Chapter 358 (End)

In Chongqing, the principal flew into a rage at a high-level meeting.

The regular army that had been nurtured for so many years suffered a loss of up to 500,000 or 600,000 in this battle. This was the biggest defeat since the Battle of Shanghai.

This caused great changes to all his strategic plans.

It's not just about the Red Party and the situation, even the Kuomintang will have unstable foundations.

Strategy must be changed, counterattack must be launched, only victory can reverse defeat.

In fact, not only the principal was restless, but Roosevelt was also restless.

No, isn’t this the level of Chongqing’s ace troops?
What exactly did Chiang do over the years?
The Chinese battlefield must not fail. Someone must hold back the more than 200 million ground forces on this land.

Otherwise, if these people were freed, the US military would definitely be dragged to death on various islands.

He had to re-examine Stilwell's report and consider looking towards Yan'an.

Hong Kong.

Zhou Qinghe received a secret report from Liu Kai.

Boss Dai asked him if he had any drugs of mass destruction or biological weapons that had been used by the Japanese army. Chongqing was going to counterattack, and Boss Dai wanted to let the Military Control Commissions in various places destroy the logistics of the Japanese army defending the city in advance.

"Too complicated."

How many operations would it take to ensure a smooth journey for the National Army in so many cities and towns? Moreover, if Zhou Qinghe were to obtain such detailed intelligence now, wouldn't he have to appear at the General Staff Headquarters again?
Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment and made a new suggestion.

Since we are going to take action, we don't have to stick to the Japanese troops on the Chinese battlefield. We can turn our attention to the islands in Southeast Asia that are short of supplies. It will be more effective to attack Wei while saving Zhao.

He was in charge of arranging this matter. The only thing that was needed was that Boss Dai wanted to capture an airport, and he needed Japanese transport planes, the more the better.

Boss Dai disagreed. What he wanted was a frontal defeat. This was the principal's request.

Zhou Qinghe assured that the plan would be carried out in two steps, and that achieving the first step would ensure that the principal would get what he wanted.

Plans take shape.

Boss Dai went to plan the attack on the airport with the principal. In order to ensure that the planes would not be taken away by the Japanese when the war started, this matter not only required the participation of the army, but also the cooperation of agents to sneak into the airport and launch a surprise attack on the airport.

Zhou Qinghe also asked him to purchase a batch of grain, rice and flour and poison them. He didn't need anything special, rat poison would be enough. In order to ensure that everyone had a delicious taste, he had to send someone to buy ten more fat pigs.

When Boss Dai's action starts, they feed them something good. The feed goes into their stomach, the stomach goes into their blood, the blood flows throughout their body and seeps into the meat. Then the butcher can cut it in half.

Ten pigs mean twenty slices, and each of the five islands in the first batch can get four slices, which is a considerable number.

The attack is focused on the airport, regardless of the losses. No matter how great the losses are, we will capture it. After all, this is only the first step in the strategy.

The next step is to load the supplies onto a plane, which will fly towards the first-line islands in East Asia.

At the same time, fighter jets from Chongqing joined forces with the US military to bomb Japanese airports in Taiwan. Japanese planes took off to fight. The sky was filled with planes and there was chaos. The attention of the army and navy aviation forces was drawn to the direction of Taiwan, and even the support from the aircraft carriers was rushing here.

The extra transport planes flying the Japanese military flag arrived at the battle islands in East Asia.

Japan's naval combat effectiveness weakened, and assistance to the soldiers defending the island was intermittent. When the Japanese army discovered that the plane flying in the sky was a transport plane carrying their own country, and the transport cabin was opened, boxes of supplies with parachutes hanging on them flew down.

The stomach that had been hungry for a long time growled, and then there was cheering and waving at the supply boxes above. Especially when he saw half a pork hanging under the parachute, he became extremely excited.

Morale is high!

When the American troops on the opposite side saw all this, they actually thought that aid from the Japanese army had arrived, and immediately ordered their troops to open fire, determined to prevent the Japanese army from getting the supplies.

What a joke! How could the powerful Japanese army allow the four big fat pigs on the parachute to be out of their mouths?
With the high morale, they fired crazily at the US troops, and then sent a suicide squad to snatch back the airdrops.

Four large pork loins and twenty boxes of rice, it was so delicious that even for those who were so hungry that they were gnawing on tree bark, just thinking about it made their mouths water.

While the front was fighting bravely, the back was busy cooking.

After the meal, he started to feel sick.

Extensive vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, high fever.
The U.S. military discovered the retreat of the Japanese positions and immediately launched a tentative attack. After the attack, they found that the Japanese combat effectiveness had dropped sharply, so they immediately launched a fierce attack.

Japanese casualties increased rapidly, and the US military advanced faster and faster.

On the five islands, at least 80,000 Japanese soldiers died in this turmoil, and 100,000 Japanese soldiers are still sick.

The situation of large-scale poisoning was reported to the Japanese military headquarters on the mainland. The strategic islands in East Asia are something the Japanese army cannot give up. It is not only a matter of resources, but also a matter of strategic security.

Once the US military takes the islands away at close range, the Japanese mainland will be in danger.

The first batch of twelve divisions on the Chinese battlefield were urgently withdrawn and transferred to the East Asian front for reinforcement, most of which were Type A divisions.

Zhou Qinghe has done what he promised to the principal. Now the principal can launch a counterattack. Without this group of fighting forces, I believe the principal's attack will be smoother.

As for letting the US military to deal with Japan's Type A divisions, I believe the principal will also be satisfied with this result.

The difficulty of the whole plan is how to make the Japanese army eat the food without suspicion at the same time. The only aid can be the aid with the Japanese army flag.

And no one interrupted.

Japanese planes, hungry Japanese soldiers, disturbed aircraft carriers, and no one had time to trace the origin of the planes in the Taiwan air battle.

