The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 357 Counterattack

Chapter 357 Counterattack

Boss Dai didn't think there was anything wrong with what the Japanese emperor did.

In his opinion, sending a son away to spread the risk is a very normal practice.

He took the information to the principal, and when the principal heard it, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Hirohito's approach.

Didn't he also send his son Jianfeng to the Soviet Union to share the risk during the warlords' melee? He also received Soviet aid for a period of time and even abducted a Soviet woman back.

When Jianfeng was in the Soviet Union, he fell out with the Soviet Union, so Jianfeng wrote an article specifically to scold his father for betraying his promise to plead for the people, and he scolded him harshly.

No matter how much he cursed, the first thing he did when he came back was to kowtow three times.

Hirohito was able to see the risks in advance and decide what to do in what situation. He felt that Hirohito was very insightful.

After hearing this, the principal laughed and scolded, "The Japanese emperor knows that he will be defeated, and some of us are still thinking about surrendering to the Japanese and becoming obedient subjects. We are really blind.

Tell Qinghe to help him and be patient to help the Japanese emperor take good care of his son. I think we can still use this line, and it will be of great use. What do you think, Yunong?"

Boss Dai bowed and said, "I thought so too. When I saw this, my first reaction was that as long as Japan does not perish, we will support Akihito to take the throne. What can a 10-year-old child understand?
Now Qinghe has established a relationship with him and is inseparable. When he ascends the throne, won't he obey Qinghe's orders? This is the former regent, the father-in-law.

The prime minister changes every term, but he has to call this Yafu his whole life."

The principal nodded in approval, "Japan will definitely not perish, and the United States will not commit such a crime. If the American people cannot accept it, we will certainly not commit such a massacre. It is almost enough for Japan to become a colony.

By then, Japan will be under the control of the United States. We must find a way to preserve the royal family and prevent the Americans from removing it.

By the time Akihito is promoted to the throne, everything will be fine.

Hirohito's move has handed over the decision-making power of his royal family for the next few decades to us. We must use it well.

Japan has its own technology and was colonized by the United States. The Americans also provided it with technology. In the end, Qinghe could pass all these things to us without having to look at the Americans' faces.

Do you think that once this war is over, will the Americans still help us like they do now? There must be many conditions.

Now it’s a benefit without any cost.”

"The principal is absolutely right." Boss Dai nodded.

The principal sighed and said with compassion: "There is no problem with the plan, but it is hard for Qinghe. Such a great contributor has to take care of a child and has no reputation. It is unfair to him."

"Serving our country with loyalty is our duty as a soldier."

"He's not a military man."

"But he is your student, and he is a natural soldier."

"That's right." The principal laughed and said, "Zhejiang is a land of talented people and heroes. It is our honor.

But it's not a good thing for the Japanese to lose too quickly. You should hurry up and investigate the situation of the Red Party. We must seize the opportunity to wipe out the Red Party. As for the Japanese, we should slow down and let them catch their breath. Why should we fight the Americans if they don't want to avenge their national hatred? Let them send their own people to fight."

"Yes, Principal, there is one more thing. I heard some voices, not very good voices, directed at you."

"Are you saying that I am not fighting against the Japanese and am engaging in internal strife?" The principal's face was stern and he said unhappily, "You should investigate and punish people like this. What do they know? It seems that the military funding is too much and they are too full."

Two days later, after receiving the reply, Liu Kai returned to Shanghai and said that Boss Dai asked him to focus on training the prince.

This answer did not surprise Zhou Qinghe at all. Compared to the importance of controlling a Japanese prince, everything else could take second place.

Weigh the pros and cons. Other jobs can be replaced by others, but for this job, even if Boss Dai uses all his power to convince Tojo Hideki.

Tojo was willing to do it, but Hirohito was not happy.

After arranging things in Shanghai, Zhou Qinghe went to Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is now in the hands of the Japanese, so there is no need to worry about security issues.

Zhou Qinghe did not prepare for the local garrison and stayed directly at the Peninsula Hotel, facing Victoria Harbour.

I have a few things to deal with during this trip to Hong Kong.

First, help Mingren settle down and find a local identity to hide his real name.

