Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 179: Military Discuss with Wu Chu

Chapter 179: Military Discuss with Wu Chu
AD 206, the first month of the 11th year of Jian'an.

In the middle of winter in the North, snowflakes are flying and the mountains are covered with snow.

On the tower of Huguan City, Cao Cao looked at the rugged and dangerous Taihang Mountain Road, feeling poetic in his heart, and recited in a deep voice: "Going north to the Taihang Mountains, how difficult it is and how majestic it is! The Yangchang Slope is twisted, and the wheels are destroyed. How desolate the trees are! The sound of the north wind I am sad. Bears squat against me, tigers and leopards crow on the road. There are few people in the valley, how does the snow fall!..."

"Nice poem!"

As soon as Cao Cao finished speaking, Cao Ren immediately applauded and cheered, saying: "Sikong Wentao is well-equipped with military strategies and great ambitions. There are few heroes like this in ancient times!"

"I wonder what the name of this poem is?" Cao Ren asked.

Cao Cao pondered for a while and then said: "I conquered Huguan alone, walked the Taihang Mountain Road, saw the dangers of Yangchang Slope, and looked at the Cui Wei of the Taihang Mountains, and I was filled with emotion. How about calling this poem "Bitter Cold Journey"?"


Cao Ren took the lead in applauding, and all the civil and military officials cheered.

"Ha ha!"

Cao Cao looked at Chen Lin and said with a smile: "Kong Zhang, how about writing this poem alone?"

After offering the wine, Chen Lin pondered for a while and said with admiration: "Sikong's poems are ancient and sad, with sincere feelings, and imply a melancholy atmosphere. As Lin read it, she couldn't help but recall the dangers of Yangchang Slope and the difficulty of our army's march."

With that said, Chen Lin cupped her hands and said, "Congratulations to Sikong for breaking through the natural danger of Huguan and leaving this masterpiece for the world."

"Ha ha!"

Cao Cao waved his hand and said with a smile: "I spent many days thinking about this "Bitter Cold Journey", and there may be some flaws in the words. Kong Zhang has great literary talent, and he took the trouble to find out the shortcomings of his poems."

"Bitter Cold Journey is already a masterpiece." Chen Lin said modestly, "Lin will step down and copy poems for Sikong."


Chen Lin retreated, and Cao Cao turned his attention to Cao Ren and said, "We have to break the Hu Pass today, and Zixiao's strategy has been successful. Now that I think of Zixiao's military exploits before and after, I can report to the emperor to make you the Marquis of Duting."

Hearing this, Cao Ren was overjoyed, bowed and held his hands in his hands, saying, "Thank you Sikong for your appreciation. I will do my best to serve the country with all my loyalty!"

Cao Cao raised his troops to besiege Huguan for more than a month. Because the city was so strong that it was difficult to conquer, he became furious and ordered the city to be breached. When the city was breached, all the soldiers in the city were killed.

Cao Ren gave timely advice, saying that the city of Huguan was strong and the food and grass were abundant. Seeing that there was no hope of survival, the soldiers would resist vigorously. Let Cao Cao show his benevolence, and Huguan would be easy to conquer.Cao Cao followed Cao Ren's words and a few days later, Huguanguo was captured.

"Where is Wen Qian?"

"The end is here!"

Le Jin, who is short in stature and has a combative spirit, comes out step by step.

"Wen Qian led his army to conquer Hu Pass and made outstanding achievements. Now I have declared you to the emperor as General Zhechong." Cao Cao said.

Le Jin's face was filled with joy, he raised his hands and said, "Thank you, Duke Ming, for your kindness. Jin must never forget Duke Ming's promotion!"

Cao Cao patted Le Jin on the shoulder, feeling very fond of this subordinate who had promoted him personally.Compared with Cao Ren who only granted the title of Tinghou as the capital now, Le Jin had already granted the title of Tinghou as the capital when he was conquering Lu Bu ten years ago.

With that said, Cao Cao looked at everyone and said: "If you break the Hu Pass and defeat the high officials, you will be rewarded. I have ordered someone to report it and send it to the emperor of Xuchang."

"Thank you Sikong for your kindness!" Everyone responded with cupped hands.

Cheng Yu stroked his beard and asked: "Sikong, our army conquered Huguan, Gao Gan was defeated and fled, and went to the south to seek help from the Huns. What should we do now?"

Cao Cao held his sword hilt in his hand and said disapprovingly: "The defeat of Gao Gan is no longer a big harm. The Yuan family has perished and Hebei has been pacified. How dare Huchuquan take in the traitor Gao Gan?"

During the Battle of Guandu, the Southern Huns Huchuquan responded to Yuan Shao's order and cooperated with Guo Yuan and Gao Gan to send troops to Guanzhong.Zhong Yao united with the generals in Guanzhong and defeated Yuan's coalition forces with Ma Chao and Pang De as generals.Huchuquan surrendered to Cao Cao and did not dare to invade Guanzhong.

