Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 202 Fighting against thieves and practicing water warfare

Chapter 202 Fighting against thieves and practicing water warfare

In the 12rd year of Jian'an, winter.

Ma and Bao Ertun, entrenched in the northern section of the Yishan Mountains, refused to obey the order and cut off the land route to the south of the Yangtze River.Considering that Ma and Bao Tun were located at the junction of Poyang and Danyang counties, and the city walls were located between mountains and rivers, the terrain was difficult and difficult to conquer.Zhuge Liang wanted to completely pacify Ma and Bao Tun, so he wrote to Huo Jun, hoping to conquer Poyang County together.

The Ma and Bao villages are tenacious and have a large number of people. They are entrenched in the northern section of Yishan Mountain and occupy dangerous areas in the mountains.Sun conquered Ma and Baoer Tun twice. For the first time, Sun Ce and Taishi Ci conquered Ma and Baoer Tun.The bandits of Ma and Bao Tun took advantage of the mountain strength to hold on to the city walls, but Sun Ce had no choice but to withdraw his troops due to the Yuzhang War.

The second time, Sun Quan conquered Jiangxia. Ling Cao and Xu Kun died and withdrew their troops.Sun Quan raised a large army to besiege Ertun. The bandits in Ertun knew they were outnumbered and hid in the mountains upon hearing the sound.Relying on his familiarity with the terrain, he fought guerrillas with the Sun family in the mountains.Although the camp was captured, the bandits suffered little loss.Because Liu Bei and Liu Qi invaded Yuzhang, the Ertun bandits escaped.

After Jiangzuo was calmed down, Zhuge Liang took control of Danyang and wanted to make the rebels in the two villages surrender. However, his commander Huang Long refused, so he had to use troops to conquer.Huo Jun personally led [-] soldiers to join Zhang Fei's [-] troops to attack Ma and Bao villages.

It seems that the bandits that Huo Jun and Zhang Fei can jointly conquer have not yet been born.In order not to give them time for the bandits to escape, Huo Jun and Zhang Fei built siege equipment in advance, and the army marched to the bottom of the city wall to attack the city with carriages and ladders.Huo Jun attacked Ma Tun, and Zhong Lifei was the vanguard. He climbed to the city and broke through the gate. He killed Qu Shuai Huang Long and captured the Ma Tun bandits.Zhang Fei attacked Baotun and besieged it in three divisions. Baotun was defeated.

Ma and Bao Ertun could have been established for so long, so how could they be so small? According to statistics after the war, there were more than [-] households in Ertun Mountain, with a population of about [-] to [-].Huo Jun and Zhang Fei divided the spoils among themselves. Huo Jun moved [-] mountain households, while Zhang Fei, on behalf of Danyang, moved [-] households back to counties.

These 10 households were placed by Huo Jun in Xunyang, Songzi, and Wancheng counties in the north of the Yangtze River to enrich the population.There is no way that the population of Poyang County is too small. A county only has a population of [-]. With its own efforts, it is impossible to provide a navy of [-] people.

In fact, in recent years, the three counties of Yuzhang, Luling, and Poyang have worked together to support the [-]-strong naval force in the north of the Yangtze River.Otherwise, if Poyang County is allowed to provide its own supplies, regardless of whether it can afford to maintain sergeants, those ships will not be built.

After conquering Ma and Bao Ertun, Huo Jun wrote to Liu Bei and Liu Qi, requesting that Jiangzuo naval generals be summoned to practice naval warfare in Poyang Lake and learn water warfare techniques.

In November, Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Gao Xiang, Ding Feng, Xu Sheng, Zhu Huan, Quan Cong and other naval generals were ordered to lead their troops to garrison at Sangluozhou, with a total of [-] naval officers.

In the large tent, a huge model of Peng Lize was placed in the center, and dozens of warship models were placed on the sand table. Huo Jun and other generals gathered around the sand table to review the naval tactics of the previous few days.

Huo Jun held the fighting boat with the racket on it and said: "When fighting on the water, the fighting boats should take the lead and march side by side. When encountering an enemy ship, fight with the bow, not the side. New warships, ships There is a window under the head, and two boats are approaching. The first man holds the racket and smashes the boat with huge rocks, causing all the boats to break."

The new weapon, the racket, was previously only equipped in Huo Jun's navy.After going to sea, he personally experienced keel warships, and then upon his return, he presented new keel warships, which were built in large quantities by shipyards across Jiangdong.

Construction is construction, but naval generals from foreign armies such as Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Zhu Huan, and Quan Cong were not familiar with water warfare weapons like the paddle.During the naval drills a few days ago, everyone was still accustomed to using long-range combat first, and then using boarding combat.

In order to let the generals know the problem, Huo Jun must introduce his innovative water warfare techniques in detail.

"The enemy ships are so large that they can attack from the flanks of warships. Do not fight them side by side. You need to use short spears and throw them from the warships. Short spears cannot reach the range of bows and crossbows in long range, and they are not as agile as weapons in close combat. However, Its force is great and its momentum is heavy. The navy of the boat often attacks the enemy with thin armor and throws short spears at them. Those who are hit by the spears will either die or be injured."

