Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 215 Why was Cao defeated?

Chapter 215 Why was Cao defeated?

In just over a month, the lord of Xiangyang City changed from Liu Biao to Liu Cong, and from Liu Cong to Cao Cao.Huo Jun, who was far away in Wancheng, often received news in the morning that Liu Cong had succeeded Jingzhou Mu, and in the evening he received news that Liu Cong had returned to Cao Cao.

Liu Bei led his army north to Xiangfan, and then led his people across the river to Xiakou. It seemed like a long time had passed.But for Huo Jun, it was like a change in two or three days.The strategy he had just thought up in the morning would be rejected again in the afternoon. The situation changed so quickly that Huo Jun was often caught off guard.

When Cao Cao entered Xiangfan, Liu Bei retreated to Xiakou, and the situation was completely clear.In addition, Lu Su went south to Jiangzuo on Liu Bei's order, and Huo Jun figured out the current changes in the situation.

Wancheng, meeting hall.

Lu Su pointed on the map and said: "General, now Liu Cong has surrendered and Xiangfan has been captured by Cao Cao. It is difficult for the lord to enter the city. He defeated Cao Chun at Lankou and retreated to Xiakou. General Guan attacked Jiangling and burned half of Jiangling's baggage. We have also withdrawn to Xiakou."

"Withdrawing to Xiakou, three generals Zhu Ling, Lu Zhao, and Feng Kai were advancing. The Lord and General Guan went out to fight. They defeated the three generals, beheaded 800 people, and captured more than a thousand people. Taking advantage of the situation to attack them, they met Zhang He, Yu Jin, and Man Four generals, Chong and Li Tong, came and my lord fought with them. There was no winner or loser. Due to the large number of enemy troops, they withdrew to Xiakou City."

Since Cao Cao went south, Liu Bei almost took his life in C, first defeating Cao Chun at Lankouju.He also defeated the three generals Zhu, Lu and Feng outside the city of Xiakou. However, he encountered the four generals Zhang, Yu, Man and Li.

Huo Jun looked up at the map and asked, "Man Chong and Li Tong are Yuzhou soldiers and horses, but the three passes of Yiyang were broken?"

Lu Su nodded and said: "Due to Kuai Yue's surrender, Zhangling County was captured by Cao Cao. Under internal and external siege, it was difficult to hold on to the three Yiyang Passes. The West Pass surrendered, and the troops at the Middle and East Passes have been withdrawn to Xiakou. .”

After Nanyang was destroyed by Yuan Shu, the population fled south.Because it is located in the core area of ​​the Central Plains, it has been repeatedly affected by wars.Zhang Xiu settled in Wancheng and surrendered to Cao Cao.From Xinye to Ye County in Nanyang, there are almost no people inhabited for hundreds of miles, and there are many thieves and bandits.

Liu Biao was responsible for guarding the security of the northern part of Xiangyang (Han River), and divided the southern and southeastern areas of Nanyang into Zhangling County. Huang She was the first governor, but because he was in Jiangxia, Liu Biao himself supervised it personally.When he became seriously ill, Huang She was appointed as the prefect of Jiangxia, and Kuai Yue was appointed as the prefect of Zhangling, taking control of the troops in northern Han Dynasty.

After Zhangling County surrendered to Cao Cao, the entire defense line in northern Jing was instantly dismantled, and the three Yiyang Passes stationed between the Dabie Mountains no longer needed to be garrisoned.The East and Middle Passes, which evacuated quickly, survived, but the West Pass was persuaded by Zhu Ling to surrender due to the long distance.

As he spoke, Lu Su pointed at Xiakou and said in a deep voice: "North of the river, only Xiakou City is in the hands of our army, guarding the Ming Gate on the left side of the river. The four counties in Jingnan were slightly inclined to Yangzhou before, but now they are leading the way. The army has arrived in Xiangyang and has been ordered by the emperor. I wonder what the attitude of the prefects of the four counties will be."

"Now the people from the north are moving southward one after another, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. My lord hopes that Jiangzuo can raise troops as soon as possible and gather water and land troops to march into Jingchu to prevent Xiakou from falling and endangering Jiangzuo."

After a pause, Lu Suchi asked: "My lord has been in Xiakou for ten days and there has been no movement in Jiangzuo. I am sending Su to Jiangzuo to inquire about the situation."