"Bong Xiao?"

Guo Jia wrapped the cloak tightly around him, coughed and said: "Ming Gong, Gao Gan fled after being defeated and fled to the south of the Xiongnu. Huchuquan would not dare to take him in, but Jia was afraid that Gao Gan would go south from Guanzhong and Luoyi and seek refuge with Liu Biao. Today People should be ordered to patrol strictly and high officials should not be allowed to go to Jingzhou."

Cao Cao ordered: "Just follow what Fengxiao said!"

After a pause, Cao Cao said with concern again: "Since the Southern Xiongnu entered the fortress, the population has increased sharply, and they often disturb the people of Bingzhou. I want to rule them alone, but I am afraid that the Southern Xiongnu will not obey and make them rebel. How will I know their intentions?"

Guo Jia thought about it for a while and said: "Ming Gong, in the past 200 years, the Southern Huns have migrated to Bingzhou. Although they have the customs of the Hu people, they also have the customs of our Han people. Moreover, I, the Han Dynasty, rule them by protecting the Xiongnu captains, and Shanyu surrenders to our dynasty. , she is a concubine of the Han Dynasty. Although there are many repetitions, it can be believed."

Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty attacked the Xiongnu in the north, the two Han Dynasties continued to attack the Xiongnu, which eventually led to the division of the northern and southern Xiongnu.The Southern Xiongnu went south and submitted to the Eastern Han Dynasty, while the Northern Xiongnu stayed in the grasslands.The Southern Xiongnu became the watchdogs of the Eastern Han Dynasty, guarding the borders, and also accompanied the army to attack the Northern Xiongnu.But with the decline of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Xianbei invasion to the south, the southern Xiongnu also began to become restless.

After a pause, Guo Jia said: "Jia heard that Cai Zhaoji, the daughter of Duke Bozhe, was plundered by King Zuoxian of the Southern Xiongnu during the Guanzhong Rebellion, and she gave birth to two sons. Duke Ming wanted to test whether the Southern Xiongnu had any intention of rebellion. It is better to order someone to redeem Cai Yan with gold. If King Zuo Xian can bear this humiliation, the southern Xiongnu will have no intention of rebellion."

Cao Cao nodded and said with a smile: "The strategy of paying filial piety is clever. I have always been in contact with brother Bo Zhe. Now that he is dead and has no heirs, we can use this name to exchange gold for Cai Zhaoji to return to the country."

"Ming Gong is wise!" Guo Jia and Cheng Yu complimented.

During the conversation, the attendant came closer and said: "I would like to report to Sikong that Military Advisor Xun has returned from Xuchang with a letter from the Duke, and he has important matters to report."

"Gongda!" Cao Cao looked happy and said hurriedly: "Let the military advisor wait in the big tent. I will come as soon as possible."

With that said, Cao Cao said to Guo Jia and Cheng Yu: "Now the merger of the states is peaceful, and Hebei is stable. Now the official letter has come again, and we can discuss the conquest of the south and the north."


It took less than five months from the time Cao Cao received the news of the rebellion of high officials to the initial quelling of the rebellion.During this period, in order to determine the next strategic direction, Xun You was asked to return to Xuchang to communicate with Xun Yu.

As for why Xun Yu was honored as Ling Gong, it was because Xun Yu served as Shangshu Ling. Because of his high reputation and great virtue, he was honored as Xun Ling Gong.


In the big tent, Cao Cao was sitting on the couch, with Xun You, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Cao Ren and other important people sitting on his left and right.

Xun You held hot water in his hand to drive away the cold, and said: "Ming Gong, Liu Zhang of Yizhou sent his lieutenant General Yin Pu to the court to pay tribute. After careful consideration, your uncle thought that he could be promoted to General Zhenwei, and his brother Liu Mao was appointed as General Zhenwei. General Ping Kou. His gloomy words always have the meaning of humility and submissiveness, saying that everyone in Yizhou admires Ming Gong's majesty and virtue."

Cao Cao read the official document that Liu Zhang sent the watch to, smiled, and said: "The annexation of Jiangzuo to Jingchu makes Liu Zhang feel deeply threatened. The envoy sent to send the watch today is a sign of surrender to the emperor."


Xun You smiled and said: "You stayed in Xuchang for a long time and had many good conversations with Yin Pu. Liu Zhang is weak and cannot control Zhang Lu externally and cannot care for the noble ladies internally. Now that the Duke has defeated Yuan Shao, he has taken all the north and has unified most of China. It is beneficial to The state wants to seek enlightenment from the Lord."

With that said, Xun You gave the good news and said: "Yin Pu once secretly told You that if Duke Ming sends his troops south, Yizhou is willing to provide military supplies for Duke Ming and send troops to assist the army."


Cao Cao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Can Liu Zhang be available?"