This plan can only be used once. In the future, everyone will definitely be cautious and will even no longer trust aid from their own country.

The Japanese army arrived a step too late. Although the Americans were slightly weaker in combat effectiveness, they were well-equipped. Taking advantage of the widespread physical weakness of the Japanese, they quickly captured the island.

MacArthur led his troops back to the Philippines.

The two sides then started a battle for the Philippines.

On the Chinese battlefield, Chongqing and the Red Party were launching counterattacks. The Japanese were under pressure from all sides and had to choose to shrink the battlefield.

However, the Japanese army's combat effectiveness is indeed strong. The more difficult the situation is, the more courage they have to fight to the death.

The Japanese military would never accept defeat.

The consequence of failure is that everyone will be sanctioned.

In the navy, Jiro Tsukahara was struggling to hold on, but the oil transportation routes were cut off by the United States, and refueling of ships was a problem. The domestic naval equipment could not keep up, either in production or maintenance.

In response to the strong threat to the US Navy, the Kamikaze Special Attack Force launched a large-scale attack, carrying out suicide attacks by ramming planes into ships.

Because of the successive defeats in the war, the voices condemning Tojo Hideki in Japan became louder and louder. At this time, Tojo Hideki chose not to step down as prime minister.

The assassination attempt against Hideki Tojo also began.

This was definitely not arranged by Zhou Qinghe. It was the right choice made by some young and vigorous members of the army who could not stand Tojo Hideki's stupidity.

Tojo Hideki's car was smashed, but as the prime minister, his protection was good enough. When reinforcements arrived, Tojo Hideki was only injured but not dead.

Tojo Hideki was frightened and hid at home for a few days to recover from his injuries.

Even during the few days he was in hiding, letters were sent to their home every day, asking him to commit suicide immediately. "If you are not decent, we will help you be decent."

Tojo was weak and chose to resign as prime minister, completely taking the blame on himself.

Zhou Qinghe was sure that the people behind this incident were definitely guided by Hirohito. Tojo took the blame and Hirohito was the biggest beneficiary.

But the matter was not over yet. Hirohito wanted to take advantage of the perfect moment of Tojo's suicide to surrender. Anyway, he had someone to take the blame. Everything was done by Tojo, which was in line with the opinion of Fujita Kazuki.

However, the military disagreed.

The army is strong and can definitely fight the US military. There are more than 200 million ground forces. Why can't they fight?

Hirohito used some people to indirectly convey the message of surrender, and anyone who dared to say surrender would be assassinated on the same day.

The atmosphere in Japan had reached a point where the military was completely out of control, and not even Hirohito could make the decision to surrender for them.

And just when this dawn comes.

Chongqing, Military Control Commission.

Secretary Mao rushed into Boss Dai's office and said, "Li Haifeng has defected!"

Li Haifeng is an old man from the Ji'e Lane period. He served as the section chief of the Telecommunications Department and was in possession of a vast amount of confidential information. It could be said that he knew 80% of the secrets of the Military Control Commission and 50% of the secrets of the Party and the country.

Boss Dai frowned: "This idiot! The Japanese are almost finished, and if he defected now, his fate would be even uglier than He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu!
Where did he go?"

Secretary Mao: "Nanjing."

"Send someone to kill him."

Afterwards, Boss Dai sent a telegram to Zhou Qinghe. Li Haifeng knew a lot of things. When Zhou Qinghe first went to Shanghai, the telegram was not so confidential. It had been too long, and he was not sure whether Li Haifeng would know anything.

Zhou Qinghe laughed it off when he received the news. Not to mention that Li Haifeng didn't know, even if he knew, let him sue, sue the Special High Section, sue the Military Police, sue No. 76, any government office, Zhou Qinghe wanted to see to which level he could sue.


Li Haifeng defected and found the General Administration of Political Security, whose director is now Wan Lilang.

Wan Lilang was also a member of the Military Control Commission back then, so it was just right to host him as we had a common language.

Also accompanying him was Guo Ziping, the Japanese female translator of the newspaper who instigated Li Haifeng to defect. She was originally a Japanese and a member of the Takenori Agency. Of course, after Doiyuan's transfer, she is now also Zhou Qinghe's person.

"Brother Li can distinguish right from wrong, and I welcome him very much. However, Brother Li's status in Chongqing is not low. Why did you suddenly want to come to us?"

Li Haifeng took a sip from his wine glass and smiled helplessly: "Of course I'm here to apply for a job. My telegraphic skills are number one in the entire Military Control Commission, but a woman has become a major general, and I'm still a section chief. Why?"

"Haha, I see. Don't worry, Brother Li. In my opinion, you are the director of the Telecommunications Department."

"Thank you very much."

“But this shouldn’t be the whole reason, right?”

"Is that all of them? People who manage telegrams are naturally troublesome. The more capable they are, the more troublesome they are. The more things they know, the more they have to consider. For example, the upper echelons of Chongqing do business with Mr. Wang. The upper echelons, the Military Control Commission, and countless people."

Wanlilang of course knew about this and nodded with a smile.

Li Haifeng took another sip of wine and chuckled: "The situation in Japan is not good now. If Japan loses, the people above will want to clear their bad reputation of doing business with traitors. Brother Wan, do you think people like me have any chance of survival?"

"The world is difficult, and we are just trying to survive in the cracks." Wan Lilang understood, this is the truth.

Next, let’s talk about intelligence, of course, intelligence that is still valuable at the moment.

Li Haifeng talked about the war and then talked about Shanghai.

"As far as I know, there is a hidden radio station in Shanghai, but it is not the Shanghai station. The Shanghai station was cleared by No. 76, but this radio station has been active and has never had any problems. It is directly managed by Boss Dai."

