Chapter 44 is sold
"I say."

"This year's cabinet meeting decided to strengthen the Chinese garrison. I am the head of the intelligence station of the Japanese garrison in North China in southern Jiangsu."

"The military decided to quickly occupy key areas in North China and the vicinity of Shanghai in the event of war, protect the rights and interests of the empire and Japanese expatriates, and at the same time dispatch troops to central China."

"I am responsible for collecting all available information from Nanjing's top leaders, including military strength, personnel deployment trends, material flows, transportation channels, and instigating rebellion against business and political figures."

On the execution rack, Shinichi Fukawa lowered his head and began to explain his mission in southern Jiangsu and the information he had received.

My confidence has been shattered. I enjoy being a big shot like this every day. I can't stand the pain of my flesh and blood. I just want to finish talking quickly and end the pain as soon as possible.

There was no need for Zhou Qinghe and others to ask more questions. He himself knew very well the process of the interrogation, and what should be explained was not ambiguous at all.

"We bribed the Director of the Coin Department of the Ministry of Finance, the Deputy Director of the Suzhou Inspection Office, and the Naval Office of the Ministry of Military Affairs"

Pukawa Shinichi directly provided a list of names.

"Don't bite randomly!" Zeng Haifeng warned. There is a trick in resisting torture: grabbing and biting randomly.

There are too many names. Not counting little miscellaneous fish, there are 8 people with official positions above director.

"It's all true. The order given to us by the military department is that as long as we can purchase information from the upper echelons of Nanjing and bribe officials of the Nanjing military government, there will be no upper limit on funds and full support, as much as we need."

“Some of these people are greedy for money, and this is best dealt with.

Some of them are interested in our abilities and want to use us to connect with Nanjing's senior leaders, and then recommend them to higher positions. We use our connections to help them rise to the top and achieve control. "

"Damn these worms!" Zeng Haifeng cursed.

"It's a good thing to find out now, rather than waiting until the war starts."

Compared with Zeng Haifeng's anger, Zhou Qinghe was much calmer.

It’s not like he doesn’t know the virtues of the upper echelons of Nanjing. There are only eight of them. How much information does the head of an intelligence station in southern Jiangsu know?He even suspected that this guy didn't explain clearly.

However, he did not speak for the time being, but let Shinichi Pukawa continue to explain, for more than an hour, until Shinichi Pukawa explained everything, it was all over, it was really gone.

Zhou Qinghe then walked up to him and asked: "It's not good to lie. You talked for a long time, and I listened for a long time. What you said was all about yourself. What role does your brother play in it? A good big brother? Just something. No?"

"Yes, where is your brother? What do you do?" Zeng Haifeng narrowed his eyes and asked.

"He" Puchuan Shinichi remained silent and looked struggling.

"I remind you, don't be mean. Your company is headquartered in Suzhou. If you don't eat such a big piece of meat in Nanjing, do you need to save it for someone to eat?
Say! "

Zeng Haifeng's fingers turned into claws and clawed hard into the flesh and blood of Puchuan Zhenyi's waist after torture.

Puchuan Shinichi gasped, it was hurt after all: "He is my superior, the head of the Intelligence Section of the North China Garrison Command."

Wow, this is really a big shot.

Zhou Qinghe and Zeng Haifeng looked at each other, with rare joy and shock in their eyes.

"Father and son go into battle, you are a brother in fighting tigers." Zeng Haifeng laughed when he heard this.

So daring, a head of the Intelligence Section actually lurked in Nanjing and even appeared in official circles.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place. Our ancestors finally figured it out."

Zeng Haifeng sighed and took the interrogation record, "You continue the interrogation, Qinghe, let's go out."

The two of them walked out of the door. Zeng Haifeng said: "The night is long and the dreams are many. I will go and make arrangements first. According to the list, I will control the people above to avoid running away, especially his brother. I was almost killed by him this time. Wait for me If you catch him, I'll beat him to death."

There were no outsiders here. Zeng Haifeng tilted his head and stared at Zhou Qinghe, gritting his teeth and smiling jokingly.

"go Go."

