Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 190 Changing counties and leaving Yuzhou

Chapter 190 Changing counties and leaving Yuzhou

After Huo Jun carefully considered the navigation route for two days, he wrote a letter to Liu Qi, briefly mentioning the necessity of opening up the Liaodong sea route and the significance of rescuing Changxi.

He also ordered Jiang Ji to issue a document, ordering the three generals Chen Yue, Ding Feng, and Yu Shao to lead a thousand soldiers each, and also mobilized a thousand sailors from the county, a total of [-] sailors, to take more than [-] ships to the sea, and prepare enough fresh water, grain, grass, and oranges. Oranges and other supplies.

While the fleet was sorting out supplies, Huo Jun took the lead in going to Jingkou to meet with Liu Bei.It happened that Liu Qi also arrived at Jingkou, and the three met again.As for why Liu Qi came to Jingkou, in addition to discussing Jingzhou affairs with Liu Bei, it was also related to the changes in the political structure of Jiangzuo.

Guan Yu's daughter Guan Jinping married Liu Qi's son Liu Pu. Guan Yu became Liu Qi's in-law, and his status in the state rose a lot.In addition, Guan Yu successfully conquered Kuaiji County, recruited tens of thousands of barbarian and clan bandit households, established the southern captaincy of Kuaiji, and established seven new counties including Dangkou, Hanxing, Nanping, and Jian'an.

Liu Qi went to Jingzhou, cut off the commandery of the southern commandery of Kuaiji and upgraded the jurisdiction of the southern commandery of the commandery to Jian'an, and made Guan Yu the prefect of Jian'an.Although Guan Yu served as the prefect of Jian'an, he was the leader from afar. Now Guan Yu is in charge of Xiakou for Liu Bei.

This is where the variable lies. Huang She seems to realize that the governor of Jiangxia is not as carefree as he imagined and will soon become the focus of the confrontation between the north and the south.After several letters to Wang Can and receiving the ideological guidance that a gentleman should not build a dangerous wall, Huang She wrote to Liu Qi and asked if he could be transferred to Yangzhou.

At present, every county in Yangzhou is a carrot and a pit, so there is no room for Huang She.However, considering the critical position of Xiakou, Liu Qi thought deeply and wanted to use Guan Yu's Jian'an County in exchange for the dilapidated Jiangxia County in Huang Shekou's hands.

Jiangxia County was in ruins. Sun Ce defeated the Jingzhou Allied Forces in the Battle of Xisai Mountain. The Jiangxia Army was almost wiped out. Tens of thousands of soldiers were killed or wounded. Huang Zu and Huang She's father and son escaped alone. Sun Ce broke through the city and took the people away.The vitality of Jiangxia County was severely damaged after suffering a major defeat. In the next few years, Huang Zu formed another group of troops, but was defeated at Chaisang.

How could Jiangxia County become prosperous after two major blows?
Although Jiangxia was in ruins, considering the importance of Jiangxia in controlling Wu and Chu, Liu Bei suggested that Liu Qi represent Huang She as the prefect of Jian'an, so as not to let Huang She contact Cai Mao, Kuai Yue and others and miss the Jiangxia fortress.

With Liu Bei's statement, Liu Qi did not let Guan Yu down. He immediately joined forces with Huang She to persuade Liu Biao, and appointed Guan Yu as the prefect of Jiangxia, sitting in Xiling and supervising the defense of the three passes.At the same time, Liu Qi assigned more Yongning, Luoyang, and Songyang counties in General Ji County to Jian'an County. The new Jian'an County governed nine counties, and Huang She was appointed as the prefect of Jian'an County.

Of the thirteen counties in Jiangxia, Zhang Liao went south to attack the four counties in Jiangxia in the north of the Dabie Mountains. Today, there are only nine counties left in Jiangxia.Liu Qi exchanged the good nine counties of Jian'an for the broken nine counties of Jiangxia, which was enough for Huang She.Although Huang She ran to the barbarian land of Yangzhou, he thought he had escaped disaster.

Liu Biao, who received the two documents, thought about it for a long time, despite the dissuasion of Cai Mao, Kuai Yue and others.Liu Biao used Cao's army in the north and invaded Jiangxia as an excuse to make Guan Yu the governor of Jiangxia County.

Guan Yu and Huang She exchanged jurisdiction over counties, which also represented Liu Qi's hand reaching out to Jingzhou.In conjunction with Liu Bei's move to station troops in Jiangxia, it seems that Liu Biao is ready to announce who he will establish as his heir.

Of course, these have little to do with Huo Jun for the time being. At the moment, he is communicating with Liu Bei and Liu Qi to cross the sea and go north.

Liu Qi looked worried and said: "The defense in the north of the Yangtze River depends on Zhongmiao. Now we are crossing the sea to go north to Yuzhou. If Cao's army goes south to attack, no one may be able to stop it!"

Liu Qi's worries are not his thoughts alone, or even the thoughts of most people.They seem to be suffering from Huo Jun's dependence syndrome. Whenever they encounter water battles or powerful enemies invade Jiangbei.What everyone thought was that with Huo Jun in the north, the warlords would surely win the battle.

This kind of dependence is not because everyone is incompetent, but because they have been accustomed to Huo Jun leading battles for a long time and can defeat powerful enemies.Moreover, Huo Jun had the Jiangzuo Navy in his hands, and he led his army northward. To everyone, it seemed that half of the Yangtze River defense line had collapsed.