Xun You took a sip of warm water and said: "Yizhou should be available. In the past, there was great chaos in Guanzhong and Luoyi, and there were many people who entered Shu and could not return home. People in Yizhou often called them Dongzhou people, and Liu Yan recruited people from the north to the army. The people of Dongzhou controlled the people of Yizhou. Now that Liu Zhang has succeeded to the throne, he is fatuous and timid, and it is difficult for him to be a wise ruler."

It can be said that Cao Cao swept the north, not only expanding his territory, but also pushing his reputation to the highest peak.Not only is there a group of leading parties in Jingzhou, there are also leading parties in Yizhou waiting for Cao Cao.

Historically, when Cao Cao attacked Jingzhou, Liu Zhang was more anxious than Cao Cao.After accepting Cao Cao's military order, he began to accept conscription and sent troops to the army.During the Battle of Nanjun, in order to cut off communication between Nanjun and the outside world, in addition to arranging for Guan Yu to seize the northern route, Gan Ning also arranged for Gan Ning to take Yiling.

Cao Cao's heart was very hot and he asked: "The two Yuan entered the outside of the fortress and joined forces with Wuhuan Tadun; the two Liu took Jiangzuo, and Jingchu fell into the hands of Liu Biao. Now that Gaogan has been leveled, the north and south are given up, Gongda and Wenruo Any insights?”

Xun You shook his head and said, "There are some differences between Xun Ling and Xun Ling. They are all different."

After pondering for a while, Xun You said: "You thought that Cai Mao and Kuai Yue in Jingzhou secretly controlled the inside and outside of Xiangyang. Liu Biao was seriously ill and his two sons were fighting for heirs, so there was nothing to fear. When Liu Biao died and the two sons had a rift, it was like two Yuans. Things."

"At that time, Duke Ming could follow the method of conquering Hebei and pacify the land of Wu and Chu. If Wu and Chu are defeated, Yizhou will surrender, and the northwest group will submit, then the world will be unified! Therefore, you thought that you could conquer Wuhuan first, then control the floods, and then attack Wuchu. "

Cao Cao frowned slightly and asked, "What do Wen Ruo think?"

Xun You said truthfully: "Xun Ling thought that Liu Bei was far superior to the two Yuans, and living on the left side of the Yangtze River would be a big trouble. Moreover, Liu Bei was deeply popular in Xuhuai. Today's Changxi and the old Chen Deng all followed Liu Bei's rebellion, so they must not ignore it. Huo Jun's tiger steps across the Yangtze River and Huaihe River , together with the Jianghuai bandits, should not be underestimated."

"The enemies of the Jianghuai River are basically non-public and have few loyalists. They all rely on Liu Jiujiang to rule the city and connect with other heroes to restore peace to the people. The two thieves dare not invade Jiangzuo now because Jiangzuo has been conquered for the first time. If we let the two If the thieves recuperate and recuperate, the Jianghuai River will be in danger!"

"What does Wen Ruo mean?" Cao Cao asked.

"Xun Ling thought that in the name of conquering Liu Biao, he could send troops to the counties of Jianghuai and retreat to the north of the Yangtze River. He could also order fierce generals to attack Jiangxia and observe the movements of Jingzhou. If Jingzhou is weak and Jiangsu is unprepared, Ming Gong can attack it with a large army. "

"When the two Yuans entered the fortress, they only relied on the people who were able to defeat them. Today's expedition to western Liaoning is thousands of miles away, so don't rush. Watch the movements in Jingzhou, and then discuss the matter of attacking Wuhuan in western Liaoning and surrendering Gongsun in eastern Liaodong."

"Observe the movements of Jingchu, and then decide the affairs of the north and the south." Cao Cao muttered to himself, stroking his beard.

"What do you think of Wen Ruo's plan?" Cao Cao asked.

Guo Jia pondered for a while and said: "The river divides the north and the south. If our army goes south, it is difficult to take the left side of the river in a hurry. Ming Gong can follow Xun Ling's words."

"Liu Bei is like a tiger. If he enters the left side of the river now, he will be like a tiger entering the mountains. Even if he does not attack, he must contain his power." Cheng Yu said.

"Then who can attack Jiangxia?" Cao Cao was unambiguous and asked directly.

"Zhang Liao!"

Xun You said: "Zhang Liao fights bravely, and he is the leader of the three armies. He is an enemy of ten thousand people. Ordering Wenyuan to attack Jiangxia will definitely gain something, and we can also see the reaction of Wu Chu. If the troops can approach the river and contain Wu Chu, then Wu Chu may be able to All at once.”

"Who can Jianghuai use?"

"You can order Zhang He to Yibing and the Xiahou Governor to control generals such as Lu Qian, Yu Jin, Zang Ba, Sun Guan, Zhang He, etc., and lead the army south to Jianghuai to consolidate Jiangbei." Guo Jia suggested.

"it is good!"

Cao Cao stood up and said in a deep voice: "Order Zhang He and Zhang Liao to lead the army south, and lead the army back to Yecheng alone to observe Wu Chu's reaction."


(End of this chapter)

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