Wan Lilang was a little surprised. He was from Shanghai and had been in Shanghai all his life. "How come I didn't know about this? How did Brother Li know that nothing had happened to this radio station?"

"Because of the fingering." Li Haifeng talked about fingers: "For the same message, each operator has a slightly different tapping frequency. People who listen for many years can hear it. I am sure that this operator has not changed."

Wan Lilang was puzzled: "When did it happen?"

"The Battle of Songhu."

"Songhu Battle, who?" Wan Lilang thought hard, but had no idea at all, so he asked, "Do you know who it was?"

"My guess is Zhou Qinghe." Li Haifeng said, ignoring Wan Lilang's wide-eyed shock, "I've thought about this carefully. Among the people sent to Shanghai during that period, he is the most likely one. As for the Japanese spy, I don't think he is a possible spy."

Damn, Wan Lilang almost laughed himself silly, "Brother Li, why do you think it was him? It's impossible."

"How is that impossible? You said he was a spy for the Japanese in the Military Intelligence Bureau, but look at what he did in the Military Intelligence Bureau at the time. How many Japanese spies did he catch? How could that be something the Japanese did? Oh, I almost forgot, you never worked in the headquarters."

It was useless to say that. Li Haifeng drank some wine in silence.

Wan Lilang smiled and said, "Then tell me what Japanese spies he caught at that time."

Li Haifeng then told Zhou Qinghe about his battle record at that time, and then spread his hands and said, "Do you think he looks like a Japanese?"

"That can only mean that he is very skilled and ruthless." Wan Lilang said with a smile, "Brother Li, the Japanese are like this. For someone with a privileged family background like him, it is normal for him to kill those people to get promoted. Did you see the result? He got promoted.

It can't be his. He has been in Shanghai for so many years, and I have been in Shanghai too. How could I not know who he is? He is a famous family in Japan, how could the Japanese not know him?"

"Is it?"


Then Wanlilang talked about how glorious the Fujita family was in Japan.

After listening to it, Li Haifeng also felt that he had guessed wrong.

After the meeting, Wanlilang saw him off to rest first. As he left, he was covered in cold sweat.

He looked at the back with a stern face. This idiot almost killed him.

The Japanese woman was there, so he didn't dare to say much. Investigate Fujita Kazukiyo? Don't say he wasn't one. Even if he was, what kind of identity do you have to dare to investigate others?

It is easier for Kazuki Fujita to kill the entire No. 76 than to kill an ant!

He said to his men, "Arrange a good place for his family to live, but don't arrange for security."

The information has been almost collected, so let Chongqing deal with the damned person themselves. I believe the law enforcement team is on the way.

Three days later, Li Haifeng was indeed shot dead by people from Chongqing.

Li Liqun in Shanghai learned about this. He asked about the reason and blamed Wan Lilang for failing to protect Li Haifeng.

"Li Haifeng is a telecommunications expert. How many code books of the Military Control Commission do you know? Why did you let him die?"

Wan Lilang sneered: "He said Fujita Kazuki is a member of the Military Control Commission. How dare you keep such a big mouth?"

"What?" Li Liqun was shocked: "Why did he say that?"

Wan Lilang explained Li Haifeng's words. He knew Li Liqun. Li Liqun was extremely afraid of death, and it was impossible for this man to have any improper thoughts.

But I guessed wrong.

After returning to Shanghai, Li Liqun thought about the whole thing and really felt that it was possible.

The situation is dangerous now. The Japanese seem to be in a bad situation. They may lose the Chinese battlefield. He has to think about retreating. He has to go to the Japanese mainland and exchange his merits for an opportunity to go back to the mainland. He has too much blood debt on his hands. Once the Japanese lose, he will definitely not be able to survive in China.

However, he felt that it was too risky to report Fujita Kazukiyo, so he thought about it and went to the gendarmerie to test the Japanese attitude towards the matter.

I found a familiar gendarmerie captain and invited him to have a drink. Under the influence of alcohol, I casually mentioned this matter.

It was really just a casual remark. "I heard someone say the other day that Mr. Fujita seemed to have private dealings with Mr. Dai from the Military Control Commission. Someone else said that he was helping Mr. Dai."

Who knew that the Japanese who was drinking with a smile suddenly became furious, "Baga! How dare you insult Mr. Fujita! Li Liqun, I think you are tired of living!"

"I just said it casually. I just heard it." Li Liqun immediately smiled and comforted him, feeling sympathetic.

But this matter is not so easy to appease.

A Chinese person is challenging the supreme glory of the Fujita family.

The Japanese asked coldly, "Who told you that?"

"Haha, I forgot, I just heard it casually." Li Liqun still smiled.

The Japanese man looked dangerously and said, "Mr. Li, you'd better figure out who said that. If you can't figure it out, I can only think that you are insulting Mr. Fujita, so don't blame me for being rude."

Li Liqun broke out in a cold sweat. How could it be so serious?

"Captain Shimamoto, I just heard it casually."

"Hmph, take care of yourself."

"Captain Shimamoto, Captain Shimamoto"

Li Liqun looked unhappy. Why was it so difficult to communicate?

After returning, Shimamoto told the current captain Hirano about this matter, "Li Liqun seemed to know that Mr. Fujita was engaged in smuggling business, and pointed out that it was related to the Military Control Commission."

Hirano frowned: "What does he want to do by telling you this?"

Shimamoto shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe he wants to get some money from us? From what I heard from his words, he wants me to find a way to send him to Japan. Maybe he wants to save some money?"

"Haha, let's find out tomorrow and send him away."


The next day, the military police came to No. 76. Shimamoto tapped on Li Liqun's safe-like steel door and said with a smile, "Mr. Li is very afraid of death."

"Then who is not afraid of death?" Li Liqun smiled. He didn't know what Shimamoto came for today, so he could only bow his head and wait.

