Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 127: Using the drum to break Xia Hou

Chapter 127: Using the drum to break Xia Hou

The bed crossbow originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and flourished in the Han Dynasty.Using a gun as an arrow, many people string it and fire it with a hammer, the lethality is astonishing.Due to its large size and heavy weight, it is often used in offensive and defensive battles, but is rarely used in field battles.

The Queyue Formation is a chariot formation, using the range of crossbows to have lethality against cavalry; however, it lacks effective lethality against dense infantry formations with huge shields and thick oars.

When Emperor Wu of the Liu Song Dynasty designed the Queyue Formation, he had already considered generals like Yu Jin who liked to use dense military formations to break formations. Therefore, he placed bed crossbows used in offensive and defensive battles in the Queyue Formation to strengthen the formation breaking capabilities of the Cheyue Formation. ability to maintain penetration into dense military formations.

Boats were used to carry the bed crossbows, and the military formation was within a hundred steps. Carrying the small bed crossbows into the vehicle formation only took a little effort.

Facing the shield wall of Cao's army advancing from three sides, Gao Xiang raised his command flag with a ferocious expression, but the sergeants in the moon formation revealed the crossbows that had been strung in advance.Those Cao Bing infantrymen who were walking with their shields were completely unaware, and they only felt that the sound of crossbows coming from the air was a little quieter.


Gao Xiang waved the flag, and the sergeant operating the bed crossbow raised the hammer and hit the crossbow machine heavily. The crossbow machine was triggered, and the taut bowstring released the long-awaited elastic potential energy, accompanied by the sound of "tightening" With the sound of "stretch" and "stretch", the crossbow arrows loaded in the crossbow slot were fired out.


Twenty crossbow arrows comparable to the size of short spears shot out of the air, and at a distance of more than a hundred steps, the bed crossbow still had extraordinary lethality.Under the terrifying penetrating power, the wooden shield and oar immediately fell apart, and then shot through Cao's chest before the infantry had time to react, leaving a huge wound. Blood spurted out, and the infantry fell to the ground.

Twenty crossbow bolts directly penetrated Cao Jun's infantry, which were advancing with shields and oars.The crossbow arrow did not stop its flight, and then shot through the body of an infantryman of Cao Army behind, and the short spear connected them into meat skewers.

Under the dense military formation, one arrow shot through one or two people, killing thirty or forty infantrymen, shattering the military formation that looked like a turtle shield, exposing the infantrymen wielding bows and spears behind the shield.Taking advantage of this gap, nearly a hundred strong bows and crossbows fired another volley at the exposed gap in Cao Jun's formation. Dozens of unprotected infantry were killed by arrows.

Under the fierce firepower of Queyue Formation, it caused a small commotion in Cao Jun's formation.However, due to the strict military control, the riot only lasted for a short time before the military judge used his life to calm down and stabilize the position.Under the command of Cao Jun's officers, the shield wall slowly advanced again.

"Hurry up and wind it up!"

Gao Xiang shouted at the top of his lungs.

Amid Gao Xiang's urging, the five infantrymen were exerting all their strength to twist the crossbow, and slowly opened the crossbow string with a heart-wrenching sound. The crossbowman in charge of firing adjusted the crossbow. direction, load the crossbow slot with a crossbow arrow the size of a short spear.

When Cao Jun's formation advanced to fifty steps, the crossbowmen raised their sledgehammers high and hammered the crossbows with all their strength.


Twenty crossbow bolts shot out of the air again, piercing both people and shields. Nearly a hundred arrows followed closely. Dozens of Cao Jun's infantry fell to the ground, causing another frightening Cao Jun formation to harass.With the last experience, the military judge quickly suppressed the situation and ordered Cao Jun's infantry to charge.

"Wan Sheng!"

In order to reduce the damage from another wave of crossbows, Xu Jin's phalanx became heated. Sergeant Cao held up his shields and shouted slogans. The drums beat thunderously. They ran forward over the weeds and shrubs and fought towards the Jingzhou military formation.

