Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 169 Jiang Zuo surrenders

Chapter 169 Jiang Zuo surrenders
Under the dim light, a battle report from the Jiangdong Navy was placed on the case. Sun Quan sat on the couch blankly, his expression both painful and sad.

"Gongjin, Zilie, Gongyi, Youping..."

In Sun Quan's mind, Jiangzuo General, who had killed more than ten people in the past few years, appeared.There are veterans of the Sun family from three generations, as well as Sun Quan's confidants.

Sun Quan again recalled his brother Sun Ce's last words before his death: He raised the people of Jiangdong to decide between the two formations and competed with the world. You are not as good as me. You should appoint talents and talents and do their best to protect Jiangdong. We Not as good as Qing.


Sun Quan smiled bitterly and murmured: "It is true as my brother said, I was defeated by military strategy."

Then, Sun Quan sighed and said to himself: "If I were given a few years to gather the will of a general and recruit talents, Jiangzuo would be stable. How could we be in today's situation?"

Although Sun Quan didn't know what the general situation was, he had a vague feeling in his heart.The Battle of Xiakou more than two years ago was a turning point in his life.His cousin and father-in-law Xu Kun died. He completely became the master of Jiangzuo, taking charge of the military power and establishing the government.

If Er Liu did not enter Jiangzuo, he could straighten out the military, pacify the bandits internally, fight off the heroes externally, and secure Jiangdong.But he never thought that at the beginning of that year, when he returned to fight against the bandits, not long after he opened the government, Er Liu was so aggressive that his troops entered Yuzhang, and his fate would change again.

"My men, everyone has arrived at the meeting hall. Duke Zhang invites my men to attend," the attendant said.

"it is good!"

Sun Quan took the cold towel from the maid's hand and applied it to his face to calm down.Even if he is defeated and will soon be restrained by others, he must maintain his dignity.

After a while, Sun Quan, well dressed and dignified, sat down on the couch in the meeting hall.

Sun Shao sighed secretly and said: "Under Qi Cun's command, in the battle of Dongshan, Zhou Gongjin, Chen Zilie, Jiang Gongyi and other generals and sergeants were killed in the battle, and the naval warships were burned to the ground. The sergeants fled for their lives, the officials abandoned their posts, and the people were in fear. The situation is critical now. I beg you. The subordinates will know it clearly to decide matters of life and death!"

Sun Quan forced out a smile and asked, "You are my important ministers of Jiangzuo. What do you think you have to say?"

Zhu Zhi was silent for a long time and said: "If my subordinates do not want to surrender to Jingzhou, they can go to the sea to the south and float to Kuaijihouguan (today's Fuzhou). The terrain of Kuaijihouguan is steep, with mountains and mountains, and barbarians gather to fight against Jingzhou."

Zhu Zhi's plan was not just a dream. When Sun Ce defeated Wang Lang, Wang Lang was unwilling to submit to Sun Ce, so he led his troops to take a boat and sail south to the Marquis of Kuaiji.Although it was still defeated, it was still a reliable plan.Sun Quan may be joining the barbarians, and there are not many officials who are willing to follow him to flee south to the marquis.

"No!" Zhang Zhao objected and said: "Although Kuaiji is surrounded by high mountains and lofty mountains, making it difficult for the enemy to enter, the mountains and mountains are full of people who have rebelled for a long time. I, the Sun family, will treat them without kindness. If you are running away from the marquis in the south now, you may suffer a great disaster, and your subordinates must not cross the sea. Throw it in!"

Sun Quan opened his mouth, then looked at the crowd and said, "How about going north to serve Cao Cao now?"

Zhang Hong stroked his beard and said: "Cao Cao used the emperor to command the heroes, and the Han Dynasty was orthodox in the Central Plains. If you serve the emperor with the reputation of his subordinates, you will be reused. Moreover, many of his relatives are in Xuchang, and they are related by marriage, which can ensure wealth and no worries. .”

Zhang Zhao shook his head again and said: "What the East said is not unreasonable. However, if we cross the sea to join Duke Cao in the north, if there is a storm or heavy rain, the ship will be destroyed and people will die. It will be rainy and windy this summer, how can we take such a risk? And the people in Jingzhou know that we are waiting in the north If he surrenders to Duke Cao, he will be sent to chase him. To watch him, it is better to serve Liu Biao and get a favor and generous gifts."


