Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 128: Floating flag breaks Jiangdong

Chapter 128: Floating flag breaks Jiangdong

Gao Xiang, Huo Du and Ding Feng led their troops out of the formation. After a long battle, Cao's army collapsed.

On the east bank of the Wan River, the soldiers of Jingzhou lined up on both sides majestically with guns and flags raised, chests raised and heads raised, to greet their commander-in-chief.


The flagship is close to the east bank of Wanshui River, and the pedals are placed between the deck and the river bank.

The autumn wind whistled, the flags rolled, and in the eyes of everyone, a heroic general stepped out.He is more than eight feet tall. He wears a Confucian scholar's coat with wide sleeves and an armor. The right fold is folded down, exposing one arm of the armor, and one arm is wrapped in an embroidered robe.Wear a green ribbon around the waist and wear a silver seal.

Emphasis on both civil and military affairs, conferring seals and worshiping generals, and the style of Confucian generals. Who dares to dress like this, who else is better than Huo Lang!

He was walking with tiger steps, the autumn wind was blowing his clothes, and the embroidered robe on his body was rustling. Huo Jun placed his right hand on the hilt of his sword, his face solemn.

"General Wansheng!"

"General Wansheng!"

"General Wansheng!"

Accompanied by the sound of military drums, the sergeants on both sides shouted three times, and the loud voices resounded throughout the Wanshui River beach.

Huo Jun walked with a smile on his face, holding his sword, and Gao Xiang, Ding Feng, and Huo Du came up to meet him.

"Report to the general!"

Gao Xiang looked in admiration, raised his hands and said: "Our army has been chasing for several miles, but the enemy was invincible and did not dare to block it. We faced the enemy with our backs against the enemy, and we were able to win a great victory. Han Xin could not have done it while he was still alive. Now we have to rely on the general to set up the formation. Xiang is deeply honored by defeating a powerful enemy!"

Gao Xiang couldn't tolerate such bragging. He arrayed himself against the water and used the weak to defeat the strong. It was really not something that ordinary generals could do.No matter what the secrets are, anyone who succeeds can be promoted to the position of a famous general; but if you fail, you will become a representative of stupidity.

Huo Jun temporarily borrowed the Queyue Formation of Emperor Wu of the Liu Song Dynasty, and relied on his own excellent tactical talent, plus Xia Houyuan's head iron, to complete the feat of defeating seven thousand with three thousand under the right time, place and people.Of course, if the Wankou battlefield is victorious again, defeating Sun Yu's army and seizing the fleet navy will be another great feat.

One against two, the weak overcomes the strong. With these two great feats, I don’t know where Huo Jun’s reputation will be pushed.

Huo Jun raised his hand slightly and said softly and modestly: "The Marquis of Huaiyin lined up near the water and defeated a powerful enemy. It is beyond the capabilities of a human being. How dare Jun compare to him. Sun Yu has not been defeated yet, so the armies cannot relax!"


"May I ask, General, how is the battle situation under Gan Zhonglang's troops?" Ding Feng asked with his hands raised.

"Gan Zhonglang set up a wooden fence in a dangerous valley, but Sun Yu ordered his soldiers to destroy it by boat. The two sides fought fiercely on the Wan River in small boats. I don't know the outcome now," Huo Jun said.

The Wanshui River originates from the Dabie Mountains and flows into the Yangtze River from north to south. However, the Wanshui River does not flow directly into the Yangtze River.Instead, it winds and twists. There is a big change of direction in Shengtang Mountain north of Wankou. The river narrows and the water flows quickly.

Gan Ning led his navy in small boats and floated on the Shengtang Mountain section of the Wan River to fight against Sun Yu who went north to support him; Chen Yue and Huo Yuan led their troops to take boats down the river from Sangluozhou, taking advantage of Sun Yu's empty camp after he left the camp. On the occasion, they attacked Wankou Village.

Now that Huo Jun defeated Xia Houyuan and Yu Jin, he wanted to send his troops south to help Gan Ning and Chen Yue and seize the navy ships anchored in the water stronghold.