Huo Jun watched the battle on the river beach with a smile on his lips.

If Emperor Wu of the Liu Song Dynasty traveled to later generations, he would probably be a master of the tower defense game. It was obviously a formation battle, but he played it into a tower defense battle by luring the enemy into taking the bait.With their backs to the river, the infantry formed a car formation outside, using bed crossbows, hard bows and powerful crossbows to form a firepower network, killing the infantry in a large area.

When the enemy approaches the car formation and fights, the real nightmare begins!
"Withdraw the crossbow and load the spear!"

The infantry in the formation took over the chariot formation, and the light chariots poked out spears and wolves, but the formation instantly turned into a hedgehog.The crossbowman on the bed inside is loading and twisting the crossbow string, and the crossbowman steps back to load the crossbow.


Facing the obstruction of light vehicles, Cao Jun's brave infantry tried to climb over the vehicles under the cover of their colleagues, but the sergeant in the vehicle formation took the opportunity to thrust his spear in, knocking him to the ground with one spear; the spearman was separated from the vehicle formation and inside the formation. When the infantry fights, their vision is blocked by the dense branches of the wolves. Suddenly a spear is thrust out from the branches and kills the infantry outside the chariot formation; or someone attempts to climb into the formation through the gap under the light chariot. But he was stabbed to death by the sergeant who was well prepared.

In close combat, the light chariots became the city wall, the infantry in the formation fought along the arc-shaped chariot formation, and the crossbowmen loaded crossbows inside, waiting for the next cooperative battle.

"The bed crossbow is ready!"

After fighting for a while, the bed crossbow was loaded. The crossbowman removed the large shield in front of the bed crossbow. Through the gap in the light cart, the cold and shiny crossbow spear was aimed at the Cao Jun infantry who were attacking the car formation.

An infantryman of Cao Jun caught a glimpse of the crossbow on the bed. His scalp went numb and his whole body felt cold. He had no chance of surviving under such a close range shooting.He threw himself to the ground subconsciously, not caring whether the soldiers behind him would trample on him.


The moment he fell to the ground, the crossbowman swung the hammer again and hit the crossbow machine hard, activating the bed crossbow that was ready to go.

Cao Jun's infantry who fell to the ground only heard the sound of the crossbow strings rebounding and the crossbow spears breaking through the air. Then there were a lot of popping sounds, which was the sound of the crossbow spears being shot into the body. Then there were a lot of wailing sounds, obviously. The crossbow spear, when fired at such a close range, not only killed one person, but killed three or four people.

"Up the crossbow!"

After the crossbow fired fiercely, Huo Du shouted loudly.Soldiers holding single crossbows stepped forward and inserted themselves into the infantry queue, set up their bows and fired arrows, and another wave of arrows flew out from the chariot formation.

Under the combined firepower of crossbows and crossbows, a large number of Cao Jun's infantrymen were killed or injured in front of the chariot formation. The injured retreated in fear of the chariot formation in front of them, and did not dare to step forward to fight. They were obviously frightened.A commotion gradually broke out in the military formation. How could Yu Jin, who was strict in running the army, allow this to happen? The military judge beheaded several people to stabilize the formation.

Yu Jin had a cold face. Sure enough, he and Xia Houyuan underestimated Huo Jun.Huo Jun dared to form a formation with his back to the water, obviously he had a back-up plan. However, if Huo Jun just stuck to the car formation, defeat would be a matter of time.

"It takes time to reload the bed crossbow. The soldiers who have taken over the formation fought bravely and quickly broke through the chariot formation." Yu Jin ordered.


There are only twenty bed crossbows in the vehicle formation, so they cannot cover everything. Huo Junduo places the bed crossbows in the front to face the enemy. The Queyue formation on the flanks only has strong bows and hard crossbows. The lethality is definitely not comparable to the bed crossbows and crossbows. Compare.Now Cao Jun's infantry on the front has retreated slightly, and Cao Jun's infantry on both sides are fiercely attacking Queyue Formation.


