Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

Indeed, as Zhou Yu said, the war has reached this point and only the final blow is left.When Zhu Huan's ambush appeared in the mountains, Zhao Yun was forced to retreat with his cavalry and guard Liu Pan's flank.

When Zhao Yun led his cavalry to evacuate, Sun Quan, Zhang Hong and others took a long breath and calmed down a little.

Zhao Yun's intimidation was so terrifying that Sun Quan still vaguely remembered the scene under Pengze City, where he beheaded the enemy and penetrated deeply into the enemy's formation, showing his unprecedented bravery.Now he led his cavalry to guard the flanks, forcing everyone not to dare to move.

When Zhou Yu saw Zhu Huan appearing, he looked overjoyed. He took Sun Quan's arm and said, "Under my command, Zhu Huan's ambush has appeared. We can order Cheng Gong to lead his army to press forward. The cavalry will attack from a pincer attack, and we may be able to break through the Jingzhou army's left formation."

"it is good!"

Sun Quan excitedly ordered: "Send the order and let Duke Cheng lead his army to press forward. This battle will be defeated in one fell swoop."

In fact, without Sun Quan's orders, Cheng Pu himself found the best opportunity and asked the cavalry on Jiangdong's flank to press forward. He also ordered the elite infantry guarding Zhao Yun to support the frontal sergeants fighting Liu Pan and launched a fierce attack.

At this time, Zhao Yun, who had withdrawn from his formation, had divided his troops into two groups. One group allowed Liu Feng to lead the cavalry to detect and block Zhu Huan's ambush, and the other group led himself to defend Liu Pan's flanks.

Although Zhao Yun's cavalry is divided into half, the number is smaller than Jiangdong's cavalry, but how can Zhao Yun be afraid of them.When Jiangdong's cavalry came up to kill him, Zhao Yun gave a loud shout and galloped out with his bow in hand, followed closely by the cavalry behind him.

The cavalrymen from both sides greeted each other with arrows first. The cavalry archers under Zhao Yun's tent shot down twenty or thirty cavalrymen, forcing Jiangdong's cavalrymen to fight with their spears.

Zhao Yun abandoned his bow and mounted it, deflected two arrows shot from nowhere, and led his cavalry to gallop out.

In a few breaths, the two cavalry teams collided hard.

The brave Zhao Yun was the leader, with his white horse in front of him, and he waved his long spear in his hand, killing several people in a row.When Cheng Zi, who was commanding the Jiangdong cavalry, saw this, he became furious and fearless. He clapped his horse and marched forward to meet the enemy.

Cheng Zi was the son of Jiangdong veteran Cheng Pu. Because his father was good at riding, he was good at riding and fighting since he was a child. He was famous in Jiangdong for his good bow and horse.Now that he saw Zhao Yun killing his own soldiers, he was furious.

The two horses crossed each other, and under Cheng Zi's incredible gaze, Zhao Yun easily picked the long spear out of Cheng Zi's hand.Then, in Cheng Zi's horrified eyes, Zhao Yun swung his long spear horizontally. The pole first broke Cheng Zi's arm bones, and then hit his chest.

Under the impact of the war horse, which was as strong as a thousand pounds, Cheng Zi was beaten so hard that he and his armor flew up into the air, weighing more than [-] kilograms, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Outnumbered and outnumbered, Zhao Yun's bravery not only withstood the charge of Jiangdong's cavalry, but even led by Zhao Yun, the Jingzhou cavalry counterattacked and killed Jiangdong's cavalry.The Jiangdong cavalry relied on their numerical advantage to barely maintain their offensive.

Compared with the bravery of the cavalry, Liu Pan's troops could not hold on. Originally, due to the threat of Zhao Yun on the flanks, he and Cheng Pu fought back and forth.After Zhu Huan's ambush appeared, Cheng Pu sent elite infantry on the flanks to join the battle, and suddenly stepped up the offensive, catching Liu Pan off guard and reporting the battle situation to the Chinese army.

