Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 135

Chapter 135
After the two armies of Sun and Liu fought together head-on, the battle lines between the two sides were clear at first, but not long after, as the armies fought and strangled, from the banks of the Zhejiang River to the hills and paddy fields, due to different terrains, sometimes they extended, sometimes they distortion.

The Zhejiang River beach is the starting point of the Jiangdong Army and the key point of the Jingzhou Army's defense. Both sides have already been killing each other on this river beach. The corpses are exposed in the wilderness, and the hot blood dyes the beach rocks red.


Zhou Tai swung the Huanshou knife and struck at Wei Yan's head. Wei Yan turned slightly to avoid the incoming Han knife, and took the opportunity to stab Zhou Tai's thigh with the knife in his hand.

Zhou Tai took a step back, blocked Wei Yan's Huanshou sword with the shield in his hand, and then swung the sword towards Wei Yan's abdomen.

Wei Yan caught a glimpse of the Han Dao being swung at him from the corner of his eye and hurriedly retreated to dodge.

A cold light flashed, and the blade swiped across the armor skirt of Wei Yan's lower body. The armor cracked instantly. Wei Yan was slightly shocked. If he had been delayed for even a moment, he would have been cut off at the waist.

Wei Yan raised his head and looked down, only to see that half of the armor skirt was broken, and the sharp blade scraped the flesh of his thighs until they were bloody and bleeding.


Wei Yan looked up at Zhou Tai who had slashed his colleague to death again, his pupils widened, he pulled off the linen at the corner of his clothes, bandaged his injured thigh, and took off the armor skirt that was dragging on the ground.


Zhou Tai pulled out the sword that penetrated the ring head, kicked the dead Jingzhou soldiers away, blocked Wei Yan's sword, and said with a cruel smile: "You dare to come, you really don't know whether to live or die."

Wei Yan felt fierce in his heart, slashed with his sword, and roared: "Straight mother, thief, I will fuck your mother, and you will die for me."


Facing Wei Yan's violent attacks, Zhou Tai roared and slashed repeatedly, the blades were deadly, the blades collided, and fire shot out.

The heroes fight hard, the passion collides, and there can be no distractions.However, Wei Yan's thigh was slightly injured and he moved a little slowly when he retreated. Zhou Tai seized the opportunity and knocked Wei Yan's knife away. He took the opportunity to step forward and chop Wei Yan's head with the knife.

Fortunately, the iron bag on Wei Yan's head was very strong. Zhou Tai struck again with an arrow, but lacked enough force to block the attack.Wei Yan turned his head and dodged, and Zhou Tai's blade moved downwards, cutting into the collar of the basin with the remaining force. The knife cut into the shoulder, and the blade cut into the muscles of the shoulder.


Wei Yan screamed in pain, but he was also ruthless. He ignored Zhou Tai's cutting force and hit Zhou Tai's face with his knife.


Zhou Tai was hit on the head and was dizzy. However, he did not relax his strength at all. Instead, he pressed harder and harder, trying to cut off Wei Yan's arm. Fortunately, the basin collar was strong and could barely block Zhou Tai's knife without cutting off the muscles. .

Wei Yan screamed in pain, threw Zhou Tai to the ground, and sat on him.With the other hand, he pulled Zhou Tai's nose and eyes hard. Zhou Tai blocked it with his hand, and then Wei Yan bit Zhou Tai's nose with his mouth.


Zhou Tai screamed in pain, his nose was bitten to pieces by Wei Yan, and blood flowed all over his cheeks.Wei Yan spat out the pieces of meat, and while Zhou Tai was distracted by the pain, Wei Yan pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed Zhou Tai in the chest.


The sharp dagger penetrated the armor and plunged into Zhou Tai's chest.

When the dagger was pulled out, Wei Yan also screamed in pain, and Zhou Tai, who fell to the ground, hit him on the head with a stone.

The ruthless Wei Yan endured the hammer blow, and even though his head was bleeding, he still stabbed Zhou Tai in the chest with a dagger.





Blood flowed through his eyes. Wei Yan's eyes were bloodshot and his head was dazed. Zhou Tai hit him on the head, and he stabbed him back with a dagger.

Finally, at some unknown point, Zhou Tai was unable to lift the stone. His chest rose and fell slightly, and his pupils became enlarged.Wei Yan seemed to have sensed something, his face was covered with blood, and when he was about to get up, his vision turned black, his body swayed a few times, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

When the soldiers of Wei and Zhou saw their generals falling to the ground, they fought hard and rescued Zhou Tai and Wei Yan back to their own formations.

When Zhou Taibu dragged Zhou Tai's body back to the army and felt his breath, Zhou Tai stopped breathing and couldn't help crying and shouting: "General!"

