The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 87 Blind Cat

Chapter 87 Blind Cat
When Zhou Qinghe changed into a white coat and walked into the operating room, Xu's mother was so happy.

"Dr. Zhou, you are here."

"Here we go, the surgery may take a long time. I didn't have dinner because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stand up later, so I went out to have a meal."

"I want what I want."

Xu's mother only needs the surgeon to be Zhou Qinghe, and this young man makes people feel reassured.

"Okay, then we're ready to start."

There is no examination equipment now, so the preoperative examination can be omitted, which saves a lot of time.

Whether the result is good or not depends on whether the doctor's judgment is accurate and whether the patient's life is in danger.

The progress of medicine is also based on human lives step by step.

During anesthesia and disinfection, with Su Weiyong as his assistant, Zhou Qinghe pointed the knife in his hand at the upper abdomen and stabbed him in the middle.

It is not difficult to find tumors. Why are tumors called tumors? Because they are swollen and have space-occupying lumpy protrusions.

Gastric resection, the next step is the focus.

“The focus of gastric cancer surgery is actually not to remove the stomach, but to remove the lymph nodes.

Depending on the location of the tumor, the lymph nodes to be dissected are also distinguished. The cleaner the lymph nodes are dissected, the better the patient's post-operative healing and recovery will be.

The most important thing is that this can significantly reduce the recurrence rate of gastric cancer. "


Director Xu invited two doctors over. Now that Zhou Qinghe is back, it is the German doctor's turn to be unhappy.

The surgical plan was made, but he was kicked out of the operating room.

For Fred, the best German doctor in the world and one of the best among German doctors, this was simply a great shame.

Fred would not have come in for the surgery.

He came to China because the advisory group could not trust the doctors here. He served the Germans.

Right now, Germany and China are in the honeymoon period. Germany needs raw materials, and China needs Germany to help build an industrial system. For example, arsenals and German mechanics are the products of the honeymoon.

As a result, there are many German consultants in various departments.

Within the Central Army, there are also many German military advisers to train the Central Army.

Director Xu entrusted someone to the advisory group, and the advisory group invited him to come for diagnosis and treatment. Only then did he come to work as a courtesy on the night when he was supposed to start a wonderful journey.

As a result, he waited for an hour and now said that he could go back. It was not that he would not do the surgery, but that he would need to change doctors.

This is a complete joke on him.


With an angry look on his face, Fred casually waved away the door-to-door fee handed over by Zhang Shan, and the banknotes scattered on the floor.

"I need an explanation!"

Director Xu was a little embarrassed. This matter was indeed a big one. Now it was clear that he wanted to offend the Germans. It was easy to talk about it. As the principal's doctor, it could be settled.

But Zhou Qinghe had already experienced the psychological consequences of changing doctors this time on the Germans.

Next time, I'm afraid it won't be easy.

He didn't understand why doctors were so troublesome and had such high self-esteem.

How nice it is to give money and not have to do anything?You can get money when you come to the door. If you just take the money and leave, wouldn't it be over?
Boss Dai was watching the joke. He would not leave until Zhou Qinghe finished the operation.

He naturally has confidence in Zhou Qinghe's abilities, but cancer is a major surgery, and people will die if they are not careful.

If it fails and someone dies, without him here, Director Xu might go crazy.

Director Xu frowned and caught sight of Boss Dai's smile. Suddenly he had an idea and diverted the trouble away.

"Dr. Fred was actually suggested by Director Dai of the Secret Service. He said that Dr. Zhou there is very skilled in medicine and has treated the leaders. I want to treat all the leaders, but I don't have to, so why not?" Aren't you looking down on the leader's doctor? I had no choice but to use Dr. Zhou."

The words worked. Fred looked at Boss Dai, and his eyes were filled with something strange.

"You are telling a surgical expert from Germany that the doctors in your own country are brilliant? Your country even needs our help to build arsenals, but you actually think that more sophisticated surgical medicine can be mastered by people in your country?"

Boss Dai was very sincere. He nodded and looked up at him: "Yes, you are a doctor. You should understand that medical treatment is based on strength. He is better than you."

"Better than me? Hey, stupid!" Fred finished his words with a stern face, turned around and left without even looking at the money on the ground.

"Are you not convinced?"

"You can go in and see if you're doing well, and you'll see the real results."

Fred stopped walking quickly, walked back even faster, and rushed straight to the operating room, not forgetting to leave a message for Boss Dai.