"You're afraid of death, but you're still so troublesome?" Shimamoto said with a faint smile, "Mr. Li, have you thought it through? From whom did you learn about this?"

"Can not remember."

"Is it?"


"Catch him."

The military police immediately stepped forward to control Li Liqun. Li Liqun was shocked and said, "Captain Shimamoto!"

Shimamoto looked at him coldly: "Last chance, tell me, who else knows about this?"


"Very good, then it's just you." Shimamoto nodded and took out a pill from his pocket: "Open his mouth."

"Captain Shimamoto!" Li Liqun was completely panicked and shouted very loudly!
Bang! My brother-in-law, who had been waiting outside the door, rushed in and asked, "What happened?"

Shimamoto glanced at his brother-in-law, raised his hand and shot him dead instantly.

"I almost forgot about your brother-in-law. He must be someone who knows about this."

Li Liqun's eyes widened: "Shimamoto."

"Open your mouth and put it in. Very good." Shimamoto saw someone put the pill into Li Liqun's mouth and smiled, "In view of your contribution to the Imperial Japanese Army, I will specially help you keep an intact body."

"Shimamoto! Why?!!!"

"Because you talk too much and you're not smart enough."

When Li Liqun was completely exhausted and collapsed on the ground, Shimamoto smiled and said, "Retreat."

When Wan Lilang in Nanjing heard the news, he was terrified!
I hadn't slept well for several days, and I felt a little relieved when I saw that no one came to arrest me.

He really didn't expect that Li Liqun, who had been cautious all his life, would be such an idiot.

He must do something. Wanlilang thought about it and realized that no matter who Fujita Kazukiyo was, Boss Dai must know it. In other words, as long as he surrendered to Boss Dai, he would not have any problems regardless of whether Fujita Kazukiyo was the real person or not.

At least his life will not be in danger, and to Boss Dai he must still be valuable in Nanjing.

Returning to the Military Control Commission is really not a bad thing.

As time passed, Hirohito saw that the situation in Japan was getting worse and worse and really wanted to surrender, but the military would not let him and repeatedly killed those who proposed surrender.

Hirohito was a little panicked and sent a telegram to Zhou Qinghe asking what to do.

"Your Majesty, cultivate your character and wait."

The Japanese Army's rampant power was indeed due to the huge damage it inflicted on the US military in the island war.

Japan's front line is now being pushed back, but the military is full of confidence.

If they are at this level when playing away from home, then when the Chinese army returns home from the battlefield, there will only be 100 million troops. Who will be their opponent in Japan?

The United States is now pushing the front line towards the Japanese mainland little by little, but they have a serious lack of confidence.

The American upper class was originally very optimistic about the war, but as the war progressed, they realized that it would take at least a few more years to defeat Japan, and that a million American soldiers would die, which was a completely unacceptable loss.

After several discussions, we finally reached a conclusion.

Thus, the dream of recruiting nuclear boys came true.

The United States is no longer hiding and has released its ultimate weapon.

Little boy, coming.


Three B-3 American planes entered the sky over Hiroshima from high altitude again. The automatic bomb dropping device on one of them was activated, and a 29-ton atomic bomb fell into the air.

The Japanese looked up stupidly at the American planes, which seemed to be quite far away from them, and they didn't even need to hide in the air-raid shelters.

45 seconds later, the atomic bomb exploded in the air 600 meters above the ground, and the strong white flash quickly spread from the explosion point to the surrounding areas.

The strong winds generated by the shock wave destroyed all the buildings, and the high temperature of over 6,000 degrees turned everything into ashes.

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The end is coming!

People are like atoms, they disappear in the explosion and cannot be found.

However, even at this time, due to the exaggerated striking effect of this weapon, the military did not even think of surrendering.

They bet that the United States doesn't have a second one.

I lost the bet, and here comes the second one.

Nagasaki nuclear explosion!

The military is betting that the United States doesn’t have a third one!

Hirohito didn't want to gamble anymore and chose to surrender.

The military won’t let you vote!
They rushed into the Imperial Palace, killed the commander of the Imperial Guards Division, and attempted to take over the Imperial Palace by force.

At this critical moment, the Yasuda camp took action to rescue Hirohito, resulting in a standoff.

Emperor Hirohito made the announcement to all of Japan and the world using a tape that had been prepared long ago.

Japan surrendered unconditionally.

In Japan, people knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the Imperial Palace. No matter what, the war was finally over.

In the square not far from the Imperial Palace, a group of determined military leaders could not accept this result and chose to commit suicide facing the military flag and the direction of the Imperial Palace.


The news of Japan's surrender was transmitted back to Shanghai via the radio, and huge cheers broke out in people's homes.

Then they told each other that the victory had come, and people were running down the street, shouting, "Victory!"

"The Japs surrendered!"


The crowds of people who were on their way to work couldn't believe the news at first and stood there in a daze, wondering whether this was possible.

But there was more than one person cheering and telling others the news. There was more than one Chinese person who was so excited that they seemed to want to tell the news to all the people in Shanghai and even the whole world.


The people who were also running around to tell each other shouted to each other, and suddenly hugged each other like strangers, shouting happily, spreading the joy more and more.

Suddenly he burst into tears of joy.

It's not easy.

After fighting the Japanese devils for so many years, as an agricultural country, we have accepted the invasion of an industrial country and it has been dragged on for so many years. A will has been fighting tenaciously. Only the Chinese people know the hardship involved.


They cried with joy, then turned from tears to sadness, then from sadness to ecstasy, and smiled with tears in their eyes. The way they cried and laughed at the same time looked a little crazy.

But we are all the same! There are many people like this on the street!
At this moment, even traitors would probably laugh happily. Do traitors really work for the Japanese? They just want to survive.

However, in such a joyous moment, there are still some people who ruin the scenery.

