The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 350 Sweeping

Chapter 350 Sweeping
Hong Meigui received a telegram from Zhou Qinghe, which clearly stated that she must see Qian today, so she decided to go in person.

Sassoon & Co. did business in Shanghai, and because of its British military background, it was actually very successful.

However, as long as the goods pass through customs, they cannot avoid the Rose Company, which is responsible for collecting rent on behalf of someone, so the relationship between Sassoon Company and the Rose Company is good, and there is always some business dealings.

Red Rose went directly to the top management of Sassoon & Co.

When the Sassoon executives heard that Fujita Kazukiyo was actually going to sell the Cathay Hotel, they looked constipated.

There is always a situation where one's wife is robbed, and after the man has used her, he pushes her away and asks her to give her back to him. After the deed is done, the man smiles and asks for the money he has worked hard for.


But as a businessman, as long as the business is suitable, there is nothing that cannot be discussed.

The Cathay Hotel is very expensive and valuable. It is located in the prime location of the Bund. It cost 1200 million oceans to build it. After more than ten years of currency inflation and the war, more and more people settled in the concession, and the land became even more valuable.

Now that Rose Company is willing to sell it at a discount, of course we can buy it.

However, the amount of funds was too large, so Sassoon had to handle the matter personally.

The matter was reported to Sassoon's office.

As soon as Sassoon heard this, he felt something was wrong.

As an excellent businessman, he has a keen sense of smell. The British and French forces were swept by Germany in Europe, and there was a strong pro-war atmosphere in Japan. It was somewhat frightening that Fujita Kazuki was selling the Cathay Hotel at this time.

In fact, he was already ready to withdraw from China. Avoiding risks is the most important thing a businessman should do.

He had been quietly selling off his properties in Shanghai, but as the richest company in Shanghai, Sassoon & Co. had too many assets. Even if he sold a portion of them, there were still more than 80 million worth of real estate on the books that had not been sold. In addition to his private properties that were not visible to the public, he would definitely have at least 120 to 130 million worth of assets.

"Why did Mr. Fujita think of selling the Cathay Hotel?" Sassoon asked with a smile. He had to find out the reason.

Red Rose had already prepared the reason; "Mr. Fujita is now focusing on domestic affairs. As you know, he was transferred to China to open a pharmaceutical company there, which required a huge investment. Therefore, there is no need for him to keep this business in Shanghai."

Sassoon didn't believe a word of this, but that didn't stop him from asking the price.

"How much do you plan to sell it for?"

"The market price is 2600 million, and the discount is 2200 million. Mr. Fujita said that this property originally came from you, and you can get a discount if you buy it."

"Then I really have to thank him." Sassoon smiled, thought for a moment and said, "The world is not peaceful, the atmosphere of war is strong, it is very risky for me to buy now, how about 1500 million?"

"You think I have plenty of time, don't you?" Red Rose said displeasedly, "If you don't want it, forget it."

After saying that, Red Rose stood up and walked out.

"Why are you in such a hurry? I'm short of money, right?" Sassoon laughed, "1500 million."




"Can you at least give me some space? There aren't many people in Shanghai who can afford to eat in this building."


"." Sassoon thought for a moment and said to his men, "Prepare the contract. Miss Rose, have you brought the title deed and the land deed?"

The transaction went smoothly, and the two went to the bank to transfer the money. After Sassoon gave the red roses, his men were very happy.

"We made a lot of money. We made at least 500 million from this deal. If we hold on to it for a while, as long as the Chinese battlefield continues, we can make 1000 million."

Sassoon was not so happy. He watched Red Rose's car leave and said to his subordinates, "Immediately contact everyone in Shanghai who can afford this building. The reserve price is 2200 million. As long as someone wants it, it doesn't matter who it is, just sell it."

"Ah?" The subordinate was puzzled: "Just sell it like this?"

"Do you think Red Rose is a good person? Are you trying to trick me?" Sassoon sneered, "Japan should be taking action soon. By then, the British and American concessions will be occupied by the Japanese. This piece of land will be worthless. Sell it immediately!"

Although there is a bit of risk, 2200 million is really cheap for this building. Just give him a little time and he can make a net profit of 200 million immediately by selling it.

Of course there are risks in making money, but what kind of risk can be worth 200 million in a day?
Sassoon was in contact, and Red Rose telegraphed the time when she received the money.