Huo Jun raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Don't you think that Jun is afraid of the power of Cao's army and dare not lead his troops into battle?"

Lu Su shook his head, waved his hand and said, "My lord has no such intention, but is worried that Liu Yangzhou will be intimidated by Cao Cao and bewitched by those scholars, so he does not dare to lead his troops to fight."

Liu Bei had a lot of trust in Huo Jun. After all, Huo Jun instigated Liu Bei to go to Jiangdong, and also encouraged Liu Bei to go south to control the north.If Huo Jun cannot be trusted, then there are not many people around Liu Bei who are worthy of trust.

As he spoke, Lu Su lowered his voice and said, "My lord has received a letter from Cao Cao advising him to surrender. In the letter, Cao Cao promised that my lord would serve as a royal censor and be on an equal footing with him. He would also be granted the title of county magistrate and a city of [-] households. Each of the remaining generals would receive a reward. There are also promotions and important positions.”

"Didn't Zijing receive the letter?" Huo Jun asked.

While talking, Huo Jun picked up two letters from the table and spoke to Lu Su, smiling: "Cao Cao sent a letter, and Jun Jingchu's friend also sent a letter."

Lu Su looked at the contents of the two letters and said in surprise: "Cao Cao has appointed General Xuzhou as the governor of Xuzhou, paid homage to the generals from all directions, and added thousands of households to the city. This is very important!"

After Cao Cao adopted Kuai Yue's heart-attacking strategy, he not only sent letters to Liu Bei and Liu Qi, but also to a large number of old Jingchu people such as Huo Jun, Wenpin, Huang Zhong, Wang Can, and Pan Jun.He tried to make Jiang Zuo dissent, which made the emperor and his ministers suspicious, so they collapsed and surrendered.

For example, Liu Bei, Cao Cao wrote the letter himself; or Huo Jun, Cao Cao asked others to write for him, and asked his friend Fu Xun to write a letter to persuade him to surrender.

Lu Su smiled helplessly and said: "The general's name is well known throughout the country, and Cao Cao has heard about it. But Su's reputation is not well known. It is normal for Cao Cao not to know that my name is real."

Cao Cao's rewards were written based on everyone's reputation. Although Lu Su was unwilling to surrender, it did not mean that he did not want to be the one on the list.That is to say, future generations of Eagle Sauce will sanction Rabbit Company. Although technology companies do not want to be on the list, it will not look good if you are not on the list.

Worried that Huo Jun wanted to surrender, Lu Su said: "Su is not a follower of the Qin Dynasty and the Chu Dynasty. Even if Cao Cao granted Su a high-ranking official and a noble title, it would be difficult for Su to follow him. It is a blessing to meet the lord, and I must be loyal to him. I think Su Although Cao's army has many soldiers and horses, but the mountains and rivers east of the river are strong, the lord is brave, the son is benevolent, and the generals, counselors and consuls, and the generals and minions are restrained, they may not be able to defeat Cao."

Huo Jun heard Lu Su's overtones and said with a smile: "Zijing's words are also what Jun was thinking. Cao Cao's army is so fierce that it seems to be overwhelming and invincible in the world. But Jun secretly thought that Cao Cao was conquering the south and the north. War, sweeping away the heroes, and now in Jianghan, they are proud and arrogant. As soldiers say, arrogant soldiers will be defeated, and Jianghan should be the place where they are defeated."

Lu Su was filled with admiration, and he raised his hands and said, "General, you are so heroic. I will rely on you for this battle!"

Then, Lu Su revealed the news and said: "Su followed the order of the lord and went to Danyang Jingkou. He took the order to send Danyang soldiers and horses to the expedition, and obeyed the general to arrange the defense line in Jiangbei. He also asked the military adviser to carry the letter to Wu County to visit the eldest son and explain the military plan. The importance is the cause and effect of Jingzhou."

In order to defend Xiakou City, Liu Bei did not dare to leave the city.Now he can only ask Lu Su to go to Danyang on his behalf to convey his military and political orders.When Lu Su visited Huo Jun, in addition to informing him of the current situation, he also conveyed Liu Bei's military orders.That is to say, the Danyang soldiers and horses obeyed Huo Jun's arrangements. They not only had to consider fighting Cao Cong, but also took into account the Jiangbei defense line.

Lu Su took out the letter from his sleeve, presented it and said, "This is my lord's letter. The general can read it, so he can know what my lord means!"

