Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 200 Household population and racecourse

Chapter 200 Household population and racecourse

Sima Zhi not only presented the method of rice and wheat rotation to Huo Jun, but also reported on the household registration status of Poyang County.

Poyang County spans the north and south of the Yangtze River, and is inserted in a 'T' shape between the two counties of Yuzhang and Danyang. The jurisdiction of the county starts from Ruxukou in the east and reaches Xunyang in the west.There are seven counties in the north of the Yangtze River, including Wancheng, Juchao, Xunyang, Songzi, Shuxian, Linhu, and Xiang'an, and five counties in the south of the Yangtze River, including Pengze, Poyang, Yuhan, Shanyang, and Guangchang.

In reality, there are not many people living in Shuxian, Linhu, and Xiang'an counties in the north of the Yangtze River, leaving only empty cities.Therefore, in fact, only nine counties in Poyang County have populations, namely five counties in the south of the Yangtze River and four counties in the north of the Yangtze River.

After verification by Sima Zhi and the county magistrates, the population data of the nine counties in Poyang County have been calculated.Excluding the 350 military households, there are a total of 830 households in the nine counties, with a population of approximately 10 people, and an average of more than [-] households in the county.If more than [-] households are obtained from Qingxu, the population will be about [-].

Generally speaking, Huo Jun's Poyang County seems large, but because Jiangbei is a sparsely populated area, without Huo Jun's control, the population is estimated to be even smaller, far less than Liu Bei's Danyang County.

Under the operation of Zhuge Liang's inner governor Danyang Shanyue and Zongshuai, more than 91 people were recruited to Danyang County. Danyang County has 47 households and governs 350 counties with a population of 60. Thousand [-] six people.Not including the [-] military households, if the [-] military households are added, the population will be about [-].

And according to what Huo Jun learned from Wang Can and Pan Jun, they spent a year or two counting the population of Jiangdong. Including Poyang and Danyang counties, there are more than 31 households in the seven counties of Jiangdong, and the number of households is 1308 million. Including the more than 160 military households, there are only about [-] million people.

Compared with the 390 million people in the five counties of Jiangzuo counted in the 12th year of Yonghe, the current 160 million people counted in the 230th year of Jian'an have decreased by [-] million. Excluding the barbarians, it has to be said that the population reduction due to war is very serious.

There are many situations where the population is reduced due to wars. In addition to the common people who died during the war, they either became nobles or powerful hermits; were sold as slaves; moved their entire clan into the mountains and became clan traitors; or the common people died of illness and starvation due to natural and man-made disasters.

Moreover, Yangzhou and Jingzhou can be calculated well, such as Yanzhou, which was in long-term turmoil at the end of the Han Dynasty, and Yonghe, which counted more than [-] households in five years.By the early years of Taikang in the Western Jin Dynasty, decades had passed and there were only more than [-] households in Yanzhou, which could be said to be one household per ten households.

Huo Jun returned to Wancheng for a few days and communicated through letters, and he had an idea of ​​Jiangdong's household registration situation.After finishing his political duties, Huo Jun went out of the city to inspect the racecourse and went to the countryside to see the more than [-] households in Qingxu who had been moved to Wancheng.

There are two waters in Wancheng, namely Wanshui and Dibai, and they correspond to different water conservancy projects, that is, Wushi Weir for Wanshui and Dibai for Diving.Among the two weirs, the Wushi Weir has been repaired, irrigating thousands of hectares and used by military households and refugees to reclaim abandoned farmland.

In the spring of this year, Sima Zhi received news from Zhuge Liang and suggested repairing the diving weir. It seems that a large number of people moved to Wancheng.So Sima Zhi mobilized the soldiers and civilians to repair the submersible weir and divert the river water into the canal so that the people could farm.

Unfortunately, this group of people arrived late. It was already summer when they arrived. Although they missed the spring rice planting, they were able to catch up with the winter wheat planting in the autumn and winter.Under the organization of Sima Zhi, these people who migrated to Wancheng have been building houses in recent days; they are also plowing the acres of land allocated by the government in preparation for planting winter wheat in the autumn.

On the way to the racecourse, Huo Jun passed by these pavilions where people gathered.Looking from a distance, I saw people helping each other and building houses with wood; women were getting straw to prepare for laying the roof. It was very lively, and everyone had their own division of labor.

Huo Jun did not enter the pavilion, but watched from a distance on the carriage and asked: "Where does the people's rations come from?"

"The military advisor is truly a great talent!"

Sima Zhi, who was riding in the same chariot, praised: "Zhi and other counties wanted to provide food rations, and also allowed the migratory people to rely on themselves. They went into the water to hunt fish and shrimps, and went into the mountains to find forest products to ration their food. However, the military adviser said that the summer solstice and autumn are long. Although the people can survive for a few months, the burden on the counties is not small."

