Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 180: Repair the fort to raise soldiers

Chapter 180: Repair the fort to raise soldiers

The changes brought about by Jiangzuo are no longer under anyone's control. They not only affect the interior of Jingzhou, but also affect the decisions of Cao Cao, Liu Zhang and others.After all, Liu Biao's occupation of the seven counties of Jingzhou made Cao Cao extremely worried. Now he controls the six counties of Jiangzuo, which is no longer what it used to be.

But for Liu Bei's military power, Liu Bei and Lu Su mediated and socialized in Xiangyang. Under the introduction of Zhuge Liang's letters, Liu Bei also met Xiangyang scholars Liao Li, Ma Liang, Xiang Lang and others.While Zhuge Liang stayed in Danyang, he worked with Zhang Fei, Xu Shu and others to develop military and political affairs, expand troops and train soldiers.

"Kong Ming, General Yide pacified the counties in Yishan Mountain and rebelled against Shanyue, and captured more than [-] people. Counting the people who passed by now, there should be more than [-] men and women captured." Xu Shu said: "My lord also ordered us before leaving. Select soldiers and recruit sergeants. Now we can recruit Danyang Shanyue to join the army and select their best."

Zhuge Liang gently shook his feather fan and said: "In the battle of She County in the past, the Shanyue barbarians have fought bravely and indomitably since they joined the army. They are very reliable. Now it is not impossible to recruit Shanyue to join the army, but they need to move to Jingkou and Moling, and they cannot live in Yi. In the mountains.”

After calculating his family fortune, Zhuge Liang said: "General Yide has plundered about [-] households today, and selected a thousand of them to work at Jingkou. In addition, Jin Qi and Mao Gan surrendered with [-] households, and killed Chen Pu and Zu Shan. Ten thousand households, these [-] to [-] households are divided into various counties, and now we can select another [-] strong households to go down the mountain to join the army."

"These three thousand households of mountain people are exempted from taxes and corvee. Each household has one soldier, which can have 3000 people. The soldiers are divided into three schools, and the lord can choose brave generals to supervise them. In addition, we have previously recruited 3000 soldiers from Danyang County, a total of 6000 people. There are twenty thousand soldiers."

The current number of Liu Bei's troops is no longer what it used to be. At the beginning, there were only a few thousand men in Jiangzuo.After defeating Sun Bi, Tai Shi Ci and others, the number of troops increased to about [-], but the quality varied.After experiencing the tragic battle of She County, Liu Bei's troops suffered a lot of losses, and later expanded to more than [-] men, and the quality was slightly better than before.

Before and after the decisive battle, although Liu Bei's military strength was reduced, thanks to the surrender of Jiangzuo's surrendered troops, his military strength was expanded.After Gan Ning led his troops back, the military strength in Danyang County expanded to 8000 people.

After moving to Jingkou, Liu Bei inspected the military camps of various ministries and found that there were too many old and weak sergeants, and the men and horses of each ministry were uneven.Therefore, Liu Bei decided to let Zhuge Liang be responsible for removing thousands of old and weak soldiers from the military camp, and recruiting another [-] soldiers, making a total of [-] strong soldiers.

As for why it can only be called strong, but not elite, it lies in the training, martial arts, discipline, and weapons and equipment such as armor, weapons, and crossbows.

Xu Shu pondered for a while and said: "Although there are [-] soldiers today, there are many new soldiers. Wouldn't it be a pity to remove [-] old and weak soldiers and return them to the counties? It is better to retain them and let them guard the city or supervise the transportation of military supplies. "

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said: "My lord thinks that we can restart the military system of counties and counties. The old and weak of these four thousand troops will be settled in Danyang from now on. According to the law of the former Han Dynasty, they will be under the jurisdiction of the Danyang prefect. He will be responsible for the deployment of troops, register as civilians, and garrison when they leave." Guo."

After Guangwu's resurgence, he learned from the lessons of the Western Han Dynasty, and in order to rest with the people, he abandoned the military system of counties and counties in the Western Han Dynasty, and instead used the recruitment system, using the Chinese army and border troops to conquer all directions.Later, as the political situation in the Eastern Han Dynasty deteriorated, the Yellow Turban Uprising occurred. In order to quell the rebellion, the Eastern Han Dynasty had to let the localities recruit their own troops.

Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei discussed the politics of the Han Dynasty in depth and decided to restart the military system of counties and counties to make use of these old and weak people.After all, Danyang County is large and has many mountains, so it is quite necessary to maintain local armed forces.Moreover, they were registered as civilians, which was different from the military households responsible for the war.

Xu Shu nodded and said worriedly: "It is also feasible to activate the military system of counties and counties, but the master wants to raise [-] troops and horses, and the power of Danyang County alone may not be enough!"

Zhuge Liang supported the map of Danyang County and said: "It is possible to rotate the garrison system, with seven thousand soldiers and horses as the constant, and replace them in three batches. With the current tax money and food in Danyang County, it can supply seven thousand soldiers and horses. Let the military households be idle. Work from time to time and store up food and grass in preparation for going out for war, and there is no one at home to work.”