Huo Jun was amazed as he watched the Cao army's infantry in the front reorganizing their ranks and preparing to attack.As expected, the imperial army was strict, and under intensive firepower, the infantry could still launch an attack.However, he was surprised, and Huo Jun didn't think Cao Jun could hold on for long.

"Order the boats to approach the shore and throw stone bombs at the two flanks of Cao's army to cover our flanking vehicle formation."


A hundred steps away from the water to reach the battle, it is convenient to have a boat, and the small carts on the boat can naturally support the car formation on both wings.In order to realize the war fighting style, Huo Jun modified the shallow-draft fighting ship and arranged it with a simple trolley.

Under Huo Jun's order, five fighting boats were arranged along the river at each end of the formation. The gunner loosened the rope, the tip pole bounced forward, and the stone bullets flew out of the air, drawing arcs in the air with a whistling sound. .


Except for one of the ten stone bullets at the wrong angle, the other nine stone bullets hit the dense Cao Jun formation.A crudely arranged catapult, the stone projectiles thrown are not large.

A sergeant who was throwing a bow into the sky heard the sound and just looked up when he was hit by a stone bullet. His skull was broken, his head was bleeding, and his brains were splattered.The soldiers beside him were so frightened that they quickly looked up and saw the stone bullets coming from the river. They were quite panicked.

"Up the crossbow!"

The sergeants on both wings took advantage of the commotion in Cao's army to lead the crossbowmen who were ready to launch, stepped on the light chariot, and poured out a hail of arrows.With the cooperation of stone bullets and bows and crossbows, and the fact that the chariot formation was easy to defend and difficult to attack, Cao's troops on both wings of Queyue Formation became commotion and showed signs of retreating as their casualties increased.

The stone bullets were not very lethal, but the sound and the appearance of death were frightening, which dampened the morale of Cao's soldiers.

Xia Houyuan, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but open his mouth slightly when he saw this. It was surprising that navy + light chariot + infantry + bed crossbow could produce such a combination.

Are you fighting in the field or attacking a city?

Even Xia Houyuan, who was watching the battle, felt the power of Queyue Formation, so how could Yu Jin, who personally commanded the infantry in combat, not know this.He immediately changed his previous thoughts and sent his attendants to report the battle situation to Xiahou Yuan.

"Supervisor, General Yu said that there is something strange about the enemy's chariot formation. They are protected by chariots and boats on the left and right, and have crossbows as fronts. It is really difficult to defeat them. It is better to retreat and wait for Sun Yu's navy to come up the Shuo River. Cut off his boats and attack them from both front and rear. To break the enemy's formation." The attendant said, cupping his hands.


Xia Houyuan whipped the scout's back hard with the whip in his hand and said angrily: "Our army of seven thousand sergeants surrounded the enemy's three thousand soldiers and horses, twice as many as the enemy. If we can't break it, how can we have the face to see Sikong. Tell Yu Jin to step forward bravely, and the two armies Fighting requires bravery, how can you defeat the enemy with such cowardice?"

Yu Jin's words made Xiahou Yuan quite angry. Before the war, he had slighted Sun Yu. He couldn't defeat 7000 men with 3000 men, and yet he still needed his help. Wasn't this a joke to him?Moreover, he had ridiculed Huo Jun for his incompetence before. Now that he was facing the water and backing up the formation, if he could not win, it would be a slap in his face.

Of course, Xia Houyuan also had his own fighting thoughts. As he said, the two armies should be the first to fight bravely. If the soldiers fight bravely, they will surely defeat the enemy.

It's a pity that Xia Houyuan didn't know that the Queyue Formation designed by Emperor Wu of Liu Song Dynasty was specifically designed to deal with iron-headed boys like him. The more reckless you are, the more miserable your death will be.

Today, Huo Jun will use Queyue Formation to make Xia Houyuan understand a truth, that is, a general must not only be brave, but also wise. Taking courage as the basis and acting with wisdom is the way to be a general.

