Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 201 White Wolf hears about Jia’s death

Chapter 201 White Wolf hears about Jia’s death

Jian'an 12 years, August.

"Heroes": "Zhang Liao was named Wenyuan, and he was from Mayi, Yanmen... The Liao army followed Cao Cao to conquer Yuan Shang in Liucheng, and met Wuhuan at Bailang Mountain. At that time, there were few people in the Han Dynasty, and there were few soldiers in the armor, and all the riders were afraid. He worried about them but also feared them. The Liao soldiers saw that the formation was not in order, so they advocated the battle and strengthened them, and assigned their subordinates to the Liao soldiers. The Liao soldiers attacked them with their horses, Wuhuan collapsed, and Shanyu Tadun was killed."

Cao Cao adopted Guo Jia's stratagem of quick troops and pretended to attack Huo Jun, so he withdrew his troops from the Danhai Road, secretly selected the elite, and rushed to western Liaoning from the abandoned Lulong Road with Tian Chou as his guide.

However, the difficulty of Lulong Road was beyond Cao Cao's expectation. The Lulong Road, which had not been maintained for 200 years, had long been abandoned. A small group of troops could pass it, but a large army could hardly move.Cao Cao ordered his sergeants to cut through the mountains and valleys along the five to six hundred miles of mountain roads to open up roads.

Two hundred miles of the road lacked fresh water, and the army had to kill horses to make ends meet.Such a difficult road has long lost the basic condition of a surprise attack, that is, the speed of troops and the speed of troops.When Cao Cao's army reached half way, Shanyu Tadun, the Wuhuan of western Liaoning, had already discovered it and hurriedly gathered the Wuhuan of Liaodong and Youbeiping.

The three Wuhuan troops agreed to meet at Bailang Mountain, and Cao's army happened to arrive at Bailang Mountain at that time.Therefore, judging from the course of the war, the Battle of Bailang Mountain was no longer the surprise battle that Guo Jia and Cao Cao had imagined before. Instead, due to the difficulty of Lulong Road, the two armies encountered each other at Bailang Mountain. encounter.

Both sides were unprepared for the encounter, that is, the brave one wins when they meet on a narrow road.

Zhang Liao, a Han Chinese who had lived in the frontier fortress since he was a child, was very familiar with the fighting style of the Hu people. He watched Wuhuan's loose military formation and advocated the battle.Cao Cao was also someone who knew the military strategy, so he gave Zhang Liao his command and let him command the army.Wuhuan was defeated, and more than [-] Han and Hu people were surrendered.

In the large tent in Liucheng, Cao Cao and several of his cronies sat separately to discuss military matters.

Cao Ren sat on the banquet and said worriedly: "Sikong, we defeated three Wuhuan tribes, killed Tadun in Liaoxi, and surrendered more than [-] people. However, the remnants are still there, such as the two Yuan brothers and the Wuhuan General Hu, Sufu Wan, Lou Ban, Wu Yan and others, led thousands of horses to Liaodong and sought refuge with Gongsun Kang. Should we pursue them now?"

It has to be said that the Yuan brothers can run. From the time Yuan Shang was defeated by Cao Cao in Yecheng, they ran from Yecheng to Zhongshan, then to Youzhou, and then ran with Yuan Xi to Wuhuan, and then from Liaoxi to Liaodong. In three years After traveling for more than four thousand miles, it can be said that Yuan Shang is either on the way to escape or on the way to escape.

"Ha ha!"

Cao Cao laughed a few times and was in a good mood. He asked, "What do you think Gongda?"

Xun You stroked his beard and said: "I am reporting to Duke Ming that Hebei has been conquered, Bingzhou is in hand, Wuhuan has been destroyed, and only Liaodong remains. Looking at it from You, Gongsun Kang heard that our army had won the victory at Bailang Mountain, and he was already worried We are in panic, for fear that Ming Gong will march to conquer. If Ming Gong goes to conquer, Gongsun Kang will definitely unite with the two Yuans."

After saying that, Xun You also laughed and said: "If Ming Gong grants officials and titles instead of conferring favors, I expect that Gongsun Kang's attitude will be different."