After all, the core of the main force was in Wanshui, and they only used Queyue Formation to defeat Xiahou Yuan, not to annihilate Xia Houyuan.Moreover, Xia Houyuan had too many cavalrymen, and he could not catch up no matter how hard he pursued them.

As for Xu Sheng who was intercepted in Shiting, he only had a few hundred new soldiers under his command. If he fought with the remaining soldiers commanded by Xia Houyuan who were bent on survival, Xu Sheng would most likely be defeated.It would be better to let Xu Sheng bluff and seize the horse from Xia Houyuan.He gathered his troops and went south to help out and seize the Wansui division ship.

After all, the advantage of big ships over small ships is too great. As long as Sun Yu's navy is not destroyed, he will be at a disadvantage, and Yuzhang will be threatened by the enemy.Now it is difficult to get Sergeant Sun Yu out of the camp. If he cannot break it and seize the ship, this battle will not achieve his goal.

Ding Feng was eager to give it a try and said, "I would like to be the vanguard and lead the soldiers down the river in a small boat to help Gan Zhonglang defeat the enemy."

"it is good!"

Huo Jun nodded in approval and said: "Chengyuan fights bravely and his spirit is commendable. I order you to be the vanguard and go down the river to help defeat the enemy."

"Thank you, General!"

Ding Feng cupped his hands in response, turned around and left, wanting to return to the army and call the sergeants on board.

"Wait a minute!"

Huo Jun called out to Ding Feng who was about to leave, and said with a smile: "Where does Chengyuan want to go?"

Ding Feng looked confused and said: "General Qi, didn't the general order me to be the vanguard and go straight down the river to help Gan Zhonglang?"

Huo Jun pointed to the rushing Anhui River flowing southward and said with a smile: "Compared with Chengyuan entering the water by boat or the rushing river, which one is faster?"

"The water in Anhui is very fast. Even if the boat goes down the river, it will not be as fast as the water in Anhui." Ding Feng replied.

Huo Jun smiled and said, "In that case, why didn't Chengyuan throw Cao's army's banners, broken spears, and crossbows into the river, and let them go down the river. Chengyuan himself led thousands of soldiers behind, and then killed them."

Hearing this, Ding Feng suddenly understood and instantly understood what Huo Jun meant. He cupped his hands and followed Huo Jun's instructions.

Just as Huo Jun was further arranging work, Shiren came with a disgraced scribe.

Shiren was shot in the thigh. The wound had been bandaged. He staggered over and said, "This is to inform the general. We will capture the thief in Yangzhou and leave. However, I don't know whether it is true or not. Please tell me, general."

Jiang Ji was in the military camp. When Xia Houyuan, Yu Jin, Wen Ji and other generals retreated, there was no time to call him.When he learned of the defeat, he wanted to lead his infantry to retreat along the trail, but was caught by Shiren.

Huo Jun looked at Yangzhou Biejia and asked, "I wonder what you call me?"

With that said, Huo Jun took out the handkerchief from his arms and handed it to this person.

Jiang Ji raised his head and glanced at the elegant yet heroic Huo Jun, secretly sighing at his extraordinary temperament, wiped the dust on his face, raised his hands and said: "I am Jiang Ji, Jiang Zitong, a native of Chu Guoping, currently in charge of Yangzhou. I have a nameless thorn in my hand now, please forgive me."

After a pause, Jiang Ji asked: "May I ask, General, if it is Huo Poyang who formed an array near the water and defeated our army?"

Huo Jun held his sword with one hand and said jokingly: "If there is no second Huo Zhongmiao in the world, then the person you mentioned must be this one."

Listening to Huo Jun's little joke, Jiang Ji wiped the smoke from his forehead and felt fond of Huo Jun, who had an extraordinary appearance and was proficient in military strategy.

After a pause, Huo Jun looked at the captured Jiang Ji and said, "Jun Yu Jianghuai is known as Mr. Su Wen. He is proficient in political strategy and talented in civil and military affairs. Now that the Han Dynasty is in decline, Jun wants to help the Han Dynasty with Mr. Jun, but I don't know what Mr. Wang wants. no?"

Jiang Ji was silent for a while and asked: "The Marquis of Huaiyin followed the strategy of falling into death and then surviving. He secretly sent soldiers to attack the camp and was able to defeat Chen Yu. But I don't know what strategy the general took to defeat the enemy?"

