The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 62 Shrinking

Chapter 62 Shrinking
A section chief dares to accept the position of section chief. Are the people in charge of the party so wild in their words and deeds?

Zhou Qinghe shook his head speechlessly and went directly to Wang Yong to continue the class.

I hope He Xiaofeng will not disappoint him today.

What does it mean for a 28-year-old young man to come home so early?

Huangpu Road, small park.

"Today is the same as yesterday?"

"It can't be said that it's exactly the same. It's just a few minutes different."

As soon as Zhou Qinghe arrived and asked, Wang Yong started to complain.

"I have replaced a group of tea drinkers. If he drinks tea like this every day, all my people will have to drink up."

Wang Yong discovered that drinking tea was a good way to get rid of surveillance.

His forty people may seem like a lot, but one person can drink tea for four or five days in one hour. Then it will be time for the people on the second floor to follow them.

If you repeat it a few times, any fool will know there is a problem.

Drinking tea is not a problem, but if it were the same people in another teahouse, it would be a problem.

Zhou Qing and Wen Yan also sat down on the chairs in the park, but they didn't see the watermelon and were still thinking about eating it.

"Why don't you eat watermelon today?"

"Even the watermelon seller has changed his position."

Haha, haha, there is quite a lot of resentment. Zhou Qinghe chuckled: "Don't worry, this turtle in the urn can't escape."

"Section Chief, what do you think he is looking at?" Wang Yong thought for two days and couldn't figure out the reason.

"It doesn't matter what he looks at," Zhou Qinghe said in a gloomy tone.

Guessing the purpose was too troublesome, but Zhou Qinghe was too lazy to guess.

He figured out that it would be too strenuous to worry about the spy's plan at home in Nanjing.

Obviously just be reckless.

It would be best if Wang Yong could discover He Xiaofeng's purpose during the tracking period.

If Wang Yong couldn't find it, he would arrest and interrogate him directly. Under torture, Zhou Qinghe really didn't believe that He Xiaofeng could withstand it.

Anyway, his purpose is to practice his tracking skills.

When He Xiaofeng discovered him, the game was over.

But He Xiaofeng is really not very obedient. He keeps sitting like this and doesn't move around. What's going on?

After a whole day of walking and only 2 minutes of walking, the effect of this class is too poor.

"Do you think it's possible that he had contact with his accomplices, but you didn't notice?" Zhou Qinghe thought for a while and asked.

He Xiaofeng should be a leader. The so-called leader can break his legs if he runs away. If he can catch his subordinates, it will definitely be more interesting to follow him.

Wang Yong nodded: "There is definitely a possibility, but the two people who came into contact yesterday have been checked, and there is nothing suspicious on the surface.

I also took some extra measures today. I took photos of everyone who appeared around him and kept records. If the same person appears multiple times in a few days, we can find out then. "

With the section chief speaking very hard, and taking a lot of film, Wang Yong finally discovered the true strength of the section chief. When this happened, other departments were very easy to talk to.

Why didn't he study medicine back then?

Zhou Qinghe nodded Weiwei, it was a solution. The spies would contact each other once for as little as one or two days, or as long as seven or eight days to confirm whether the other party was safe.

Otherwise, you won’t even know something happened.

The way does not have to be a meeting, a sign, a pot of flowers, or a signboard are all possible.

This depends on the identity.

People like He Xiaofeng, who are likely to be superiors, most likely go to a certain place to confirm the existence of something to confirm the safety of their subordinates.

Or just meet up.

In other words, it was his subordinates who sent the signal to let He Xiaofeng know, not He Xiaofeng who sent the signal to let his subordinates know.

This is the power of superiors to prevent their subordinates from being caught and bite them out.

What should I do if my superior is caught?Naturally, the subordinates have no human rights.

So there should be someone or something coming to see He Xiaofeng.

It was almost 5 o'clock, and as always, He Xiaofeng walked down from the teahouse to the entrance of Whampoa Military Academy, waited for the military academy to blow the dinner bell, then ate a bowl of noodles and called a rickshaw to leave.

Zhou Qinghe's tracking course didn't last long, and as He Xiaofeng entered the nun alley, it was announced that the get out of class was over.

The only gain today is that there are a lot more photos.

"Send it to the technical room and ask them to wash it out quickly."


At night, at the suburban training ground.


bang bang.

Two human figures who had taken off their shirts were engaged in a fierce fight. Their fists and shadows intertwined, followed by bursts of low shouts and grunts.

The skills in the military do not pay attention to the bells and whistles, but only pay attention to a fatal blow.

As a veteran instructor, Wang Yong's strength was undoubted, but soon, he was kicked back by Zhou Qinghe and almost fell down.

"That's a good kick." Wang Yong covered his injured chest and abdomen and flattered him.

"You fight back?" Zhou Qinghe shouted dissatisfied.

This Wang Yong is always afraid of hurting his hands and brain, and he always thinks about controlling his power when he strikes. How can he fight well like this?

Not happy at all!
"I don't dare." Wang Yong smiled.

How valuable are the hands of a surgeon?If someone accidentally broke the section chief's arm, let alone an arm, even a finger, it would be a huge mistake.

"You're boring." Zhou Qinghe didn't push him, but pointed at him with disgust.

Although he was trained to fight, Wang Yong always appeared in the form of a sandbag. This fight was like a desperate fight between life and death.

It's not that Zhou Qinghe is itchy, it's that if he doesn't practice today, he may die tomorrow.

The principles of practicing fighting and practicing surgery should be the same.

If you are afraid of death, you will not learn well.

"Section Chief, it's actually you who have made rapid progress, otherwise I would have been able to do it with ease and wouldn't have been beaten."