Huo Jun opened the letter and browsed it, and saw that Liu Bei didn't say much in the letter. He only said that Cao Cao had exhausted all the people in the north and wanted to overthrow Wu Chu.He could not return to Jiangdong at the moment. According to the number of bandits coming from Jiangbei, Huo Jun arranged for the deployment of troops and horses in Danyang. He was waiting for Huo Jun in Xiakou.

After closing the letter, Huo Jun sighed slightly in his heart.Liu Bei did not talk about expectations or feelings, but only talked about military matters. He gave Huo Jun the right to measure himself, which was actually a different kind of pressure.

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "Jun already knows what the envoy means. The time is urgent. The soldiers and horses on the left side of the Yangtze River have been assembled. Jun has only found out the strength of the Jianghuai troops and horses recently. I will reply to the envoy and report it clearly. The current situation in Jiangzuo allows you to secure the city with peace of mind. Jun Bu will soon persuade Liu Yangzhou and lead his troops to Xiakou."

Lu Su cupped his hands and said, "General Su will go to Jingkou to convey the Lord's order."

"it is good!"

Huo Jun didn't hold back, and said goodbye: "Zijing will go to Jingkou first, and Jun will sort out his affairs, and he will arrive later."

"General stay!"


After sending Lu Su away, Huo Jun wanted to think about military matters, but was interrupted by his generals.

"The last general pays his respects to the general!"

When Yu Shao saw Huo Jun sitting on the couch, he lowered his head and saluted.

"Sit down!"

Seeing that Yu Shao didn't dare to face him, Huo Jun raised his hand and said, "I'd like to see you as a courtesy. What's the important thing?"

Yu Shao looked nervous, raised his hands and said, "Now Cao Cao has raised his troops from the north to attack Jianghan. I wonder if the general thinks he can win?" Huo Jun's heart sank, but with a gentle smile on his face, he said: "Why do you ask Gongli? Could it be that Gongli also received a letter urging surrender?"

Yu Shao opened his mouth slightly and said, "The general also received a letter of persuasion to surrender?"

Huo Jun placed the letter on the table and said disapprovingly: "This is Cao Cao's strategy to attack his heart, and it is nothing to worry about."

Yu Shao exhaled and said with relief: "Shao received a letter from Sun Zhongmou. The letter stated that Cao Cao had raised 80 troops to Jianghan. Now let Shao know the current affairs to avoid making mistakes. He advised a certain person to raise his troops and surrender to Cao Cao, and promised to be rewarded with an official position. .”

Huo Jun asked the maid to serve tea to Yu Shao and said with a smile: "Gongli has received the letter from the old master, do you have any ideas?"

Yu Shao's expression was slightly calm, and he cupped his hands and said, "The general has entrusted him with important tasks regardless of Shao's past affairs. I dare not abandon him now. I came here today to know the general's intentions."

Huo Jun looked directly at Yu Shao and said with a slight smile: "I think Jiang Zuo can defeat Cao Cao!"

"What the general said is true!" Yu Shao asked with a surprised look on his face.


Huo Jun took a sip of tea, seemingly dissatisfied with Yu Shao's questioning.

Seeing this, Yu Shao hurriedly explained: "Shao did not doubt what the general said, but was amazed that the general could defeat Cao Cao."

Huo Jun put down the tea cup and said with a smile: "Cao Cao brought the people from the north to the river. They didn't know the importance of boats and boats, and they didn't understand the diseases in the water towns. Although they have many people, what's the worry?"

"If Gongli trusts me, he can follow me to defeat the enemy and spread the glory of the Southern Son!"

Yu Shao stood up with a bow, stood up and saluted, and said vigorously: "Since the general is determined to defeat Cao Cao, how dare Shao not serve for the left and right?"

With that said, Yu Shao took out the letter from his sleeve and wanted to deliver it to Huo Jun.

Huo Jun raised his hand to refuse and said with a smile: "Gongli, you can keep this letter temporarily and carry it with you. It will be useful later."


Yu Shao cupped his hands and said, "I will retire at the end!"

Looking at Yu Shao's retreating back, Huo Jun's smile faded and was replaced by a sad look.