In the Jingzhou Central Army, Liu Bei frowned as he watched the situation on the battlefield.

Although the current situation is not taking a sudden turn for the worse, it can be said to be in a deadlock.He had prepared to send out the white soldiers to strengthen the offensive, but now he had to hold them in his hands and use them with caution.

"Kong Ming, how about throwing the Baijie soldiers into Yide's tent?" Liu Bei asked, "But I'm afraid that the National Security Department will not be able to resist Cheng Pu's officers and men."

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while and said: "Look at the military flags, Sun Quan has sent additional troops out of the central army. The central army is empty. If we can break through any part of the enemy's formation, we will be able to shake the troops in Jiangdong. My lord, why don't you wait for one or two and watch three What's the trend of the army formation? Let's..."

Just as Zhuge Liang was telling his thoughts, he seemed to see something.

On the mountains behind Jiangdong Army, smoke was billowing, birds were flying into the sky, and the faint shouts of the crowd could be heard. Several simple military flags were fluttering, with the word "Liu" crookedly written on them.

"My lord~"

Zhuge Liang suddenly came to his senses, pointed in the direction of the billowing smoke, and shouted loudly: "But the lord has arranged our troops in advance?"

Liu Bei looked at the troops that suddenly came out, with a question mark on his head, and shook his head and said: "The entire army is here, and Bei has not deployed this unit."

Liu Qi looked solemn and asked nervously: "But are there reinforcements from Jiangdong?"

"Probably not." Zhuge Liang said: "If it were Jiangdong reinforcements, how could they go towards Sun Quan's army? They should attack our army's flanks."

As he said this, Zhuge Liang was young and strong, and he prepared to climb onto the car along the handrails of the car, trying to climb up and look into the distance to see clearly who the sergeant was.

Just when Zhuge Liang was about to climb up, Zhuge Jin and Bu Zhi hurried back and said with joy: "General, the Shanyue man You Qian who was let go by the general that day led more than a thousand Shanyue men. People came to help.”

In order to identify the enemy and ourselves, You Qian specially asked his tribe to run to the Han army camp and inform Zhuge Jin who stayed behind in the camp.After receiving the news, Zhuge Jin hurriedly came with Bu Zhi and informed Liu Bei of the incident.


Liu Bei had a look of disbelief on his face and said in surprise: "The Shanyue barbarians led their troops to help?"


Zhuge Jin gasped, cupped his hands and said: "The general is benevolent and righteous, and the people in the mountains are completely submissive. That day, the general was compassionate and forgave the mountain people for killing horses, and also gave them food and grass, which was a life-saving grace for the barbarians. They see you now. The general is anxious about the war, so he leads his tribe to help."

Zhuge Jin, Bu Zhi, and Yan Zhen surrendered to Liu Bei's account, which is related to Liu Bei's kindness and letting go of the Shanyue barbarians.At that time, when the three of them were hesitating whether to serve Liu Bei, this news suddenly came from the army, which surprised the three of them.After discussing for a while, this news became an introduction for the three of them to serve Liu Bei.

The stallion stepped forward slightly and said in a deep voice: "Gong Mu lost his horse, and in the battle of Han Yuan, he got the help of three hundred barbarians, and he was able to defeat the Jin army; the general lost his horse and gave him food, and he got the help of thousands of people from across the mountains, so he won the victory in Jiangdong." At this time. Don’t miss the opportunity and ask the general to mobilize your troops quickly."

"How is Kong Ming?"

After a while, Zhuge Liang observed the battle situation and said: "What is said is true. The barbarians from Shanyue will fight with the soldiers from Jiangdong today. My lord should send the white soldiers forward."

Liu Bei exhaled deeply and inhaled deeply.

He never thought that his momentary act of benevolence would bring different changes to his destiny. He just felt sympathy for the barbarians.