"When your doctor fails, I hope you can be so strong when you ask me for help."

"Heh, why am I begging you? That's not my mother." Dai Yunong muttered with a smile.

Director Xu's face was a little dark.

Although Fred was angry, he did not forget one's professional ethics. He did not enter the door noisily, but opened the door quietly and walked over to take a look.

At first glance, he felt that he had entered the wrong door.

After chatting all day outside, the gastrectomy part has been completed here?
Fred looked at Zhou Qinghe in surprise.

Then his eyes returned to the operation itself, and his brows furrowed, getting tighter and tighter.

"What school did you graduate from? Which teacher taught you this surgery? Do you know that such a large area of ​​lymph node dissection may cause serious postoperative infection?"

"You knew you were infected and why did you come in?"

Zhou Qinghe glanced at him and said to Su Weiyong: "Don't let people come in casually in the operating room. From now on, a nurse will be assigned to guard the operating room. The concept of preventing infection must be thoroughly implemented. This is very important for the prognosis."

"Okay, I understand." Su Weiyong did not explain that he actually had arrangements. It was probably because Director Xu and Director Dai were there that the nurse did not dare to approach.

Who would have thought that when Director Xu's own mother was undergoing surgery, he was still outside guarding him, and that he could still let people in? Was this son a fool?

"I'm asking you a question." Fred felt ignored.

In fact, his anger has subsided a bit. Whether his medical skills are good or not, you can tell at a glance. At least at the speed of gastrectomy, this young doctor is indeed quite good.

But this operation has actually been completed, and the current practice is unnecessary.

No, it cannot be said that it is unnecessary, but that it is causing trouble.

"I don't have to answer you."

Zhou Qinghe finished speaking slowly and glanced at him: "Especially in this questioning tone, it's very rude, you know?"

"That's because what you're doing is murder!" Fred questioned bluntly.

"Your large-scale lymphatic dissection will cause lymph fluid leakage and increase the area of ​​trauma. This is naked murder."

Zhou Qinghe waited for him to vent his temper before he said calmly: "What if this step can reduce the chance of recurrence of gastric cancer?"

"What did you say?" Fred frowned and looked at the young doctor who spoke.

Zhou Qinghe looked at the lymph nodes in his stomach and asked him while working in his hands.

"The recurrence rate of gastric cancer is extremely high now. What is your recurrence data in Germany?"

"Sixty to 60 percent."

"Well, after I finish the cleaning, I can reduce the probability to 10 to 20 percent. Do you still think it's not necessary to do it now?"

Zhou Qinghe glanced at him, gave him a smile, and continued to work.

Fred frowned, "It's impossible, who said this? Which textbook has this statement?"

Fred had thought through all the books in his mind but had never thought of the origin of this sentence. It shouldn't be. If it was so effective, this would definitely be a major discovery that shocked the entire medical field. Why hadn't he heard of it?
Then he heard Zhou Qinghe's big words.

"I said this, but it's not in the textbook."

"Hey, you are simply committing a crime." Fred laughed angrily.

"Does the efficacy of crime speak for itself? Of course, if you don't want to watch the crime process, you can go out."

Zhou Qinghe didn't care whether he believed it or not. Su Weiyong believed it, and if it could be passed on, that would be fine.

Fred pinched his fingers. That's all he had to say. It was time for him to leave.

But this man's surgery was really beautiful.
This knife skill, this incision, and even this surgical technique are all unheard of and unseen.

The operation lasted two and a half hours, and everyone waiting outside the door was anxious. Zhou Qinghe came out.

"How is it?" Director Xu asked anxiously.

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "Very smooth."

Phew, Director Xu breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you."


Zhou Qinghe turned around and said a few words of instructions to Su Weiyong, then went home directly with Boss Dai.

Director Xu saw Fred coming out with a solemn and frowning expression on his face, and his heart skipped a beat. For a moment, his mind flashed to the thought that Zhou Qinghe wouldn't have done anything to his mother, right?

"What's wrong?" He asked quickly: "Did the operation not go smoothly?"

"It went too smoothly." Fred glanced at him and left.

He decided to observe the patient every day in the future to see if the patient's recovery would be much better than the existing surgery as the doctor said.

"What does it mean to go too smoothly?"

"Did it go well or not?"

Director Xu was confused.

Zhang Shan was also at a loss.

At the moment, he was drinking in a restaurant, accompanied by Liu Jifeng, the correspondent of the Party Affairs Office of Central University.

