Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 170 Choosing a place to promote talents

Chapter 170 Choosing a place to promote talents
"Han Ji Zhaowu Ji": "In the summer of the tenth year of Jian'an, Huo Jun defeated Zhou Yu in Lize and besieged Wuxian for more than ten days before surrendering. Wu Hui was rich and happy, and the emperor provided wine and food for the soldiers, and took possession of the gold and silver fields and houses in Wucheng. Reward the soldiers. The emperor controls half of the land on the left side of the river, with Huo Jun and Zhuge Liang as the left and right, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Gan Ning, and Zhao Yun as the minions, and Xu Shu, Zhuge Jin, and Bu Zhi as the masterminds..."

Wu County is located on the shore of Lize. Since the Spring and Autumn Period of the Wu Kingdom, a city has been built. Many buildings have been built in the past dynasties, which are divided into inner cities and outer walls.There are dense river networks inside and outside the city, and water and land transportation are very convenient.

Huo Jun led more than ten generals to enter Guo from Xumen and walked on the smooth road.He left the navy officers under his tent at Fujiao Shui Village to avoid disturbing the people in the countryside of Wuxian County.

Jiang Ji pointed to the word 'Xumen' on the city gate and said with a smile: "Could this be Wu Zixu's gate?"

In the past, Wu Zixu was sentenced to death by his husband, and he left his last words to ask his descendants to hang his eyes on the city gate to watch the Wu Kingdom be destroyed by the Yue Kingdom. Therefore, Jiang Ji thought that the Xu family was named after Wu Zixu.

Lu Su looked up at it and said with a smile: "This is not the gate of Wu Zixu, but the gate of Gaixu. Gaixu, a minister of King Shun, was granted a title in Wu due to his meritorious service and had a temple in Lize, so he was called Xumen. Wu people often call him Gu. Xumen, in the Wu language, is the dialect sound."

Zhou Yu was defeated, Fujiao Shui Village surrendered to Huo Jun, and Lu Su was among them.Huo Jun knew Lu Su's abilities, treated him as a guest, and prepared to recommend Lu Su to Liu Bei.


"Gu Xu!"

Huo Jun recited a few words in Mandarin and said with a smile: "The Ruanong language of Wu is different from the elegant language of Chu language, and it has a certain charm. At tomorrow's banquet, you can listen to the music of Wu language and eat the fish of Li Ze."

"Lize white fish is delicious and meaty. Ning will remember it for a long time!" Gan Ning, who is also a person who enjoys himself, said with a smile.

"Let's go!"

Huo Jun's purpose in entering the city today was very simple. He brought everyone to Wuxian County to attend the celebration banquet held by Er Liu.

Today, more than ten days have passed since Sun Quan surrendered. After Sun Quan came forward to surrender, the three generals Cheng Pu, Quanrou, and He Qi surrendered. Jiangzuo surrendered troops were taken over, and the counties of Wu County surrendered immediately after the announcement.

Then, Liu Bei followed Zhuge Liang's suggestion and took the treasury in the city to reward the officers. He also distributed food and wine to appease the officers and soldiers.The internal and external problems were solved, and Jiangzuo was pacified. Er Liu decided to reward and reward him with the rank of lieutenant general and gold, silver, land and house.

When Huo Jun entered the city, Liu Bei was discussing important matters with several close friends.

"Now that we have conquered Jiangzuo, we are temporarily staying in Wu County, but this is not a long-term solution. Although Danyang County governs Wanling, it can also govern the counties in Yishan and take into account the areas south of the Yangtze River. But it is difficult to shield Wuhui County and protect the land of Jiangzuo. "

Liu Bei sat on the couch and said: "Where do you think you should choose to govern, which can take into account Danyang and protect the two counties of Wuhui? I consulted Zhongmiao, and Zhongmiao thought that Jingkou and Moling could be the places where General Zuo would rule."

Xu Shu, who rushed from Yuzhang to Wuxian County, said: "The common people were going down the river. When the boat passed Jinling, they saw that it was close to the river and controlled the mountains. It relied on risks and had good access to business and travel. It was really a place for prosperity. My lord wants to become a hegemon, but he can't. Governing Jinling.”

After a pause, Xu Shu whispered: "In the past, the First Emperor visited the southeast and heard that Jinling had the spirit of an emperor. He was angry and changed its name, so it was called Moling."

Liu Bei's eyes flickered for a few times and he remained silent, just watching the movements of his subordinates.Everyone looked happy and whispered to each other about Moling.

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while and said: "Neither Moling nor Jinling is a place where the lord can live."