Huo Jun looked around at the generals and said in a deep voice: "From now on, in water battles, short spears must be thrown first to blunt their edge. The enemy is already timid when approaching the ship's side. Board the ship to cover up the enemy, and move forward without hesitation..."

In the new combat technique, Huo Jun moved the boarding battle back and forth, using the stick to defeat the enemy. The warship faced enemies coming from both sides. Huo Jun asked everyone to throw short spears instead of using crossbows.Be sure to use short spears to kill the enemy in a large area, and then take the opportunity to board the ship and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Short spears, the earliest long-range weapons in human society, were quickly replaced by crossbows after the emergence of crossbows, and were gradually withdrawn from the military establishment.Except for the southern sergeants, the northern sergeants no longer wield short spears and use crossbows more.

But short spears do not mean useless. On the contrary, under certain special circumstances, short spears are far more useful than crossbows, that is, at medium and short ranges, when the enemy is weakly armored.If you are hit by a javelin, you will either die or be injured.

It is not that there are no javelins in the navy, but there are very few generals who emphasize the javelin as much as Huo Jun does.Three hundred arrows are equal to fifty short spears.

As for why Huo Jun emphasizes the importance of short spears so much, the core comes from the naval combat skills of the Ming Dynasty that he knew in his previous life.After 2000 years of evolution, the navy of the Ming Dynasty has reached the pinnacle of the navy of the feudal dynasty.There are not only various types of battleships, but also combat methods that have evolved to their peak.During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the understanding of water warfare was relatively immature, and many organizational things had not been established.In water battles in the Ming Dynasty, javelins were as heavy as bows and crossbows, even more so.In the weapons and equipment of some southern navies, javelins are more common than crossbows.

After describing the importance of the short spear, Huo Jun carefully reviewed the problems during the naval exercise. Even though the meaning of the flag was unclear, he also commented on the shortcomings of each department in the exercise.

All the generals understood it clearly in their hearts, and showed thoughtful expressions on their faces, and they all gained something.

Lu Meng thought about it for a while and asked: "There is a huge rock on the fighting boat, which makes it difficult to move and turn. If the enemy invaders flee, how will we deal with them?"

Xu Sheng received Huo Jun's signal, raised his hands and replied: "Gentlemen, the general also ordered the shipyard to build carriages and ships. The carriages and ships are different from today's ships. They have no oars and no harps. They use two wheels and move forward with drums. Although they travel against the wind, they are as fast as Hang up the sails. At that time, the fighting boats joined forces to defeat the enemy, and Hou Sheng led the chariots and ships behind. The enemy invaders were defeated, and the chariots and ships moved quickly to pursue and cover up the enemy."

"Cars and boats?"

The generals were at a loss when they came into contact with unknown things.

With a slight cough, Huo Jun said: "The chariot and the ship are a new type of warship. Jun has thought hard about it in recent years. From now on, everyone will know it when they see it."

Regardless of Huo Jun's flattery to Liu Bei, Cao Cao is not afraid that it is purely fake.In order to ensure the success of the war, Huo Jun then developed vehicles and ships based on his innovative naval tactics.

The research and development of vehicles and ships is really not difficult. Huo Jun became the commander of the navy and developed a keel warship. He knew the structure of the warship quite well.The technological content of removing the oars and replacing them with wooden wheels is not very high.

Huo Jun knocked on the wooden table and said in a deep voice: "After you all return to camp, let the sergeants practice more short spears, and they will hit the target within twenty steps; and each department will practice the shooting technique, and I will personally inspect it. And ten days later, the navy will be reenacted. There must be no mistakes in the tactics of war.”

"Promise!" The generals responded in a deep voice, and then left the tent with their hands in hand.

After the generals retreated, Jiang Ji presented the letter and said: "A letter from Yangzhou comes from Yuzhang!"

Entering winter, Liu Qi showed favor to the prefects of the four counties in Jingnan in the name of inspecting Yuzhang.The prefects of the four counties of Jingzhou, headed by Liu Xian, also paid tribute to Liu Qi with gifts.

This letter was the feedback Liu Qi received from the governors of the four counties. Those four governors had obvious intentions. They obeyed Xiangyang's wishes. Whoever succeeded to become the pastor of Jingzhou would be their chief.

Of course, the governors of the four counties also had their own preferences. Liu Xian, the governor of Changsha, believed that Liu Qi was the first choice for heir. If Liu Biao asked him for his opinion, he would choose to support Liu Qi.But except for Liu Xian, the prefects of the other three counties were quite neutral and only looked at Xiangyang's wishes.

Huo Jun thought about it for a while and replied to Liu Qi.It is recommended that after winter, check the state's treasury to ensure that the state's sergeants can go to war urgently, and pay attention to the news from Jingzhou.

"And send this letter to Liu Yangzhou."


Huo Jun exhaled. Compared to everyone else, he could feel the tension of the impending storm!
ps: There are some glitches!

(End of this chapter)

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