Under Xia Houyuan's urging, Yu Jin and Guan Qiuxing asked their soldiers to attack the chariot formation again.Compared with the first attack, Cao's infantry were well-trained and brave. Knowing the power of Queyue Formation and looking at the tragic corpses in front of the chariot formation, they were already frightened and no longer as brave as before.

Huo Jun stood on the boat and looked down from a high position. He noticed the anomaly in Cao Jun's formation and looked up at the movements of Cao Jun's cavalry.I saw that the cavalrymen had not fought for a long time and were quite loose. Considering the endurance of the horses, the cavalrymen dismounted to rest and were not alert.

Seeing this, Huo Jun sneered and said sarcastically: "Xia Houyuan really doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Raise the green flag and let Shiren prepare."


Seeing his brother raising the green flag, Huo Du shouted in a hoarse voice: "Order the crossbows to wait until the enemy approaches before firing. The crossbowmen are ready and the infantry unhooks and locks."

The military order was conveyed, and as Cao's army approached, the infantrymen in Queyue's formation removed the hooks and locks of the formation, and continued to line up with spears and guns; the crossbowmen were sweating hotly, and they were concentrated, holding the hammer tightly in their hands; The crossbowmen were silent, loading their bows with arrows and holding their crossbows, while the cavalrymen whispered to each other, put on their armor, led their horses and held their spears.

Seeing that there was no sound of crossbows in the formation, the infantry of Cao's army felt slightly at ease. Under the urging of the officers, they held up their shields and launched another attack.Taking hurried steps, staring ahead, still worried about the crossbows in the car array.


A tom!

When approaching fifty steps, the crossbowmen heard the military drum and moved, and twenty crossbows were revealed.The soldiers holding the shield were so frightened that they moved to the left and right, not daring to face the crossbow.

The bed crossbowman spat and raised his hammer to hit the crossbow machine with all his strength.Twenty short spears were ejected. Under the astonishing penetrating power, Cao Jun's infantry in the military formation turned into meat skewers again, wailing incessantly.The crossbowmen emerged from the light carts and poured out the crossbows in their hands. The Cao army's formation was filled with bloodshed again.

This wave of crossbow + arrow rain attacks frightened Sergeant Cao's soldiers again. Compared with the small commotion caused before, this time everyone retreated one after another, the military formation was in chaos, and the officers kept shouting.

Obviously after many attacks, the morale of Cao's soldiers had reached a critical value. This time the firepower of Queyue Formation was like the last straw that crushed them.


Two toms!

"Driving array!"

In the sound of drums, the light chariots in front of Queyue Formation were pushed away, and the infantry retreated to both sides, making way for a road that could be passed by seven or eight riders.


Shiren held his long spear high and galloped forward, while the three hundred cavalrymen also shouted in unison.

Three hundred cavalrymen accelerated out of the chariot formation, and thousands of iron hooves stamped on the ground with a deafening roar, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

Facing the [-] cavalrymen who came out of Queyue Formation, all Cao Jun's soldiers were stunned. They had been besieging them for so long and never thought about Queyue Formation's sudden counterattack.

A group of three hundred cavalry rushed out like this and were defeated by crossbows and crossbows. Cao's infantry who retreated and caused a commotion had no time to resist.

In an instant, the cavalry stepped into the formation.Shiren was holding a long spear in his hand and saw a Cao army commander ordering the sergeants to assemble. He spurred his horse to pass by, stabbed the spear into his chest, and then walked away.The rest of Cao's soldiers became more and more confused and scattered in all directions.

Three hundred cavalrymen charged forward, sometimes using their long spears to charge, sometimes drawing their swords to chop, killing Cao Jun's infantry.They also acted in batches and formed several small teams to cut up the military formation, causing the chaotic infantry of Cao's army to flee.The cavalry were like driving cattle and sheep, allowing these defeated troops to break up the small formations that were trying to assemble.Fear was spreading, confusion was spreading, and Cao Jun's infantry began to collapse immediately.