Second, support a local person to start a cargo shipping company. It doesn’t need to be big at first, just occupy a market share.

This company was opened to help the Red Party after Japan's defeat. Since they could not hire Japanese or people from the Military Control Commission, they found a local person with a clean background and gave him a chance to become his destined person.

Third, the intelligence center.

After leaving this small place of Japan, they had to set their sights on the whole world. Of course, the spy plan that they had told Hirohito had to be implemented. They also had to spy on the intelligence of Britain and the United States. Otherwise, how could they continue to get money from Hirohito?
In the early years, Zhou Qinghe arranged a group of spies from the Special High Section to travel to various countries for commercial purposes, so that scarce materials in Shanghai could be circulated.

Now this group of people are of greater use. With them as a fulcrum, Zhou Qinghe can quickly place more people in. The local intelligence they know will also help the newcomers integrate into the environment faster and better.

These three are the main things, and the rest are all small things, such as cultivating a group of underground forces in Hong Kong, opening up the black market, selling arms and so on.

Take it one by one, don’t be in a hurry, you can still enjoy the Victorian style for a long time.

outside world.

Zhou Qinghe had just arrived in Hong Kong for a few days when he received a terrible news: there was an island group next to Australia called the Solomon Islands.

Although the Japanese army cannot capture Australia now and chooses to retreat, it cannot simply abandon the small islands it has occupied nearby, such as the Solomon Islands. Strategically, this place can monitor both the Pacific Ocean and Australia, so it is a good place, so there are troops stationed there.

For some unknown reason, Commander Isoroku Yamamoto of the Navy Combined Fleet flew a long way to this island to review the troops. His plane was still in the sky when it was precisely bombed into pieces by U.S. fighter jets that took off from Australia. All the senior naval officers who were on the same plane participating in the review were fed to sharks.

It hurts, it hurts so much, Zhou Qinghe would die of laughter, it’s so stupid.

No, he had given information to Tsukahara Jishizo and clearly told him that there was a problem with their navy's code book. How could the information be leaked?
The direct flight from Japan to the Solomon Islands does not even go past Australia. No one would believe that this was not an intelligence leak.

The news of the death of the commander and the senior advisor of the Combined Fleet spread to Japan, and the Japanese Navy was immediately in chaos. At this critical moment, the US military launched a full-scale counterattack! They launched an operation to recapture the islands in the Pacific that were originally occupied by the Japanese army!

A single leak of intelligence could make Japan's already tight granary even worse.

But the real soul of the navy, Jishizo Tsukahara, is still there.

As a result, Chuichi Nagumo, who had made a mistake, was released and returned to his post.

Small islands are the world of the navy, and large islands are the world of the army.

Due to the decline in the quality of the Japanese Navy's aircraft carriers, they could hardly afford to burn oil. Tsukahara Jishizo had to give up some small islands due to his hard work. He adopted more of a defensive strategy and only focused on several key resource islands in East Asia and local security.

Because of his giving up, all the early operations of the US military went smoothly, and for a time the United States was very optimistic about the time point for the elimination of Japan.

But when they arrived at Oshima, they knew what the Japanese army, which had been tempered in the Chinese battlefield, was like!

The control power of the aircraft carrier was limited. Even if the American troops that landed on the island were equipped with a full set of American equipment, they were still defeated at the first touch of the hungry Japanese army and suffered heavy casualties at the beginning of the contact.

This undoubtedly shattered the Americans' dream of a quick war, while at the same time greatly raising the psychological expectations of the Japanese cabinet.

Even Hirohito felt that he might not lose the battle.

It was just a failure, and the Americans continued to increase their troops.

Then Tojo also needs to increase troops.

The soldiers were deeply trapped in the Chinese battlefield. If they were to withdraw by force, they would surely suffer heavy losses and the soldiers would be exhausted.

So Tojo wanted to ask Zhou Qinghe for his advice.

Suddenly I remembered, isn’t it Kazukiyo Fujita?

Tojo always thought that Zhou Qinghe went out to do something, but he disappeared without any news.

A living person just disappeared like that?

The war was in a time of crisis and Tojo couldn't find anyone, so he could only ask the General Staff.