As he spoke, Zhuge Liang drew with his fingers on the map and said: "There are many lakes around Jurong and the land is fertile. Three thousand military households across the mountains can move here to settle. The temporary labor Yuanzhi is responsible for the migration and recruitment of troops."


Zhuge Liang coordinated the recruitment and relocation of troops with the officials in General Zuo's mansion. He wrote letters about important military and political affairs and had them sent to Xiangyang, so that Liu Bei could appoint generals and verify government affairs.

The next day, Zhuge Liang took General Zuo's subordinates with him and sailed dozens of miles south to Qu'a County.

Standing by the Gaoling River, Yan Zhen spread out a water conservancy map and said: "The Gaoling River passes through Qu'a, where it merges with other rivers to form a huge flood. There are heavy rains in summer and autumn, and the water is turbulent and often invades farmland. In the Later Han Dynasty, there were several counties in Qu'a. This report was reported, but the prefectures and counties ignored it." Yan Zhen performed outstandingly in relocating people from Shanyue to the newly established Zheyang County, and was promoted by Liu Bei to the magistrate of Qu'a County, which is very close to Jingkou and Moling.From county magistrate to county magistrate, Yan Zhen has undoubtedly been promoted.

Yan Zhen, who has always understood water conditions, reported the water disaster in Qu'ahou Lake to General Zuo's Mansion shortly after arriving in Qu'a County.Zhuge Liang took time out and rushed to Qu'a to solve the problem.

Zhuge Liang gently shook his feather fan, pointed to the water conservancy map, and said: "Gaoli Mountain rises from the ground. This is a low-lying place where it is easy to gather into swamps. Although swamps are prone to flooding, the surrounding soil is fertile. If lake water can be irrigated, it can be irrigated." Become a place of wealth.”

With that said, Zhuge Liang looked at the bank of Gaolingshui River and pointed out: "Mancai, you are good at understanding the water potential. What if you intercept Gaolingshui and Maling River here and let them converge into a lake to irrigate the surrounding fields?"

Yan Zhen pondered for a while and said: "Section of two rivers, building dams, opening canals into the fields, all the water merges into a lake, and builds a pond. If you make a simple estimate, at least thousands of hectares of fertile farmland can be irrigated."


Zhuge Liang had visited Qu'a long ago and learned about the water potential of Qu'a, and said: "Build a pond in the spring and summer, when the rain is full, you can irrigate the fields. The river is dry and shallow, and it is filled with lake water. For business trips, you can use boats instead of boats. The oxen leads the way. If the rain overflows, the river will be opened and the water will flow into the river."

Then, Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "At that time, Dantu, Wujin and other places may benefit from the water of this lake. The people will be rich. The fields will be fertile and the people can cultivate them. The grain and grass will be abundant. The soldiers can eat, and the people will also be rich."

Others' expansion of the army was basically militarism, but Zhuge Liang dared to ask Liu Bei to expand his army by [-], which shows that he was confident that he could raise [-] soldiers and horses, and even raise them well.

After Yan Zhen reported the water conditions in Qu'a, Zhuge Liang had already paid attention to it.Before coming to Qu'a, Zhuge Liang learned about the water conditions in the two surrounding counties of Jurong and Wujin, and read the water conservancy maps. He had a plan in mind, and then came to Qu'a to discuss the plan with the county magistrate Yan Zhen.

"Military advisor, if the water is cut off and turned into a lake, the surrounding farmland will be submerged." Yan Zhen said.

Zhuge Liang stroked his feather fan gently and said with a smile: "Today in late winter, the people's seedlings have not yet grown, and in spring, ponds will be formed to irrigate acres of barren fields. I can choose good farmland to pay the people twice as much, and make a deed to calm the hearts of the people."

"Good!" Yan Zhen said with a smile: "If the Pitang is built, it will benefit the people of Italy."

"Liang Liang can recruit the people of Jurong, Wujin and other places to do corvee work, let Xue Maochang (Xue Yong) supervise them, and cut off the water to form a lake with Mancai, and build dams and canals." Zhuge Liang ordered.

"If this pit is completed, what can it be called?" Yan Zhen asked.

Zhuge Liang stopped the feather fan in his hand and said with a smile: "The purpose of building this lake is to train soldiers and raise soldiers. Let's call it a training lake!"

"Han Chronicles: Zhuge Prime Minister's Family": "In the spring of the 11th year, Liang governed Danyang, and supervised Xue Yong, the governor of Jurong, and Yan Zhen, the governor of Qu'al. He stopped Gaoling and Malin Creek to irrigate Qu'a, which was called Liantang, and thousands of hectares of farmland were irrigated. When Liantang was completed, military supplies came out and food became abundant. At that time, people in the county also called it 'Ge Lake' and secretly built a temple to worship it."

 One more chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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