Shiren remembered Huo Jun's military orders and left more than a hundred cavalrymen to destroy Cao Jun's formation. He gathered [-] cavalrymen, broke through Cao Jun's formation in front, and killed Cao Jun's cavalry who had dismounted to rest and had no time to defend themselves.

These Cao Jun cavalrymen saw that the army formation was difficult to break and the infantry fought hard for a long time. Of course, they could not ride on their horses for a long time. After all, the endurance of the war horses was poor. In order to ensure their physical strength for the battle, they dismounted to rest and feed the war horses rations.

When Shiren led the Jingzhou cavalry to attack them, only dozens of cavalry mounted their horses to fight.When Kankan launched the attack, two hundred cavalrymen had already killed them in front of them.

Relying on the speed of his horse, Shiren reached out with the horse spear in his hand and knocked the Cao Wei cavalryman to the ground who had just mounted his horse.Then facing the cavalrymen who were not on their horses and with bare hands, they waved their long spears, killed several people, and dispersed the horses.

Two hundred cavalry charged and killed these brave cavalrymen until they cried for their fathers and ran in all directions; their horses were frightened and ran towards the surrounding fields.In an instant, two to three hundred cavalrymen were killed on the spot, and the rest of the cavalrymen were killed and scattered in all directions, no matter how much Wen Ji shouted.

Shiren was excited to fight there, but Xia Houyuan, who was watching the battle, was very angry.Since he joined the army, this was the first time he fought so cowardly in a battle. The army formation could not be breached, and the enemy cavalry counterattacked and killed him.The soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

"Come on!"

Xia Houyuan grabbed the attendant's long spear, got on his horse, and shouted: "Ask Zhang Xi to follow me, kill the enemy cavalry, and then take the opportunity to break the formation."


Xia Houyuan led his troops to gather together Zhang Xi's cavalry, totaling about [-] cavalry, and attacked Shiren's troops brazenly.

Huo Jun, who was standing on the boat, saw another group of cavalry attacking Shiren's troops from an angle. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Xia Houyuan will be defeated!"

"Blow the trumpet and tell Shiren to withdraw his troops."



Shiren, who was fighting hard, heard the sound of the horn and saw the cavalry of Cao's army that was about to kill. He immediately asked people to wave the military flag and assemble to retreat.The two hundred cavalrymen were summoned by the military flag and warned by the sound of the trumpet. They gave up the pursuit and quickly retreated towards the original route.


Xia Houyuan was overjoyed, and the commander shouted loudly: "The enemy's cavalry returned to camp, take the opportunity to chase them, break the formation and enter."

Xia Houyuan did not attack with the army, but left behind to sort out the scattered infantry and cavalry.

In front of Queyue Formation, Cao Jun's infantry were driven away by Jingzhou cavalry. Shiren led [-] cavalrymen back to the formation along the smooth road.Behind him, Zhang Xi led his cavalry in hot pursuit, hoping to seize the opportunity to enter the battle with Shiren's cavalry.

Shiren held the reins and galloped ahead. When he was approaching thirty steps, he saw a white flag erected in the middle of the formation.Then he rode his horse diagonally to the left, following the car formation and walking in an arc.Two hundred cavalrymen marched towards the left and right sides, with one hundred cavalrymen on each side.

The more than a hundred cavalrymen he had left behind before drove the frontal infantry to both sides, causing some confusion in the left and right military formations.The two hundred cavalrymen dispersed and were not blocked. On the contrary, they aggravated the turmoil of Cao Jun's formations on both sides.

When the two hundred cavalrymen dispersed, the opened military formation was exposed to Zhang Xi's cavalrymen.

At the same time, Xia Houyuan in the rear looked at the Shiren cavalry scattered and had a premonition of danger. He shouted excitedly: "Ming Jin! Let them retreat quickly!"

Although the order was given, it was too late.