What Xun You said is true. Gongsun Kang's attitude towards the Yuan brothers depends on Cao Cao's attitude towards him.If he led an army to conquer, Gongsun Kang would definitely join forces with the Yuan brothers in order to protect himself.If Cao Cao chooses to be gentle, Gongsun Kang will use something to express his obedience to Cao Cao.

The core issue today depends on whether Cao Cao feels the need to conquer Liaodong, not whether Gongsun Kang is willing to surrender.

Cao Cao nodded and sighed: "Liaodong is far away. The road from Liucheng in western Liaoning to Xiangping in eastern Liaoning is more than a thousand miles away. In the meantime, the vast expanse of land makes it difficult to conquer. Moreover, our army is short of supplies. It needs to be deployed from Youzhou, from Youzhou to Liaodong and then to Liaoxi, which is nearly two thousand miles, and the transportation is difficult!"

Logistics is also required when fighting a war. Tens of thousands of soldiers are not engaged in production. The daily consumption of food and fodder is very terrifying. Moreover, the supply route is 10,000 miles long. It takes [-]+, or even hundreds of thousands, to recruit civilians alone.

"Sikong, our army's great victory at Bailang Mountain has shocked the outside of the Great Wall. Gongsun Kang has been frightened for a long time. It is better to take the opportunity to attack and completely pacify Liaodong. As for the baggage and grain and grass, this autumn and winter have arrived, and the Tonghai Road has ebbed and frozen, so the baggage can come from this road. If we don't take Liaodong now, I'm afraid that after our army leaves, Gongsun Kang will plot to cause chaos again." Cao Ren said.

Cao Cao hesitated a little, wondering whether he should take the opportunity to conquer Liaodong.

Then, Cao Cao's eyes fell on Qianzhao and asked, "What do you think Zijing?"

Qianzhao pondered for a while and replied: "I'm telling you, Duke Ming, that Liaodong is difficult to conquer. If you want to conquer, you should be careful to avoid defeat."

"Oh?" Cao Cao frowned and asked, "What does Zijing have to say?"

Qianzhao gathered his thoughts and said slowly: "Ming Gong's troops are outstanding and outstanding in the world. However, Zhao believes that the army is slightly stronger, but it is also limited by weather, time and geography."

"Ming Gong and other great talents first arrived in western Liaoning and did not know the weather and geography of eastern Liaoning. Liaoze is hundreds of miles from east to west. It is muddy and difficult to travel, and it is impassable for people and horses. However, you want to march in winter, but you don't know that the winter in western Liaoning is extremely cold. , the cold wind was biting, and without a lot of clothing to protect ourselves from the cold, the soldiers would freeze to death in public.”

"Gongsun Kang followed the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the country, and stationed troops east of Liaoze, making it difficult for the army to advance. The two armies faced each other for several months. As winter passed and spring came again, the Dahai Road became difficult to pass, so the baggage had to be sent to the army via Lulong Road. , the way is difficult to follow.”

"Moreover, Gongsun Kang has no less than thirty or forty thousand soldiers. How many soldiers do you think can defeat him? Fifty thousand? One hundred thousand?"

The geographical terrain places great restrictions on the use of troops by generals. For example, Zhuge Liang was restricted by the Qinling Mountains after his initial failure in marching out of Longxi. He either withdrew due to lack of food or was blocked by Sima Yi's occupation of a dangerous position.

Now Gongsun Kang has an army of [-] to [-] men. He adopts the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the country, and defends in spite of the danger.Cao Cao came on an expedition. Whether he could win or not, the key was how long the baggage could be maintained.

"Strong walls and clear fields?"

Cao Cao understood clearly in his heart and said with a smile: "With the dangers of Liaoze, it is difficult for Liaodong to invade Youzhou, and it is difficult for Youzhou to attack Liaodong. For the time being, let Gongsun Kang be the isolated town border to appease the barbarians of Liaodong and the barbarians of the Three Han Dynasty. Today's formidable enemy In the south, not in the north. If Wu Chu can be captured and destroyed, Gongsun Kang will definitely join the court and surrender."

Seeing this, Xun You took the opportunity to say: "In this case, Duke Ming can send an envoy to Liaodong and confer officials and titles. Gongsun Kang will be happy, and he is worried that the Yuan brothers are plotting to Liaodong, and the two Yuans will die at the hands of Gongsun Kang." "good!"