After all, Wang Yong was an instructor in the military who relied on his strength. If the opponent's level was poor, how could he be defeated by kicking him?

"Hmph." Zhou Qinghe didn't say much to him, picked up the water glass on the ground and poured it into his mouth.Tomorrow we need to change opponents. If Wang Yong doesn't cooperate, find someone to cooperate, such as the Japanese in the prison.

I believe that between life and death, the Japanese warriors will be extremely cooperative.

After the training, it was another day. Zhou Qinghe came to follow after class at school.

However, He Xiaofeng's whereabouts remained roughly unchanged.

This made Zhou Qinghe unhappy. This class was a bit tiring and a waste of time.

Except that the intelligence team once again obtained a set of photos, nothing else was gained.

"Captain, the photos from yesterday have been developed."

At the surveillance point, my subordinates sent photos.

Today's film processing is more laborious, requiring special chemicals to be washed in the darkroom. With so many pictures, it takes a whole day to wash them.

"Let's put it down for now." Wang Yong put down the pictures after looking at a few photos of Ho Xiaofeng observing the Executive Yuan after get off work.

A single set is useless, why should another set be compared.

However, this was enough for Zhou Qinghe.

"Give it to me." Zhou Qinghe took the photos and drew a few pictures at random, but found that the order was different from the memory in his mind.

"Why don't you do it in order?"

"Ah?" The subordinate was stunned for a moment, then touched his head and said, "There are too many photos. The liquid in the medicine pool is floating. Maybe the people in the technical department didn't pay attention."

"Let me make it clear to them next time and be careful." Wang Yong said.

The subordinates apologized with a smile, "The main reason is that they have too much work, and they may be a little anxious."

He was embarrassed to say that when he went to get it, he was scolded a few times by the technical office. There were so many photos, which were overwhelming.

"Forget it, it's okay."

Zhou Qinghe flipped through the photos and looked at the table. There were many things on it, so he simply went upstairs.

"Wang Yong, come and help."

Entering the bedroom, Zhou Qinghe set up a stall on the bed.

If the photo is messed up, use a jigsaw puzzle to restore it.

The first step is to arrange all the photos.

There are a lot of photos, more than 100 of them at the entrance of the Executive Yuan alone, in the first, second, and third rows.
With the six and a half rows of photos finished, Zhou Qinghe began to recover.

The passage at the entrance to the Executive Yuan was all in his mind, and now that he had photos, recovery was easy.

Zhou Qinghe exchanged photos so quickly that Wang Yong was stunned.

As the photos were restored one by one, my thoughts became clearer and clearer, and I felt more and more that, yes, yes, this is what happened!
All of He Xiaofeng’s activities at the gate of the Executive Yuan have been revealed!

"Is this all right?"

Wang Yong murmured in surprise, there were more than 100 photos, they all happened at the same door, and they were all off duty, how could they be arranged in order?

This section chief’s memory is amazing!

Wang Yong was stunned, but he was hit not once or twice. The section chief was very capable and he knew best after staying around for so long.

During training, I was a little shocked by the section chief's progress from time to time, and I was used to it.

He was quickly surprised: "Yes, I remembered it, that's it."

"If he looks like this every day, we will definitely find him if he comes for a few more days."

Looking at the photos, he quickly recalled what happened yesterday afternoon, and the things in his mind became clearer and clearer.

These photos, taken together, become a movie.

But for Zhou Qinghe, the most important thing is that the person in the photo does not exist in his memory.

If you don't see it in your memories of the first day of tracking, it certainly isn't it.

He picked up the photo and glanced at the faces of the three men on it. He quickly put it down. This was not the photo. He put it down and turned it over.

Continue to the next one, this one is not the same, then the next one, this one has been seen by someone, keep it.

Photos passed by quickly.

Unless the face of the person being photographed is particularly unclear due to the shooting angle, and it takes a while to identify it from other angles, otherwise the photos can basically be put down at a glance.

It was originally a specialized observation, coupled with the strengthening of his memory, he could vividly remember the scene that happened at the entrance of the Executive Yuan.

With the people in the photos as anchors, it only took a few minutes for all 157 photos to be taken.

157 photos, 16 left.

"Section Chief, what does turning over and over mean?" Wang Yong waited for Zhou Qinghe to put down the last photo before asking the question he had been holding back for a long time.

"Pen." Zhou Qinghe stretched out his hand.

Wang Yong tilted his head and took one from the desk by the window.

Zhou Qinghe used a pen to circle people's heads on the photos. Among the 16 photos, he circled 9 people.

Zhou Qinghe stood up, looked at Wang Yong, and handed the photo over: "It should be one of these nine people. Go and find out the information about these people."

"This is?"

"People who showed up every day for three days."

“You can remember so many people in three days??”

"Can you focus more normally?"

"Oh, you're saying that among these nine people, there is someone under He Xiaofeng's observation?"

Wang Yong was shocked by this conclusion.

There are at least 157 people in 9 photos, one set of photos, and no control group. How can this be narrowed down to [-]?
How can it be?

"Nine times out of ten."

Zhou Qing sorted and piled the photos on the bed.

Wait until tomorrow and watch for another day, focusing on He Xiaofeng's reaction when these nine people appear. The scope should be narrowed down.

Developing photos is too slow. If you wait for photos, you have to wait a few more days.

Thinking of this, he paused in packing the photos.

His medical skills are good and he should give his patients the most professional and best surgical experience.

But memory is not necessary.
Otherwise, everyone will come to him for help in the future and he will die from exhaustion?
Still have to leave some room.

(End of this chapter)

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