Chapter 61 Contact
"But if the target is in the Executive Yuan, why is He Xiaofeng going to Huangpu Road?"

Zhou Qinghe's intuition is a little fishy.

There are many units on Huangpu Road, and the most important unit is the Huangpu Military Academy at the end.

And a mole?
Or according to Wang Yong, is this preparing for a military operation?
Bomb the military academy?
No way.
Assassinate the principal?

One of the principal's official residences, Qilu, is indeed inside the military academy.

But every time the principal went out, there were so many guards. It was impossible for two or three kittens to attack, otherwise the principal would have died long ago.

"I don't want to think about it anymore, let's go first, eat and train."

He Xiaofeng has also been running for a day and has returned home. It seems that the chances of coming out at night are very low.

Zhou Qinghe's pace of life cannot be interrupted.

Zhou Qinghe called the office and settled the matter of the camera after a few chats.

With his subordinates watching him, after eating, he and Wang Yong went to the training ground to practice fighting fitness.

The next step is to replenish nutrition, go home and rest, waiting for the body to recover.

The next morning, they continued to practice endurance, marksmanship and other regular events.

Halfway through, Wang Yong went to work first.

However, Zhou Qinghe practiced at the training ground until noon before rushing to school.

The schedule is very full, and life is fulfilling and busy.

Central University.

Indeed, as Su Weiyong expected, Zhou Qinghe's open class became an instant hit among students.

When Zhou Qinghe walked to the inner road of the medical school, he could hear students talking about him on the way, with quite excited expressions on their faces.

"I heard that the new teacher is really awesome. When the teachers were watching, even the professors stood as calmly as the students."

"Why don't I believe it? Doesn't the army's medical technology say it's impossible?"

"Believe it or not, let me tell you, does Professor Su Weiyong, the director of surgery, know?"

"I know, what's wrong? He's here too?"

"More than that, I heard from the teacher that Professor Su was the first to go and stood there all afternoon."

"Wow, is this level so high?"

Surgery Su Weiyong!

That's the Chief of Surgery at the Central Hospital.

Those of them who have not yet graduated may not be able to become directors even after working for 20 years.

"Really? I asked Teacher Li yesterday about the new teacher's level. Do you know what he said?"

"How to say?"

"The road to medicine is very long. If you ask me to evaluate his level, I am not very good at it, because I don't know where his level is, but I can say that if his achievement in medicine is 60 points, Then I can only score 0 points."

The students imitated their teacher's speech in a cadence, and their tone and tone were vivid.

Suddenly there was another burst of exclamations and sounds of disbelief.

Zhou Qinghe couldn't listen anymore. He was just passing by, so he slowed down and listened. Why did he feel a little embarrassed?

It seemed like he was here specifically to listen.

The next time you praise someone to your face, this little classmate is quite ignorant. Please look back and pay more attention.

Go upstairs and enter the classroom.

"Teacher Zhou."

"Hello, Teacher Zhou."

There were already more than 30 people crowded into the room. Whether they were students or teachers, they greeted Zhou Qinghe and Yiyi with smiles.

"Almost everyone has arrived."

After all, an operating bed is only so big. Three circles of people is the limit. No matter how many people there are, you can't even see the head of the corpse.

What kind of breasts are you looking at?

"Attend class."

Stepping into the operating table, this is Zhou Qinghe's home court, with a strong and stable aura.

Two hours later, at the window outside the building.

Liu Jifeng, a correspondent of the Party Mediation Office, and a man in a dark Chinese tunic suit stood together and looked inside.

"Section Chief, this is the Major Medical Doctor of the 13th Army that I told you. I think this person is extraordinary, very extraordinary. Look, all the teachers and students in the hospital came to his course with great excitement.

If there wasn't enough room in the classroom, we could have had as many people as we could. It's not an exaggeration at all.

I asked and found out that the school office had arranged for class rotation, which kept the order in order. In order to get his class's turn earlier, this teacher took all the lawsuits regarding this ranking to the dean. "

Liu Jifeng told what he saw in a low voice but passionately.

This scene was really the only scene that shocked him during his three years in the hospital office, a dull and boring party career.

A group of top students who studied abroad actually admired a military doctor and were willing to ask for advice and study. This is too Western.

Usually, among the group of people studying abroad, no one agrees with the other, so everyone just talks about what’s best for them.

"It's a bit abnormal. 13th Army. Have you checked your resume?"

Zhang Shan, a man in Mao suit and the section chief in charge of party affairs, frowned slightly as he looked at the scene in the classroom. He was a little confused.

Although the 13th Army is the Central Army, I have never heard of such a character growing up in the army.

A capable doctor would definitely be willing to go to a hospital to make a lot of money, but who would want to waste time in the army and be trained by big soldiers?Unless there is a relationship.

Since the major is so young, it makes sense that he must have connections within the 13th Army.