"Huh?" Liu Bei cast doubtful eyes on Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang gently shook his feather fan and said: "Jinling has the words of the emperor, and many people have known it since ancient times. My lord was originally tabooed by Liu Jingzhou, and now he has moved to Jinling to train troops and horses. If someone is interested in slandering him, he may let Liu Jingzhou let him go." It's hard to feel at ease. My lord, it's better to live in Jingkou and govern in order to see clearly."

"At Jingkou, we control the Dantu Waterway, which goes up to Jianghuai and down to Wuhui. It has convenient water and land access. Its city is strong and built against the mountains, so it is a dangerous location."

"Now that Cao Cao has conquered Hebei, if my lord wants to compete with him, he needs to accumulate food, recruit and train soldiers, build cities, and use the power of Wu and Chu to block the enemy in the north of the river. Therefore, Liang thought that my lord should govern the entrance of Jingkou to show his obedience and show his loyalty. A barrier for Wu Hui.”

Nodding, Liu Bei said: "What Kong Ming said is not unreasonable. Although Jinling is good, it is not something Bei can live in. Jingkou can not only take care of Danyang, but also protect the two counties of Wuhui. This place was elected as the county government."

Liu Yan thought about wealth and honor, and said with a smile: "My lord, most of our officers and soldiers are from the north, far away from the countryside, unlike the generals under the eldest son's tent. I wonder if we can divide the houses and gardens and mulberry fields in Jingkou with the generals to provide peace of mind to the officers and soldiers." Do you like it?"

"Ha ha!"

Liu Bei saw what Liu Yan meant, and seeing that everyone had the same idea, he smiled and said: "You have followed me from north to south, and have been fighting in Jiangzuo for several years. Wei Shuo didn't say anything about this, and Bei also had this idea."

Zhao Yun, who had just finished speaking and had been silent, suddenly spoke up and said: "My lord, in the past during the Han Dynasty, Huo Qubing said that the Huns were not exterminated and they were useless, so he was rewarded by Emperor Xiaowu. Today's thieves are not only the Huns, but also some Cao Cao cannot seek peace. We need peace in the world before we can dare to propose that everyone return to their hometowns to farm and guard their homes."

"Today, the people of Jiangzuo have been exposed to war for the first time. They have been displaced and have no intention of farming. They should be allowed to return to their fields and homes so that they can live and work in peace. With their household registration completed, they can be transferred to the army or pay taxes. This will make the people of Danyang happy."

As soon as Zhao Yun said this, everyone present looked at each other with displeasure.Liu Bei raised his eyebrows slightly, took in everyone's expressions, and then looked at Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang understood the meaning, raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, your words of authority are very reasonable. All the civil and military personnel have followed your lord for many years. They have left their hometown and made countless achievements, so they deserve a place to live. But the words of General Zilong are also words of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism." .”

"The layout of Liangguan Jingkou City is a place for garrisoning troops. It is now a government office, which should also be used to govern the people. It is better to repair the house and let the civil and military people live in it. The Jiangzuo area is vast and sparsely populated, and it has been invaded by war. The mulberry fields are abandoned and there are few people to take care of them. It is better to repair them. Choose an unowned land and divide it among the soldiers.”

Although Liu Yan and Zhao Yun were looking at the land and house issues, Liu Yan actually wanted Liu Bei to allow them, these meritorious ministers, to occupy the fertile land of the people in Jingkou, and then turn the people into their tenants.

After all, no bureaucrat went to work in the fields himself; a large number of tenants and slaves took care of the fields.Therefore, land annexation will inevitably be accompanied by embezzlement of people and concealment of taxes.

In the history of the Shu Han regime, starting from the time it entered Shu, the generals Yuan Cong and Jingzhou, who lacked a foundation, tried their best to serve the Shu Han, but at the same time they actually became evil dragons.When the Western Jin Dynasty destroyed the Shu-Han Dynasty, all officials from Yuancong and Jingzhou were relocated from Shu. In fact, tens of thousands of households were relocated.

Zhao Yun heard what Liu Yan meant. As a member of Yuancong, he naturally knew that Liu Yan was fighting for their interests, but he didn't want to accept it.As he said, these people can organize households, pay taxes, and send troops to fight.If they occupy it, these people will become their tenants, thereby harming the overall interests.

As the ruler, Liu Bei naturally recognized Zhao Yun's opinion, but Liu Bei also knew that Zhao Yun's opinion was only his own.

Look at Liu Yan, Jian Yong, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, Xue Yong and Shi Ren, who don't want wealth and honor?Brothers Mi Zhu and Mi Fang, as Liu Bei's angel investors, lost all their money, financed their sister's marriage, and lived in exile. If Liu Bei didn't repay them, Liu Bei would have no shame, and everyone under his command would be alienated.

