The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 60 Whereabouts

Chapter 60 Whereabouts
Opposite the main entrance of the Central Hospital, there is a small park.

Zhou Qinghe came here and met Wang Yong.

These days, whenever you go out, it is impossible to contact someone directly unless you have agreed on the location in advance.

He first called the people left behind in Nuns Alley, and Wang Yong knew that he would come over sooner or later, so he called the people behind him every once in a while to report his location. Only through this transfer could he and Wang Yong be connected.

The lack of information is really hard.

Knowing that it was a park, Zhou Qinghe parked the car directly at the Central Hospital and walked over because he was afraid of being too surprised.

I thought He Xiaofeng was in the park.

Who knew that Wang Yong, who was munching on watermelon, was here to feed the mosquitoes.

"Section Chief, come and have a piece. He Xiaofeng has been sitting in the teahouse drinking tea all afternoon without even moving his buttocks. There are some of our people in the teahouse watching."

"What time did he leave the house?"

Zhou Qinghe picked up the watermelon on the stone bench and started to nibble on it.

"At 09:30, I first went to the Executive Yuan side and found a breakfast restaurant. I had two drawers of steamed buns and a bowl of soy milk. I sat down and ate all morning.

We came to Huangpu Road again at one o'clock, and walked around here for an hour, and then went to a teahouse to drink tea.

It has been two and a half hours now. Apart from going to the toilet, I only have a plate of orchid beans and a pot of tea, which I have been drinking till now. "

Wang Yong couldn't stay there anymore. He went up in the first wave and drank tea for four or ten minutes. After drinking more tea, He Xiaofeng should pay attention to him.

"Can you sit so well? You're not afraid of hemorrhoids growing on your butt."

Zhou Qing and Bu Jie also found it a bit funny.

But this location is a bit interesting, Executive Yuan, Huangpu Road.
Opposite the gate of the Central Hospital is the park where they are located, and the road immediately to the right is Huangpu Road.

The places on both sides of Huangpu Road are not simple. They are all administrative agencies. The most famous one is the end of Huangpu Road, where is the Central Military Academy.

Commonly known as Huangpu Military Academy.

He Xiaofeng specifically chooses places like this to wander around, so it's a given that he is uneasy and kind-hearted.

"Did you find anything?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

Wang Yong shook his head helplessly: "I don't understand. Are you saying he is inquiring about something? It doesn't look like this old man is immobile.

He said that he was not prying, and the place he chose to eat and drink tea was so sensitive.

But there’s no need to look at it for so long, right? "

"Did anyone talk to him?"

“The breakfast shop is just the owner and the guy at the breakfast shop.

The men took advantage of buying cigarettes to ask nearby merchants.

This shop has been around for many years, and I heard it was opened by a distant relative of an official in the Executive Yuan, so it doesn't look like someone with any problems.

While having breakfast, there was a person sharing the table with whom we had a few words, which was also very brief. Someone followed him to check that person's information.

As for the tea house, there was a man sitting by the window. Except for the waiter delivering tea, no one was talking to him.

After he went to the bathroom, we also visited the bathroom. We went there four times in total. Once there was someone there and three times there was no one there. Someone had already checked the person's information. "

That means there is no contact at all. If you don’t hand over information and just sit and look at government agencies for an afternoon, what can you tell?
Counting heads?Recognize someone?Planning to buy?There's no need to do this if you buy it.
You can't think one way, you have to think the other way around. Zhou Qinghe calmed down his thoughts.

This is a Japanese man, and his purpose of observing government agencies must be for other purposes.

Obtaining guard information from Kanyu terrain should have been done by other Japanese before, no.

It’s not the place, it’s the people.

If you want to contact someone, but it's not convenient to do so, it might be possible through observation.

Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment when he thought of this.

He remembered seeing in the archives that there was a saying that the mole was out of line, that is, there was something wrong with the superior who developed an important mole.

He might have been caught, or he might have died unexpectedly. Anyway, something happened to his superiors, and nothing happened to Mole himself.

Then based on the importance of this mole, the superior's superior will send new candidates for confirmation.