There was no room for Jiang Ji to be curious. After all, Huo Jun had no other backup plan. If he lined up near the water, he would be seeking death.

"Ha ha!"

Huo Jun pressed his sword and walked slowly, and said: "Zitong, can you remember the next sentence? The purpose of serving as a soldier is to follow the enemy's will, to fight against the enemy consistently, and to kill generals thousands of miles away. This is called a person who can accomplish things by cleverness."

"Line up in formation near the water, use the method of half-crossing, follow the enemy's will, and lure the enemy to attack. Xiahou Yuan is brave, but he knows how to advance and does not know how to retreat, which blunts his edge. He keeps fighting with the enemy and fights hard, so he can defeat the enemy. .”

As he said that, Huo Jun smiled and said: "If Xia Houyuan is not the leader of the army, but someone else is the leader, seeing that the formation is complete, knowing its advantages and disadvantages, and leading the army instead of attacking, Jun'an can defeat the enemy!"

Jiang Ji looked at the 'Xiahou' flag floating on the Anhui River, frowned and asked: "Then the general must be sure that Xiahouyuan will act like this?"

Huo Jun shook his head, looked at Ding Feng's troops who had set off, and said: "Jun's original intention was only to defeat the enemy, attract Sun Yu to attack, defeat his navy, and seize Wankou. However, today's victory and defeat of Xiahou Yuan was because Xia Houyuan did not know how to advance or retreat. , Bei Jun acted according to the situation and took the opportunity to defeat him."

Hearing this, Jiang Ji looked shocked and opened his mouth slightly.

Huo Jun was too bold in his use of troops. He divided his troops and used weak soldiers to fight Sun Cao's coalition. Isn't he afraid of defeat?

Huo Jun seemed to see Jiang Ji's doubts and said with a smile: "Our army is facing the river with our backs. If the battle is unfavorable, we can take the boat and leave. Sun Yu will fight against our army against the river. At that time, I can lead the elite soldiers and horses down the river to help us. Master, defeat Sun Yu's navy."

This is Huo Jun's fighting style. He is always prepared with both hands.If he could only hold Xia Houyuan back but could not defeat the enemy, he would take the opportunity to let the sergeants board the ship and help Gan Ning defeat Sun Yu instead of fighting Xia Houyuan.

If Xia Houyuan goes south to help out, it depends on whether his legs are faster or the boat is faster.Having mastered the Wanshui River, Huo Jun could move forward freely.This is also the reason why he sent troops to fight in the autumn. The water level dropped, which facilitated the Jingzhou Army's small boats to control the Wanshui River. After all, the Jiangdong Navy's large ships could not enter the Wanshui River and could only use small boats to fight.

After hearing all the arrangements of Huo Jun's methods, Jiang Ji was already in shock.He did not expect that the young commander in front of him would be so experienced in using troops. Both offense and defense were part of his plan and could change according to the situation.

Looking at the flags floating in the water in front of him, Jiang Ji suddenly became enlightened and said: "The general floated the flags and armor of the defeated army down into the water, but he wanted to shake Sun Yu's military morale so that the weak soldiers could attack them?"

Huo Jun nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Zitong is a great talent in both civil and military affairs. Now that Cao Cao has usurped the rebellion, Liu Yangzhou and Liu Yuzhou want to join hands to fight against the rebellion. I wonder if Zitong is willing to join hands with Jun to support the Han Dynasty?"

Jiang Ji bowed his waist and cupped his hands, and said in a deep voice: "If the general does not give up, Ji is willing to follow the same path as the general!"


Huo Jun helped Jiang Ji up and laughed and said: "Victory over a powerful enemy, with the help of wise men, double happiness comes to our door."

"Where are Gao Xiang and Shiren?"

"I order you two to lead troops and station in Wancheng, receive the defeated troops of Cao's army, and verify the situation of the captured materials." Huo Jun ordered.


"Huo Zhonglang followed me on board the boat and went straight down the river to help Gan Zhonglang and Colonel Ding."


...Wanshui is the river channel of Tangshan Mountain.