Zhou Tai's death in battle shook the fighting spirit of his men. With the brave fighting of the Jingzhou army officers and soldiers, they finally held the shaken army formation, and then launched a fierce battle with the Lujiang army officers.

Liu Bei, who was in charge of the central army, frowned as he listened to the battle report reported by Pin, and said: "Fortunately, Chang Wen had the courage to risk his life to kill Zhou Tai, otherwise Zhongye's army might have been shaken by Chen Wu's command."

"Come here, replace Chief Wen and his subordinates, and let another group of people go up." Liu Bei ordered: "I told Zhong Bingzong to guard the military formation and not to allow Jiangdong sergeants to break into the military formation again."


Zhuge Liang looked at the vast army formation and said worriedly: "Cheng Pu has experienced hundreds of battles and knows how to defeat cavalry with foot. General Zhao has the cavalry under control and cannot interfere. The left and right wings are in the middle of a fierce battle. I don't know where the fighter plane is?" "

Liu Bei was not in a hurry. He put his hands on the armrests of the chariot and said: "The battle between the two armies cannot be won at once. Now the enemy wants to seize the enemy from the right, and the left is guarding the cavalry, so the middle army will be empty. Let's see now. Yide is here to see if we can shake the enemy's formation."

Fighting with a corps of tens of thousands of people is Liu Bei's strength, especially when the two armies line up to fight.The formations of the three troops on his front, left and right are all famous. He knew that Jiangdong was worried about his cavalry and would strengthen the defense on the flanks. There would not be too many troops on the front, so he paired it with the combination of Zhao Yun + Liu Pan.

It is also conceivable that Jiangdong Army will probably cut in from the Zhejiang River beach and try to break through its own military formation.Liu Bei sent Wenpin, the most outstanding general under Liu Qi's account, to take charge of the right army, and also sent the core troops under his account to lead the troops to support Wenpin, lest Wenpin could not withstand the fierce attack of Jiangdong Army.

After thinking about it this way, Jiangdong Army has the largest number of troops on the right and the most elite troops on the left, so the front must be deficient.Therefore, Liu Bei placed Zhang Fei, who had the strongest combat effectiveness, in the front position to command his old soldiers.

"Didn't you have enough to eat?"

Zhang Fei held the reins, looked at the anxious battle ahead, whipped his whip and shouted: "Tell the troops in the front army that if they cannot defeat the enemy invaders, I will remove them from their posts."

"No!" The scout took the order and left.

With that said, Zhang Fei shouted loudly: "Where is Fu Wei?"

"The end is here!"

Zhang Fei raised his whip and pointed forward, saying: "You should lead your elite soldiers and think that the elite soldiers will rush into the army."


Fu Xu, who was wearing armor, walked away in response, led the sergeants under his tent, roared out of the military formation, and rushed straight towards the enemy's formation.

Zhang Fei was not a reckless man who didn't know how to fight. He yelled at his subordinates and asked Fu Shu to lead his troops in because he saw a fighter plane.

The battle was fierce. Dong Xi, as the commanding general at the front, faced off against Liu Bei's veteran soldiers commanded by Zhang Fei.These veterans fought bravely and had high morale. They followed Liu Bei from the north to fight in the south of the Yangtze River. They had rich combat experience and were incomparable to Dong Xi's Jiangdong sergeants who were good at water warfare.

After the two sides fought for a long time, Dong Xi took the initiative to adjust and replaced the tired sergeants in the back row to rest. So far, he has replaced them several times.

Just when a new batch of sergeants was being replaced, the first batch of Jiangdong sergeants who suffered a large number of casualties suddenly became commotion and seemed reluctant to continue fighting.This turbulent move, which seemed to have little impact, was quickly calmed down, except that the speed of replacing the front part was slower.

However, this subtle movement was quickly picked up by Zhang Fei's keen battlefield sense. He commanded the sergeants to strengthen the attack and sent Fu Shu to lead the elite into the square formation to put pressure on Jiangdong's sergeants.

Jiangdong's soldiers were getting tired, and they were unable to resist the Jingzhou Army, which maintained a strong offensive.Moreover, Fu Xu suddenly led his troops to attack, causing their military formation to become even more shaken.

Fu Xu led his troops through the dense queue and rushed straight into the battle group.Facing the thrusting spears, he and his sergeants approached with a shield wall, blocking the spears left and right, and then stepped into the battle, each picked his opponent, and used the ring sword in his hand to fight hand-to-hand.

