Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 181: Commanding General Yu Cao’s Army

Chapter 181: Commanding General Yu Cao’s Army (Additional Update for Alliance Leader Zisu Ling)

Jian'an 11 years, spring.


"Get out of the way, Jiang Xia is reporting urgently."

The scout got off the boat, carrying a crimson envelope on his back, and walked quickly into Xiangyang, telling everyone to get out of the way of the people blocking his way.The people walking on the street moved out of the way, and the soldiers guarding the city gate did not dare to stop him.

The chariot and cavalry generals belonged to the Yamen, and the attendants held up slips and documents in their hands and hurried into the court, shouting: "Commander Cai, the military situation in Jiangxia is extremely urgent!"

Cai Mao, who was chatting and laughing with his subordinates, changed his expression slightly.Jiangdong has fallen into the hands of Liu Biao, and the status of Jiangxia, which was once a frontier, has declined and is far less important than before.The only remaining role is to garrison the three passes of Yiyang to guard against Cao Cao's forces in Yuzhou.

The document is urgent today. Could it be that Cao Jun is attacking?

But when Cao Jun invaded Jingzhou, why didn't he get the news?

While thinking, Cai Mao checked the mud seal on the knotted rope under the eyes of all the officials, tore off the mud seal, spread out the document and started to read it.

After a few glances, Cai Mao's expression suddenly changed and he said: "Cao's army is attacking Jiangxia, Zhang Liao has defeated Xiyang, and the governor Su Fei was defeated and fled Wusheng Pass. Now Zhang Liao's troops have reached the third pass of Yiyang, and Governor Huang urgently asks for help. .”


The officials also exclaimed in surprise, and everyone whispered to each other.Could it be that the long-lasting peace is about to be broken.

The intersection of the two mountains, Dabie Mountain and Tongbai Mountain, naturally forms three dangerous passes.During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Chu State built three passes to control the vassal states in the Central Plains. They could advance, attack, retreat or defend.

During the Battle of Baiju, Wu State wanted to avoid being discovered by Chu State along the Yangtze River. King Helu of Wu, Sun Wu, and Wu Zixu led their troops to invade the hinterland of Chu State from Yiyang Three Passes. They fought with the Chu army at Baiju. They fought five times. Defeated Chu and captured the capital of Ying.

Except for Nanyang in the north, the Central Plains can actually enter Chu through the three passes of Yiyang and drink the water of the Yangtze River.

When Liu Biao, who was drinking the decoction, heard the news, he accidentally choked the decoction in his mouth and nose, coughed repeatedly, and said in shock: "Cao Cao invaded?"

"Don't dare to hide it from Ming Gong!"

Liu Biao calmed down and said hurriedly: "Please quickly invite Xuande and Bo Wei to the assembly hall to discuss military matters."


"Madam, please change my clothes quickly!" Liu Biao said to Cai.

When Cai saw that Liu Biao was thinking about Liu Qi, she felt displeased and said, "Cao Cao is not here in person, so why are you so anxious?"

Liu Biao saw Cai's words and scolded him: "This is a woman's opinion!"

"Zhang Liao is a general under Cao Cao. Xuande once said that Zhang Liao is not as brave as Guan Yunchang. Today's invasion is so fierce that Huang She and Su Fei can no longer resist it. If Jiangxia is conquered and Cao Cao leads his army to invade from the three passes, drink Ma Jiangshui, the connection between Wu and Chu will be cut off, and it will be difficult to resist Cao Cao." Liu Biao explained.

The Yangtze River is winding and winding. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River after Chongqing are like a 'W', with the bulge in the middle being Xiakou (Wuhan).Jiangxia was occupied by Cao's army, and Cao's army could easily cut off the Yangtze River, making it difficult for Jingchu and Wu Yue to contact each other.

After hearing Liu Biao's explanation, Cai did not dare to neglect and quickly changed Liu Biao's clothes.