Zhou Qinghe was in a good mood when he received the news that the money had arrived. "Immediately telegraph the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters to take over the British and American concessions, freeze all land transactions, and seal up the land chambers of commerce and banks in Britain, the United States, and the Netherlands!"


The sealed telegram arrived at the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters. A phone call was made to the barracks next to the concession, and the Japanese garrison was mobilized in full force. The storm instantly swept across the British and American concessions.

As soon as Sassoon came out of the bank, he went to the Cathay Hotel.

Although he was not planning to take over the restaurant, it was once his own and he had not enjoyed the view from the rooftop for a long time. He could always enjoy it for a few days.

However, as soon as he entered the hotel, he saw the unusual movements of the Japanese troops on the Waibaidu Bridge, and the storm was sweeping in.

How could Sassoon not understand when he saw this scene?

He was so angry that he yelled, "Shameless! Too shameless! Fujita Kazukiyo, you will die a horrible death!"

2000 million, 2000 million!

Sassoon was so angry that his face turned red. He stared at the soldiers rushing towards him and said viciously in a low voice: "I'm not leaving. I want to see how you, Fujita Kazukiyo, die. Even if Britain can't do it, there is still the United States! Will you die or not? Will you die or not?"

An hour later, the U.S. declaration of war finally went through all the procedures and was announced to reporters and the world!
As the press conference was held, the crimes committed by Japan at Pearl Harbor and the US declaration of war on Japan finally reached the ears of people all over the world.


Japan's audacity completely exceeded everyone's imagination. It was too exaggerated! Crossing the Pacific to attack Pearl Harbor, the terrifying thing was that this strategy was successful, and the entire US fleet was destroyed.

For a time, newspapers around the world were reporting on this incident.

At this time, planes from Taiwan and Hankou that were originally used to bomb Chongqing were already carrying out large-scale bombing of Philippine airports and ports in the sky above the Philippines, just like the Pearl Harbor incident was reenacted!
The army moves slowly, but the army aviation and naval aviation can go first.

More than 200 fighter jets of the Philippines were destroyed at the airport!
The commander of the U.S. Far East Command in the Philippines was Lieutenant General MacArthur.

His father was the commander of the Philippines, and MacArthur's service ended as the commander of the Philippines. Now he has retired and has been called back to the same position.

MacArthur was very familiar with the Philippines. Logically speaking, as the fulcrum of the US military in Southeast Asia, the Philippines had a certain ability to confront.

But now he was running for his life.

Of course, the Far East Command received the sneak attack warning from the President's Office and made some preparations, such as sending fighter jets to conduct airspace reconnaissance and strengthening vigilance in the Dutch East Indies. Oil was definitely a target for the Japanese army to plunder.

However, after being on guard for several hours and not seeing any Japanese troops, he judged that the Japanese troops would not attack the Philippines.

Even a tactical idiot knows that Japan must have launched an attack on the Philippines at the same time as the attack on Pearl Harbor. This met the tactical requirements of a surprise attack and was also the best time.

Since there was no sneak attack at this time, there would definitely be no fighting. The pilots had been flying for several hours and were very tired from being on alert, so they were asked to withdraw and rest.

But who could have imagined that Taiwan had indeed received the order to attack and was indeed preparing to take off, but there was heavy fog in Taiwan today, and the pilots had difficulty judging the direction. They were afraid that their own planes would collide in the thick fog, so the commander delayed for several hours, waiting to attack together with the planes from Hankou.

So when the Japanese army arrived, the Philippine Air Force had no defense at all. More than 200 planes were neatly parked on the airport basking in the sun.

Fierce bombing began and artillery fire swept across the Philippines.

After one round of bombing, the US military completely lost air superiority, leaving only hundreds of thousands of US-Philippines coalition forces trembling and firing a few shots at the planes in the sky with their rifles.

The Japanese Army was already on the incoming ships.

At the same time, the battle in the Philippines began.

The elite troops of the Japanese Army headed to various islands according to their predetermined objectives.

The most important place, the oil-producing country, Zhou Qinghe personally ordered the Osaka Division to march into the Dutch East Indies!
As a country rich in oil, one can tell at a glance that there must be a large number of security personnel and the battle must be difficult. Zhou Qinghe must hand over such a difficult task to his good brother Fujita Hidetake.

There is one good thing about Tojo Hideki. As long as Zhou Qinghe can contribute, he will never interfere with the arrangement of this division. Anyway, as long as the goal can be achieved, any division will do.

