Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 104

Chapter 104
Under the dim night, the navy led by Gan Ning was moored at the Shanyang Pier. The boats lit up orange lanterns, illuminating a large area of ​​water around them.


"Zhong Miao!"

Huo Jun's figure slowly emerged from the night, followed by several attendants.Huo Jun grabbed Gan Ning's hand and took advantage of the situation to board the ship.

"call out!"

Gan Ning blew his whistle to signal the boat to leave the shore.

In the cold moonlight, the lake was sparkling, and the Jingzhou Navy carrying Huo Jun sailed towards the west bank.Now Huang Zu's navy was destroyed, and the navy commanded by Gan Ning was not as powerful as the Jiangdong navy, so he had to go out at dusk and return in the morning to avoid the Jiangdong navy.

Gan Ning, after commanding the fleet, hugged Huo Jun with a big smile and said, "Zhong Miao was so powerful that he shocked Peng Ze, killed Huang Gai, Pan Zhang, Song Qian and other generals, and prevented Sun Quan and Zhou Yu from breaching the city. He was really majestic." It’s got to be tight!”

Huo Jun beat Gan Ning's chest and said with a smile: "I think you are happy that Zhou Yu will attack Chaisang and Huang Zu will die, right?"

Gan Ning sneered and said, "Ning is happy that the old thief Huang Zu died. However, it is a pity that his navy was destroyed and all the ships were captured by the Jiangdong thief army. As a result, our army's food route was cut off, and the lord was forced to fight with Sun Quan." Confrontation across the river.”

After saying that, Gan Ning sighed and said: "The current war situation is complicated, and Ning Po is in a big head. He thought he could advance to annihilate Sun Bi, but unexpectedly Zhou Yu killed Huang Zu and advanced to Chaisang. If it weren't for Mi Zifang and Pan Chengming, If we stick to the two cities of Nanchang and Jiaoqiu, our hard work may be in vain."

This time Huang Zu pulled up his crotch, but Mi Fang and Pan Jun, who were guarding the family, did not pull up their crotch. Instead, they filled the gap and blocked Sun Quan and others north of the Gan River.Otherwise, as Gan Ning said, the results of winning more than a dozen counties would be easily eaten up by Sun Quan and others.

Huo Jun thought about the situation of the war and said: "Now Yuzhou calls Jun to cross the river, but do you want to inquire about the war?"


Gan Ning looked at the dark waters and said: "Master Xu said that we should march quickly now to prevent Sun Quan and Sun Bi from contacting each other and attacking our army from the north from Luling, which would cause our army to be attacked from two sides."

"Then what do Xingba think?"

Gan Ning frowned and said: "Without external force, it is really difficult to defeat Sun Quan quickly. Relying on the strength of the navy, he can move like the wind, and he can advance and retreat with more than enough strength."

After a pause, Gan Ning said: "We must first destroy the Jiangdong Navy before we can possibly defeat Sun Quan. I wonder what Zhong Miao thinks?"

Huo Jun smiled and said, "Does Xingba think he can destroy Jiangdong Navy?"

Gan Ning shook his head and said: "It's difficult, it's too difficult. Ning Guan Jiangdong's naval formation is completely different from when he conquered Jiangxia. The army is well-organized and has a measured advance and retreat. Governor Zhou Yu cannot be underestimated, it is difficult to defeat him."

It can make Gan Ning, who relies on his naval talents, feel inferior. This generally shows Zhou Yu's naval talents.

Huo Jun remained silent. He was self-aware of his military abilities.In terms of naval command ability, he really can't say that he is better than Zhou Yu. Even if he can fight a naval battle, he still needs warships and soldiers.Now that Huang Zu is dead, the Jingzhou soldiers and horses in Yuzhang, except for the small remaining Ganning navy, have no spare soldiers and horses. It is really a dream to defeat Zhou Yu by water battle.

When Gan Ning saw Huo Jun leaning on his sword and saying nothing, he teased, "Is it possible that Zhong Miao is also helpless?"

Huo Jun raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "The one who can retreat the soldiers and horses from Jiangdong is not Jun, but Liu Jingzhou is actually the one!"

Gan Ning was stunned for a while and asked in confusion: "Liu Jingzhou is far away in Xiangyang and can save him. Unless he can send troops to rescue him, I'm afraid Cai Mao won't want to!"

"Xing Ba must be a superficial opinion!"

After saying that, Huo Jun stretched and said with a smile: "Jun, please go to the cabin and sleep peacefully. I'll call you after I get off the boat."


Gan Ning shouted and saw that Huo Jun ignored him and went to sleep in the cabin, so he had to figure out the meaning of it by himself.


In the early morning, Huo Jun and Gan Ning arrived at Jiaoqiu City together. When they entered the military camp, they met Wang Can, whom they had not seen for a long time.


When Wang Can saw Huo Jun entering the camp, his sad face improved slightly and asked, "Is Zhong Miao here?"

Huo Jun walked with Wang Can and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Can sighed and said: "Today Chaisang has been captured, the naval army has been destroyed, the morale of all the ministries is low, and we are afraid that the road to the rear will be cut off." Huo Jun patted Wang Can on the arm and said: "From now on, Zhongxuan, you will tell the army All officers and men, Liu Jingzhou learned that Huang Jiangxia was dead, and tens of thousands of people were sent to Jiangdong, so that everyone does not need to worry."