For example, the Japanese businessman on the roadside came forward with a vicious shout, trying to catch the bastard who was talking nonsense.

"Listen for yourselves! Go listen to the radio! Your Emperor said it!"

The Japanese businessmen refused to believe it and insisted on taking the Chinese pigs to the gendarmerie.

In the past, ordinary people might not dare to resist, but now even your fucking father has admitted defeat, and you are still pretending to be a nobody?
"Hit him!"

"Fight to death!"

A group of Chinese surrounded the Japanese businessman, tore off his loose Yamato clothing, and punched him again and again.

On both sides of the road, women were watching and whispering, the British and Americans were looking on in surprise, and the unemployed Indians were also ready to go up and give a few punches.

The beaten Japanese businessmen shouted, "Just wait for death, the gendarmerie will come and deal with you soon."

But no matter how long they waited, the powerful gendarmerie never arrived.

Instead, the military police began to withdraw throughout Shanghai.

Don't go out these days. You deserve to be beaten if you go out.

Just wait for the next retreat order.

But how can it be so cheap?

Once the news spread, it became a hot topic and by the next day, newspapers all over Shanghai and the country were reporting on it.

Emotions were boiling over. The crowd, who had been oppressed for so long, rushed to the Japanese trading company, to Hongkou, and to the gendarmerie headquarters, beating, scolding, and shooting at the people inside.

The Japanese military police retreated step by step with their guns, but no one dared to fire again.

The Chinese army began to accept the surrender of Japan. In Nanjing, Wan Lilang suddenly became the director of the Nanjing Garrison Command, responsible for supervising all military affairs in Nanjing and ensuring that Nanjing could be smoothly handed over to Boss Dai.

In Shanghai, Zeng Haifeng transformed himself into the director of the Shanghai Police Department, responsible for maintaining public security in Shanghai.

Suddenly, a group of traitors jumped out from all over the country and turned out to be Boss Dai's men.

For a time, Boss Dai of the Military Control Commission became famous.

Hong Kong, villa area.

Zhou Qinghe invited Ma Qingqing and others to dinner.

The women were delighted.

"We won. Are you happy? We are happy, but we have lost our Japanese identity. We have to be more careful when doing things in Hong Kong.

In the next period of time, our target is the British. Hong Kong was ceded to Britain during this negotiation. The upper echelons did not fight with the British for some reason. We don’t care, but this piece of land is our Chinese territory and we will get it back sooner or later. The British intelligence, the upper echelons’ relationship, and the international situation will not become peaceful just because the Japanese surrender. The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard. "

Zhou Qinghe raised his red wine glass: "Cheers."


"But I don't understand, why Chongqing didn't take the opportunity to take back Hong Kong?" Ma Qingqing asked.

Zhou Qinghe explained to him, "The situation is very complicated. Now the armies all over China are rushing to take over the legacy left by the Japanese.

Churchill once said that no one can take what belongs to me from me except war. If Chongqing goes to war with Britain here, does it need to dispatch troops here?

You are a local soldier. Will you choose to accept supplies from the puppet army to expand your strength, or obey the dispatch and go to Hong Kong to fight the British?
For the principal, his Whampoa Army would make the same choice. "

“It’s a bit of a pity.”

"It's a pity, but we will come back and do our own thing."

Then Hong Kong began to be handed over. After it was officially handed over to Britain, Britain began to restore the order that had been destroyed by Japan.

The main issues are medical care and food.

During the war, the Japanese themselves could not get enough food, let alone the civilians in Hong Kong. Britain transferred some food from the recovered Southeast Asian colonies to ease the atmosphere.

And try every possible means to recruit professional talents such as doctors.

During the Japanese occupation, capable people could not stand the high-pressure policies of the Japanese army and ran away, leaving Hong Kong in urgent need of doctors.

Isn't this the chance to get promoted?

Zhou Qinghe felt that there was nothing wrong with Ma Qingqing being a surgeon at the Royal Hospital of England.

The British have a parliamentary system in Hong Kong, and the police are in charge of public security. When the Royal Police go to the Royal Hospital to see patients, this is an opportunity to make connections.

When the time is right, running for a seat in parliament will surely be a piece of cake.

If you perform well, you can pay some money to get a knighthood or become a Justice of the Peace, which is the pinnacle of fame and fortune in Hong Kong.

Even going to the UK to perform surgery on the royal family would make the road even wider.

Next, you can interfere with the subsequent developments and place your own people in.

As long as the people queuing up are my people, what does it matter who gets the position?
Zhou Qinghe continued to train Akihito, the future emperor, in Hong Kong.

Chongqing was fighting against the Red Party. Boss Dai had great power because he controlled the military, police, and the Transportation Bureau during the war.

Now that the Japanese have retreated and their territory is larger, some people are becoming jealous.

While flying to Nanjing, the plane crashed into Mount Daishan and Yunong died in the rain.

Boss Dai went to Nanjing this time to attend the analysis meeting on the issue of the Military Control Commission. It was called a meeting, but in fact, it was just someone trying to get a piece of the pie.

Someone reported the case to the principal, saying that Boss Dai was corrupt and a huge corrupt official.

Boss Dai would never agree to this.

The number of members of the Military Intelligence Bureau did increase during the War of Resistance, but its establishment did not increase.

In other words, the amount of money he gets from the treasury is constant, and he has to make up the rest of the personnel expenses himself.

Salaries paid on time, pensions for the victims, resettlement expenses for deceased family members, and children’s schooling and medical expenses.

The Military Intelligence Bureau is a big family. As long as you contribute to it, the Military Intelligence Bureau will take care of everything!
How can we not be greedy?
And he has to be extremely corrupt.

The death of Boss Dai caused a huge change in the Military Control Commission, and many people were devastated.

However, whether they collapsed or not did not affect the upper class, and the power grab began.