Before the Osaka Division set off, Zhou Qinghe provided Fujita Hidetake with enough medicines and sent a special telegram to instruct him that the oil must be firmly controlled in the hands of his brigade.

If anyone dares to rob, tell him directly and see how he deals with such a blind person.

In one day, the situation changed suddenly.

The Japanese divisions that marched into various islands arrived at their designated positions and, with the cooperation of the army and navy bombers, launched attacks on various islands.

This time, I discovered something extraordinary.

The Japanese had suffered greatly on the Chinese battlefield and had been unable to defeat the enemy for several years. In fact, many soldiers did not consciously reflect on this.

Is it that the Japanese army is not that strong? How come the Japanese army, which is so well-equipped and the best in the world, can't defeat a ragtag Chinese soldier?

This is unscientific and unreasonable.

Moreover, the difficulty of dealing with Chinese soldiers was beyond imagination. We could fight them even by gnawing on tree bark. They were very cunning, using tactics such as fighting in tunnels and retreating when the enemy advanced.

The various tactics of Chinese soldiers made them wonder if this was the true level of the armies of other countries. If so, it would be too difficult to dominate East Asia!
However, when they arrived at these islands, they discovered that it was not that they were too weak, but that the hegemonic bloodline of the suzerain country was too strong.

China is a special case.

It is not easy for them to defeat China, but it is as easy as crushing dry weeds and rotten wood for them to defeat the soldiers of the island countries in front of them.

The fighting power of these people is not like that of soldiers at all. They are more like monkeys that grew up in the rainforest and only know how to do monkey tricks with a stick.

Without organization or strategy, all defense lines collapsed at the first touch, and the Japanese army advanced as fast as running on the plains.

The war raged quickly.

Within a month, the Japanese army took over most of East Asia.

The British, American and Dutch allied forces launched a desperate resistance in the Dutch East Indies.

Everyone knows that this is the most critical place. As long as the Japanese do not get the oil, they will perish quickly.

But how could just a few small broken ships defeat the Japanese naval fleet rushing from the Pacific Ocean?

Tsukahara Jishizo personally took command, and the enemy coalition forces were quickly defeated. As for the land battle on the island, the Osaka Division had plenty of money and full artillery firepower coverage, and their main goal was to ensure that no one died.

The Anglo-American coalition collapsed.

The oil-rich Dutch East Indies officially fell into the hands of Japan.

In Japan, as the war progressed smoothly, news of victory came in frequently, and the media was making a big fuss about it, and the people across the country were excited!

Pro-war sentiment reached its peak at this moment.

As the prime minister, Tojo naturally had a strong stance.

Zhou Qinghe received a telegram about the capture of East India from the front line and put it directly on Tojo's desk.

"We took it. I had someone check their oil production right away. It's 800 million tons per year."

"800 million!"

Tojo stood up suddenly, with a wealthy gleam in his eyes.

I have never seen so much oil in my life.

"Doesn't that mean that after we meet our own domestic demand for the whole year, we still have more than enough?"

"Yes, a lot more. We are working at full capacity and this capacity may be expanded."

"Hahaha!" Tojo laughed wildly. "Finally solved. From today on, our Great Japanese Empire finally doesn't have to look at the Americans' faces anymore! Let's go and report this good news to His Majesty!"

royal palace.

Hirohito's momentum has been growing recently.

The fight has already been fought, what’s the point of worrying anymore?

Moreover, although the United States and Britain declared war, they did not have a single ship and could only talk and curse verbally. In fact, the war was going more and more smoothly, the army was gaining more and more, and the king of the entire East Asia emerged.

Japan officially stands at the top of East Asia!

And history books will write that he, Hirohito, opened the Showa Era!

"Your Majesty, this is the battle report Fujita brought. The annual oil production is 800 million tons."

As soon as Tojo and Zhou Qinghe entered, Tojo couldn't wait to report.

"Eight million!" Hirohito was shocked. "How could there be so much?"

"You can still expand production, right, Fujita?" Tojo turned his head and asked.

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "I have consulted the school's mineral experts, and they said that the United States' production method is relatively mild. They probably want to have something to eat every year. Controlling oil production means controlling prices. They rely on this oil to support their East Asian islands, sell some at high prices, and use it for themselves. It's no problem to mine more."

"This will speed up the industry." Hirohito nodded with satisfaction. "If there is still some, we can sell some to others in exchange for other things, such as steel from Europe."


"Very good, everything is going well. Tojo, Fujita, you are Japan's heroes. When the naval fleet returns, I will personally award you medals."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Drink tea."