Wang Can widened his eyes and said, "How did Zhong Miao know that Liu Jingzhou would send troops to assist him? The eldest son has never told Jun about this military situation."

"Did Zhongxuan ever remember Jun's words about sending troops?"

Hearing this, Wang Can suddenly realized and said: "In the past, Zhongmiao once advised Liu Jingzhou that Jiangdong was easy to conquer, so that he could make an early decision. When Jiangdong was difficult to conquer and the army and food supplies were unsustainable, because [-] soldiers and horses were in Jiangdong, they could not There will be no additional military rations.”

"Ha ha!"

Huo Jun laughed and said, "Why is it so late for Zhongxuan to see what happened!"

Wang Can smiled and shook his head and said, "I was so fascinated by the situation that I forgot that the person in charge of Jiangdong was Liu Jingzhou!"

After fighting in Yuzhang for half a year, many people forgot that it was Liu Biao who silently supported Liu Qi and Liu Bei's army in the battle.Now that Huang Zu was killed in battle, it was impossible for Liu Biao, as his superior, to have no reaction.In particular, Liu Biao invested a lot of troops, money and food, and it was impossible to say that he was willing to endure the loss of victory.

If Xiajiangdong is regarded as a commercial company, Liu Qi and Liu Bei play the roles of chairman and president within the company, and they also own shares.Although Liu Biao does not work within the company, he is the major shareholder.

Now that Huang Zu is dead, the navy is gone.From a profit perspective or an emotional perspective, Liu Biao's additional investment is inevitable.

While the group was chatting and laughing, Huo Jun walked into the tent and saluted and greeted each other with Liu Bei and Liu Qi.

"Does Zhongmiao know what's going on today?"

Huo Jun nodded slightly and said, "I know a little bit."

Liu Qi welcomed Huo Jun to his seat with a smile and said, "Does Zhong Miao have a plan to defeat Sun Quan?"

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "The Sun family has the advantage of navy, so it is difficult to defeat Sun Quan quickly. It is better to confront Sun Quan and send troops to support Guan Junhou. When Guan Junhou forces Cheng Pu and Han Dang back, our army With sufficient troops, we can annihilate the brothers Sun Bi and Sun Fu in the south, and completely stabilize Yuzhang and Luling counties."

This is Huo Jun's unique strategic perspective. His analysis of war never focuses on the present, nor does he only look at the present.Instead, he likes to incorporate all situations into the battlefield. After all, war is never isolated.

Sun Quan's army relied on the navy, but it was difficult to break through. It was better to follow their wishes and confront Sun Quan and Zhou Yu.Send additional troops to support Guan Yu and Huang Zhong. Once Guan Yu defeats Cheng Pu and Han Dang, the entire battlefield situation will be revitalized.

The five thousand soldiers and horses in the hands of Guan Yu and Huang Zhong can go south to destroy the brothers Sun Bi and Sun Fu.Once the Sun brothers were destroyed, Zhou Yu's idea of ​​uniting with them to attack Liu Bei's army was naturally shattered.

As expected, Huo Jun's words made Liu Bei relax his frowning eyebrows and said: "Zhong Miao's policy is a wise one. Sun Quan intends to unite with Sun Ben. If they are destroyed now, Sun Quan will retreat without a fight!"

Huo Jun walked up to the map and pointed out: "Not only that, Sun Quan crossed the river and defeated the Jiangxia Navy, causing the death of Huang Jiangxia and cutting off our army's food routes. Jun thought that Liu Jingzhou would definitely send reinforcements. If Sun Quan still stationed troops at Chaisang, Jingzhou would have reinforcements. Go down the river and attack the soldiers east of the river from the west. By then our army will be south of the Gan River. If Sun Quan's troops do not withdraw, they will be destroyed by our army."

Liu Bei handed over a cup of tea and said, "According to what Zhong Miao said, our army should confront Sun Quan and Zhou Yu now?"


Huo Jun took the tea cup with both hands and said with a smile: "If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. Just ask your general to lead his troops to support Guan Junhou to defeat the enemy. After Guan Junhou defeats the enemy, he can move based on the situation, or go south." Destroy Sun Bi and Sun Fu, or go north to help."


Xu Shu stroked his beard and sighed: "Zhong Miao uses his troops to look at the overall situation and is not limited to one corner. If the princes and subordinates can become living sons, even if Sun Quan is entrenched in Chaisang, it will not be a concern."

Huo Jun offered a cup of tea to Xu Shu and said with a smile: "Although the plan is good, it all depends on how long our army's food and grass can be sustained. This should trouble Yuan Zhi."

"Don't dare!"

Xu Shu accepted Huo Jun's gift and said with a smile: "Nanchang, Shangcai, Jiancheng, Zhongling and other counties have fertile land and many household registrations. What is the difficulty in temporarily providing food and grass for the army? Shu and Chengming should try their best to provide food and grass for the army, and do not use There is a shortage of military rations.”

Nanchang is located in the center of the impact plain of Ganjiang River and Fuhe River, with flat land and rich population.It can be said that it is the essence of Yuzhang. It is easy to appease the people and it is not difficult to temporarily support the army.

After studying the map for a while, Liu Bei said in a deep voice: "Zhong Miao has a high opinion. Bei will lead his troops to confront Sun Quan. Don't send Yide to lead [-] soldiers and horses to help. We must help Yunchang defeat Cheng Pu and Han Dang."

ps: there is another chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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