The struggle created a chaotic situation. If Boss Dai was still the principal, he might be able to tolerate the huge influence of the Military Control Commission, after all, the war was still going on. But without Boss Dai, none of them would have the qualifications to do so.

The Military Control Commission was split up and its staff was greatly reduced. The widows of all the victims were no longer given monthly resettlement allowances. Instead, they were given a one-time sum of money to fend for themselves.

Then all the functions of the Transportation Department of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau were removed, leaving only the original functions of the Military Control Commission, which was called the Bureau of Secrets to the outside world. The Military Control Commission completely became history.

The new director of the Bureau of Security is still a figurehead, and the person in charge is Secretary Mao, the deputy director.

As soon as Secretary Mao took office, he began to receive the precious legacy left by Boss Dai, that is, an agent at the level of translator of secret codes.

Zhou Qinghe’s code book was naturally among them.

Secretary Mao did not know who these code books corresponded to, so he sent a telegram to make an appointment with the other party to establish a relationship.

Zhou Qinghe asked him to come to Hong Kong and gave him a hotel address.

Secretary Mao was still wondering who this person was. He was so powerful, yet he didn't even say his name. He must be an important person, as he was Boss Dai's personal translator. So he quietly came to Hong Kong.

At the hotel entrance, when he opened the door and saw Liu Kai, he felt that he looked familiar, as if he had seen him before.

It was not until he followed Liu Kai's gaze and saw Zhou Qinghe that his eyes widened instantly and he was shocked.

"Fuck you! Why is it you?"

Zhou Qinghe smiled and joked: "What's wrong, I don't recognize you."

"Oh my god." Secretary Mao walked in and looked at Zhou Qinghe intently. "Oh my god, I was wondering how you could be a Japanese spy at that time. You are really amazing! How many people did you and Boss Dai fool with this trick?"

Zhou Qinghe leaned back on the sofa with his legs crossed: "Lao Mao, congratulations, you've become the director."

Liu Kai poured a glass of wine for Secretary Mao.

Secretary Mao was in no mood to drink. He looked at Zhou Qinghe with a smile, and kept saying, "You are hiding something from the world, hiding something from the world! Qinghe, I didn't believe you were Japanese at the time. Who are you? How can you be Japanese, right?"

"Don't talk hindsight." Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I have been in Shanghai for so long, and I have never seen you come to burn incense, chant Buddha and worship my sect?"

"Worship you?" Secretary Mao sneered, "Anyone from the Military Control Commission who dared to worship you should be dead now, right? You want me to die."

"Hahahaha." Zhou Qinghe glanced at Liu Kai, who took a box from the desk behind him and handed it to Secretary Mao.

"What?" Lao Mao asked curiously.

"Congratulations on your promotion to director. I found a small gift for you."

"What is it?" Secretary Mao opened it and exclaimed, "A Feng Shui book?"

Secretary Mao took a look and said in surprise: "Qinghe, you are really my brother. This is my only hobby, and you actually still remember it."

"Of course you have to remember that. Otherwise, what if you, the director, give me trouble in the future?"

"Don't make a fuss." Secretary Mao rolled his eyes and laughed, "How could I have the guts to do that? In the entire military, if you hadn't been assigned this mission, would it be my turn to take this position? You are capable of Qinghe, but I, Mao, know everything, right? I know myself very well."

"Haha." Zhou Qinghe smiled: "I don't like your position. The Japanese have taken good care of me. Your pool is too small for me to jump up."

"Hahahaha, speaking of Qinghe, if you don't come back now, do you have any other mission?"

"You can ask the principal about the specific plan. The principal will tell you as much as he wants. The Military Control Commission is just a transit station for information. If there is anything that needs to be delivered, I will ask Liu Kai to send a telegram back. You just need to hand it to the principal. It's one-on-one, don't let it go through anyone else's hands."

Zhou Qinghe smiled meaningfully and said, "You will have more opportunities to be summoned by the principal in the future."

Secretary Mao immediately realized the benefit of this and said with gratitude: "Qinghe, you are my brother. I, Mao, will always remember this kindness."

Japan is currently under strict martial law.

All Japanese military departments were disbanded, all personnel were dismissed on the spot, millions of returning soldiers became unemployed vagrants, and social order was in chaos.

During the war, prices in Japan were under control and adjusted based on the number of people. Now that they are no longer under control, prices have skyrocketed.

While society was experiencing turmoil, the selection of war criminals should have also been decided.

If the war is lost, someone will definitely be put on trial.

Zhou Qinghe was not on the list of war criminals.

As the victorious country in the Asian battlefield, the list of war criminals submitted by China was drawn up by the principal, and Fujita Kazukiyo's name would be crossed out even if it was there.

Also crossed out at the same time was Okamura Yasuji.

Because Okamura Yasuji's main achievement was the encirclement and suppression of the Red Party in the North China battlefield and he did not fight much with the Chongqing army, the principal crossed out his name with a stroke of his red pen.

Keeping behind Okamura Neiji, an old Japanese devil with rich experience in fighting the Reds, would definitely be of great help to his future plan to wipe out the Red Party.

The list of war criminals was announced and submitted to the Tokyo Trial. Some were happy while others were worried. As the first batch of war criminals to be tried, their guilt was definitely the greatest.

During this period, there was one person who was very dissatisfied. He was the empire's first staff officer, Ishiwara Kanji, who cursed Tojo Hideji.

"Why am I not qualified to be judged?"

For an old Japanese who thinks highly of himself, not being on the list of war criminals is a real shame!

Such remarks were still extremely suicidal, but after some research between China and the United States, it was found that although this person had committed many atrocities during the Northeast period, the Japanese military did not like him and he could not be included in the first batch of war criminals, so his application was rejected.

