Chapter 88
The murder was carried out by a firing squad, and Zhou Qinghe only needed to produce a warrant.

It's easy to pick people. The Japanese can pick them at will. There are so many prisons in Nanjing, so it's not easy to get some Japanese.

With one move of the butcher's knife, the head fell to the ground.

When 13 corpses were pulled into the training ground, the students were quite shocked. These were as many as one year of medical school, and they were just pulled over so casually, and they were still so fresh.

Major Zhou has a lot of energy.

Zhou Qinghe assigned them the task of dissecting corpses in groups during the break and rushed to Huangpu Military Academy.

"Section Chief Zhang." Zhou Qinghe came in and said hello.

Zhang Junshuo set up an office in the conference room of Huangpu Military Academy.

The office building is still some distance from the principal's residence, Qilu.

To put it simply, the military academy is at the bottom of the mountain, and Qilu is on the right side of the military academy, further back and surrounded by mountains and rivers. Military students cannot get through.

We chose this place mainly because it was convenient for people from the security corps. There would definitely be no room in Qilu for people from the Secret Service.

"Chief Zhou."

Zhang Junshuo was not surprised when he received the notice from Boss Dai, but his cold temperament was still the same, and he smiled, which gave him the feeling of being aloof and repelling others thousands of miles away.

If it were applied to a woman, it would be the faint smile of an iceberg beauty. If applied to a man, it would be a man from the Secret Service, which would be somewhat inhumane.

Zhou Qinghe didn't say how popular he was, at least he was a doctor. No matter what the people in the department thought, he had to be more or less enthusiastic when he saw him.

This one really doesn’t.

This is how you become a true Buddha through cultivation in prison. You have no desires and no pursuits, right?
If this were Secretary Mao, it would probably be a slap in the face. As long as it was useful, he would laugh happily.

Ignore him, let's just do business.

"Have you found any clues?"

Zhang Junshuo shook his head and pointed at the long table made up of four tables, with many files placed on it.

"All the suspect information is here, 235 in total. Nothing can be found at the moment."

"It's been four days, don't you have any clues?" Zhou Qinghe raised an eyebrow.

This is not true, and I still refuse to say it.

"When I came here, the director told me, Qinghe, I don't care if you find out the mole hiding in the top management in a few days, but only one thing, it must be done before the party mediates it.

Section Chief Zhang, the Party Mediation Office has a good card in its hands right now. "

Zhang Junshuo smiled and shook his head:
"Chief Zhou, do you think I have a clue that I didn't tell you?
There is no need to think so.

I heard about your deeds. My predecessor, Section Chief Zeng Haifeng, worked very well with you. You have been here for more than a month, and his major has become a lieutenant colonel. If there are clues, why don't I tell you. "

"Well, that's good. If one family doesn't speak to each other, sincere cooperation is the right way."

"of course."

Zhang Junshuo nodded and added:
"Not only were the actions of you and the director on Huangpu Road earth-shattering, at least the explosion was well-known to everyone in Nanjing. Even if this spy had flaws before, now that he knows that everyone is dead, it is normal for him not to show his face. In other words, I do the same."

It would be normal for anyone else, but you, the webmaster of Peking Station, couldn't find Zhou Qing in four days, so why do you not believe it?

"Okay, I'll take a look for myself, and you can go about your business."

Zhou Qinghe pulled over a chair, picked up the file and flipped through it.

"Go and make a cup of tea for Section Chief Zhou." Zhang Junshuo said to one of his subordinates.

Zhou Qinghe smiled and nodded at him and continued to read the files.

He watched very slowly. After all, there were outsiders present and there was no need to express himself, so he watched slowly and thought while watching.

In fact, the scope of this spy is easy to define.

Three places, the Guard Corps, the Executive Yuan's Staff Department, and the Attendant's Room.

The guard group has the largest number of people, but the least number of suspects. The reason is simple: the top soldiers have no access to travel plans.

The suspects are the correspondents of these people in addition to regimental level figures.

The total number will not exceed 30 people.

The Chamber of Attendants is the least likely.

The superior of the guard regiment is the chief guard's office in the attendant's office. The chief guard's office must know the principal's travel plan, not to mention that these people are all from Huangpu Phase I.