His father died when he was young, and his family was in ruins, so he relied on his mother to raise him.At that time, he only remembered his mother working from dawn to dusk, knitting straw mats and shoes for the little money, and pulling himself to grow up.

He himself was born at the lowest level, and even though he committed killings in troubled times, he still had a soft spot in his heart, that is, it was hard to see the suffering of others.

Now that he was saved by his own benevolent act, how could he not be filled with emotion!

Liu Bei suppressed his emotions and said in a deep voice: "Chen Dao listens to the order and orders you to lead the white soldiers to support Yide's troops." "Order the whole army to beat the drums and launch a general attack!"



The exciting sound of war drums spread across the field, and the five-color red, black, blue, white and yellow flags symbolizing the general offensive flew on the flagpole of the Chinese army.

As the Chinese army's military order was issued, the resting soldiers of Liu Pan, Zhang Fei, and Wenpin rose up in an uproar.Although they are exhausted and taking turns to rest, they must get up and fight in the face of military orders.

And they also screamed. In their memories of the past year, every time Liu Shijun issued this military order, he almost achieved victory. They believe that it will be the same today.


At the same time, You Qian led the Shanyue barbarians to appear behind Sun Quan's army. The Shanyue warriors in the front row held rattan shields with one hand and waved slings with one hand.When the slingshot in his hand rotates at high speed, he throws the stone.


Amid You Qian's shouts, the Shanyue warriors launched the hurled stones.The fired projectiles have small holes drilled into them and make a buzzing sound when flying in the air, like the sound of a wasp.Densely packed stones flew in the sky, like hail that blocked the sky, hitting the Jiangdong army formation from the sky.


Jiangdong's soldiers fired a wave of arrows, and they were hit by an overwhelming stone bullet.These infantrymen who formed a dense military formation were unable to escape. They were beaten to pieces and bloody, and they were wailing incessantly.Even though some soldiers were wearing iron armor, their organs were severely damaged by projectiles through the armor.

During the charge, dozens of Shanyue soldiers were killed by arrows. However, a large number of stone bullets were thrown at them, making the Jiangdong soldiers dizzy. They lay on the ground and ran away with their heads in their hands. Where there was a shield, a group of people crowded behind the shield.The dense phalanx had already become loose, and the crossbowmen dared to shoot at the stones.

In just a few breaths, the Shanyue soldiers threw thousands of stone bullets, smashing the weak phalanx of the Chinese army into a chaotic mess.

The sling, a simple but crude weapon, has been passed down for thousands of years from the origin of mankind to later generations, so there must be something outstanding about it.Although the sling is not as good as the crossbow in its long-range armor-piercing ability, it is rarely seen on the frontal battlefield. However, if used in side combat, as an assault force of surprise troops, the effect is extraordinary, just like a javelin.

The people of Shanyue lacked the skills to make crossbows. They lived in the mountains all year round and developed excellent sling skills.In past battles with the Han regular army, their slings were not as effective as the army's bows and crossbows. However, now they suddenly burst out as a surprise force, and their effectiveness can be said to be amazing.

These Jiangdong sergeants who were hit by slings and fled with their heads in their arms were not elite infantry, but only combat auxiliaries. It was okay to let them raise their spears and shout, but now it was difficult for them to let them fight.

When Jiang Qin led elite reinforcements to reinforce Dong's attack, the Chinese army in Jiangdong was already weak. Later, Zhao Yun retreated and Cheng Pu pursued.Jiangdong Army deployed its main force in the front row, leaving the rear empty and most of the soldiers were old and weak.


How could they withstand the attack of the Shanyue people?You Qian rushed into Jiangdong's army with a sword, and blocked the swords and spears with his rattan shield. The blade in his hand was killing Jiangdong's soldiers.A large number of Shanyue barbarians who were brave and good at fighting behind them rushed into the formation and almost overran the formation.

Seeing the Shanyue people suddenly coming out, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu almost wanted to vomit blood.