"Therefore, the military strategist believes that a method of working for relief is feasible. Three days of work and one day of rest will be used to facilitate the people to take care of the housework. The government will use grain, grass, and farm tools as compensation for the people to live and live. What exactly will be done, the military strategist believes. It can be used to repair water conservancy, or cut trees for shipyards, or go into the mountains to mine, or things like that."

Huo Jun nodded and said with a smile: "Kong Ming has the talent to manage the country and help the world. For him, this strategy is just easy to come by. It is not surprising."

As the war gradually ended, Zhuge Liang's extraordinary governance ability was revealed. Not only was he able to keep Danyang County in order, he was also able to take the initiative to take responsibility, liaise with surrounding counties and counties on major events, and provide them with advice.

For example, tens of thousands of people in Changxi seemed to be thrown directly to Jiangbei without anyone taking care of them.Little did they know that Zhuge Liang had already made arrangements for them. After Huo Jun went north, Zhuge Liang took precautions and rushed to Jiangbei to choose a suitable place for those people to garrison.

After Zhuge Liang's inspection, he decided to set up Changtun Village in Jiangdu (today's Yangzhou). Jiangdu has a flat terrain, intertwined rivers and lakes, fertile water and soil, and is close to Hangou, which is convenient for hunting fish and shrimp.After learning that Changxi had been rescued, Zhuge Liang recruited corvees, repaired water conservancy, and divided the fields for the first batch of arriving people.

Before the spring plowing of rice officially began, Zhuge Liang offered work in exchange for relief and farm tools and grain rations as rewards. He only told the people that these acres of land would be given to them, but did not let these people know that those acres of land belonged to them.After opening up wasteland, in spring, these people were given acres of land so that they could go to the fields to sow seeds.

The latter group could directly receive acres of land and borrowed sown grain from Danyang County... According to the different groups of people arriving in Jiangdu, Zhuge Liang formulated different plans to maximize the use of these manpower.

From spring to summer, in those few months, Zhuge Liang and Danyang County officials settled in Jiangdu to manage everything for Chang Xi.It was not until the summer harvest time was approaching that Zhuge Liang completed his mission and returned to Jingkou, where he happened to meet Huo Jun.

As far as Huo Jun knew, not long after Liu Bei left Jingkou, Zhuge Liang was busy working on military equipment.As for the more than [-] immigrants assigned to Danyang County, Zhuge Liang had already planned it and let Xu Shu handle it, and he would be there to supervise the progress.

What is strong governance ability? That is, he has strong overall coordination ability. He can reasonably and appropriately arrange different task processes within limited resources according to time and different events, that is, to achieve Pareto optimal solution.

Coordinating ability is also common in life, such as arranging meetings for hundreds of thousands of people, or planning group travel routes.This ability is both innate and tempered.There is no doubt that Zhuge Liang's talent in this area is almost full, or even overflowing.

Huo Jun waited and watched for a while, then motioned to the driver to drive away, and said: "Zihua, please let these people go to the shipyard and the iron workshop. There may be a war next year, so we should strictly reserve military supplies."

"There will be a war next year?" Sima Zhi asked in surprise.

Huo Jun was vague and said: "General Chariot and Cavalry is seriously ill. There may be trouble in Jingzhou next year. It may be a small battle or a huge war across the state. Therefore, we must not relax. In the future, you must deliberately stock up military supplies in the county. I have ordered Zhou Yu, Liu Zhong and Liu Zhong will speed up the construction of warships and armored soldiers. If they need it, please cooperate with them."

"No!" Sima Zhi said in a deep voice.

Huo Jun looked at the scenery in the countryside and sighed.

The tranquility in Jiangzuo now is probably the tranquility before the storm.Since Liu Qi was intercepted by the Jingzhou Navy, Jiangdong entered a fast pace. All seven counties consciously devoted more resources to the army, building armor weapons and naval ships.

After driving west for a long time, when we reached Songzi County, the carriage and horses headed north and finally arrived at the racecourse.This horse racing farm is located in the southern part of the Qianshan mountain range, with acres of natural grassy hills that rise and fall and stretch for dozens of miles.Not only the horses from Liaodong graze here, but also the [-] war horses in the company's army live here.

While the horses are galloping, the grass is flying, and the sunshine is shining, it is refreshing and refreshing. It has the vast and majestic grasslands of the North and the graceful and magical Jianghuai region.

The Dabie Mountains have different climates and different scenery.There are not only trees and forests in the Dabie Mountains, but also grassy mountains in the remaining areas.Huo Jun looked at the vast, vast grassy mountains and the herds of horses, and his heart felt a little clearer.

"Your Majesty!"

Gao Xin, Shiren, Zhang Cheng and more than a dozen other important officials from the racecourse came to visit Huo Jun.

"What's the condition of the Liaodong horses that arrived today?" Huo Jun asked.