If there were problems with the people in the chief guard's office, the principal might not be alive now.

Zhou Qinghe also had some additional considerations. At that time, Qingtian, that is, He Xiaofeng, went to sit in a teahouse on Huangpu Road for the entire afternoon. What on earth was he observing?
When a person dies, the answer is unknown, but one thing is certain.

If He Xiaofeng was observing the principal's travel time, then the person who caused the problem must not be someone in the chief guard's office, because the chief guard's office has accurate travel times and he does not need to make any observations.

Similarly, the members of the security group also have travel plans, but their suspicion cannot be ruled out.

This is because the people in the guard regiment are different from the people in the chief guard's office. The people in the chief guard's office are all big guys and can come and go freely, but the guards and soldiers are not so convenient to travel.

The most likely one is still in the Staff Department of the Executive Yuan.

These people are too complicated.

Although they have the lowest accuracy in obtaining travel plans, it is not a big problem to know one and a half days in advance, or even three to five days in advance.

After all, the principal's meetings are notified in advance, and it is impossible to convene them at short notice. And if there are major holidays, it is even more important to attend, which is easy to predict.

It's enough for assassination.

But again, this group of personnel is too complicated. From the general to the secretary, even the person serving tea and water may get some useful information by arranging tea seats in the conference room.

If this spy is from the General Staff, it is indeed consistent with He Xiaofeng's observation actions.

"Chief Zhou, please have tea." The subordinate smiled and handed the tea over.

"Thank you." Zhou Qinghe blew in the hot air and took a sip.

Looking at Zhang Junshuo opposite, Zhang Junshuo didn't do anything. He just leaned on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

really free.

Zhou Qinghe thought for a while and could continue to narrow the scope.

Impossible for a maid.

He Xiaofeng was waiting on Huangpu Road. The Executive Yuan was more than two kilometers away from Huangpu Road. It was okay for the maids to leave the Executive Yuan for a short time, but the round trip of two kilometers was still too long, which was not in line with their status.

This mole should be someone who can leave the Executive Yuan in the afternoon, go to Huangpu Road, or even directly enter the official residence.

The reverse is certainly true.

Zhou Qinghe began to scan documents and classify them.

The personnel information files on the table were gradually divided into two stacks. He spent three hours dividing the 285 files. After putting them down, he left with the smaller stack.

"Chief Zhang, I'm going to the Executive Yuan to have a look."

"Okay, Section Chief Zhou, walk slowly." Zhang Junshuo smiled and nodded.

After Zhou Qinghe left, a subordinate asked: "Section Chief, Chief Zhou looks like he has discovered something. Why don't you ask?"

"That's all. I took one away, and the rest is the answer. What's there to ask?"

Zhang Junshuo stood up and flipped through the remaining documents. He raised his eyebrows as he flipped through the pages: "As expected of Section Chief Zhou, it's better to be famous than to meet him. Look at what the four of you did for a day. It took three hours for each of you." That’s it.”

"Real or false?" His subordinates ran over in surprise and looked through the remaining files.

I know Section Chief Zhou is capable, but is three hours a bit exaggerated?
Everyone is holding information from the Secret Service. Section Chief Zhou knows all the clues about the entire case, and so do they.

When Section Chief Zhang first arrived, he told them how to analyze the case.

The whole thing must be viewed from the perspective of Qingtian as the action planner, and Section Chief Zhang himself is an action master, and the two have highly consistent thinking.

They have naturally analyzed who is suspicious and who is not.

But reading through 285 files will take time.

Zhang Junshuo threw the file in his hand on the table. He was curious, how Zhou Qinghe would proceed next?
It is not difficult to analyze these files, but the next step is difficult. These people cannot be arrested or interrogated, and they shrink their heads. Zhou Qinghe took away 78 files. It is not easy to find this person from among the 78 files.

It took him three days to narrow down the range to sixteen people, and then he could only follow them, with no way out.

At the entrance to the Executive Yuan, the collapsed wall has been repainted. After all, it is the face of the party and the state.

Zhou Qinghe showed his ID and drove directly in.

This was his first time in the Executive Yuan, but he actually knew one person here.

The son of law, Xu Fayin.

"Hello, I'm looking for Secretary Xu Fayinxu."

