again. I can understand your dissatisfaction. I will apologize to you when I go back and even buy you a drink.

But now, get out of here!"

Tsukahara Jishisan's face turned cold: "I am the fleet commander, who gave you the authority to shout in front of me?
The credit for shuttling across the Pacific Ocean belongs to you, and I will certainly recommend you for the credit, but you have to remember that naval battles are my, Tsukahara Jishizo's, world. You are afraid of the other side's three aircraft carriers, but I am not.

If you are afraid of dying here, I will give you a plane and a battleship. You can choose which one to drive back. Get lost!"

Tsukahara Jishisan turned his head and shouted to the sea: "Full speed ahead, target Pearl Harbor!"

"Are you crazy?!" Nanyun Chuichi's eyes widened: "Why don't you leave now? Why do you bump into him? Are you offering yourself to me?"

"No way?" Tsukahara Jishisan looked at him and smiled faintly: "You can't find the aircraft carrier? Then let the aircraft carrier come to find us. If it doesn't dare to come, I will sink Pearl Harbor! Are you short of ammunition?"

Tsukahara Jishizo raised his hand and said, "Take a good look at the navy's entire assets. We haven't fired a single shot yet. Are we short of ammunition?"

"Full speed ahead!"

This is too crazy. Nanyun Chuichi’s eyes widened. He understood.

The US military's aircraft carrier is there, and the third attack squadron will bomb the aircraft carrier. If the aircraft carrier is not there, all the US military ships will have been bombed. Who can be a match for their warships?
The third attack begins.

The American troops at Pearl Harbor sank once again.

What was far more desperate than this was that on the distant sea level, neatly lined up warships were sailing towards their port, flying the Japanese military flag!
Boom boom!

The warship's cannons launched a fierce attack on the auxiliary ships on the river.

And there was such an ordinary piece of ammunition that fell on an ordinary ship.

That was a US warship refueling tanker filled with fuel.

Flames far more violent than any explosion shot up into the sky. The sea water trembled and the waves surged, hitting the Japanese ships heading out to sea like a tsunami. The waves on the other side poured back into the naval buildings on the beach.

Human bodies, walls, building materials, everything was swept away by the waves and scattered all over the place.

Even the Japanese on the ship were frightened. The waves pushed over so hard that several navy men on the ship couldn't stand and the ship was shaking constantly.

"Okay!" Tsukahara Jishizo laughed: "Let the navy continue bombing, let the air force find the oil depot, and let the aircraft carrier be a turtle. Then I will let the entire Pearl Harbor sink."

A complete set of naval-related facilities including maintenance docks, torpedo depots, submarine docks, power plants, ammunition depots, fuel depots, etc.

Now the last military target is the large oil depot stored by the Americans in Pearl Harbor. It is said that there are 450 million tons of inventory, which is almost more than Japan’s annual oil consumption!

So rich!

If this oil depot was blown up, Tsukahara Jishizo believed that, not only would the Americans be short of oil for a while, but at least Pearl Harbor would no longer exist.

However, at this moment, a telegram suddenly came, "A group of fighter planes appeared, it might be an aircraft carrier!"

Tsukahara Jishizo's eyes lit up: "Finally out, ready to fight!"

I don't know whether to say the luck of the USS Enterprise is good or bad. The US has a total of three aircraft carriers in Pearl Harbor, and the Saratoga has gone to the west coast of the United States for renovation.

The remaining two ships, the Lexington, were sent out by the naval commander to transport aircraft in order to guard against Japan's sneak attack, and have not returned yet.

One is for transporting cargo and the other is for combat readiness.

Theoretically, as a combat-ready aircraft carrier, the Enterprise should stay in port.

However, the US military arranged the time very tightly. The Lexington set out to transport the cargo three days ago, and the Enterprise should have returned to the port three days ago after delivering the cargo, which just made room for the two sides to connect seamlessly.

Who would have known that the Enterprise encountered a storm on the way, delaying it for three days and only now arriving at Pearl Harbor.

The good news is that we came back late and escaped the first wave of Japanese bombing. The bad news is that the Japanese are still there.

The carrier confrontation immediately began, with the frigates of both sides bombarding each other, and the fighter jets of both sides engaging in dogfights in the sky.

As a genius in commanding aircraft carrier operations, Tsukahara Jishizo suppressed the Enterprise throughout the entire battle and soon sank one of the Enterprise's escort ships.

But the situation has not been significantly improved.

Both sides' fighters had problems.

First of all, there were the Japanese fighters. When the Enterprise appeared, their ammunition had already been used up on the third attack. Their bomb load and fuel reserves were no match for the Enterprise, which was well-rested.

Although they had the upper hand, they had to withdraw from the battlefield to replenish ammunition.

This retreat resulted in the loss of all advantages, and the ship was suppressed by the Enterprise's planes and could not even stand on the deck.

If we want to fight back, it depends a lot on the level of the commanders.

Tsukahara Jishizo responded calmly and did manage to regain the advantage bit by bit.

However, the fighting lasted from day to night, and both sides faced a problem: how to park the planes after returning to the aircraft carrier.

The night comes especially early at sea, and the port's power system was completely destroyed. There was not a single light, and it was pitch black. The deck could not be seen clearly, and as long as the pilot's landing technique was slightly poor, the plane would be destroyed and the pilot would die.

If nothing unexpected happens, accidents will happen.

The weather was bad, the fighting was fierce, and bullets and shells were flying over the deck at any time.