The gate of the carriage array was open, and two rows of wolf spears were stuck diagonally on the ground. The dense branches and sharp spear points were intimidating.Behind the wolf trap, there were twenty crossbows aimed at Cao Jun's cavalry, while hundreds of strong bows and crossbows were ready to go.

Shiren and his two hundred cavalrymen were prepared in advance and were able to successfully turn. When Cao Jun's cavalry turned to avoid it, they still galloped forward a few steps due to the inertia of the horses.

"Fire arrows!"

As Cao Jun's cavalry galloped, twenty short spears ejected from the crossbows, followed by hundreds of arrows.




The short spear flew with great force, and no one was spared wherever it went; the strong bow and crossbow were armor-piercing weapons, killing or injuring those who hit them.Hundreds of crossbow bolts were fired into the cavalry, countless bloody lights burst out, and nearly two hundred cavalrymen were killed on the spot.

The crossbow stopped, but the crossbowmen were still pouring arrows. The sergeant in the front row took the loaded crossbow from the back row, raised his hand and fired. Then another group of cavalry and horses fell down, wailing and groaning in pain on the ground.


Zhang Xi, who was leading the charge, was in the second line. He was lucky enough to escape the terrifying bed crossbow, but he did not escape the heavy arrows. Several heavy arrows shot directly through his chest, heart and lungs. With just a wailing sound, he was stunned. He fell to the ground and died.

Zhang Xi died, and a large number of cavalry were killed. The remaining knights became increasingly chaotic, and the queue was suddenly fragmented.


Seeing this scene, Huo Jun drew his sword, pointed at Cao Jun, and shouted excitedly: "The whole army attacks!"



Three-way drum!
The sound of drums resounded throughout the Anhui River and its east bank, and all the soldiers in Queyue Formation began to boil.Shiren led the cavalry to double-team and fight back. The infantry in the chariot formation rushed out under the leadership of Huo Du, Gao Xiang, and Ding Feng.

Ding Feng and Gao Xiang each commanded 600 men. They came out along the channel opened in the front. They held swords and shields and carried crossbows on their backs. One of them attacked Cao Jun on the right, and the other attacked Cao Jun on the left.Du led more than a thousand soldiers in the formation to fight relying on light vehicles.

Cao's military formations on both sides were attacked by rout troops and the cavalry charge, and the formation was already shaken. Fortunately, Yu Jin and Guan Qiuxing stabilized the position in time, so there was no rout, and only local chaos occurred.

But then Gao Xiang and Ding Feng led elite infantry to attack from the flanks. They held swords and shields and rushed into the formation. They first threw short spears to break their formation, and then rushed into the formation with an overwhelming force.Huo Du ordered his sergeants to use bows, arrows and javelins to attack Cao's troops on both sides. If they were defeated, he would lead his troops to break out of the Queyue Formation.

Cao's army was so tired that they followed Xia Houyuan on a long march to Wanshui. They could not rest for more than a day before fighting the Jingzhou army. Facing the long-term attack of the Queyue Formation, the sharp crossbows and the blows of hurled stones in the formation, they were already tired. , if they hadn't been in battle for a long time, they would have collapsed long ago.

Today, Ding Feng, Gao Xiang, and Huo Du counterattacked on both sides, as well as being harassed by a small number of cavalry. It was even possible to see that there were still more soldiers and horses in the boats floating on the Anhui River. Cao's soldiers became more and more panicked.

Ding Feng and Gao Xiang broke through the corners of the military formation, and then from point to surface, they directly broke through and penetrated into the two flanks of the military formation.Sergeant Cao's soldiers began to retreat. As more people retreated, it turned into an escape.Cao Jun's infantry were gradually controlled by panic. No matter how much Yu Jin and Guan Qiu Xing shouted, it was in vain, and they were even dragged away.

On the Anhui River, Huo Jun looked at the defeated Cao army, raised his head and laughed, and said: "Fighting with your back to the water, defeating the masses with a small number, except Han Xin, there are other people who have come before you!"