The clerk at the front desk is quite nice.

"Turn right and take the fourth room on the third floor."

"Thank you."

Zhou Qinghe went up to the third floor, and the secretary's office door was open.

dong dong dong.

Xu Fayin was processing documents. When he looked up and saw Zhou Qinghe, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"A rare visitor, Section Chief Zhou, why are you here? Come in quickly."

"I'm passing by and I'm thirsty. I came here to ask for a cup of tea. Do you mind?" Zhou Qinghe walked in and looked at the room. The Executive Yuan was different. There were many small temples and Bodhisattvas. The main thing that stood out was the small temple.

The room of the dignified dean's secretary is not as big as his section chief's office.


"Come on, have some tea."

Well, the tea is good, was it provided?
"Why are you here today? Do you need my help?" Xu Fayin also sat down.

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "I need to ask some questions to investigate the case."

Xu Fayin yelled: "I understand, it's a leak case, right? A colleague of yours has come here, and he seems to be a section chief. I have been questioned about it."

"Yes, that's the case."

"Okay, I'll call someone for you, and you give me the list." Xu Fayin also spoke quickly, but he said with a smile: "But you have to be careful, your colleague's tone was not very good when he came last time, but there was something wrong afterwards. People are dissatisfied.”

Zhou Qinghe smiled silently and had to hold back his dissatisfaction. The Secret Service didn't care if the person opposite was dissatisfied.

Regarding the safety of the principal, the safety of the party and the country, jumping around can lead to death.

Xu Fayin has a high status here, and soon, a conference room was arranged.

Zhou Qinghe began to ask questions and called people one by one according to the list.

There are only three questions asked.

First, in the past half month, the number and time of going out of the Executive Yuan gate during working hours was determined by whether his boss asked him to go out, or whether he went out on his own.

If the position is a high-ranking official, the problem is the same. In the second half, it changes whether one of his subordinates will drive or go alone.

Just ask directly, no need to hide.

With so many people in the Executive Yuan, it is very easy to get the answer without leaving to confirm each other.

Someone wants to hide it, but there is no way to know whether others will see it. If you feel guilty, you may lie about whether you went to Huangpu Road, but the answer about whether you left the Executive Yuan is [-]% true.

On this issue, most of the people were screened out. They were all high-ranking officials, and their whereabouts were basically arranged. Few people would often leave the Executive Yuan alone.

Of the 78 people, 24 were screened out. The remaining ones were either staff officers or secretaries, and none of them had full-time positions.

The reasons for going there are similar, such as delivering documents to the principal or other departments.

Second, half a month before the assassination, every day after get off work.

Zhou Qinghe didn't actually need that many days. He only needed the three days they observed He Xiaofeng, but if they were mixed together, they would naturally be more hidden.

Third, during the three days that He Xiaofeng observed, the person being asked had any planned meetings to attend.

After three questions, Zhou Qinghe roughly locked the target.

He Xiaofeng has a habit of being cautious, so cautious that he does not meet anyone who knows his identity.

It is good to be cautious, but it is not good to be cautious to the point of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

According to Wu Ziyue, He Xiaofeng needs to see him or his car every day to confirm his safety.

This is true for Ho Hsiao-feng to a Japanese who has been lurking for three years, and even more so to a mole hiding in the Executive Yuan.

This method is safe and habits are difficult to change.

And He Xiaofeng's tracking records can confirm that during those three days, there were only breakfast shops, tea houses, noodle shops, home, and of course, the entrance to the Executive Yuan where he died.

In other words, in He Xiaofeng's daily whereabouts, he must see this hidden mole somewhere.

Maybe it was at a certain moment when he was drinking tea and the mole was looking for an excuse to pass by Huangpu Road.

Or maybe it was at the entrance of the Executive Yuan, among the crowd coming out from get off work.

The staff officer and secretary may get off work late, which is normal, but it will definitely not happen during those three days, because He Xiaofeng did not make any calls.

Therefore, this person either went out to Huangpu Road during those three days, or he was among the photos of the Executive Yuan going out after get off work.

You can mix and match, but in the past three days, He Xiaofeng must have observed them all.

Zhou Qinghe remembered the content of the photo very clearly. After asking the question, the target emerged in his mind.