Using his shield to block the thrusting spear, Fu Xu got close and swung his knife. The sharp blade slit his throat and easily beheaded the enemy.Then he took another step and killed an enemy soldier, which was very brave.The sergeants under Fu Wei's command were only about two hundred, but they were all like wolves and tigers. Taking advantage of the tired Jiangdong soldiers, they rushed in like arrows, and they easily broke through the army formation.These people hold shields in their left hands and swords in their right hands. They use their shields to defend against the enemy, slash with their swords, and run back and forth in the formation with flexible steps.

In an instant, they were full of energy and overwhelmed the outer defense line with an overwhelming force.With the gap created by Fu Wei, the Jingzhou sergeant used all his strength to rush towards the gap, trying to overwhelm the front that Dong Xi could barely maintain.

Zhang Fei laughed loudly and motioned for the crossbowmen to follow and hit the rioting military formation with projectiles.


The dense arrows soared into the air, pierced the sky, passed over the fighting sergeants on both sides, and fell into the military formation.

At this time, Dong Xigang moved forward to take command in order to suppress the commotion of the soldiers.

Those arrows flew across the air, killing or injuring Jiangdong soldiers.One of the stray arrows shot into Dong Xi's right arm, which happened to be unprotected by armor. Therefore, through the military uniform on the armor, the arrowhead pierced into the muscle.

Blood overflowed, causing Dong Xi's right arm to lose strength. The sharp arrowhead got stuck on a nerve, causing Dong Xi to gasp in pain.The arm shook, and the wound became more painful, as if it were on fire.The shield-wielding retinue quickly protected Dong Xi behind him to prevent Dong Xi from being hit by arrows again.

Huang Luo, the commander of the army under the tent, came back from the front formation. Braving the rain of arrows, he said anxiously: "General Dong, the front army has been fiercely attacked by sharp soldiers, and the formation has been shaken and loose. There is still no movement on the left side of our army. I implore the general to send troops to rescue." .”

Dong Xi endured the pain and said: "The enemy is brave, but I have no elite warriors in my camp. If we send auxiliary troops to fight forcefully, they will be defeated if we can't stop them."

After a pause, Dong Xi said: "I will ask my subordinates for reinforcements and ask them to send out their elite soldiers to help. You can lead your troops to block them for the time being."

When Huang Luo saw that Dong Xi had been hit by an arrow in his arm, he suggested: "General, if he is wounded by an arrow, it is better to retreat..."

Before Huang Luo finished speaking, Dong Xi looked serious and said sternly: "A certain person received an important task from his subordinates and was stationed in the front army to defend against the enemy. How come he died due to an arrow wound?"A certain person stands here and anyone who passes by this place will be killed without mercy. "


Dong Xi has been in the army for many years. Although he is not an outstanding general, he has rich combat experience.How could he not know that if he retreated at this time, the front army would have no one to supervise the battle, and it would very likely be defeated.He must hold the military position before Sun Quan's reinforcements arrive.

As Dong Xi's old subordinate, Huang Luo immediately took orders and led the sergeants from his headquarters who had just retired to fill the gap in the battle line.But at this time, Fu Xu and a large number of sergeants had already entered the gap and continued to expand the gap in the military formation.

Huang Luopo was very brave and killed two Jingzhou infantry. He and his troops seemed to have blocked the defeat for a short time. However, he was also targeted by Fu Wei's troops, and the two armies started fighting again.

After a while, a cry came from the front: "Marquis Huang died in battle!"

Huang Luo was beheaded by Fu Wei, and his troops almost suffered a rout. Fortunately, Dong Xi led his troops to the front and beheaded several people, barely stabilizing the situation.If troops are not sent for rescue, it is only a matter of time before the front is destroyed.

In the Jiangdong army formation, Sun Quan's expression changed drastically when he saw that the front line was wavering.

"My subordinates, if the front of our army is destroyed, our middle army faces the enemy's front, and the left and right troops are also affected, please send troops to rescue!" Zhang Hong said anxiously.

Sun Quan held the long sword, hesitantly, looked at Zhou Yu, and said: "Youping died in the battle, the left formation has made no progress, and the front is in crisis, what should we do?"

After Wei Yan was seriously injured and killed Zhou Tai, Wenpin also quickly adjusted while the Lujiang soldiers were retreating, and ordered Captain Ye Cheng to lead elite support troops to roam, thus resisting the subsequent waves of charges from the Lujiang soldiers.

Zhou Yu said with a solemn expression: "At this point in the battle, we have to send Chinese troops and horses to support. The battle is fierce today, and we are only one final blow away from defeating the enemy. The suspected soldiers led by Zhu Huan may be running in the mountains, waiting for them to appear in Jingzhou The flank of the army will inevitably shake its military morale."

