Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 191: Give him his own way and return it to him.

Chapter 191: Give him his own way and return it to him.
In the 11rd year of Jian'an, winter.

With the support of Liu Qi and Liu Bei, Huo Jun led 6000 sergeants and sailors, and more than [-] large and small ships. With Jiangzuo merchants as guides, they left the Yangtze River estuary and traveled along the coast.

Since the Spring and Autumn Period, Chinese ancestors have had a history of sailing. However, due to insufficient shipbuilding technology, they could only sail along the coast.In case of severe storms, ships must be anchored to the shore to avoid capsizing.

Even when shipbuilding technology was insufficient, there were economic exchanges between Jiangzuo and the Liaodong Peninsula and the three Koreas. For example, pottery, lacquerware and other items from the south were spread to the Liaodong Peninsula and the three Koreas via sea routes.

However, due to the long Liaodong sea route, merchants from Jiangzuo mostly went to Xuzhou along the coastline and sold their special products to Xuzhou merchants.Then let Xuzhou merchants change their hands, board the ship on the Shandong Peninsula, and sail one by one along the islands lined up between the two peninsulas to Liaodong.

Over time, this maritime trade route started from Jiangdong, passed through the Huaihe River coast, arrived at Donglai, and then started from Donglai to Liaodong. It gradually matured.Navigation experience and knowledge such as waterways, monsoons, ocean currents, and celestial phenomena were mastered and familiarized by merchants and boatmen.

When sailing across the sea, the wind and waves are far greater than those in the Yangtze River Basin.Those ships without keels will tilt greatly when driven by wind and waves.Those keel warships are more stable because they are supported by the keel.

Starting from Jingkou, we take the sea route to Yuzhou, which is nearly a thousand miles away.Under the guidance of the guide, the fleet led by Huo Jun traveled day and night for safety reasons, and it took about half a month to arrive at Yuzhou.

Yuzhou was not uninhabited. Before landing on the island, Huo Jun ordered Chen Yue to take the lead in occupying Yuzhou and subduing the people on the island. Only then did Huo Jun dare to order the entire army to land and anchor.

On the Yuzhou seashore, more than two hundred ships were docked in the natural river port one after another. The sailors and sergeants were performing their duties, either repairing the dock or building camps.

Huo Jun got off the keel boat and stepped on the solid river beach. Huo Jun, who was used to floating, was very surprised. He stepped on the ground a few more times to feel the reality of the land.

The cold wind blowing on the seaside in winter makes people wrap themselves up in cotton clothes.

Huo Jun looked around and said, "Is this Yuzhou?"

Mi Fang seemed to be quite touched and said: "This is Yuzhou, and the mountains in front of us are Yuzhou Mountain (today's Yuntai Mountain). Every spring and autumn, Fang often goes out to sea by boat to visit Yuzhou. Now she has left home. For ten years, Yuzhou has remained unchanged."

Then Mi Fang showed arrogance and said: "At that time, you were defeated by Yuan Shu. Xuzhou was attacked by Lu Bu and fled to the East China Sea. At that time, the army was hungry and the soldiers were eating each other. It was all dependent on me and my brother to provide for the family. Zi, if it weren’t for us, I don’t know where your Majesty would have gone at that time.”

Huo Jun held his long sword in his hand, looked at the other side, and asked: "Where is Qu County?"

Mi Fang pointed to the west of Yuzhou and said: "Yuzhou and Quxian are across the water. If you climb Yuzhou Mountain, you can see the city of Quxian. Our military ships have arrived in Yuzhou, and we are afraid that Quxian will know our army's movements." Zhongmiao needs to send people quickly to capture Qu County, so as not to get wind of it and lose the opportunity."

Huo Jun said with a smile on his face: "Jun ordered Yu Shao to lead a thousand elite troops ashore last night and estimated that they have conquered Qu County. Now that we have seen our army here, we will take a boat to Yuzhou soon."


Mi Fang exclaimed and said, "Zhong Miao is so cautious in using his troops, but Fang is overly worried."

Huo Jun had no time to chat with Mi Fang and said: "Although Qu County was captured by our army, over time, our army's movements will be detected by Xia Houyuan. Moreover, Changxi was besieged by Xia Houyuan and Yu Jin. We don't know the victory or defeat. We should march quickly now , don’t delay.”

Chang Xi was appointed as the prefect of Donghai, but when Huo Jun set out, Liu Bei and Liu Qi appointed Chang Xi as the prefect of Guangling. As Huo Jun said, they asked him to garrison in Guangling and harass Jianghuai.

While talking, Huo Jun took out a simple map of the East China Sea and asked: "According to Chang Xi's letter, he is in Tanguo City. I wonder how far apart Tanguo City is from Yuzhou where our army is located?"

