Chapter 43
Go up the stairs to the director's office.

Secretary Mao laughed and inquired about the secret:
"Chief Zhou, I saw that the atmosphere in the conference room between you and Master Sun was quite harmonious?"

"Well, it's quite harmonious."

Zhou Qinghe said this, then shut up and walked upstairs.

This is not what Secretary Mao wants to hear!
The corner of his mouth twitched. Seeing that Zhou Qinghe's mouth was so tight, he was really unwilling to give in. His heart felt itchy, so he asked in a low voice with a smile:

"Master Sun has such a bad temper. How do you get along with him? Teach me how to save me from being scolded all the time."

"Master Sun has a bad temper?"

Zhou Qinghe stood still and looked at him with very surprised eyes: "Secretary Mao, you can't say this nonsense. Master Sun is a very easy person to get along with. I hit it off with him and we had a great conversation. When he left, he even said that he would let me Go and sit at his house when you have time."

Damn it's easy to get along with!

The number of times I was scolded in a year in the Secret Service was not as many as the number of times I was scolded by that bastard today!
Secretary Mao scolded his mother hard in his mind, scolded Sun Zhongkai, scolded Zhou Qinghe, and was scolded twice just for giving him tea. Does this mean he is easy to get along with?

Of course, he didn't dare to say this, so he laughed casually: "Yes, Master Sun has a good temper and is easy to get along with."

"That's right, Secretary Mao, be careful that walls have ears." Zhou Qinghe glanced sideways at the floor passages and people passing by, turned his head and whispered: "If Master Sun knows what you said, be careful he sends troops to copy you directly. Home."

Secretary Mao's heart tightened. He was really stunned after being scolded. Everyone in the Secret Service has eight ears. They must not say anything they shouldn't. Who knows if there are some bitches who report the news and take credit.

At that moment, he looked around suspiciously, feeling that everyone he saw was suspicious. Then he couldn't be sure, so he could only turn around and smile awkwardly: "Thanks for reminding me."

Zhou Qinghe whispered: "Actually, this matter is very simple. He wants something from me."

"What can I ask you for?" Secretary Mao's eyes widened, his voice lowered, and his intuition was close to secret.

"It has something to do with medicine." Zhou Qinghe whispered.

"Yeah." Secretary Mao nodded to continue.

"I'm not allowed to say too much." Zhou Qinghe turned around and strode away.

Secretary Mao froze on the spot: "."

"Director." Zhou Qinghe entered Dai Yunong's office and stood still.

"Come." Dai Yunong waved, and habitually sat on the table, crossed his arms and crossed his chest, looked at Zhou Qinghe for a while, and then smiled:

"You can be regarded as a pioneer in Nanjing City. Even Sun Zhongkai, the devil in the world, surrendered."

"You don't know how bad this Sun Zhongkai is.

Relying on his family connections, this man went to work at the Ministry of Finance on his first day, and actually used a gun to shoot light bulbs in the office.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, the people in the Ministry of Finance thought that the Red Party had invaded, and several of them were so frightened that they ran away, which made them laugh to death. "

Boss Dai was quite critical of Sun Zhongkai, but he was really curious about how Zhou Qinghe persuaded Sun Zhongkai.

Because Zhou Qinghe had no way to convince Sun Zhongkai from any angle, and Sun Zhongkai didn't even get sick.

Are you saying you will get sick in the future?Dai Yunong did not believe that Sun Zhongkai's mind would consider such long-term issues in the future.

Zhou Qinghe couldn't treat Dai Yunong like he did Secretary Mao.

Tell the truth directly and tell the whole story.

"Penicillin? Can it cure gunshot wounds?" Dai Yunong was very sensitive to this word.

"Theoretically yes, but the specifics are not yet certain, because the research has not been completed yet, and the actual efficacy of the drug cannot be determined until it is produced, which will probably take another year or two."

A year or two?Dai Yunong nodded slightly, it can make money, no wonder Sun Zhongkai is willing to leave.

As for Sun Zhongkai's Laozi Pharmaceutical Factory, he was not interested.

Not to mention whether the new drug research and development can be successful, how long it will take to complete it, and how much it can be sold for, even if the pharmaceutical company can earn a sky-high price, it has nothing to do with him.

Everyone likes money.

But the power of the Sun family was doomed, and he would not be able to reach out to this wealth.

Even Zhou Qing and he couldn't reach out.