Cao Cao decided on the strategy and said: "Choose debaters to go to Liaodong as an envoy. I will report to the emperor alone. I will worship Gongsun Kang as the general of the left. I will give him the title of Marquis of Xiangping County and ask him to deliver the heads of the two Yuan Dynasties."

After a pause, Cao Cao added: "Gongsun Kang is strictly ordered not to sell war horses to Jiangzuo, otherwise Gu will lead a large army to come personally."


After a while, an attendant entered the account after reporting the matter and said nervously: "I am reporting to Sikong, there is an urgent report from Yecheng."

"What's the matter?"

The attendant swallowed his saliva and said sadly: "In July, Guo Jijiu died of illness in Yecheng."


"Guo Jijiu died of illness!"

Cao Cao, who was sitting on the couch, stood up in disbelief. Then he felt confused and his whole body was unsteady.

"Ming Gong!"

Xun You hurriedly stepped forward to support Cao Cao, and waved his hand for everyone to retreat, lest Cao Cao be angry and hurt the innocent.

Cao Cao was helped to the couch by Xun You. Suddenly he beat his chest and stamped his feet, crying bitterly and saying, "I am so sad that I have lost my filial piety!"

"Gu raised an army in Yanzhou, followed him with filial piety, and helped him destroy Yuan Shu, capture Lu Bu, and defeat Yuan Shao. It lasted for ten years, and we faced dangers and hardships, and shared weal and woe. Today, the generals will be at peace, and they will share the wealth and honor. How can we abandon this lonely man and leave? ?”

"My lord, I have my condolences and obey the changes!" Xun You advised.

Cao Cao's eyes welled up with tears and he said: "Fengxiao is less than forty years old, Gongda and you are the same generation as me. I wanted to entrust Fengxiao with my future affairs, but I lost it. I am so heartbroken!"

Xun You sighed helplessly, Cao Cao thought highly of Guo Jia.The year after he defeated Guandu, Cao Cao granted Guo Jia the title of Marquis of Duting. It was so difficult to be granted the title of Marquis by a civil servant and advisor!
When traveling in the past, the only person who could sit on the same bed as Cao Cao was Guo Jia!

After calming down his emotions, Cao Cao suppressed his sadness and said: "Gongda expresses his gratitude to the orphan, remembers his past merits as a filial piety, and recalls his past efforts. I should order Ziyi to seize the title and increase his son to a thousand households."


Xun You bowed his hand in agreement, presented the letter brought to him by the attendant, and said, "Ming Gong, Feng Xiao seems to have left a suicide note."

Cao Cao looked at the familiar handwriting on the letter and couldn't help but shed tears.

After opening it, Guo Jia's suicide note was full of information about Nan affairs.

"My Lord Ming, Jia Yu heard about the great victory at Bailang Mountain in Yecheng, and he was very happy. The only enemy left in the north was Gongsun from Liaodong. Although Gongsun was not going well, it was a minor trouble. With Liaoze in the way, Youyan could be safe. . And looking at the world today, the Northwest and Bashu are not of concern, but Wu and Chu are the only ones who are worried."

"There is a large river across Wu and Chu, with 20 soldiers and thousands of boats. The people in the north are strong generals, but they are not used to water warfare. Wu and Chu are plagued by epidemics, which makes it difficult for the northerners to adapt. Although Liu Biao has no general plan, he can cooperate with Wu. Chu. Fortunately, Liu Biao is ill and will die soon. Therefore, if we want to destroy Wu and Chu, we have to rely on Liu Biao!"

"Liu Biao is suddenly ill. I have Cai and Kuai to respond, and I can go down to Xiangyang. I will send a message to Chu, and Chu will surrender. At that time, the Duke took charge of the Jingzhou Navy and raised the troops from the north to follow the river eastward to destroy Liu Huo."

"There are many epidemics in the south, and Jia is weak and sick, but he is not afraid of it. If he can see the public annihilation of Wu and Chu, he will have no regrets even if he dies. Unfortunately, the command has come, and it is difficult to follow Ming Gong in the southern expedition!"

"The unity of the world is right before our eyes. Don't miss it!"

Tears fell drop by drop on the towel, moistening Guo Jia's twisted handwriting.

"I feel lonely and deprived of my filial piety!"

Cao Cao burst into tears!

(End of this chapter)

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