He suggested that Er Liu transfer to Jiangdong, which had advantages and disadvantages.The advantage is that Liu Bei has a foundation, but the disadvantage is that Liu Bei's rule over Jiangzuo is not strong.Moreover, if Jingzhou civil and military people are used to capture Jiangdong, they will inevitably be influenced by Jingzhou.The unity of Wu and Chu is acceptable, but if Wu and Chu are separated and the outside world exerts huge pressure, Jiangzuo will be affected.

Historically, Sun Quan led Jiangzuo for seven or eight years. Although his foundation was solid, there were also a large number of people who wanted to surrender.Liu Chu led Jiangzuo for two years. In the past, he had to rely on the unity of Wu and Chu to stabilize the hearts of these Jiangdong people.Now that Cao Cao is going south to Jianghan, the people of Jiangdong will inevitably be affected.

To tell a scary story, if Liu Bei hadn't defeated Cao Chun, and then defeated Zhu Ling, Feng Kai and other three armies; Huo Jun had defeated Xia Houyuan twice and had great military exploits.Relying on the confidence accumulated by Liu and Huo, it is estimated that some people have surrendered to Cao Cao.

If we want to fight Cao Cao now, we must not only arrange the defense in Jiangbei, but also stabilize the hearts and minds of people in Jiangdong.

After gathering his thoughts for a while, Huo Jun wrote a letter to Xiakou, comforting Liu Bei who was guarding Xiakou alone.He briefly discussed the direction of Cao Cao's advance, analyzed the current situation, and showed that Jingnan can be fought for.Let Liu Bei not be anxious and don't worry about changes in Jiangzuo.He will do his best to arrange the Jiangbei defense line, and then persuade Liu Qi to raise his troops to fight.

Then Huo Jun wrote a letter to Zhuge Liang, asking Zhuge Liang to go to Wuxian first to appease Liu Qi to prevent Liu Qi from being instigated by people with impure minds.He stated that he would arrive in Wuxian County later and meet with Liu Qi to present his battle strategy.

After sending the two letters, Huo Jun stood up and paced in front of the map of Wu and Chu, analyzing Cao Cao's marching strategy through Lu Su's news and the news he had discovered.

Compared with the historical situation where Cao Cao falsely claimed 80 troops, in today's battlefield Cao Cao falsely claimed 90 troops.Starting from Xuchang, Cao Cao falsely claimed 60, and after taking Xiangfan, he renamed it 80.And among the [-] people deployed in Jianghuai, most of them were Taishan generals.

When Cao Jun first attacked, Huo Jun was confused by the Jianghuai soldiers and horses. He thought that there would be no fewer troops than Xiahou Yunan's last time, with [-] to [-] soldiers and horses going south.Unexpectedly, Cao Cao only sent Zang Ba, Lu Qian, Sun Guan and other generals, with [-] to [-] troops and horses, in order to deceive Jiang Zuo.

Then the troops and horses deployed in Jiangbei are enough, and they are guarding Ruxukou. There is no need for elite soldiers, so Jiangbei is not a concern.

So in the direction of Xiangyang, Cao Cao's troops and horses + the soldiers from Jingbei will not exceed 20 at most.There are more than 6 soldiers and horses in Jiangdong. In addition to the remaining + northern defense line, there are about [-] to [-] soldiers who can fight.


Looking up at the map, Huo Jun shook his head and said to himself: "Chibi alone is not enough!"

Compared with the situation in history, the situation in this plane is different.Thanks to Liu Biao's declaration of making Liu Qi his heir, the four counties in Jingnan can fight for it.

Even if the four counties in Jingnan were afraid of Cao Cao's military strength, they did not dare to blatantly support Liu Qina for their own use.But with Liu Qi's name, he might be able to win some support from some county guards, or their neutrality.Of course, these are all local issues. To defeat Cao Cao, we must rely on strength.

"How to defeat Cao Cao? How to cause a great defeat?"

While Huo Jun was deep in thought, the step trainer Qianqian stepped into the hall, twisting her plump waist, and put the robe on Huo Jun's shoulders.


Huo Jun turned around and looked back, seeing Trainer Bu's exquisite face.

"It's evening and it's already cold. Don't catch a cold!" Trainer Bu said with concern.

Huo Jun held Master Bu's warm jade hand and said with a smile, "Thank you, madam!"

"I am one with my husband. Wherever you are, I will go wherever you are!"


ps: There was a power outage at home today, so I used my mobile phone to call.

 One more chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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