On the not-wide river, more than a hundred corpses were floating on the river. They looked like soldiers from Jingzhou or soldiers from Jiangdong. Their blood was bright red, dyeing the river water red.


More than a dozen small boats fought with each other in a fierce and cruel boarding battle.The narrow hull of the ship put the sailors' physical skills to the test. The infantrymen on both sides tossed and turned, their swords and shields struck each other, and their swords collided.Anyone who is not careful will be injured by the enemy and fall into the water.


A Jingzhou sailor was caught in a flaw by a Jiangdong sailor. The blade struck him on the thigh, and he was kicked into the river by the enemy.The soldier who fell into the water was injured and couldn't stretch his thigh. He kept struggling in the water, and the blood stained the surrounding river. He struggled for an unknown amount of time, and finally drowned in the water due to his injuries and exhaustion.

However, another soldier from Jingzhou seized the opportunity and slashed the Jiangdong soldier head-on with his sword, leaving him bloody and bloody. He fell into the water with a splash, causing countless splashes, and sank into the river. His body was again Floating up.

On the narrow river, both sides occupied the upper and lower reaches, and both were good at water fighting, slashing with swords, and engaging in mortal combat.If one ship can no longer hold it, another ship will come to meet it, and it becomes a line-filling battle.


Zhang Shun boarded Gan Ning's ship and said worriedly: "The Jiangdong navy is fighting bravely, and most of the soldiers under the tent are veterans. Although our army occupies the upper reaches, nearly half of the soldiers under the tent are new soldiers, and these recruits are just Penglize fishermen, so they can't be called Elite. If we fight with the Jiangdong Navy for a long time, it may be detrimental to our army."

Gan Ning looked calm and said: "Although Sun Yu's soldiers are brave, how long can they last? They broke two wooden fences in a row, and then sent their troops up the river to fight with our sailors. They must be exhausted."

As mentioned before, the purpose of this battle was to completely annihilate Sun Yu. Therefore, when Gan Ning fought against Sun Yu, he was not thinking about blocking the enemy, but thinking about how to defeat the enemy.

Sun Yu led 4000 naval forces upstream, while Gan Ning led [-] men to fight in the waters of Shengtang Mountain.Two wooden fences were set up as a barrier, with the purpose of killing Sun Yu's men as much as possible and draining the energy of the Jiangdong navy.Nowadays, the boarding battle in the narrow river channel will further consume the energy of Jiangdong Navy.

Gan Ning was waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of the enemy's weakness, exhaustion, or wavering morale.

And this time Huo Jun sent it to him!

Zhang Shun's sharp eyes saw only a "Xiahou" flag floating down the river, surrounded by bows, arrows and spears, which were floating on the river and flowing with the water.Immediately afterwards, a large number of items such as flags, arrows, and military uniforms followed.

"The banners and weapons of Cao's army came along the river. It must be General Huo who defeated Xia Houyuan and Yu Jin."

Zhang Shun took a breath and said: "Form up near the water and defeat seven thousand from three thousand. You have to be a god to do it!"

When Huo Jun formed an array near the water, not only people like Chen Yue who had just joined the army were not optimistic about it, but also some generals who had followed Huo Jun were not optimistic about it.

Gan Ning looked at the banners on the river and said with a smile: "Zhongmiao fought against the water and defeated Cao's army. How can we be inactive and unable to defeat the enemy?"

"Cao's army is defeated, and the Jiangdong Navy must be in panic. There are eight hundred elite soldiers in the messenger tent. When a certain order is given, they will follow me into the enemy's formation." Gan Ning held the ring-headed sword in his hand and ordered loudly.


Seeing the flags and weapons of Cao's army coming down the river, the morale of the Jingzhou Navy surged, but the Jiangdong Navy seemed a little panicked.

Sun Yu's attendant picked up the 'Xiahou' flag with a spear and hurriedly presented the wet flag. He said in panic: "General, the water is full of Cao Jun's flags and weapons. I'm afraid Cao Jun has been defeated by Huo Jun."