As for Zhuge Liang's words, they only moderate the views of the two parties.Houses were built for them and unowned acres were distributed to temporarily meet the needs of Liu Yan, Mi Zhu and others.In fact, they essentially needed tenants and slaves to work for them in order to satisfy their demands.

Liu Bei looked gentle and said with a smile: "At the beginning of Danyang's fall, farming has been abandoned, and the people have to return to their homes. Now that gold and silver have been made, houses will be built, and you can live in peace for the time being. If there is anything missing, you can find Kong Ming and spend it in the branch treasury." "

"Thank you Lord for your kindness!"

After chatting for a while, everyone left and the door was closed.There were only a few people left in the hall, and Huo Jun appeared out of nowhere to say hello to Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Xu Shu.

After a few people exchanged greetings, Liu Bei said again: "Although Sun Quan has surrendered, there are many old officials of the Sun family. Sun Quan cannot stay in Wu County for a long time. Bei and the eldest son want to move the Sun family to Xiangyang, but they are afraid that the old officials of the Sun family will not want to do it. What's the matter? ?”

Xu Shu stroked his beard and said: "Moving all the Sun family to Xiangyang may seem mean. It is better to move Sun Quan and his family to Xiangyang and leave Sun Ce's son Sun Shao in Wucheng to appease the old officials of the Sun family. "

After a pause, Xu Shu explained: "Sun Shao is young, so there is nothing to worry about. As he is older, Shao wants to cause chaos, and Jiangzuo is already safe, so he can calm it down with a wave of his hand. Sun Quan, judging from his appearance, he has a majestic air, which is not right. Mortals cannot be left alone.”

Huo Jun pondered for a while and then said: "Old officials of the Sun family, such as Cheng Pu and Zhu Zhi, cannot stay here. If they stay for a long time, there will be chaos. Cheng Pu killed hundreds of surrendered soldiers indiscriminately, Zhu Zhi was the prefect of Wu County and was famous, and the two of them are from the Sun family. The loyal ministers of the third generation should move their families to Xiangyang. Any adopted son, like Zhu Ran, should be given the surname Shi."

When the Jiangzuo Navy was destroyed, Cheng Pu's sergeants heard the news and gathered hundreds of people to defect to Jingzhou. Unexpectedly, they were caught by Cheng Pu.That night, the news that Sun Quan asked Cheng Pu to surrender also spread to the army.Cheng Pu ignored everyone's pleas and killed hundreds of people in anger, which can be described as ruthless.

This kind of old minister of the Sun family does not dare to use it. It is destined to be a disaster if it stays in Jiangzuo. It is better to throw it into Xiangyang.

"What about Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong?" Liu Bei asked.

Zhuge Liang gently shook his feather fan and said: "Although Er Zhang on the left side of the Yangtze River has been favored by Sun Ce, he has a high reputation and a noble temperament, and it is difficult for him to do despicable things. My lord and the eldest son can respect Er Zhang and let them cultivate the classics and raise them as famous scholars." Of."

After a pause, Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "With the name of Er Zhang, even Cao Cao wants to be an official. My lord and eldest son must not refuse to use them. Just use the false name and treat them generously. As for the rest of the old Jiangzuo people, my lord can conquer them." The young scholars from Xu were appointed as officials, and a recruitment hall was set up to recruit scholars from Jiangzuo."

In addition to carving up counties and counties when the Er Liu Dynasty entered Jiangdong, there were also problems with carving up talents.Zhuge Liang believed that for top-notch scholars like Er Zhang, just let them study and preach.Liu Bei has the advantage of being a Qingxu scholar and can choose to conquer.Jiangzuo scholars asked them to identify their own masters to avoid conflicts with Liu Qi.

"Based on your words!" Liu Bei nodded and said in approval.

Huo Jun straightened his back slightly and said: "Your Majesty, I entered the water village on the left side of the Yangtze River and found a talented man. He was an old member of Sun Quan's account from the Jianghuai River. His surname was Lu, his given name was Su, and his given name was Zijing. He has a strategic mind and a square personality. , is meticulous in handling matters, has the old style of Zhou Lang, and has the strategy of a general."

"I respect you now, and I hope you will trust me and let me do it!"

Liu Bei looked quite happy.Huo Jun generally does not appoint people, but once he does, they are all sergeants.Not to mention Gan Ning, Pan Jun and Wang Can were recommended by Liu Qi. Their ability, talent and learning are obvious to all.

"it is good!"

Liu Bei clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Be prepared to see him tonight and listen to his plans."

(End of this chapter)

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