Although she and her brother Cai Mao opposed Liu Qi together, they did not want Liu Qi to ascend to power.But it does not mean that she, like Cai Mao, has colluded with Cao Cao.Generally speaking, she hoped that Liu Cong would protect Jingchu instead of submitting to Cao Cao.Of course Cai Mao knew this about her, but she didn't know that Cai Mao had secretly communicated with Cao Cao.

In the lobby, Liu Biao summoned everyone to discuss matters.Everyone who heard the news also rushed over, sitting in two rows on the left and right.

After a while, Liu Bei and Liu Qi finally arrived.When Liu Biao saw that all the dignitaries had arrived, he coughed and said, "Now Zhang Liao led his troops to invade Jiangxia. Su Fei, the superintendent, was defeated in the battle and was defeated by Zhang Liao. Now he has retreated to Wusheng Pass. Huang Jiangxia may not be able to resist, so he asks for reinforcements. Do you think What does Cao Cao mean by this?"

The three passes in Yiyang are Wusheng Pass, Jiuli Pass and Pingjing Pass. All three passes need to be defended.As long as any one of these levels is broken, troops can enter Jiangxia, which also means that the other two levels are useless.Therefore, the three passes of Yiyang seem to be difficult and dangerous, but in fact, considering the distribution of troops, they are not so easy to guard.

Cai Mao's face was not red, and his heart was not beating, and he said: "For your information, Duke Ming, now that Cao Cao has pacified Hebei, he has the intention to attack me. Today Jiangxia is attacked by Zhang Liao, and he may use the strategy of claiming to the east and attacking the west to lure my soldiers and horses from Xiangyang to rescue Jiangxia. Our army We should be careful to prevent Cao's army from going south to conquer Xiangfan."

Liu Biao frowned slightly and said displeasedly: "Could it be that the military advisor just wanted to let Cao Jun invade Jiangxia?"

Cai Mao lowered his eyes and said, "That's not what I meant. Xiangfan is close to the Central Plains and far away from Jiangbei. It is also the foundation of our army and should not be touched lightly. If we want to save Jiangxia, we may ask Jiangzuo to send troops. Huo Poyang stationed troops Jiangbei is close to Jiangxia. Let him lead his army north and save him easily." "Huo Zhongmiao?"

Liu Biao muttered a few times and said.


Kuai Yue added: "Huo Poyang's military strategy is outstanding. He defeated Xiahou at his back, took Jingkou thousands of miles away, and defeated the enemy bandits numerous times. The world praises Han Bai for his ability."

Liu Bei secretly thought something was wrong, so he quickly said: "Ming Gong, Huo Poyang is guarding the north of the Yangtze River. Don't leave Wancheng lightly."

"Huh?" Liu Biao looked at Liu Bei and asked in confusion, "Why did Xuande say this?"

After sorting out what Lu Su had said before, Liu Bei analyzed and said: "Ming Gong obtained the land of Jiangzuo, which spans thousands of miles, and Cao Cao was frightened when he heard about it. Now that Cao Cao is going south, Bei secretly thought that his intention was Jiangzuo, not Jingxiang. "

"At the beginning of the fall of Jiangzuo, people's hearts are not attached to them, and their soldiers are not skilled. Cao Cao is familiar with military strategy, how could he not know the shortcomings of Jiangzuo. Now Huo Poyang is stationed in the north of the Yangtze River, controlling the river, and garrisoning troops at Ruxukou. If he leads his army, it will be easy to leave. Jianghuai soldiers Ma can easily cross south, but then the left side of the river will be in danger!"

At present, Jiang Zuo is counting on Huo Jun's ten thousand naval troops to control the north of the Yangtze River and protect the Yangtze River waterway.Once Huo Jun leads his troops to support, there will be loopholes in the Yangtze River defense line.It is really not enough to count on the navy in the hands of Generals Gan Ning and Lu Meng.Kuai Yue and Cai Mao suggested that Huo Jun send troops, which was purely to destroy Jiangzuo's defense line.