Mi Fang turned her head to look at the map and pointed out: "The country of Tan is located due west of Qu County, about [-] miles away. There are flat fields in the middle. If we rush to the country in a hurry, and the soldiers are light and portable, we can reach the country of Tan in three to five days."

"Is there a waterway for transportation?"

Mi Fang recalled for a long time and said: "Most big rivers run north-south, such as Youshui and Shushui. There are only small rivers running east-west, such as Shiliang River, which connects Shushui and the sea. Tanguo City was built on the back of Shushui. Fang no longer remembers the specific impression of the city." During the conversation, the servant came to report and said: "General, General Yu has come ashore. I would like to see the general now."


After a while, Yu Shao came forward wearing armor, raised his hands and said: "Shao lived up to the general's expectations and led his soldiers to capture Qu County. Moreover, Shao Guang sent scouts to investigate, and there was news about the war between Chang Prefect."

Since Yu Shao joined Huo Jun, he has always been at the forefront of any battle.When Xia Houyuan went south, the soldiers under Yu Shao's command were elite and well-organized, and they could be called a strong army.Moreover, Yu Shao was very diligent in detecting intelligence and often sent scouts deep behind enemy lines.Now Huo Jun asked him to be the vanguard to attack Qu County, which was really a reuse.

Huo Jun motioned Yu Shao to come to his side and said, "Gongli can point you on the map!"

Yu Shao pointed at the Tanguo City on the map and said: "General Qi, Xia Houyuan's troops took the lead in marching north to the East China Sea. Governor Chang deployed several villages along the river, and it was difficult for Xia Houyuan to conquer it. At that time, Yu Jin led his army and crossed the river on the upper reaches of the river. , flanked the military camp, and the governor of Chang was defeated and retreated into the city. He was surrounded by thousands of people led by Xia Houyuan and Yu Jin from the south, west and north. To the east is the Shu River, and it is probably difficult to fly with wings."


Huo Jun looked around at the generals and asked: "Now that we know the current situation of the battle and the terrain of Tanguo City, can we rescue the governor of Chang?"

The generals were silent, all deep in thought.

Ding Feng was eager to give it a try and said: "The enemy does not know that our army has arrived at Qu County. If the general leads the army forward now, the advance will be slow and Xiahou Yuan will know his traces. By then the enemy army will occupy the ground and it will be difficult for our army to come from a long distance. If you compete with the enemy, you may be defeated by him."

With that said, Ding Feng raised his hands and said, "If the general can be trusted, I would like to lead my elite troops to attack the enemy camp."

Mi Fang hesitated a little and said: "The general and the enemy soldiers have formed a camp and marched hundreds of miles to fight for the advantage. I am afraid that the soldiers will be tired when they reach the enemy camp. And the weather is cold. If it rains or snows, it will be difficult to attack and defeat the enemy." .”

Huo Jun didn't take it seriously and said: "To catch the enemy unawares and to attack them unprepared is the key to the art of war. People who are repeated in Changxi are friendly to Yujin. If the situation is poor, they may return to Jin. Now we must move urgently. Don’t move slowly. Zang Ba has stationed his troops nearby. If he detects us, our army will be defeated if we are alone!"

The purpose of this battle at sea was to take advantage of Cao's army's unpreparedness and launch a surprise attack to rescue him. If Xia Houyuan and others found out, there would be no need to fight this battle.Now that the enemy is clear and we are hidden, wouldn't it be a pity if we didn't attack and break the camp?
Xia Houyuan often liked to use running attacks to attack unprepared and unexpected enemies.Today, he also responded to Xia Houyuan and told him how to play rush combat.

After saying that, Huo Jun put away the map and ordered: "What Chengyuan said is very satisfactory to me. Now I order you to lead a thousand people in your headquarters to attack the enemy camp as a vanguard, and Gongli (Yu Shao) and Ziji (Fu Xu) will each lead a thousand people." We use people as backup to defeat the enemy camp together.”

Fu Wei went to Jiangdong from Liu Bei. He fought bravely and made many military exploits, and was promoted to a school captain.Among the 2000 people who followed Mi Fang today, 1000 of them were under the command of Fu Shu.

"What about the general?" Ding Feng asked.

Huo Jun laughed a few times and said: "The three of you are enough for this battle. If anything difficult happens during the march, Gongli will be responsible for it. A certain person is stationed in Qu County to take care of it."


The three of them are all young generals. If they are allowed to act alone now, they will inevitably be a little timid against the two generals Xia Houyuan and Yu Jin.

"Don't you dare?"

But he only hesitated for a moment, and Yu Shao, who had experience in commanding thousands of troops, said in a deep voice: "I am willing to follow the general's orders."

"How dare you!" Fu Xu and Ding Feng responded enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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