There are only two such people among the 78 people, a female staff officer and a male secretary.

The male secretary’s reason was that he went to various units to deliver documents for communication, while the female staff officer’s reason was that she liked a snack bar on Huangpu Road and was a frequent visitor.

Obviously, male secretaries are more likely to become moles.

Arrest the male first, and if not, then interrogate the female.

Anyway, there are only two people, and you will know after one trial.

But this man Zhou Qinghe is not going to catch him now, he wants to fish.

As long as the mole in the Executive Yuan is not caught, Japan will never give up. It is only a matter of time before it comes to screen, and by then it will be able to catch a big one.

As for whether this mole is the offline person of the person arrested by the Party Mediation Office, and whether the Party Mediation Office will take the lead, there is no way to solve this.


Zhou Qinghe said hello to Xu Fayin and went directly to the Central Hospital.

"How's it going?"

Zhou Qinghe walked into the ward. Wang Yong was lying on the bed, and a nurse was changing his dressing.

"Section Chief." Wang Yong hissed when he touched the wound.

"I originally had a merit for you, but it seems like you are not lucky, right?" Zhou Qinghe looked at his back. After four days, it was indeed a while before the wound healed.

"How could I not be lucky enough to have you here, section chief?" Wang Yong immediately jumped up and became lively.

"This little injury is nothing. I'll put a bandage on it and make sure it's okay."

Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "You don't have to be so excited. You can let your subordinates do this work, and you can dispatch the manpower."

"Okay, Section Chief, please give your orders."

Zhou Qinghe talked about the Executive Yuan.

"Send someone to keep an eye on this person and don't touch him. There is only one situation in which you can arrest someone in advance. That is if you find someone from the Party's mediator around, then arrest him directly. If the person from the Party's mediator dares to rob him, you Just hit me directly, I must not fall into their hands."

"Understood, I'll make arrangements." Wang Yong nodded.

If this person catches a big fish, it is another great achievement.

"Section Chief, you are so kind to me."

"Recover well."

Zhou Qinghe smiled and went back to the training ground to supervise the students' learning.

The situation on the playground was a bit scary. There were thirteen long tables, and on each table lay a body that had been cut into several pieces. A group of doctors in white coats were sharpening their knives there.

From time to time, he would pick out an internal organ and hold it in front of his eyes to study and cut it carefully.

Zhou Qinghe was quite pleased.

Eat, exercise.

Wait until ten o'clock in the evening, and you have to show your boss your efforts.

"Director." Zhou Qinghe returned to the Secret Service. Seeing that there was no one there, he directly called Boss Dai's home from the secretary's office phone number.

Boss Dai was ready to go to bed. This was the first time that Zhou Qinghe contacted him so late.

"what happened?"

"People found."

Boss Dai's voice suddenly became serious: "Who?"

"One of the two is the Confidential Secretary of the Executive Yuan and the Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff. But I'm not going to catch him now. I'm going to go fishing."

Boss Dai understood what Zhou Qinghe meant as soon as he heard it, and immediately agreed: "Okay, you can figure it out, but remember, don't let the party mediators take away the fish when it's on the table."

"I have made arrangements, and Wang Yong is responsible for the details."

"Well, I can rest assured that you will do things, haha, Qinghe, you are very fast."

Boss Dai was happy. He heard such good news before going to bed and could sleep well at night.

"You found it in one day, how come it so quickly? This Junshuo has been looking for four days and still can't make a sound."

"It's mainly luck. After all, I caught this Qingtian personally and I'm familiar with his habits. I used his habits to deduce the possible person. Although it's not too accurate, I think it's pretty close."

"Tell me."


Boss Dai lamented Zhou Qinghe's intelligence capabilities, while secretly cursing Zhang Junshuo for being stupid and slow to react.

The two chatted for a while, and Zhou Qing and Biao finished their work and chose to leave.

"Then I won't disturb the director's sleep. I have to go back to sleep."

"Okay, hard work."

After hanging up the phone, Boss Dai squinted his eyes.

Zhou Qinghe has locked the target here, and he has to operate on the security team. Otherwise, there will be no reason to wait until Zhou Qinghe arrests someone.

(End of this chapter)

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