Sun Yu snatched the soaked flag from the attendant's hand, spread it out and looked at it for a few times, then ran to the side of the boat and looked at the river.There are not only the flags of 'Xiahou', but also the flags of 'Yu', 'Wen', 'Guanqiu', 'Zhang' and other Cao Jun generals.

Sun Yu's expression was dull for a moment, then he looked upstream and murmured: "Didn't Huo Jun form his formation with his back to the water and Xia Houyuan attack halfway across the river? Why did Xia Houyuan lose? Could it be that Huo Jun is still alive because of Han Xin?"

Sun Yu's body couldn't help but feel cold. How could he beat such an opponent?

Cao's army has been defeated, and his best choice is to lead his navy to retreat to Niuzhu and force Huo Jun back with the advantage of large ships.He must not be defeated by Huo Jun, otherwise Huo Jun will go straight down the river to Jingkou and Moling, and Sun Quan's retreat will be cut off.

"General, will you withdraw?" the attendant asked, "Cao's army was defeated and our army went upstream. There is no need for rescue."

Sun Yu threw the wet flag onto the deck, sighed and said: "Order the troops to retreat slowly. If the enemy pursues them, shoot them with bows."

Before Sun Yu finished speaking, the soldiers on the ship shouted: "General, Gan Ning is leading his troops to kill!"

I saw the Jingzhou Navy living upstream, using the "Gan" flag warship as an arrow, and dozens of other warships headed towards the forward Zhang Da's troops.

Gan Ning stood on the deck holding his bow, staring at Zhang Da's warship.When approaching eighty paces, Gan Ning raised his long bow in the undulations of the river and aimed at Zhang Da, who was directing the battle.


The bowstring vibrated and the arrow shot through the air.A sharp arrow flew across the sky, broke through the leather armor, and hit Zhang Da's chest.Zhang Da screamed in pain, his body became paralyzed, and he fell into the river, not knowing whether to live or die.

"General!" Zhang Da Buqu lost his temper and shouted.

Gan Ning threw away his bow and arrow, held his sword and shield, and stood facing the wind.Facing the arrows flying in the air, use your sword and shield to block the arrows left and right.


When he was three steps away from the enemy ship, Gan Ning gathered his strength and jumped onto the enemy ship.The boat swayed left and right due to gravity, and the Jiangdong sailors were unsteady.Gan Ning was not affected and took the opportunity to advance forward.

"Ding Ding!"

The bell rang, Gan Ning used his shield to deflect the spear, walked on the deck as if on the ground, and slashed the faces of Jiangdong soldiers with his sword.While Jiangdong's soldiers were wailing, he stabbed Jiangdong's soldiers in the abdomen with another knife, killing him.Then he faced the two men with his sword, blocking from left to right. In the blink of an eye, two more people died in his hands.

At the same time, Gan Ning's troops boarded the ship to fight. The warship rocked, bells rang, and people's figures mingled.In an instant, Zhang Da's flagship was captured by Gan Ning.


Gan Ning swung his sword to cut off Zhang's flag, then jumped onto the nearby boat and commanded the sailors to kill another warship.

There was a flurry of arrows, and Gan Ning boarded the ship, killing several people in a row, cutting down the flag and seizing the ship.After defeating the enemy, Gan Ning jumped on one of his own warships to find the ship and defeat the enemy.

The water channel is narrow, canoes hit, and ships collide.Gan Ning and his subordinates jumped across the deck and beheaded the enemy.

In a short while, Gan Ning rushed forward in a light boat and led his troops to kill Zhang Da. He defeated the forward of Jiangdong Navy and penetrated Sun Yu's army.

Going up the river, the Jiangdong Navy, which had broken two wooden fences in a row, was already tired. The forward was killed and Cao's army was defeated. Under the double blow, morale was wavering.


Sun Yu noticed the change in the battlefield situation and shouted loudly: "Let Sun Shao lead his troops to the rear, fight while retreating, and the entire army withdraws to the Wanshui camp."

The Wanshui River is narrow, making it difficult for large ships to enter, but it also has the advantage that small ships can easily turn around.After the Jiangdong Navy lost its forward line, and under the heroic fighting of Sun Shao, it successfully turned around and retreated along the Wanshui River, trying to return to Wankou Village.Gan Ning, commanding the Jingzhou Navy, rushed along the river and held on to the Jiangdong Navy.