"The whole army is in pursuit!"

Everyone had their own sorrows and sorrows. Huo Jun was overjoyed. Xia Houyuan looked at the cavalry pushed back by the Jingzhou sergeant. He was furious and shouted loudly: "Where are Yu Jin and Zhang Xi?"

"Warlord, General Zhang died in battle!" the cavalryman said in fear.

"What about Yu Jin?"

"Someone is here!"

Under the cover of his personal guards, Yu Jin escaped from the chaotic military formation and came to Xia Houyuan's side.

Xia Houyuan asked angrily: "What's going on?"

Yu Jin looked at the infantry of Cao's army retreating like a tide, and said bitterly: "Jiu Ke's army is difficult to get out of the formation. The enemy troops are firing crossbows incessantly. The infantry in the front are broken, and the left and right wings are attacked. The soldiers are tired and their morale is low. It is considered a defeat. !”

"The warlord retreats immediately!"

The attendant looked at Shiren, who was coming to fight back, and shouted: "Take shelter from the enemy for now!"


Seeing that the infantry and cavalry phalanx he had just assembled was dispersed by the defeated army, and Jingzhou's counterattack became more and more powerful, Xiahou Yuan gave the order decisively.


Huo Jun had people chase him for a while, worried about the battle between Gan Ning and Sun Yu downstream.He ordered Gao Xiang, Huo Du and other generals to lead their troops back, leaving Shiren to lead the cavalry to pursue Cao's defeated soldiers.

Xia Houyuan gathered his infantry and cavalry along the way, and the focus was on gathering the war horses. After all, war horses were particularly precious.He shuttled along the mountains and trees, and his destination was Shiting.

Although Shiting was not as flat as Long Fengting, it was still flat and fertile. He planned to collect the defeated troops in Shiting, observe the situation at Sun Yu's side, and then make plans.

I don’t know how long I have been running, but it is approaching dusk and the sky is already dark.At this time, Xia Houyuan's clothes were soaked with sweat. He took off his clothes, his hair was messy, and he held the reins and pulled the horse behind him.

He collected the defeated army along the way, with more than [-] cavalry and more than a thousand infantry.It was too difficult to walk between the hills. Considering the hooves of the war horses, he and the others chose to walk.


The attendant pointed forward and shouted: "Our army's mountain road is blocked by huge rocks and trees, making it difficult to move forward."

Xia Houyuan looked around and saw several large trees blocking the narrow mountain road and piles of stones, blocking their way forward.

Suddenly, the flag of the Jingzhou Army rose in the silent mountains, and the drums sounded loudly again.There seemed to be countless soldiers running through the mountains and forests, and the momentum was terrifying.

Such a scene frightened Xia Houyuan and the soldiers, who turned pale. They were defeated soldiers, but now they have fled here, and they have no strength to fight.

"not good!"

"Enemy attack!"


Seeing that the ambush soldiers were some distance away from them, Xia Houyuan shouted: "Climb over the mountain road quickly."

"General, what about the war horses?"

The cavalryman looked at the blocked mountain road, looked at the cavalryman again, and said distressedly.

"Behead them on the spot, don't leave them to the enemy!" Xia Houyuan said cruelly.


When the cavalrymen hesitated, Yu Jin led the infantry up the mountain road and left, while the Jingzhou sergeants on the mountain ridge rushed down the hillside.

Just as the cavalrymen were about to swing their swords, several cold arrows were shot from their ears, which frightened the cavalrymen so much that they did not dare to stay and ran away.Except for a small number of war horses that were killed, a large number of war horses were left behind in the mountain road by Cao Jun's infantry.

Seeing this, Xu Sheng also ordered his men to stop the pursuit and gather their horses.There were only a few hundred sergeants under his command, and most of them were new soldiers. It was difficult for him to fight against Xia Houyuan's defeated army. Therefore, the task assigned to him by Huo Jun was only to capture the war horses.

ps; no more today, this time it’s long enough!
(End of this chapter)

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