Liu Bei was good at setting up formations for fighting between two armies. Although Zhou Yu was weak in formations, he used a lot of tricks.Before the battle, he ordered Zhu Huan to lead a thousand men from the northern mountains, looking for an opportunity to break out from the mountains and threaten the Jingzhou army's formation from the side.

"it is good!"

Sun Quan ordered: "Where is Jiang Qin?"

"The end is here!"

"Order your troops to attack and support Dong's attack. We must stabilize the front line."

Jiang Qin hesitated a little and said, "Senior, if our troops come forward, the Chinese army may be empty!"

Sun Quan held the hilt of his sword tightly and said in a deep voice: "Liu Bei's troops are inferior to ours. Now that they have all been sent out to fight, how can he still have troops?"


Under Sun Quan's orders, Jiang Qin led his troops to meet him. A fresh force of 500 men supported the front army, helping Dong Xi consolidate the situation and have the momentum to overwhelm Zhang Fei's army.

Such a scene was also seen by Liu Bei.

"It's a big deal!"

Liu Bei was overjoyed and said to Liu Qi and Zhuge Liang: "Chen Dao and his Baijie soldiers are elite and capable of fighting. Order them to come forward to support Yide. They can defeat the enemy!"

With that said, Liu Bei was about to issue a military order, but was stopped by Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang pointed to the mountains to the north with his feather fan and said in a deep voice: "My lord, please watch the movements of the mountains to the north."

Liu Bei looked around and saw a large number of birds circling and flying in the sky for a long time. It seemed that the wind was blowing in the forest, causing the trees to sway.


Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said solemnly: "Sun Tzu said: 'If the trees are moving, come; if there are many grasses, it is doubtful; if the birds are rising, they are lying down.' Today, the trees in the mountains are shaking, and the birds are frightened, and they have been there for a long time. Fall, and with the bright light, there should be an ambush, and our army must be on guard."

Liu Bei frowned and said, "In Kong Ming's opinion, what do you think?"

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while and said: "My lord, please don't move your troops lightly for the time being. You can order General Zilong to lead his cavalry back for reinforcements and send cavalry to explore the enemy's depth. He also asked General Zilong to divide his troops, harass the enemy with cavalry shooting, and beware of Jiangdong. Cavalry.”

The cavalry led by Zhao Yun confronted Cheng Pu on the flank, keeping an eye on the Jiangdong cavalry and sharing the pressure for Liu Pan.Now let him withdraw, Jiangdong's cavalry will lose their restraints, and Cheng Pu's flanking troops will untie themselves and join the frontal battlefield.

Liu Bei raised his head and looked to the left, frowned and said, "If Zilong retreats and Cheng Pu's flanks are heavily pressed with troops, it will be difficult for the National Security Department!"

Liu Bei patted the armrest impatiently. Seeing that victory was ahead of him, he was restrained by an unknown number of suspicious soldiers.But Liu Bei is also a man who has experienced battles for a long time and knows that stability must be the priority at the moment.

After calming down, Liu Bei ordered: "Send the order, let Zilong lead the cavalry to retreat, explore the ambush in the mountains, and order his cavalry to contain the Jiangdong cavalry and cover the Guoan flank as much as possible."


Liu Bei raised his head to watch the battle, then slapped the armrest of the car and said depressedly: "If Yun Chang is here, Sun Quan's son will not be worried."

Letting Liu Pan serve as the commander of the left army was a helpless move.If Guan Yu were here, with Zhang Fei in the middle and Guan Yu on the left, Sun Quan would probably not be able to hold on long ago.

Guan Yu, who was far away in Gan County and besieging the city, sneezed, tightened the robe sent by his elder brother, and thought about how to break the city.

Zhu Huan always had a good military strategy. Although he only had more than a thousand soldiers and horses under his command, he ordered his men to bluff, plant flags widely, and make the noise as big as possible.

At the same time, in the mountains and jungles that no one cared about, the Shanyue barbarians gathered, the crowds were crowded, and their eyes looked fierce.

You Qian, with broken hair and tattoos and a wooden shield in hand, jumped on the boulder, pointed at Sun Quan's army at the foot of the mountain, and shouted in Shanyue dialect: "The Jiangdong people are violent and cruel, plundering property, forcibly conscripting women, and taking our rations. Fortunately, the noble Liu family is so kind that he doesn't care about our revenge for killing the horse and gives us money."

"If the noble man is defeated, we will be ruled by the evil people from Jiangdong, and the sky will be dark. All the disciples will follow me down the mountain to help in the battle, in order to repay the noble man for giving us food."


The Yue barbarians from nearly a thousand mountains raised their spears or swords and shields and shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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