Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 105

Chapter 105
Jingzhou, Xiangyang, February.

"Cough cough!"

The pale Liu Biao held the battle report in his hand and kept coughing.


With a plain face, Mrs. Cai stroked Liu Biao's back and said, "Husband, you are not feeling well, why bother working so hard. Now that you are infected with the wind and cold, you should cultivate yourself well."

Liu Biao gasped and said: "In the two states and nine counties of Jingyang, there are millions of people and hundreds of thousands of military officers who depend on their husbands for their livelihood. Nowadays, there are frequent wars in Yuzhang, and the people's lives are difficult to live in. How can you say that you are not working hard?" Don’t worry about it.”

Liu Biao seemed to be expressing the heavy workload of his affairs, but in fact he was showing off that he had captured Yuzhang County in Yangzhou, opened up hundreds of miles of land, and brought hundreds of thousands of people into the country.

How could Mrs. Cai not understand the little thoughts in Liu Biao's heart? She raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said softly: "In Xiangyang, there are people who praise him highly. There is Cao Gong in the north and Liu Gong in the south. If Liu Gong doesn't rest, how can he be with that person?" Duke Cao of the North is wrestling with each other.”

Liu Biao felt as if he had eaten honey, and said with a smile: "Cao Cao is a great hero in the world, how dare he be compared to him as a husband. Being the king of Zhou Wen, I am very satisfied as a husband."

As he spoke, Liu Biao sighed and said: "It is a pity that the war in Yuzhang did not go smoothly. Huang Zu was killed in the battle, and the entire Jiangxia Navy was wiped out. Huo Zhongmiao guarded Pengze City for two months and killed Huang Zu. Gai, Song Qian, and Pan Zhang killed and wounded thousands of Jiangdong soldiers. In comparison today, Huang Zu is really an incompetent person. Has the war for so many years been in vain!"

As he spoke, Liu Biao was both angry and helpless.

"Cough cough~"

Mrs. Cai's charming eyes moved slightly and she said: "I thought Huang Zu was just a general, and today's defeat should be blamed on Liu Yuzhou."


Liu Biao took a sip of tea, calmed his rapid breathing, and asked: "What is the relationship between Xuande and Huang Zu? Liu Bei led the army to conquer the brothers Sun Bi and Sun Fu in the south, and it has nothing to do with Huang Zu."

Mrs. Cai held the handkerchief in her hand and said with a troubled face, "I also listen to other people's words, and I don't know whether they are true or false!"

Liu Biao put down the tea cup and said displeasedly: "But it doesn't matter, why hesitate."

It has to be said that Liu Biao's little thoughts were pinched by Mrs. Cai. Cai's words could arouse Liu Biao's curiosity without making him feel disgusted.

Mrs. Cai sat next to Liu Biao, rubbed his arm, and said softly: "Although I am a woman, I still know that the commander-in-chief has the greatest responsibility for the survival of an army. Huang Zu defeated Chai Sang and died, and the commander-in-chief should be responsible. Today In the army, since Liu Yuzhou is the commander-in-chief, An Neng will not bear this responsibility."

Liu Biao frowned and said, "How did Madam know that Xuande was the commander-in-chief of the army? Little did she know that Bo Wei was the commander-in-chief of the army. He was the prefect of Yuzhang and controlled the armies. Xuande was only the deputy commander, the same as Huang Zu. Why do you think you are the commander?"


Mrs. Cai seemed surprised, opened her lips slightly, and said, "How come I always hear people talk about Liu Yuzhou's military exploits, and praise the bravery of his subordinates Guan Yu and Zhang Fei so much. Bo Wei's name is rarely mentioned, as if his achievements are not obvious." "

Mrs. Cai's words can not be said to be unkind. She not only praises Liu Bei in front of Liu Biao, but also uses Liu Bei's military exploits to belittle Liu Qi.It made people feel that Liu Qi was incompetent and could not control the armies.

Sure enough, Liu Mian showed his dissatisfaction and said in a deep voice: "Bowei supervised Xuande's battles, and Zhongmiao and Guoan were also his subordinates. How can we say that he has no achievements?"

Mrs. Cai was a little frightened and said coquettishly: "I just heard others say this. It's not like my husband who reads the battle reports every day and knows the specific battles."

Another explosive sentence made Liu Biao feel depressed. Why didn't he know the abilities of his eldest son? Liu Qi was nominally the commander in the Jiangdong War, but Liu Bei was basically the one fighting the battle.

At this time, Kuai Yue and Cai Mao were outside asking for a meeting.Liu Biao waved his hand, signaling Mrs. Cai to step back.

"Yue and Mao pay homage to Duke Ming."

"Free gift!"

"Xie Minggong!"

Liu Biao looked at Kuai Yue and Cai Mao sitting down and said, "Do you, Yidu and Degui, know about the war at Chaisang?"

Kuai Yue pondered for a while and said: "I have heard a little bit that Sun Quan failed to besiege Pengze and turned to Chaisang. Huang Jiangxia was slack for a while and was taken advantage of by bandits from the east of the Yangtze River. They broke through the water stronghold. The navy was destroyed. The people were also killed by the bandits. Chai Sang Sangcheng surrendered without a fight. Now in Yuzhang County, there is no naval force, the food route is cut off, and the army is in danger."