Now the two of them are brothers, and it doesn't matter who blames whom.

This shocking revelation that Zhou Qinghe is the section chief of the Secret Service, no matter what the result of the surgery of the section chief's mother is, the fact that the section chief loses face by toasting his arch-rival in public in a hotel will be unbearable.One was not identified, one was recommended to the director, and 52 students were abducted.

The future is completely gone, and good times are yet to come.

There was no toast, everyone kept pouring wine into their stomachs, and the peanuts on the table didn't taste very good.

"Section Chief, what do you think we should do?" Liu Jifeng was a little panicked.

Forget about being a section chief. At this level, if he was demoted at most, he would be demoted to a remote village. At least he would still be a school official, and he would probably still be a section chief.

Life is just a little harder than in Nanjing, but I can always get through it.

He was different. The good days of fishing every day in school were gone. Now he would be a tiring clerk in a remote village, and he would never be promoted in his life.

When I think about this day, it feels so different.

I can't bear this pain.

Maybe if you catch the red party, you will be killed by the red party.

"The power does not have to expire, just kill a wave!"

Zhang Shan is also thinking about the future. If he goes down, his future will definitely be gone, so he has to think of ways to save money.

While he was still in Nanjing, he could make some money, and since he was going to be demoted anyway, something happened to him just to give the director an excuse to demote him.

How caring.

"How to kill? Kill the red party?" Liu Jifeng was confused.

Zhang Shan looked at him and hated the iron: "You pig brain, what's the use of killing the Red Party? How long has it been and you still think about the Red Party? Are the Red Party rich? We want money! Do you need money in your future life? ?”

"Yes, yes." Liu Jifeng nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Shan withdrew his gaze, frowned in thought, and after thinking about it for a while, he finished the glass of wine and smashed the glass on the table: "Let's go, I've thought of my goal."

The two of them quickly went out and walked towards the city center with a strong commercial atmosphere.

Soon, I came to a store called Yuantong Trading.

Zhang Shan looked around. It was almost ten o'clock and there were almost no people on the street.

"Pry the door open," he said.

"Ah?" Liu Jifeng was surprised.

"It's only been half a month since we moved here. I did some research when checking my resume. I don't have any background. There is a safe on the third floor. This company is engaged in overseas trade, so it should be rich."

The words were clear enough. Liu Jifeng gritted his teeth and opened the door for the sake of his future life.

The two glanced at the first floor and quickly walked to the third floor, which was the manager's office.

The door was opened by force as if it were a burglary, and the door to the manager's room was opened.

Zhang Shan glanced at the safe placed in the corner on the left.

"Search other places to see if there is anything valuable, gold or jade banknotes, and take them all away."


Liu Jifeng became a thief for the first time. His heart was pounding nervously, and he started to feel around the room furtively.

As the section chief of the Party Mediation Office, Zhang Shanneng naturally has a lot of skills. For example, cracking the password of this kind of safe is one of his special skills.

It's just that it takes a lot of time to crack this kind of safe, but it's night now, and there's plenty of time to take your time.

He tried to crack it here, but Liu Jifeng had already figured it out.

I looked through the cabinet and looked at the decorations on it. I didn't know if they were worth anything, so I found some clothes and spread them out on the floor to pack them all.

Then I suddenly thought about it. I was inexperienced and almost forgot about the drawer of the boss's desk.

He walked to the boss's desk, pulled it and found it was locked. He found an iron tool and pried it open.

"Sure enough, there is money." There was a stack of banknotes inside, estimated to be 2000 yuan. He flipped through it again and took out the top document. Oh, there were five small yellow croakers.

Hidden really deep enough.

He took out the gold bars and placed them on the table. He glanced at the documents he took out and was stunned.

Nanjing water quality survey report.

Ocean Freight Freight Survey Report.

Nanjing underground survey report.

Liu Jifeng was excited, and his professional sensitivity made him stir quickly.

There is actually information on everything from the military, transportation, industry and commerce, student movements, and gang organizations.

Who is this?
"Section Chief."

Zhang Shan was lying with his ears listening to the sound of the safe turning. He was almost startled and turned his head angrily.

"what happened?"

"Look at this report."


Zhang Shan stood up, walked over and took a look in the moonlight, his eyes widened.

"Damn it, I snuck into the Japanese spy's nest." He murmured.

"Then what should we do? Are we still stealing?"

"Steal? You're sick! Of course I won't steal it. I'll just take it."