Huo Jun comforted Liu Qi and said: "Cao Cao wanted to attack Wuhuan and marched north to Liucheng. Although there are soldiers stationed in the Central Plains today, he is unable to go south. For example, Xia Houyuan and Yu Jin conquered Changxi. Without Cao Cao's military orders, they were unable to go south to Jiangzuo. Qi Jun went north to rescue Chang Xi because he had national affairs in mind."

"First, Changxi rebelled against Cao Cao several times, causing Cao Cao a great loss of face. Now Changxi rebels again. If our army can save it, it can enhance our army's reputation between the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers, and it can also severely damage Cao Cao. His majestic reputation makes the people of Jianghuai respect our army."

"Secondly, those who are prosperous are those who are worshiped as the governor of Donghai. They are known for their military strength. They can rule tens of thousands of men and women, and thousands of elites. If our army can show mercy and save him, we can order him to station troops south of Guangling, Jurong. In the north, attacking and harassing Cao's army in the Jianghuai River will ensure the safety of our Jiangzuo. By then Jun will be in the west, Liu Yuzhou will be stationed in the middle, Changxi will be guarding the east, and Jiangzuo will be unimpeded."

Saving Chang Xi can only gain tens of thousands of men and women in terms of actual benefits.But if you look at the political impact, it goes beyond that.As Huo Jun said, Chang Xi rebelled several times, which greatly damaged Cao Cao's face in Jianghuai.But if Jiang Zuo could rescue Chang Xi from Xia Houyuan and Yu Jin, it would be a slap in Cao Cao's face, which would help shake Cao Cao's rule in Jianghuai.Liu Bei also advised: "In the past, when Bei occupied Xuzhou, Changxi was friendly with Bei and often helped Bei to resist Cao Cao. The sages said: 'If you gain the right, there will be many help, but if you lose the right, there will be little help.' Now I can't wait for Cao Cao. If we can't unite everyone, How can we defeat Cao Cao? And Chang Xi is close to us and has raised troops in the East China Sea to relieve the danger of our troops on the left side of the Yangtze River. How can we not save him now?"

Liu Qi was shaken in his heart and asked: "Zhongmiao is going north to Yuzhou. I don't know when he will return. Who can I leave to Ruxukou to guard him?"

Huo Jun straightened his back, cupped his hands and replied: "We are reporting to Yangzhou, and Ruxukou is on guard. Jun has made arrangements, and General Gao Xiang is in charge. If Jianghuai brings tens of thousands of troops, Gao Xiang can easily reject them; if Xia Houyuan brings tens of thousands of troops, he can easily reject them." When the troops arrive, Danyang and Yuzhang can send troops and horses to support them and ensure the safety of Jiangbei."

"When will Zhongmiao return?" Liu Qi asked again.

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "This trip to the north can be as fast as three months, as medium as half a year, and as slow as one year. It can be a full achievement."


Before Liu Qi could speak, Liu Bei asked doubtfully: "One year is probably too long. Zhongmiao's army needs supplies. Where can we get supplies?"

Seeing Er Liu's misunderstanding, Huo Jun said: "Jun's trip was not only to rescue Chang Xi, but also to open up the sea route to Liaodong. Jun stationed troops in Yuzhou, rescued Chang Xi and the men and women under his tent, and sent them to Jiangzuo. In the meantime The supplies for the army will be carried by the sergeants by boat to and from Jiangzuo. When the soldiers from the north cross the sea to Liaodong, successfully purchase the horses, open the sea route, and draw the sea chart, they can lead the soldiers southward."

After a pause, Huo Jun said: "It won't take more than a year, and we should be able to return to Jiangzuo in July or August."

Liu Qi nodded and asked curiously: "How big is Yuzhou? But the First Emperor sent Xu Fu to go to sea to find the island of elixir?"

Shaking his head, Huo Jun said: "It is not the island where Emperor Qin sought elixirs. Jun has never been to Yuzhou, but I heard from merchants that Yuzhou is hundreds of miles away and floats on the sea. The situation is dangerous and there are fields and fish." The benefit of salt is that only boats and boats can be used to communicate with the Central Plains."

Liu Qi's eyes brightened and he said: "No wonder Zhongmiao stationed troops in Yuzhou. Yuzhou has hundreds of miles around and can build a city to stabilize the people."

During the Three Kingdoms period, Lianyungang was not connected to the land and floated in the sea.In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, as the sea rose and sand silted up, the seaport gradually became blocked and gradually connected to the land.

"Jun may have this intention!" Huo Jun said with a smile.

Liu Bei pondered for a long time and said: "Zhongmiao led his army to the sea to Yuzhou and entered the East China Sea to rescue Chang Xi. I am afraid that none of the sergeants under Zhongmiao's tent know the terrain of Qu County in the East China Sea. Now it is better to let Zifang (Mi Fang) lead 2000 sergeants to accompany him. Help. How about it?"

Brothers Mi Zhu and Mi Fang are from Qu County, Donghai. They have been doing business all year round and know the terrain of Donghai County very well.With this arrangement, Huo Jun should be happy. Now that a local snake like Mi Fang is leading the team, the terrain of the East China Sea will not be a problem.

"It's Bei's job to save Chang Xi, but now I'm troubled by Zhongmiao's dispatch. Bei sent troops to accompany the expedition, hoping to help Zhongmiao." Liu Bei said.

"Thank you Liu Yuzhou for your help!" Huo Jun said.

 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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