Determine whether the mole is still a mole or has changed into a fish bait on the hook.

Because if the superior was secretly arrested and nothing happened to the mole, he was probably a bait for a hostile agency.

It has been more than a month since He Xiaofeng returned from the same boat with him in Japan and arrived in Nanjing. If he was observing silently, then this time would be very reasonable and cautious.

Zhou Qinghe thought that this might be quite a big deal, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he asked, "What do you think?"

Wang Yong chewed the melon pulp silently and spit out a melon seed: "According to my idea, after exploring the terrain and cooperating with the plan, the most likely military action is blasting or assassination."

Wang Yong comes from a military background, and the first thing that comes to his mind is attack.

He continued: "This is also consistent with his actions today, surveying the route, which may be used to attack, or may be used to escape after the attack.

As for such a long period of fixed-point observation.

I guess it's because his target is elusive and is most likely a high-level person who is protected and out of his reach. He can only rely on his eyesight to observe and record. "

After saying this, Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly. Judging from the fact that this person attacked him on the boat, it was very possible that this person was very murderous and was a master of action.

Wang Yong’s statement is also very likely.

Wang Yong's military background taught him some imagination that he lacked in military thinking.

"What I don't understand is, section chief."

Wang Yong looked at Zhou Qinghe: "According to your statement, this person has been in Nanjing for more than a month. How come he hasn't taken action yet?"

Who could search for a month and still not find his whereabouts? Wang Yong felt that this caused problems with his logic.

"So I think it may not be a military operation. If it is a simple espionage operation, I can't say."

After all, he was born in the military, and he still had a lot to learn about spies.

He shook his head and started to eat melon: "I'm not sure, I mean just follow him first, follow him for a few more days and see, the Japanese are so bad that they ooze pus. Anyway, he is now a turtle that climbed into the water urn, not a turtle." Turtle, sooner or later he will be stewed."

What a metaphor.
Zhou Qinghe chuckled lightly, threw away the melon peel and stood up: "Let's go and have a look."

When the two of them left the park, they were at a crossroads. Two rooms diagonally across from where they were was Fuyuan Tea House, which was very close.

When the man selling cigarettes at the intersection saw the two people coming out, he came over while shouting and selling cigarettes. He whispered: "They haven't come out yet." Then he walked away again.

Wang Yong didn't respond to anything, but gave Zhou Qinghe a lesson: "I have taught you all the theoretical things, and you have also taken a lot of practical lessons. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that during the tracking process, try to avoid Eye contact with the target person, especially direct eye contact, should be especially avoided.”

Zhou Qinghe was agile enough and had taken a lot of ordinary tracking courses, which Wang Yong didn't worry about.

However, Zhou Qinghe's previous training and tracking were all unsuspecting ordinary people, and the effect was average.

To follow this course, you need to practice with real weapons on spies.

This kind of person is naturally wary and has eyes in the back of his head.

If you glance at the reflection of the glass of a roadside store, you may be observing the movement behind you.

The person following you can't notice it, it's possible for you to slip away, or you can be set up and killed.

The roles of prey and hunter are not final, but no one can tell.

"Well, I didn't look at him. I looked at him from the corner of my eye the whole time."

Zhou Qinghe was eager to learn and prepared to take the final exam.

He Xiaofeng had seen him before, but he was not afraid of being discovered by He Xiaofeng as he followed.

To put it bluntly, it would be okay if He Xiaofeng didn't discover it, then Wang Yong's intelligence team would have been following him to dig out all the clues.

If He Xiaofeng had a delicate mind and superb skills, he would have discovered that Zhou Qinghe was following him.
I'm sorry, my death is coming.

Wang Yong's action team is to accompany the prince to study.

Do you really think the prince cares about the test results?
Since the target person was on the second floor of the teahouse, Zhou Qinghe blocked the view from the window, hid in the bun shop across the street, and ordered two steamed buns and two bowls of soy milk.

Follow the first lesson, bring change when you go out, and buy ready-made food.

Sitting in the shop eating steamed buns, looking at the entrance of the tea house on the first floor.