In addition, as time passed, the pilots on both sides became increasingly tired. Their planes collided with each other in the sky, and some of the planes on both sides fell into the sea. The planes that were lucky enough to survive fell onto the deck, and with a slightly greater impact force, they collided with the plane in front, causing sparks of explosion.


Tsukahara Jishizo also had to order a retreat. If they delayed any further, the American reinforcements would really arrive. They were running low on gas and would have to stop on the way to refuel. Delaying now could really be fatal.

After taking a look at Pearl Harbor, Tsukahara Jishizo was still reluctant to leave.

The Enterprise could have returned earlier or later, but it happened to be in between the two. What a pity that the fuel depot was not blown up!

The Enterprise didn't dare to give chase. It was already riddled with holes, and no one knew how long it could hold out. The flames from the collision and explosion of planes on the deck were still burning, and no one knew how the planes in the sky would land. Let's defend ourselves first.

The Japanese warships retreated, and the naval headquarters in Pearl Harbor finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Today will surely become a memory that everyone will never forget.

At this time, the communicator in the message room delivered all the telegrams for the day.

The commander opened the envelopes one by one, and suddenly saw a telegram from the President's office, "Strengthen your defense, Japan has declared war on us."

After checking the receiving time, I found that this telegram arrived two hours before the Japanese attack.

"Two hours, two hours! Two hours!!"

The commander finished his angry outburst and muttered with his eyes blank, "These are the most expensive two hours and the stupidest weekend."

The navy is back!
Although at the last moment, no greater results were achieved.

But no matter how you look at it, this battle was extremely successful, especially the destruction of all military facilities in Pearl Harbor except the oil depot.

It would take the Americans several months to clear out the sunken warships in the harbor.

It will take even longer to rebuild this frontier position in the Pacific.

This battle yielded rich results!
Nanyun Chuichi was convinced when he saw the result.

Although the USS Enterprise was not sunk, it was damaged and required major repairs for several months.

Facts have proved that Tsukahara Jishizo's command ability is indeed higher than his. His courage to advance instead of retreat is not something that ordinary people can match.

This war was really fought to the point where the troops had to retreat only when they ran out of ammunition and food. This is truly an art of command.

Japan mainland.

When receiving the victory signal of Tiger Tiger Tiger.

There was a huge cheer in the palace!
Three victories, three times the news came, and the cheers became even crazier!

With Isoroku Yamamoto analyzing the situation with them, they were able to roughly understand what he said even though they were laymen.

When going into battle for the third time, Nagumo Chuichi secretly sent a telegram to express his dissatisfaction and Tsukahara's audacity.

Everyone is still a little worried.

but now.

Even Hirohito praised with great emotion, "Tsukahara is indeed a genius commander of the air fleet! He has great tactical talent! Tojo, Fujita, the people you recommended are very good. This time, it will take the United States at least twice as long to recover!

When he returns victorious, I will celebrate your success and personally award you honors."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Now that Tsukahara's mission has been completed, then next, Tojo, it's up to you, the Army Ministry."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. East Asia will soon be the territory of the Empire of Japan." Tojo bowed his head and turned around: "Fujita, let's go."

Just go.

If this bombardment reaches the US mainland, Americans will know how painful it is.

The current ideology of Americans is anti-war, or even war-weary. The First World War was so painful and too many people died, so many people in the United States hate war.

I just want to hide behind and make some money by selling supplies as the mastermind behind the scenes.

But if they don't stop, who will hold Japan back?
The sooner they end, the better. The angrier they are, the better. The more effort they put in, the easier it will be on the Chinese battlefield.

Zhou Qinghe and Tojo Hideki rushed back to the Army Ministry.

The Navy’s mission in the Pacific has been completed, and the Navy’s last troop transport ship in stock can now be deployed.

According to the original plan, mobilization orders were issued to the elite Japanese troops in the Chinese battlefield, and all of them were sent to the East Asian battlefield.

The decision had already been made, so we could do it quickly by just handing the documents over to the Telecommunications Department.

After throwing it, Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "Prime Minister, at this great moment of victory, would you like to say something and mock the defeated United States? This is an unprecedented feat. You are the first and only Japanese Prime Minister to achieve this achievement!"

Tojo was happy, "Okay, you take care of this."

"Okay." Zhou Qinghe nodded with a smile.

Now Americans know who to hate.

Let the office clerks write the manuscript since they have nothing to do anyway.

Think about what else should be done at this point in time. The Japanese are going to attack East Asia and declare war on the United States. If nothing unexpected happens, the news that the United States has declared war on Japan will also spread tomorrow.
Zhou Qinghe's eyes narrowed, and there was indeed something he had forgotten to do.

As soon as war was declared, Japan would inevitably move into the British and American concessions, and he almost forgot to take some of the floating wealth.

Zhou Qinghe hurried to the telecommunications room and asked someone to send a telegram to Hong Meigui.

"Go to my mansion and get the title deed to the Chinachem Hotel. I'll have someone prepare it. Sell it to Sassoon & Co. as soon as you get it. It doesn't matter if you sell it for less. The key is to get the money today."

Okay, I’m satisfied. Zhou Qinghe almost forgot about cheating Sassoon, who started out as a businessman selling opium.

Snatch it from Sassoon, sell it to him, and then snatch it back again.

Ah, there is really no reason not to make tens of millions of dollars for free.

(End of this chapter)

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