Sun Quan frowned. In his mind, he really didn't want to submit to Liu Biao.Cao Cao coerced the emperor to command the princes and occupy the nominal power. If he surrendered to Cao Cao in the north, he would definitely receive his courtesy.And Liu Biao's name is not justified, he has no name to speak of, and his military territory is not as good as Cao Cao's. He may be imprisoned by Liu Biao because of the master of Jiangdong. This deal is really not worth it.

Zhang Zhao seemed to have noticed Sun Quan's hesitation and said: "Qi reports to my subordinates that although Cao Cao has great righteousness and has many soldiers and horses, there are many who can do it. If his subordinates vote for him, he will not take it seriously; although Liu Biao is weak, he has a good reputation." My heart is naturally unhappy when I see the Sun family returning to the north. Now I am willing to surrender and serve, and I will be happy if they get me."


The attendants walked into the hall and said in panic: "Under Qi Cun's command, Huo Jun led the Jingzhou navy to attack our army's seaside village, seize all the boats and cut off the seaway."


Everyone exclaimed that Panhaihai Village had been captured, and it was already difficult to escape on a large scale by crossing the sea, unless Sun Quan was willing to drift north alone.Now there are only two paths left, one is to resist stubbornly, and the other is to surrender with hands raised.

Sun Quan sighed deeply and said, "In that case, I would like to ask Duke Zhang, Dongfang and other venerable envoys to send envoys to discuss the surrender of Jingzhou."



Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, and Sun Shao surrendered to Liu Qi.In fact, as Zhang Zhao said, Jingzhou paid great attention to Sun Quan's surrender.Regardless of Sun Quan's current official position, Sun Quan's surrender as the lord of Jiangdong undoubtedly increased Liu Biao's face.At Liu Bei's suggestion, Liu Qi accepted the statement to appease the three of them, and together with Liu Bei recommended Sun Quan to Liu Biao to be the general of the West and the Marquis of Duting.He also promoted Sun Shao to the rank of Cavalry Commander and Marquis of Wucheng.

Sun Quan's official position jumped up one level, from general against rebellion to general of Pingxi.Although he is a remote official, it can also show that Jingzhou respects Sun Quan.With Sun Quan relieved, Sun Qian, Jian Yong, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong and others rushed to surrender and the matter of surrender went smoothly, and the Sun family officially surrendered to Liu Biao.

Liu Bei was very happy to hold the Yangzhou population document in hand and carefully read the population data of Danyang County.

"Kong Ming, in the fifth year of Yonghe in the Later Han Dynasty, it was verified that the four old counties of Wujun, Kuaiji, Yuzhang, and Danyang on the left side of the Yangtze River had 80 households and 350 million people. It was beyond my expectation that Yangzhou was so prosperous." Liu Bei sighed.

Zhuge Liang gently shook his feather fan and said: "My lord, please do not be fooled by the documents. In order to achieve political success, the governors of the southern counties of the Later Han Dynasty counted the people in the documents and often included the barbarians. Therefore, there is no document about the population of the southern states and counties. It contains so much.”

"Is this happening?" Liu Bei asked in surprise.

Liu Bei has been wandering around in the northern Central Plains all year round. The northern counties and counties count the population, and the powerful nobles cover the population, so they often go undercounted.Now that he came to the south, Liu Bei never thought that the population could still be falsely reported. After all, population is linked to taxes. If you have a larger population, the taxes will naturally be higher. How can there be a reason why the taxes will decrease if the population is large.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "The reason why my lord did not win is normal. Uncle Liang once served as the governor of Yuzhang, and Liang knew the depth of it. According to the tax statistics of the people of the Later Han Dynasty, there are two points between the Han people and the Yi people. The more the Han people pay taxes, the more households there are, and the tax rules are The more people there are, the more they pay. The barbarians do not pay taxes, they only pay household money, like a piece of cloth from a big mouth, and two feet of cloth from a small mouth. Many Han people turn to barbarians, and it is difficult for the barbarians to educate them. In order to avoid barbarian rebellions, counties and counties often Count the population but do not collect taxes..."