The General Staff gave their opinion that based on Chongqing’s attitude, we could consider peace talks with Chongqing to delay them. While negotiating, we could directly withdraw several divisions to Southeast Asia.

Tojo accepted it.

Originally, Tojo wondered whether Chongqing would launch a surprise attack or pursue, but Chongqing did as the General Staff thought and did not pursue at all.

At the same time, the negotiations gave Chongqing some benefits to delay time, and Japan's foreign minister made some achievements and reached an agreement with Germany, forcing the controlled France to give up all its concession rights in China. The French Concession in Shanghai returned to China and was directly incorporated into the name of the Nanjing government and was under the jurisdiction of No. 76.

Although it was actually controlled by No. 76, legally speaking, this was indeed Chongqing's contribution to the return of the concession, allowing the land to return to China. It is worthy of extensive reporting and it is a win-win situation for everyone.

Alas, Tojo discovered such an interesting thing. Actually, nothing changed, but it made Chongqing feel the benefit and agreed to their conditions.

So, a plan to delay time was made. Even if China and Japan were at war or declared war, he could legally return the Japanese concession directly to China.

What a great idea!
Not only did he think it was wonderful, the principal also thought it was wonderful.

"The Germans paid it back, even the Japanese paid it back, so why don't the British and Americans pay it back? Do you have the nerve to do that? Damn it."

The Americans knew that the principal was not working hard and was probably furious because he let the Japanese troops escape and come to Southeast Asia.

The principal said that the concession had to be returned.

"You'll be beaten if I pay you back?"

"Must fight."

The Americans decided to believe it again. Anyway, the concession in Shanghai was theirs in name, but in fact it had been occupied by the Japanese. There was no point in keeping it, so they just returned it to China out of righteousness.

At this point, all the Shanghai Concessions were recovered.

The American informed the principal that it was time to do something.

The principal started to work. It happened that Joseph Stilwell, the Chief of Staff sent by the United States to China, suggested that since the soldiers trained in India were well trained, why not take advantage of this opportunity and counterattack Burma since the Japanese had no time to reinforce their troops.

This incident did put pressure on the Japanese and in fact fulfilled the US's request for the principal to do his job.

So the principal agreed with Stilwell's counterattack in Burma, and the troops trained in India set out immediately after receiving the order.

The U.S. Army and the Japanese Army fought a bloody battle on the island. The heavy losses of the U.S. Army shocked the upper echelons of Congress. The United States finally realized how strong the Chinese people had been over the years and how crazy the Japanese, whom they despised, were.

They were able to fight at such a level even when they were hungry, causing heavy casualties to the American-equipped division that they were so proud of.

It’s chilling to think that there were still 200 million Japanese troops on the battlefield in China.

With such quality, how can we fight this war?
At this time, Stilwell's counterattack in Burma won the first phase of victory. The two newly trained divisions advanced all the way and raided the headquarters of the Japanese 18th Division, winning a great victory. Even the seal of the Japanese headquarters issuing orders was seized by them.

This battle can definitely be won!

The Japanese Army is not invincible!

The Chinese Army can defeat the Japanese Army!

Stilwell now has only one idea: the Chinese are capable and his tactics are also capable. The failure of the first Burma War must have been due to the principal's excessive micro-manipulation.

As long as the personnel give him training and obey his command throughout the battle, this battle will definitely be won.

Stilwell immediately proposed to the principal to provide him with more troops. They would continue to attack in Burma, while the new troops could continue to train in India. As long as they continued to fight in this way, the Japanese army would be defeated.

The principal refused immediately upon hearing that he must win. What a joke! Who told you to win? It is far from the time to win.

Moreover, the army was trained like this by him. So is this army Chiang's or the American's?

He also wanted two armies at once, in addition to his own trump card army. Did he really think that those miscellaneous armies would listen to him so much? Who would defend Chongqing if the trump card army was given to him?

What a daydream.

But Stilwell didn't understand all this. He was just a pure soldier who only wanted to make achievements. He didn't understand why the principal refused, so he complained to the US military headquarters.

When the American top brass heard that the Chinese were capable of fighting and could defeat the Japanese as long as they were well trained, wouldn't their casualties be reduced?