The pastoral supervisor Zhang Cheng stepped out of the queue and lowered his head and said: "To inform you, the horses from Liaodong came from floating in the sea. They are skinny and haggard. In recent days, they have been fed and their bodies are getting fatter. But there are some Fifty good horses seem to be acclimated and need to be treated by a horse doctor.”

Huo Jun frowned slightly and asked: "Where is the horse doctor? Is there any medicine to treat the acclimatization?"


Xu Tian, ​​a horse doctor, spoke with a Liaodong accent and said: "Your Majesty, I have been conducting careful inspections in recent days and believe that this is not a disease but weakness in the limbs, all due to the lack of salt in the diet."

Xu Tian, ​​whose courtesy name is Zhongxiong, is well versed in horse nature and can identify horse diseases.He was well-known in Xiangping City, and Mi Fang coaxed his family and family to Jiangzuo with a lot of money.

"Lack of salt?" Huo Jun asked.

Xu Tian stroked the war horse and said: "Not only do humans need salt, but horses also need salt. There seems to be salt in the grass and water in Liaodong, and the horses eat it and are strong. In the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, there seems to be little salt in the water and soil. Or the weather is hot and the horse is sweating profusely.”

As he spoke, Xu Tian looked around with squinted eyes and said: "Although it is cool here, it is still hotter than Liaodong. Liaodong is cold and the horses have a lot of hair."

Shiren pulled over a mare sent from Liaodong, looked at the horse's mane, which was already wet with sweat, and said, "As expected!"

Huo Jun knew clearly that it was probably because the weather was hot and the horses from Liaodong were not adapted to the weather and sweated too much, causing too much salt loss.

“But table salt is enough?”

Xu Tian nodded and said: "Salt is needed. If you want the horse to be strong, you must eat salt. If you don't eat salt, you will get sick."

"Ha ha!"

Huo Jun laughed a few times and said: "Ask the county for how much salt you need, and let the county allocate it to the horse farm. In the land of Jianghuai, there is a shortage of people and horses, but there is no shortage of salt."

In fact, what Huo Jun didn't know was that the Yuan Dynasty supervised the racecourse in Jianghuai. In addition to the climate problem in the Dabie Mountains, the reason was that it was close to the salt farm. War horses raised in the Jianghuai area had to eat salt every twelve days, otherwise they would easily get sick.

As for why horses in Liaodong and Mongolia do not use salt, the core is that the water and soil in the inland grasslands have high salt content and the climate is cold, so the salt loss is not much.The weather in the south is hot, and it is easy to sweat a lot, and the salt consumed will be several times more than when living in Liaodong and Mongolia.

Huo Jun looked at the horses eating on the grassy hill and asked, "When will the horses come out of the racecourse?"

The pastoral supervisor Zhang Cheng pondered for a long time and said: "There are four hundred horses in Liaodong, 350 of them are mares and [-] of them are strong male horses. The mares are conceived in the Spring and Autumn Period, and they are pregnant for ten months. One year old, one child, and one and a half years old. , it is difficult to conceive at the age of ten. A mare can give birth to about eight to ten horses."

Zhang Cheng, whose courtesy name is Jiye.Liu Bei's old man was from Zhuojun, Youzhou. Previously, all the war horses in Liu Bei's army were entrusted to him.Now Liu Bei knew that Huo Jun was building a racecourse, so he recommended him to be the pastoral supervisor of Nanshan Racecourse.

Huo Jun thought about it in his mind and sighed. Sure enough, the construction of the racecourse is a long-term project and it is difficult to achieve results in a short period of time. However, the sooner it is built, the sooner it will be able to enjoy the results.

After pondering for a while, Huo Jun ordered: "Jun Yi, all mares in the army who are under eight years old are not allowed to be ridden. They are all sent to the horse farm for production."


"Zihua wrote a letter on behalf of a certain person, asking Mi Zifang to try to buy mares for production when he goes north next time." Huo Jun said.


The most important thing about a horse farm is the number of mares. The more mares you can get, the more young horses you can produce.

Huo Jun did not expect Nanshan Racecourse to produce an incredible number of tens of thousands of horses, but he did hope that Nanshan Ranch could normally supply the lost horses in the army.

After all, regardless of victory or defeat in every battle, there are actually horse casualties. If you want to ensure that the number of cavalry is maintained at a certain level for a long time, you cannot rely on such unreliable behavior as capture. The number of horses that the racecourse delivers to the army every year is very important.

Huo Jun warned: "Jiye, we need to pay more attention to matters at the racecourse. If there is anything missing, you can report it to someone."

Zhang Cheng cupped his hands and said, "Please tell me, in addition to grass, the horses also eat wheat and beans. I wonder if the county can provide them?"

"Just tell the chief historian as much as you need."


Sure enough, raising a horse is a huge investment. It requires not only salt, but also wheat and beans, just like humans.

 I'm late
(End of this chapter)

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