From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Han Dynasty, the land of China continued to expand outwards, conquering, establishing counties and counties, immigrating, and sinicizing.From the historical changes in tax collection, we can see the deep-seated wisdom of conquest and governance.

For example, during the Western Han Dynasty, when most of the territory first came under the dynasty, the rulers did not collect taxes from the local barbarians and showed kindness to the local barbarians in order not to cause rebellion by the local barbarians, and sent county guards and magistrates to govern the barbarian areas.

After 200 years of changes, the Han people gradually appeared, the city walls were built, and there were soldiers.By the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the rulers of the Eastern Han Dynasty levied a small amount of taxes on the barbarians from all directions.But this involves the interests of the barbarians, and it is inevitable to cause barbarian rebellion.

For example, the century-long Qiang rebellion in the Eastern Han Dynasty was actually caused more by the Han people's occupation of the living resources of the Qiang people. In addition, the Eastern Han Dynasty levied taxes on the Qiang people and made the Qiang people perform military service. Corrupt officials were rampant, and the Qiang people were oppressed. So he rebelled.

In the south of the Han Dynasty, there were many barbarian rebellions.The local governors had less to do than more to do. They collected taxes from the barbarians they could control, added people to the barbarian households, or converted the taxes of the Han people into cloth paid by the barbarians.Under this operation, there is a lot of water in the population of southern counties.

Zhuge Liang threw aside all the documents on the case table and said: "My lord, Yangzhou is under new control. Under the war, the people have been displaced and everything is in ruins. The household registration documents can be used as a reference, but they cannot be an accurate number. Liang thought he wanted to know. The people's household registration should be ordered to recheck the counties and counties to eliminate the Shanyue barbarians, and the generals should be ordered to conquer Shanyue and order them to pay taxes or send troops."

As a prime minister, Zhuge Liang's methods have always been decisive and ruthless.Liu Qi asked Zhuge Liang what he should do if Jingzhou had a large population but very few people were recorded in the records.Zhuge Liang only responded by focusing on the population.

Liu Bei nodded and said: "Kong Ming has said this, so be prepared to listen to it. I have served you under a certain account, and you have repeatedly made meritorious deeds. General Lang, supervise the taxation of Danyang and Huinan, and verify the population of the records. How about it?"

Zhuge Liang sat down with a fan in hand, cupped his hands and said, "How dare you not do so, Liang? Thank you so much, my lord, for your kindness."

"Jiangzuo has been decided for the first time. It's all thanks to Kong Ming's hard work." Liu Bei helped Zhuge Liang and said.

"Don't dare!"

Zhuge Liang got on the bed again and said: "My lord, when it comes to governing Jiangzuo, we are thinking about the long term. We are worried about great chaos in the near future, how can we turn a blind eye, my lord?"


Liu Bei was quite surprised and asked: "Sun Quan has surrendered and Jiangzuo has surrendered. How come there is still chaos now?"

Zhuge Liang pointed outwards with his fan and said in a deep voice: "Since ancient times, those who have strict military discipline have clearly defined rewards and punishments. The generals have been conquering so far, but few rewards have been given. Now that the great event has been accomplished, there is no distinction between money and official positions. How can the soldiers be convinced? There will be chaos."

Hearing what Zhuge Liang said, Liu Bei woke up suddenly.His soldiers are able to fight, not only through financial incentives, but also through clear rewards and punishments.Since ancient times, soldiers massacred cities mostly to plunder military supplies.If you don't want soldiers to massacre the city, you have to spend money to feed them.

After all, in feudal society, if you talk about restoring the Han Dynasty, the soldiers will talk to you about money; if you talk about military discipline, the soldiers will still talk to you about money.There is no reason to just let the horse run without letting it eat grass.

"Kong Ming's words are right!"

Liu Bei pondered for a while and then said: "Bei immediately discussed with Bo Wei and gave Wu Hui's treasury gold and silver and soldiers to calm everyone's hearts. I will leave the maids and slaves on the left side of the river and distribute them to the generals."

ps; I have something to do at home, so it will be even later.There will be another update in the evening.

Zisu Ling from both books has become the alliance leader, and the Zhou Mansion is very grateful!Something happened in the last three or four days.After finishing my work, I will update the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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