So he agreed to Stilwell's suggestion and put pressure on the principal to send troops to train Stilwell.

The principal pretended not to hear.

It was not until the United States proposed to cut off aid that the president reluctantly rewarded Stilwell with a division.

"That's all I have. I can't spare any more manpower. We have to defend everywhere. How can I spare manpower so easily? And you know, some people don't listen to me at all. I can't give them orders."

Stilwell was furious. He couldn't understand why Chongqing couldn't win when they could win.

At this time, the men trained by Stilwell whispered to him, "Don't you know that the higher-ups are greedy for money? How can we get aid if we win?"

Stilwell suddenly had an epiphany and started cursing Chiang Kai-shek, saying he was disgusting!

How many people fought for Myanmar, and how many people died in this foreign country. So far, more than 700 transport planes have crashed in the Himalayas alone, and more than 1500 US military pilots have died.

However, some of these materials that were transported with great effort were actually resold by the upper class in Chongqing.

“There is no hope for China.”

However, what made him even more upset was what happened next. The soldier said to him, "Why are you so angry? Learn from your Flying Tiger General Chennault. He is very accustomed to it in China. I heard that his planes flew between China and the United States, and the cargo hold was always fully loaded. He was going to make a fortune."

Stilwell's blood boiled!

Chennault has become a bad person!
No matter how much they curse, the fight must go on, the fight in Myanmar must go on, the fight in East Asia must go on.

However, the US military’s ground forces were indeed inferior to those of Japan, the war progressed very slowly, and the casualty rate was extremely high.

Stilwell saw this and was very worried.

The idea of ​​training Chinese soldiers was raised again, but the principal flatly refused, leaving no soldiers.

"damn it."

So, Stilwell proposed to the American upper echelons, "Chiang only knows how to ask for aid to make money. I know that China still has an army that has been fighting hard. I think it is better to support Chiang with supplies from Congress than to support the Red Party. The Red Party has been fighting all the time. They are willing to fight the Japanese, but Chiang does not want to."

As the chief of staff of the China theater, Stilwell was very familiar with the war intelligence throughout China.

He saw it. He saw that when the Red Party was being swept up by the Japanese army, they fought guerrilla warfare and counter-mopping-up warfare. Although they were extremely poor, they maintained their fighting ability.

He saw the Red Party being encircled and suppressed by the Chongqing army, but he remained so tenacious and strong.

He said in the telegram: "I also saw that they were teaching local farmers how to grow crops and vigorously developing the grain industry. Although they are not as rich as Chongqing, when the troops in Chongqing were starving, the troops in Yan'an could still have a hot meal. I think the hope of the Chinese army lies in Yan'an. I strongly suggest that Congress adopt my opinion and abandon Chongqing and support Yan'an."

This telegram completely angered the principal!

Stilwell can tolerate anything, but the word "Red Party" is an absolute taboo!

"Replace Stilwell!" The principal sent a telegram directly to Roosevelt, asking him to remove Stilwell.

But Roosevelt felt that Stilwell was doing a good job and was winning battles, so why should he withdraw?
"Stilwell cannot be withdrawn. He is needed in Burma."

The principal endured it. This was just a warning. After all, there were benefits to winning the battle in Myanmar. At least supplies could come in from the seaport and the whole journey would be smooth.

As soon as Stilwell saw that the American upper class supported him, he became arrogant.

He began to study tactics.

It was obviously impossible for the United States to replace Chiang.

But if he could overthrow Chiang by taking advantage of some conflicts in the Chongqing army, and then he himself would become the commander-in-chief, commanding the entire Chinese army to fight against the Japanese, wouldn't he be able to win?

So he decided to apply for an additional batch of aid materials to win over the miscellaneous troops and form an opposition with Chiang's direct army.

The ragtag troops had long been dissatisfied with the different treatment they received from the regular army and themselves.

When he heard that there were supplies, he decided to trick Chiang Kai-shek.

In Henan, Hunan and Guangxi, when the Japanese army launched a large-scale charge, the troops that were at odds with the principal avoided fighting and left the main army to meet the enemy on their own.

In one battle, the regular army suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties.

The principal could no longer sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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