At the same time, Ding Feng led the navy to the Shengtang Mountain river, following the tail of the three thousand Jingzhou navy.


Chen Yue and Huo Yuan went down the river, and after Sun Yu led his army to leave, they rushed from the road to attack Wankou Village.The soldiers of Wu who stayed behind at Wankou Village in Anhui were caught off guard and took the opportunity to be led by Chen Yue and Huo Yuan to attack them.

The 2000 men led by Chen Yue and Huo Yuan were mostly new soldiers who had been in the army for several months. All they could rely on were the hundreds of Lujiang veterans under Chen Yue.Chen Yue had an enmity with the Sun family and fought bravely, defeating several troops in a row. However, due to the quality of his new soldiers, he only had the upper hand and could not completely capture the Anhui village.

"What did you say?"

Sun Yu was slightly distracted and said, "Why is Huo Jun so powerful!"

Sun Yu never expected that Huo Jun would not only defeat Cao Jun with his back formation facing the water, but also have the idea of ​​​​eating him in one bite.

At this time, Sun Yu was already panicking. He felt that everything was being planned by Huo Jun, and every step he took seemed to fall into his plan.

The soldiers looked at the pale Sun Yu and said in panic: "Our camp has been invaded by enemy invaders. We are now in the middle of a fierce battle. Huang Zhonglang asked the general to return to the camp to rescue us!"

"Back to camp!"

Sun Yu looked hesitant, and he was in a dilemma.Gan Ning pursued him one after another. If he returned to the camp to rescue him, why wouldn't Gan Ning enter the camp?Moreover, Cao Jun was defeated, so how could Huo Jun not go south to defeat him.But if I don’t save the camp, what will happen to those navy ships?

The lookout shouted from a high place: "General, there are enemy ships reinforcing Gan Ning's troops."

Hearing this, Sun Yu suddenly became excited and shouted: "The whole army has withdrawn to Jingkou and Moling. If we come ashore, we will be captured like fish and shrimp in the muddy beach without any help!"

There is no shortage of ships in Jiangdong. Although he led [-] troops on this trip and brought many large ships, there were still many warships in Jingkou and Moling.As long as people are around, there are opportunities.He wanted to keep the troops and horses in his hands, retreat to Jiangdong, and control the flanks of Sun Quan's army.


Under Sun Yu's military order, Jiangdong Navy did not return to the water village, but went straight down the Yangtze River.Gan Ning saw Sun Yu leaving in a small boat, and saw that the water village was still fighting fiercely, so he led his troops into the water village, surrendered the remaining Jiangdong soldiers, and captured dozens of Jiangdong's large ships.

"Han Ji Huo Da Sima Family":...the emperor entered Yishan to attack Sun Quan.Jun Jiang stationed nine thousand troops in Leichi. At that time, Emperor Cao Cao entered Jiangdong and sent Xia Houyuan and Yu Jinnan to aid Sun Yu.

In autumn, the Anhui River falls, and Jun makes small boats control the Anhui River.When Yuan arrived, Yu sent six thousand soldiers to garrison Wanshui.Jun sent 600 Dushuai warriors and hundreds of chariots to cross the east bank and form an array near the water, hugging the river at both ends, shaped like a moon.Yuan Xiaojun fought with his back to the water, trying to attack him halfway across the river. ...Cao's troops were unable to resist, and they collapsed for a while, and the dead piled up. Zhang Xi was killed before Chen, and Jiang Ji was captured. Yuan returned to Shiting...Gan Ning defeated Sun Yu in the Wan River, and Chen Yue took advantage of the enemy to seize the entrance of Anhui... …

Jun backed up the water to defeat the enemy, captured Sun Yu separately, and defeated the masses with weakness. He marched across the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, and his troops entered Chaohu Lake. They marched forward in an indomitable way, and all the counties in Lujiang surrendered.

The emperor praised: "You half defeated Sun Cao and joined forces, defeated Xiahou, and defeated Sun Yu. You are a great scholar of the country!"

ps: Two in one, no more today, I have something to do at home.

(End of this chapter)

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