Liu Biao took the information sent by the governor of Changsha and said: "Bo Wei and Xuande asked Changsha for the allocation of grain and grass. Changsha has sent grain and grass to Yuzhang, which can temporarily alleviate the crisis of grain and grass. However, the mountain road is rugged and the grain and grass supply is difficult. It needs to be supplied as soon as possible. Open the water channel and transport the grain and grass to Yuzhang." After a pause, Liu Biao picked up Huang She's battle report again and said, "Bo Zhong thinks Jiangxia is empty and wants to avenge Huang Jiangxia. Please send five thousand troops from Xiangyang. You What do you two think?"

"Jiangxia is empty today, and Chaisang is in dire need of troops. Huang Zhangling has a long history of military exploits. He shot Xu Kun, beheaded Ling Cao, and defeated Chaisang. He has outstanding military exploits and is famous for his reputation. It would be better to transfer him to the post of governor of Jiangxia and send another five thousand troops. Navy, let him rescue Chai Sang and open the water channel." Kuai Yue said.

As Liu Biao's confidant, how could Kuai Yue not know the meaning of Liu Biao's question?Huang Zu was supported by cousin Liu himself. Now Huang She has outstanding military exploits and Huang Zu died fighting for Jingzhou. If Huang She is not allowed to take over as the governor of Jiangxia, it is really unjustifiable.

Liu Biao hesitated a little, looked at Cai Mao and asked, "Does De Gui want to lead the navy to open up the water channel?"

When Cai Mao was about to accept the promise, he saw Kuai Yue shaking his head and quickly said: "As Mr. Kuai said, Huang Zhangling has always had military exploits. Now he is in charge of Xiakou and has been fighting the Jiangdong bandits for a long time. How can he change his generals so easily on the spot?"

"Forget it!" Liu Biao put down the battle report and said: "You have Lao Degui to send [-] naval troops to support Jiangxia, and let Bo Zhong take temporary command to open up the water area for the purpose of conquering Chaisang. The war situation is urgent. Yuzhang's soldiers are short of supplies and must be rescued. , and set off quickly.”

"No!" Cai Mao responded.

After a pause, Cai Mao looked hesitant and said, "I have heard some rumors from the Eastern Expedition Army today, and I don't know whether to tell them or not."

"About whom?" Liu Biao asked.

"It's Liu Xuande's words to report to Ming Gong." Cai Mao replied.

Liu Biao pretended not to care and said with a smile: "Xuande can have any rumors, but they are just rumors from people who make trouble out of nothing. Degui, please tell me. Next time Xuande comes back, let a certain Haosheng give him a warning."

Cai Mao stroked his beard and said: "Since Liu Yuzhou captured several counties in Yuzhang, his army has expanded to more than ten thousand people. The letters from the army generals talk a lot about Liu Bei's abilities. It seems that the soldiers only know Liu Yuzhang and not the eldest son. .”

As he spoke, Cai Mao frowned slightly and said: "Ming Gong, Liu Yuzhou has always been ambitious and unwilling to be inferior to others. Now he is recruiting troops. I am afraid that he will drive out the eldest son, annex the tribes, and occupy Yuzhang to support himself."

Liu Biao was afraid, but his face was unhappy, and he said: "Xuande was defeated by Cao Cao and lived in Nanyang. If Biao had not rescued him and increased his troops, Xuande would be safe today. I treat Xuande well, and he An Neng can betray me, but he can also harm Bo Wei."

Cai Mao sighed and said: "Liu Xuande, the great hero of the world, can turn his back on Duke Cao, how can he not turn his back on Duke Ming!"

Hearing this, Liu Biao remained silent. He thought of Liu Bei's words that night and was quite afraid.

Kuai Yue coughed slightly and said: "Ming Gong, if you can retreat from Sun Quan now, why not temporarily call Liu Bei to Xiangyang to observe his behavior, inspect his appearance, and see if he has any intention of disobedience."

"What if Xuande doesn't enter Xiangyang?" Liu Biao asked.

Cai Mao cupped his hands and said, "Liu Bei and his men Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's family are all in Xinye, and they dare not enter Xiangyang. And if Liu Bei really doesn't enter Xiangyang, wouldn't it prove that Liu Bei has the determination to stand on his own in Yuzhang."

Liu Bei, Liu Qi, and Huo Jun sent troops to attack Yuzhang, but they did not bring their families with them, but left their families in Jingzhou.Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other family members are in Xinye, and Huo Jun's family members are in Zhijiang.

Liu Biao sighed and said: "Xuande is not such a person, so don't hurt his family. When Xuande comes to Xiangyang, someone will ask clearly. If Xuande has this intention, but does not mean to harm others, let him It can be re-stationed in Xinye."


Cai Mao and Kuai Yue retreated.

After leaving the government office, Cai Mao asked, "Brother Kuai, why don't you let me lead the navy eastward to attack the bandits east of the Yangtze River?"

Kuai Yue sneered and said, "Is De Gui looking for a way out?"

Cai Mao's expression changed drastically and he asked, "Brother Kuai, why did you say this?"

"Yuzhang is full of Liu Qi and Liu Bei's manpower. If Liu Qi leaks the military report to the Jiangdong Navy, Qian'an will be safe. Liu Jingzhou is ill, which is your opportunity to show off. Now for those trivial military exploits, you are actually alone. When you are in danger, you can speak wisely." Kuai Yue said.

Cai Mao looked embarrassed and said, "I just don't want Liu Qi to be the only one beautiful, and want to let Young Master Cong make meritorious deeds!"

Kuai Yue looked coldly and said: "In the opinion of ordinary people, who can succeed Liu Jingzhou's great cause? It is not about the civil and military achievements, but who Liu Jingzhou favors. Young Master Cong must show his filial piety and win Liu Jingzhou's favor."


 It's three o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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