In 15 minutes, He Xiaofeng came out.

Zhou Qinghe threw down twenty copper coins and followed him out. Wang Yong was one step slower and fell at the end.

Soon an informant from the teahouse came over and reported: "I went to the toilet before going out, nothing else was abnormal."

Zhou Qinghe continued to follow.

The destination He Xiaofeng wanted to go to was not far away, so he didn't call a taxi, but walked along Huangpu Road in the direction of Huangpu Military Academy.

Sure enough, He Xiaofeng walked into the noodle shop at the entrance of Huangpu Military Academy, ordered a bowl of noodles and started eating noodles.

"Fuck, he's either eating or drinking. After drinking, he poops, and after pooping, he eats again. What the hell is he doing here?" Wang Yong came over and muttered in a low voice.

Zhou Qinghe was also speechless. He had just started the tracking class for 2 minutes, and then stopped.

He took two steps forward and stretched his feet on a shoe stall: "Publish the bright spots."

"Okay!" The shoe shiner lowered his waist and began to twitch the towel.

"You have to understand that there was not much food in the place where my boss went on a business trip some time ago. There is a lot of food in Nanjing." Zhou Qinghe said quietly.

"That's true." Wang Yong agreed. What kind of food could there be on that broken island?
This time, they didn't have to wait too long. After the Huangpu Military Academy blew the dinner horn, a few minutes later, He Xiaofeng also came out of the noodle shop after finishing his noodles.

He looked at the school gate, hailed a rickshaw and left.


Zhou Qinghe waved, and a team member pretending to be a driver immediately followed him.

The vehicle following He Xiaofeng stopped at the entrance of the Executive Yuan.

This time He Xiaofeng took action.

He also found a shoe stall on the street opposite the Executive Yuan and started shining his shoes, looking at the entrance of the Executive Yuan from time to time.

It was time to get off work, and there were many people walking out of the Executive Yuan.

He Xiaofeng's eyes swept over them, and then he glanced at his watch while lowering his head to look at his shoes, as if waiting for something.

People come out one after another, but the shoes are always polished.

Just when Zhou Qing and others thought something unusual was going to happen, He Xiaofeng paid for the shoeshine, called a rickshaw, and went home directly.

"I thought he was following someone from the Executive Yuan."

Wang Yong stood at the entrance of Nuns Lane and complained.

I followed him for a day, eating and drinking, and ended up going home.

When Zhou Qinghe called He Xiaofeng for a rickshaw, he also felt that He Xiaofeng was planning to follow someone.

I thought I could get into the drama of the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind, but who knew I would just come back.

"It should be that he has completed his planned actions today, but we don't know what he is going to do."

Zhou Qinghe could guess that there must be someone in the Executive Yuan that He Xiaofeng paid attention to, but He Xiaofeng was very sophisticated and did not reveal his flaws.

But why doesn't He Xiaofeng continue to follow?If it's a mole, you can observe it much more after get off work than during the day.

Forget it, why are you thinking so much? Anyway, his purpose is to practice his tracking skills.

Let Wang Yong investigate the purpose himself.

But I can give you some direction.

"If you do this, apply for two cameras. If Ho Xiaofeng comes to the Executive Yuan tomorrow, every time he raises his head, take pictures of everyone coming out of the Executive Yuan. Don't miss any one."

When He Xiaofeng left, he must have seen the person he wanted to see.

Although there are many people coming in and out of the Executive Yuan, it is not impossible to find this person.


Take a few more days, as long as you take enough people, remove the people who don't appear repeatedly in the photos, and leave the ones you see every day in the photos.

This is the person He Xiaofeng should pay attention to.

"I'm afraid it's difficult to apply for a camera."

Wang Yong was in a dilemma. One machine cost 900 yuan, two at a time. It was an expensive thing, but he was afraid he didn't have the respect for it. Moreover, he had to apply for a lot of film, which would cost a lot of money.

"It's okay, just apply and I'll make a call for you."

As the section chief of general affairs, I have to give him this face.

(End of this chapter)

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