Zhou Qinghe is not from the Intelligence Department, so he won't do this kind of dangerous and hard work.

But he said with a half-smile: "Brother Zeng, let me remind you, don't make the mistake of the manor again. I saved you once, but I may not be able to save you a second time."

Zeng Haifeng's steps to go out were stagnant, and when he turned around he bared his teeth with a smile on his face and said, "If I make another mistake, I will buy my own ticket and go to the front line!"

"Standing ticket?" "Of course seated ticket, bah, who the hell is going, crow's mouth?"

Zhou Qing and Chi Chi smiled and looked inside the interrogation room. They were too lazy to listen. Their brothers had already come out. This person was of no value anymore.

There are three torture team members who are his life-and-death enemies in the interrogation, so they will definitely take good care of him.

Zhou Qinghe thought about walking to the office, took a few steps, paused, and frowned slightly.

its not right.
Shinichi Ukawa was arrested, and the source was Ono Yoshibe in prison.

When he and Chief Gu Zhiyan went to the prison to interrogate Xiaoye, Xiaoye said that he had been recruited into the Black Dragon Society as a peripheral member.

But why is there no Black Dragon Society in the information provided?
Zhou Qinghe has a good memory and will not remember this matter wrongly.

That means Shinichi Pukawa is still hiding, not knowing whether to live or die.

Zhou Qinghe returned to the interrogation room with a cold face and looked at Puchuan Shinichi on the shelf.

"I'll ask you again, is there anything else you haven't explained?"

"I told you, no more."

"Really? Let me remind you, the Black Dragon Society."

"Black Dragon Club?"

Puchuan Zhenyi was stunned and suddenly realized: "You said this, it is just a cover. When we recruit the people below, in order to prevent their own information from being exposed and complete the isolation, we will use the name of the Black Dragon Club in case something happens. , can mislead your investigation direction."

What he said was reasonable and reasonable. Zhou Qinghe really didn't expect this to be the case, so he asked: "Then do you know that there are people from the Black Dragon Society in Nanjing?"

"No, they usually operate in Shanghai. They are just a gang and can't become a big deal." Pukawa Shinichi's casual tone was full of contempt.

It is obvious that there is also a chain of contempt between intelligence agents. This kind of secret service headquarters looks down on non-staff members who come from the underworld.

But Zhou Qinghe knew how much trouble the Black Dragon Society had just caused to the Shanghai District.

"Do you know where the Black Dragon Society's stronghold is in Shanghai?"

"Let me think about it." Shinichi Fukawa thought for a moment and replied: "If I remember correctly, it should be called Inoue Mansion.

The Black Dragon Association has a school in our country. The real person behind their school is Noaki Inoue. Yes, he once went to the military headquarters. I heard a senior military official said that this is his mansion in Shanghai. "

"Inoue Mansion?" Zhou Qinghe read it once and nodded: "Very good, give him some medicine."

"Yes." The subordinate immediately executed.

Pukawa Shinichi was a little surprised. He was beaten for so long, not to mention giving him medicine, and he was not even given a drink of water.

However, after asking the name of a gangster, he was given all the medicine.

"Can you give me another glass of water? I'm thirsty."

"Okay, give it to him."

Zhou Qinghe smiled, turned around and picked up the interrogation transcript and looked at it. He wanted to die laughing that the information about the Black Dragon Society was obtained so easily.

The Shanghai District of the Secret Service was bitten by someone last time. Three strongholds were bombed and more than a dozen people died.

Dai Yunong was so angry that he cursed loudly.

This is just a little bit of what Zhou Qinghe knows. From the Black Dragon Society's rampant actions, just thinking about it will tell you how passive Shanghai is.

Who would have thought that the Black Dragon Society, which worked hard to wreak havoc in Shanghai and defeated the Secret Service in Shanghai, had such outstanding achievements?
Was he sold so casually?

It's just magical.

And judging from the name of the Inoue Mansion, it is estimated that this is a large stronghold, and it may be the highest base of the Black Dragon Society.

Talent, this chain of contempt is so long that it deserves a glass of water.

(End of this chapter)

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