Then they let the newspapers report the incident extensively, and refused to let him die even if he wanted to. They killed him and destroyed his heart, turning Ishiwara Kanji into a joke.

As soon as the list was released, Zhou Qinghe also received the signal to return.

Hirohito was sure that he would not be tried. The Americans thought that the principal's ability seemed to be a bit problematic and he was not able to calm the situation.

They still needed a spokesperson in Asia, so post-war Japan became the first choice.

Japan and the United States reached an agreement to retain the royal family.

Hirohito sent a telegram to summon Zhou Qinghe to return.

Zhou Qinghe returned to Japan.

After the war, Japan was devastated and in ruins. All its industrial bases were basically destroyed. When driving past the bridge, you could still see Japanese soldiers in old military uniforms kneeling on the ground begging.

This is the result of defeat.

In the imperial palace, Zhou Qinghe personally handed Akihito over to Hirohito.

"Fujita, thank you for your hard work." Times have changed, and Hirohito had a lot to say, and really everything was said by Fujita and Kiyoshi.

God once gave Japan a great talent, but unfortunately, at the most critical moment, he did not make up his mind and listened to Tojo's sophistry.

The ministers at that time actually believed Tojo. They were so short-sighted!
"Your Majesty is the hardest-working person." Zhou Qinghe said.

The two people share the same suffering, and now the only person Hirohito can speak the truth to is Zhou Qinghe.

The child was handed over to the empress, and Hirohito and Zhou Qinghe talked for a long time. Hirohito kept talking about the disbanding of the military, the Americans, and the domestic economic situation.

He bluntly said that the new cabinet now has no solution at all as the country is suffering from hyperinflation.

Prices have increased tenfold in just one year.

There would be no solution.

As he said this, someone outside reported: "Your Majesty, the Americans are at the door and said they want to see Mr. Fujita."

"What do they want to do?" Hirohito frowned.

"I didn't say it."


"It's alright, Your Majesty. I'll go see him."

When Zhou Qinghe dared to come, he thought that he might meet American people. The war criminals are still in prison, so it’s not a big deal if they don’t die.

Zhou Qinghe walked out of the door. Outside the door was a soldier and a car: "Is it Fujita Kazuki?"

"it's me."

"Please get in the car, our commander wants to see you."

Zhou Qinghe got into the car without asking any questions, and his calmness made even the American major look at him sideways.

But no one spoke, as if they were holding their breath. Whoever spoke first would lose.

So much so that there was no conversation along the way.

The car sped to the US military headquarters.

Zhou Qinghe met the person who invited him, the American five-star general MacArthur who was smoking a big pipe.

MacArthur was surprised to see Zhou Qinghe with his hands on his hips. He said, "You are much younger than I thought, and much taller. You are not as short as most Japanese people. Please take a seat."

Zhou Qinghe smiled slightly: "Thank you."

Zhou Qinghe sat down and didn't say anything, so MacArthur could only take the initiative to say: "When we conquered Japan, President Roosevelt personally gave us an order to protect you if he saw you. He also remembered that he had a dinner with you, and you left a deep impression on him."

Zhou Qinghe said regretfully: "Unfortunately, times have changed and there is no chance for me to have dinner with him again."

Roosevelt is dead.

It was a past event, and MacArthur obviously had no sadness in his heart. He took a puff of his pipe and said, "I heard you left Japan for a long time. Where did you go? Why did you leave?"

"I went to Hong Kong and became a doctor." Zhou Qinghe smiled. "At that time, I felt that the domestic environment was uncomfortable and unsettling. I was dissatisfied with the military's strategy, so I simply resigned and went to Hong Kong to perform surgery, read medical books, and research new drugs."

"It's a wise decision." MacArthur nodded and said, "Otherwise you might be on the list of war criminals now. According to what I know, you were the director of the Military Medical Bureau, which was helpful to the war."

"So the general called me here to punish me?"

"No, no, no." MacArthur shook his head. "The list has been finalized. Our vision for Japan's future is to restore social order as soon as possible. We do not intend to expand the scope of war criminals. Let this matter pass as soon as possible. This will benefit Japan, the United States, and the world.

The reason I came to you is that I heard that you have made great achievements in medicine. When we invaded Japan, our country's Academy of Sciences jointly reported to the President's Office, requesting the President to guarantee your safety. Your medical skills are unparalleled, and your death will be a huge loss to the medical community.

The president agreed, as that was his original intention.

It’s a pity that we didn’t find you at that time. Hirohito said he didn’t know, and we obviously couldn’t torture him, so this matter has been delayed until now.

I knew you were coming, so I sent someone to find you and complete the mission from a year ago.

You are invited to join the United States and to join our nation's Academy of Sciences.

what do you think? "

An unexpected choice.

It is equivalent to staying in Japan to influence the situation in Asia, or moving their technology to the United States.

Zhou Qinghe replied without thinking too much: "Not so good. If someone chooses to leave when the country is in danger, such a person is generally called a traitor. I will not leave Japan, at least not now. This practice does not conform to my moral standards.

And I don’t think America has anything to offer me.”

"We have powerful technology, a strong scientific team, and you see, Japan is a ruin, they can't even provide you with a laboratory."

"I'm not short of money. I can build a laboratory with my own money. As for the powerful scientific team you mentioned, their technology is quite average. Sorry, I'm just telling the truth.

But I don't reject scientific exchanges. You can have your people come over to be my assistants, especially those who suggested finding me. I already have a good impression of them."

MacArthur laughed and said, "Okay, I'll take this message back. It looks like you need to build your laboratory right away, or you won't have a place to do experiments."

"Thank you, it seems we have reached an agreement. Is there anything else?"

"It's okay, you can go back now. When we get a reply from our country, I will send someone to inform you. Do you need me to send someone to take you back?"