With Zhou Qinghe's use to the principal, and with Zhou Qinghe's use to Sun Zhongkai, he would definitely help him when encountering problems.

The more profitable the pharmaceutical company is, the less Sun Zhongkai will allow others to touch Zhou Qinghe's money tree. This is destined.

I have to say that Zhou Qing and this collaborator did a very good job.

What's more, Zhou Qinghe is also useful to him. He is his subordinate, and he has to help if there is really something wrong.

Dai Yunong smiled and said: "Qinghe, you must have money from now on. I am short of money and you have to lend me some." Zhou Qinghe nodded: "New drug research and development is not that easy, but Director, I have an agreement with Master Sun. , when the medicine is ready, it will be given priority to the Secret Service, and there will be a certain number of free places, which can be regarded as my support for the work of the Secret Service."

"Okay, I have a heart."

Dai Yunong nodded with satisfaction. What he picked up for free could be considered an unexpected blessing and could save a lot of money.

trial room.

"Ah." A high-pitched scream came from Shinichi Puchuan's mouth.

After more than half an hour of torture, there was no good piece of meat left on Shinichi Ukawa's body.

His naked upper body was covered with whip wounds, and blood mixed with salt water dripped from the wounds.

He was in his early forties, and under torture, his sweat mixed with blood, and his twisted face looked like a madman.

He has been carrying it for half an hour, electrocution, soldering irons, bamboo sticks, canes, etc., countless instruments of torture, one after another, it hurts so much, so painful, why haven't the reinforcements come yet?
Why haven't the rescuers arrived yet? ! !
He really couldn't bear it anymore, and he was sure that no one could bear the torture for a long time.

Even if you can resist it now, who will be able to withstand such a long period of torture an hour later, a day later, even a week later, or even a month later?
But he has faith. He must not say it. If he says it, he will die. But as long as reinforcements come, he will definitely be able to get out and he will live!
It hurts so much, brother, come quickly!

Why haven't the rescuers arrived yet? ! !
"Ah!" Another hot red iron was placed on his thigh muscles, causing them to contract and tremble continuously.

At this moment, he was not the only one who looked like a madman, there was also a person holding a branding iron.

Everyone involved in the interrogation in this interrogation room!
"Speak or not!"

Zeng Haifeng roared, his eyes red as he looked at the white smoke rising.

Time is running out.

He didn't know how long Zhou Qinghe could delay. Maybe it would be one minute, or maybe the next second someone would rush in and take the person away.

Then it will be him who will die, and everyone who participated in the torture in this room will die.

"Say!" the shout continued.

Both sides are competing, one relying on faith, the belief that his brother will come to save him, the other relying on experience, relying on the experience that no one can withstand torture.

At this time, Zhou Qinghe arrived.

Zhou Qinghe pushed open the door of the interrogation room, took a look at the scene inside, and said with disgust: "You haven't said anything yet?"

The sound of the door opening frightened Zeng Haifeng's hands. He turned to look at the door and saw that the red soldering iron landed somewhere where it shouldn't have landed.

"Ah!" A shrill cry rang out, and Shinichi Pukawa's eyes widened.

"Tsk, tsk, that's so inhumane." Zhou Qinghe frowned.

"Why is it you?" Zeng Haifeng was a little surprised and a little uneasy when he saw that Zhou Qinghe was the only one with no one else following him.

"You're not welcome? Then I'm leaving."

"No, brother, you are my biological brother, where is that young master?" Zeng Haifeng was a little anxious.

Zhou Qinghe walked in, looked into Pukawa Shinichi's eyes and said, "It's been sent away."

Oh my god, Zeng Haifeng's little eyes were about to shed tears. He swore that this was the nicest thing he had ever heard in his life.

"Really gone?"


"Impossible!" Shinichi Pukawa roared at him.

Zhou Qing and Li ignored him, sat back behind the interrogation table, and raised their legs: "Go on, you have plenty of time."

"Hahaha." Zeng Haifeng laughed out loud.

So, it must be true.

The three subordinates were also smiling, clearing away the gloom.

Only Pukawa Shinichi muttered in despair, "It's impossible, it's impossible."

The battle resumed.

After just a moment, Shinichi Puchuan, who had been penetrated through the defense line, spoke.

Puchuan Shinichi looked at the leisurely Zhou Qinghe, trimming his nails with a knife, his legs raised up and down, and he was completely desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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