Hirohito asked the two heroes to sit down and asked, "From the current perspective, the war in East Asia should not be a big problem, right?"

Tojo bowed his head: "The Philippines will definitely fall into our hands, and it will happen very quickly. The war is going very smoothly. The only remaining strategic location that is larger is Singapore, which is British territory. It should also be completely conquered by us in the next few days. As long as we take these two places, we can declare that the influence of Britain and the United States in East Asia will be completely lost, and East Asia will be completely under our control."

"There should be no need to worry about the battlefield in East Asia." Hirohito nodded and asked, "Has the military come up with its next plan?"

Although Hirohito was happy with the current situation, he did not forget what Yamamoto Isoroku said. What to do next is the key.

"We already have a plan." Tojo said confidently, "Once East Asia is taken, our next target will be Burma. This time the target is not China. We will surround China but not attack it to avoid being trapped. As long as we can trap the Chinese, we will be there.

And our spare troops can go all the way through Myanmar and India until they meet up with the German army in the Middle East, join forces and sweep Africa. By then, Europe, Africa and Asia will all be under our control, and we will have inexhaustible resources to develop our national strength until the last step, America.

When the day comes when we attack America, the combined strength of our elite troops and the Germans, plus the armies of so many dependent countries, will total tens of millions of people!
Even if their tactical ability is poor, as long as they have enough people, one bite from each person can kill an American. "

Hirohito did not understand warfare, and this plan sounded fine. Africa was a barbaric land, and it would be no problem for the Japanese and German armies to join forces to clean it up.

"So what plans do you have for Japan's future development?" Hirohito asked.

"We need to increase industrial production and the output of weapons, equipment and ships. Now that we have oil, we must increase the number of ships. Even if the U.S. military recovers, they can only come to Asia by ship. If we have ships, we don't have to worry about the U.S. affecting our next plans."

"It's different now that you're the prime minister. Now you're willing to increase military spending for the navy." Hirohito laughed.

Tojo said seriously: "I am doing this for the good of Japan. I have no prejudice against the navy."

"Hahahaha, good, I'm glad you think so. Tojo, Fujita, the future of Japan depends on you."


Three days later, the fleet returned triumphantly.

At the naval dock, Hirohito personally met this group of heroes who swept across the Pacific and then fought in Southeast Asia.

Not only the generals, but even the small lieutenant colonel captain of the flying squadron, Hirohito cordially expressed his condolences and encouragement.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The Cabinet Minister is responsible for reading out the Emperor's commendation.

Hirohito personally awarded medals to the generals.

The huge ceremony venue is solemn and dignified.

And in the distant streets, people were cheering.

This situation is very gratifying. Ordinary soldiers do not receive honors from the Emperor, but the people treat them as heroes, which is very exciting.

The ceremony was over, the ships that needed repair were repaired, and those that did not need repair were refueled and continued to go to Southeast Asia to participate in the battle. The battle was not over yet.

And several leaders can finally take a break. After all, the war in Southeast Asia has been decided, so it is okay to give others some experience.

"Fujita." Tsukahara Jishizo came over and greeted with a smile.

Zhou Qinghe stood still, smiling and waiting. When he saw someone coming in, he said, "Is it complete?"

"It's perfect! Hahahaha, as a marine, I have no regrets in dying to have experienced such a great battle in my life." Tsukahara Jishizo was quite satisfied: "This is all because of your help, I won't forget it."

"Why do you keep bringing this up?" Zhou Qinghe chuckled and frowned slightly: "You don't want to get the medicine again, do you?"

"How did you know? Hahahaha. There were two pills in total. I took one when I got home that day and one before I left. Now that I'm back, you should reward me, right?"

"It's the Emperor's responsibility to reward you. I don't have any medicine." Zhou Qinghe said and turned to leave: "Hurry to the palace. His Majesty is waiting to ask for details."

"Don't go, I'm in the same car with you."

After dawdling in the car for a while, Zhou Qinghe took out a box of medicine and gave it to him: "The pharmaceutical factory in Shanghai has started production. The first batch of medicine has been prepared for you a long time ago."

Tsukahara Jishizo was very satisfied and told Zhou Qinghe about the naval battle along the way.

When we get to the palace, we have to say this again.

Hirohito was also very interested in the content of the naval battle, but there were too many people at the dock, so he could only show his face to the lower-level soldiers to see that the emperor was shining on them.

The real content and promotion orders were of course held in the Imperial Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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