"I've checked his resume and it's fine, Section Chief. What I mean is, if we can recruit this person to the Party Mediation Division, will the Division Chief die of joy?"

Liu Jifeng said excitedly, and Zhang Shan was also moved in his heart.

If such a capable person is recruited into the party's mediation, first of all because of recommendation, and secondly because the talent is in his own hands, will there be fewer people coming to seek medical advice in the future?
This is all a network of relationships!
"Come here today, after class."

Zhou Qinghe threw away the knife and walked out of the classroom as the students bowed to thank the teacher.

He Fuguang stood there with a smile, still holding a glass of water in his hand.

"Dean, thank you." Zhou Qinghe took the water.

"Teacher Zhou, I'll give you a moment and go to my office. Someone from the Party Mediation Office comes to you and says he wants to talk to you."

"Party mediation office?" Zhou Qinghe was stunned for a moment, then nodded and followed.

He didn't do anything. I guess it was because of the unusual and minor problems at school these two days.

Although the Secret Service and the Party Mediation Office never deal with him, and Boss Dai strictly prohibits his subordinates from contacting the Party Mediation Office in private, this rule obviously does not apply to him.

"One more thing, Teacher Zhou, the school wants you to stay and officially start classes. This is also Lao Su's intention."

"Okay, I'm fine."

Zhou Qinghe originally planned to hold the major training class in school, which has many benefits. After going through the basics, he would take the surgery teaching class outside.

"But I won't teach them for too long. I will take them back to the army after a while."

"Yeah, I understand that. Do you think it's okay to stay here for two months?"

"should be no problem."

Seeing that Zhou Qinghe agreed, the dean also stated the conditions, officially started teaching classes, and awarded the title of honorary professor.

Monthly salary is 200 yuan.

Although Zhou Qinghe came in the name of recruiting students, the school still offered him a salary. After all, there were always students who would not be recruited.

Aren’t the remaining students equivalent to Professor Zhou Qinghe’s?
There is always a fragrance.

Moreover, the medical school is quite rich, and Zhou Qinghe can afford to pay 200 yuan a month.

Zhou Qing and Na are naturally good, there is nothing to refuse, why don’t you want the money you earn based on your ability.

After these two classes, the school is on the right track.

Now we just need to wait for all students to take a turn, and then we can start picking people.

Based on the number of people who have participated in the course in these two days, it is estimated that in another week to ten days, almost all the students who are about to graduate will be completed, which is faster than planned.

Speaking of which, he was promoted to major again, so the salary in the Secret Service became 135 yuan, and an additional 100 yuan was added to the additional section chief-level subsidy, so he got another 200 yuan here.

Working two jobs a day, I earn 435 yuan a month, which is quite a good income.

Now if you rent a 150-square-meter small western-style building, you won't feel any pressure at all.

It’s only 50 yuan, less than one-eighth of the monthly salary, and the rent-to-rent ratio is quite healthy.

"We're here. Let's talk first. I'll wait outside." The dean brought people to the office and asked Zhou Qing and himself to go in.

Zhou Qinghe nodded and pushed the door open.

Dean chamber.

"Major Zhou, I am Zhang Shan from the Party Mediation Office. I would like to invite you to join the Party Mediation Office. I recommend you to be the chief of the medical department. How about that?"

"What? Is this what you want from me?"

Zhou Qinghe looked at Zhang Shan with a confused look on his face. What a nonsense. After being surprised, he casually refused.

"Not interested in."

Can I have a future if I come to your Party Mediation Office as a section chief?
Let’s talk about a section chief. Do you use this to test cadres?

Who is not?
He is now a soldier, and his military style is decisive.

Zhou Qinghe turned around and left.

"Major Zhou, wait."

Zhang Shan quickly stepped forward to stop him and smiled as if he understood:

"I also know that Major Zhou must have some connections in the 13th Army, but when it comes to connections, they are not as strong as the connections brokered by our party.

In the army, there is only one major general and lieutenant general, but behind us is the entire CC department, which reaches directly to Tianting. "

"Besides, this is indeed not safe in the army. Bullets don't have long eyes, and one bullet will kill you one day. It's not cost-effective. Only by coming to a big city can you play to your strengths. Do you have any requirements?"

Having said so much, let’s be more honest about the last sentence.
"Let's make a request. OK, a monthly salary of 1000 yuan. If you can do it, come back to me."

Zhou Qinghe smiled and left directly.

Zhang Shan looked at the departing figure in confusion.

"The general's monthly salary is only 800. How dare he, a major, pay 1000?"

Liu Jifeng said in a low voice to help: "It's not an exaggeration. If he really goes to a hospital outside, it is still possible to get this income."

Zhang Shan rolled his eyes at him. Salaries in the government are based on levels. How can you compare them with those outside?

Power is not money, right?

I just can't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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