"Yes." Zhou Qinghe took two steps, turned around and asked, "By the way, do you smoke cigars?"

"Of course." MacArthur shook his pipe: "Although I like pipes, I also like cigars."

Zhou Qinghe smiled slightly, "The last time I went to England, Churchill gave me two boxes of cigars. I don't smoke, so I have kept them all the time. They are in good condition."

MacArthur glared and walked away, "I think I need to visit your house. Let's go, now."

"Then you have to treat me to a meal."

"no problem!"

Afterwards, Zhou Qinghe returned to the palace and told Hirohito about this matter. When Hirohito heard that the United States was poaching people, he became anxious and asked, "What did you say?"

“I refused.”

Hirohito felt relieved when he heard this, as true friendship is shown in times of adversity.

Not to mention capable people like Fujita Kazukiyo, even if everyone in Japan were to be granted citizenship by the United States at this moment, the country's population would immediately drop by half.

He thought for a moment and said, "Fujita, I actually hope that you can participate in state affairs and formulate national policies. As you have seen on the way here, the current domestic situation is not good.

But this is not good. I thought about it and realized that the domestic situation may continue to be sluggish for a while. If I enter the cabinet now, I will easily become the one who bears the responsibility. I think, should I consider slowing down for a while?"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to think like that. The more difficult it is, the more you should face it head-on. If you retreat when you encounter difficulties, why should I waste my time? I can choose not to do it, but I can't do it later.

MacArthur and I established a cigar friendship so that we could have a good relationship with him. MacArthur is now the commander in Japan. Only by making friends with him can we perhaps get more from the United States. We can lean on him, absorb nutrients from him, and then wait until we grow into a towering tree, then rise up in resistance and go our own way.

I will continue to walk this path unwaveringly for the next ten or twenty years. Japan will surely rise again and reach new heights.

As for your concerns, Japan is your Majesty's Japan. As long as the cabinet is your Majesty's cabinet, it doesn't really matter whether I join the cabinet or not. I can just be an advisor and see what happens."

Hirohito felt that there was no need to say more after having such a good general. When he met MacArthur, he actually had already thought about the direction in which he wanted to lead Japan next.

"I fully support you, Fujita! Do as you wish!"


This cabinet has only been in office for a short time, but it has already wanted to step down.

Every cabinet enjoys supreme power and supreme benefits.

Only their cabinet was responsible for dealing with the war defeat. The national economy was in chaos and the country was in ruins. It was impossible to make money, and there was a lot of criticism. The Americans were watching from above.

Upon hearing the order conveyed by Hirohito, all the cabinet ministers burst into tears, finally feeling relieved.

Just waiting for His Majesty. No, it should be said that the people designated by Fujita Kazukiyo have formed a cabinet. They are stupid, but not blind. It is now clear who Hirohito is waiting for.

But this matter needs to follow the process.

First, the media warmed up the event, praising Kazukiyo Fujita's past achievements in order to build up his popularity.

Then publish a few transformation plans that economists have been thinking hard about to make it seem hopeful.

Then the news that Fujita Kazukiyo declined the olive branch from the Americans was spread through the grapevine.

Finally, Emperor Hirohito was worried about the domestic economy, so he summoned Fujita Kazukiyo to the palace late at night and talked all night. He proposed several strategies that could produce immediate results. Your Majesty agreed with them and finally decisively used the candidates recommended by Fujita Kazukiyo to reorganize the cabinet.

Once this news was released, the effect was much more severe than expected.

The fame of Fujita Kazukiyo is beyond everyone's imagination. The candidates for the new cabinet are not as popular as Fujita Kazukiyo. If the cabinet was useful, would it have fallen into such a state today?

There is no need for so much warm-up. The newspaper media has already been enthusiastically discussing the new cabinet policies according to the gossip.

Great doctors heal the country!

Zhou Qinghe didn't even need to personally form a cabinet, this famous saying spread throughout Japan and even the world.

Now that the news has spread, the time has come. Zhou Qinghe began to push people to the stage, and Yasuda Kenichi was ready to go, both in terms of economy and figures.

The first good policy has been prepared, which is to transfer grain from outside to stabilize prices. It is definitely a good policy, enough to win the hearts of all the people.

The second policy is to develop the economy and restore industry.

These two things are enough to complete the first session.

At this point in time, the war in China had ended, so the Hong Kong line could be exposed to the leader of New China. With a fulcrum, aid and economic exchanges could begin.

The United States provides industrial aid to Japan, and Japan provides industrial and economic aid to China.

A roundabout strategy, avoiding the principal and the United States. Taiwan is also a part that cannot be given up. When the time is right, he can visit BJ as the Emperor's special envoy. At that time, he will go to collect the debt. Once the IOU is taken out, I believe the situation will look good.

In order to complete the next situation, there is another strategy to be completed in the second session.

Reforming the election regulations is Fujita Kazuki's plan for twenty to thirty years. He can serve as long as he wants. A century of change is ahead, and I believe Hirohito will support him.

As for the people's support, that was already won in the first term.

Otherwise, is the Fujita family's rice eaten for free?

You have to pay back what you eat.

Free things are the most expensive. After serving as a puppet for two terms, he should lead the Japanese people towards a long-term bright future.

Fujita Mansion has been completely renovated.

Zhou Qinghe stepped out of the door and asked his assistant, "Is everything ready for the press conference?"

The assistant bowed, "All the reporters are here."

Zhou Qinghe lifted his foot and walked towards the waiting car, "Let's go, and tell the world that Japan will welcome a new master."

The assistant felt that this sentence was not appropriate. After careful consideration, he thought that it would be more appropriate to say that the cabinet welcomes a new master and Japan welcomes a new future.

But now we are in private, so a slip of the tongue doesn’t matter.

Hurry up and catch up.

"Yes, Mr. Fujita."

(End of this chapter)

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