Zhang Shan suddenly became excited, this was a blessing from heaven.

"As long as we solve this case, the director will forgive all our faults and even reward us."


"of course it's true!"

After all the twists and turns, whether it will be the best or not, whether it is really the best or not, I didn't expect that being tricked by Zhou Qinghe would actually have such benefits.

Zhang Shan felt that if he had this benefit again and again, then it would be fine if he was put together by Zhou Qing and Tiantian.

Is this a trick to trick him, or is he his noble person?
This is definitely a big fish!
"Catch! Catch all night long!"

He didn't even think about it. This matter must not be postponed. The nights are long and there are many dreams. Let's get the credit first.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, who can I talk to to explain it to you?

He is still the section chief now, and with one phone call, the energy of the party's mediation office soon started to activate.

The boss's address was found, and Zhang Shan immediately led someone to break in.

The Japanese didn't even realize that there would be a problem. After all, they had only been in Nanjing for half a month, and they ended up being pinned down on the same bed at home.

Zhang Shan was a great success and continued to raid the company non-stop. After stealing the company's money, he reported the matter to Director Xu and began the interrogation.

When Director Xu heard that he had caught a big Japanese fish, his mother didn't even care about it and immediately returned to the Party Mediation Office to take charge personally.

The Secret Service has made many meritorious deeds recently, but the Party Mediation Office has achieved nothing. The principal has been dissatisfied for a long time. If he can catch a big fish this time, he will be relieved.

The next day, dawn.

Zhou Qinghe heard about this when he came to the department to find the director.

"Have you heard? His party mediator got lucky and actually caught a Japanese spy, and he is still a big shot."

Boss Dai speaks cheerfully, but the sound of the word "huang" means "huang" means "unpleasant".

"I heard that there was an arrest operation in the city last night, but I don't know exactly how."

"Hey, who knows how he caught it."

Boss Dai leaned his butt on the table and crossed his chest with his hands: "I also heard from Zhang Junshuo's people. They were investigating the mole at the principal's place. They saw the principal in a good mood in the morning. Someone asked about it and listened.

It is said that his party mediator worked tirelessly and planned for half a month. Seeing that the time was right, he decided to launch an arrest last night and successfully captured a leader.

At first, I really thought that he was a lazy ass in the party and could work hard and be promising. But then I turned around and thought, this guy was staying with my mother in the hospital yesterday, so he had no time to catch any Japanese spies. "

Boss Dai sneered and said: "When the principal called me just now, I casually asked the name of the specific arrester, okay, Zhang Shan.

The section chief yesterday was called Zhang Shan, right?If there was an arrest operation that night, how could he still hang out with you yesterday?

It's like a blind cat meets a dead mouse. He called the principal in the middle of the night to report it, which made him proud. "

Zhou Qinghe didn't sound like the party's mediators had a plan, but Boss Dai sounded very unhappy.

As soon as he entered the door, he didn't say anything, but Boss Dai started talking a lot.

"He accomplished this feat for nothing. I don't know what kind of bullshit luck he got."

Boss Dai waved his hand: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. I happen to have something to ask you for. Tell me first. Why are you coming to see me?"

"Kill a group of people. Section Chief Gu is not here, so I can only come to you." Zhou Qinghe said his purpose.

"For students?" Boss Dai raised his eyebrows upon hearing this.

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "Yes, 13 per day, killing for three days in a row. After three days, I started taking them to the stage for surgery. This is their last chance to practice their skills on the dead."

Boss Dai walked to his desk and wrote a note: "Of all the prisons in Nanjing, you can choose among those on death row."

"Thank you Director."

"Time is running out, we all have to hurry up." Boss Dai waved his hand and said, "The principal called to press the matter about the mole. You may have to help with this matter. Zhang Junshuo's actions are too slow."

"It's only been four days. Isn't it too slow?" Zhou Qinghe had to complain to Zhang Junshuo. After checking so many people, there was still no clue. Four days was too long?
"Four days is not a long time, but his party coordinated the arrest."

Boss Dai looked at Zhou Qinghe with deep eyes and said: "It has been a few days since the explosion on Huangpu Road, and all the damned ones are dead. Do you think the Japanese will leave this traitor alone?
Will someone do the screening?Is it possible that it has something to do with the big fish caught by the Party Mediation Office?
If this big fish is the mole's new superior and is found out by the Party's investigation office, then you will get half of the credit for saving him. "

"I'll check right away." Zhou Qinghe said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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