Zhou Yu was already prepared for today's tough battle.

He could also understand that the left formation was not making good progress, and that the Chinese army was about to be broken through.His real backup plan lay in Zhu Huan's ambush. Through Zhu Huan's sudden appearance, he created hope for victory for their army.

Zhou Yu always had sufficient confidence in this battle. Encouraged by Sun Quan, the morale of Jiangdong Army was high. He had more troops than Liu Bei and had his own arrangements.He believed that if he persisted, Jiangdong Army would be able to win and defeat Liu Bei.

However, he never imagined that his carefully planned battle would be ruined by a group of Shanyue people who would rush out at a critical moment and sabotage his plan.Using slings that were looked down upon in the past, the soldiers were thrown into chaos and scurried away.

Zhou Yu raised his head and looked up at the sky, feeling a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Thinking of the previous measures taken by the Jingzhou Army to appease the mountain people and unite the mountain people, there would be no offense in autumn and the army and the people would be in harmony.Now that he saw the Shanyue people repaying their kindness, he could understand why Zhuge Kongming did what he did.

The human heart is not important, but it is also the most important.

Sun Quan's chest was tight, as if there were huge rocks pressing down on him, so he could breathe again.

The counties in Yishan are gone, Danyang County is gone, and Jiangdong is also in danger.

Sun Quan grabbed Zhou Yu's sleeve, his pupils were dilated and bloodshot, and he shouted: "Why is this happening today?"

Zhou Yu looked at Sun Quan with a clear conscience and said in a deep voice: "One move in the chess was missing. Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang bought the people's hearts and enforced military discipline. The various departments of our army were unruly and often bullied the mountain people. In order to regain the morale of the troops, their subordinates indulged the sergeants. Today we are not defeated by Yu’s strategy, but by the people’s hearts!”

Hearing this, Sun Quan was in a daze. He couldn't help but let go of Zhou Yu's sleeves and said muffledly: "What should we do now?"

Zhou Yu adjusted his mood and said calmly: "The Shanyue barbarians are attacking the rear of our army. The army has been shaken and they are about to kill the center. Zhao Yun has broken away from our Jiangdong cavalry and seems to be coming towards our center. Although the front is stable, , but if we do not withdraw at this time, our army will be completely wiped out."

"Withdrawing to Yuling Pass now, we can still save some soldiers. Hehe Xiaowei has ten thousand troops, and relying on Lize, we may be able to fight. If we don't withdraw, Wu County may not be safe."


Sun Quan asked again unwillingly, but looked to the north. As Zhou Yu said, Zhao Yun led the cavalry to kill the Jiangdong cavalry, and he seemed to have noticed the Shanyue people's movements, and was preparing to break through the opening created by the Shanyue people. , and entered the military formation.

Sun Quan couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he looked at the white horse rider, and responded repeatedly: "You can follow Gong Jin's words."

At Zhou Yu's suggestion, Dong Xi and Jiang Qin were asked to lead the front and rear, while generals Chen Wu and Cheng Pu retreated on their own.

The Chinese army retreated, and Jiangdong's sergeants saw it.

In an instant, all Jiangdong sergeants ran and retreated, thinking only of staying away from the battlefield.Not to mention the Jiangdong cavalry, relying on the speed of their horses, they ran straight away.The elite sergeants in the front row were abandoned on the battlefield, fleeing or surrendering, with no fighting spirit at all.

Except for Dong Xi and Jiang Qin who were still resisting, there were no other troops on the battlefield.Even after resisting for a while, Dong Xi and Jiang Qin's troops could not withstand the impact. The sergeants dispersed and the troops fled on their own.

During the rout, Dong Xi's head was held up by a sergeant, and Jiang Qin was hit by an arrow and forced to dive into the water to escape.

The Jingzhou army pursued and killed them for several miles, with corpses piled up one after another, and many of them surrendered.

(End of this chapter)

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