Liu Biao coughed a few times and felt depressed in his heart, and said: "The soldiers and horses of Jingxiang are not available, and the soldiers and horses of Jiangzuo are not available, so who can save Jiangxia? The soldiers and horses of Jingnan have not experienced battles and may not be able to defeat Zhang Liao. Is it possible to send Guo'an north to defend against the enemy?"

"It is feasible!" Zhang Yun nodded in agreement and said: "Liu Yuzhang is brave in battle, and he may lead his troops north to support him."

Liu Bei frowned, cupped his hands and said, "Bei has fought against Zhang Liao before. His bravery ranks first among the three armies, he is good at riding and fighting, and he is also an expert in military strategy. Although General Guoan is a brave man, he has experienced many battles in the south of the Yangtze River. He may not be able to compete with Zhang Liao." Fight."

Liu Biao frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "Xuan De, who can lead the troops to occupy the enemy?"

After pondering for a while, Liu Bei raised his hands and said, "Bei thought that the general Guan Yu could defeat Zhang Liao."

Interestingly, when Zhang Liao went south, Cao Cao also named Zhang Liao a bandit general.If Guan Yu goes to Jiangxia today, it will be a duel between two rogue generals.


Liu Biao had something in his mind and said, "Yunyuan is in Kuaiji, thousands of miles away from Jiangxia. How can we save him?"

Liu Bei straightened his back and said proudly: "After dividing his troops from Qiantang, Yun Chang led his troops to recapture the counties in the northern part of Kuaiji, moved to Shangrao, and then entered the high mountains. He reached the marquis and resettled the southern captaincy at Qishan. After several battles, he defeated the floods. The three thieves of Ming Dynasty, Hong Jin and Yuan Yu, surrendered ten thousand households of Shanyue people and established Yongning, Songyang and Zhangping counties."

"When winter came, Yun Chang penetrated deep into the barren Min River and defeated the two thieves Wu Mian and Hua Dang. Shanyue leader Yue Mantou surrendered and gained [-] households. Four counties were established: Nanping, Jian'an, Hanxing, and Dangkou counties. , Now we are resting in Luling County. If Ming Gong thinks it is feasible, we can ask our troops to temporarily support Jiangxia until Yun Chang's troops arrive to resist Zhang Liao."

Based on He Qi's three-year victory over the mountains, Guan Yu spent a year leading his troops to penetrate Zhejiang and Fujian, and went up the river from Nanping to Luling County (Jiangxi) to establish contact with the outside world.

Guan Yu defeated Shan Yue in this battle, almost invincible and invincible. His troops increased from 5000 to 3 to [-].In order to protect the seven newly established counties, he only retained [-] elite troops, and the remaining [-] troops were stationed in the seven counties. The seat of the southern captain of Kuaiji was located in Houguan (Fuzhou).

Liu Biao laughed a few times and said: "Yun Chang is so powerful that he is so powerful that he is brave and good at fighting. Now it is very feasible for him to go north to help Jiangxia."

As he said that, Liu Biao's eyes fell on Liu Bei and he said with a smile: "In that case, I have to go to Jiangxia to help you. Now that Cao's soldiers are going south, Xuande said that there is danger on the left side of the river. I wonder if I can go back to Jingkou to take charge?"

Liu Bei nodded slightly and said: "Jiangzuo has been conquered for the first time now. Bei and Liu Yangzhou have been away from the town for a long time. We are afraid that Cao Cao will go south to Jianghuai, so please return temporarily."

"Return to Jiangzuo?"

Liu Biao sighed and looked at Liu Qi again, hesitating in his heart.Then he glanced at the faces of Kuai Yue, Cai Mao, Zhang Yun and other civil and military officials in Jingzhou, and sighed in his heart.

"Bo Wei needs to be encouraged to return to Jiangzuo, and he must protect Jiangzuo."

Liu Biao said: "From now on, the four counties in Jingnan including Changsha and Wuling will gather troops and horses to prepare for Cao's army to march south to Jingxiang. The six counties in Jiangzuo will prepare for war and listen to Gu Zhi's military order."


(End of this chapter)

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