Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 216 Per capita leading party

Chapter 216 Per capita leading party

When Lu Su entered the capital, he conveyed Liu Bei's order.Zhuge Liang received another letter from Liu Bei and Huo Jun, and immediately set off for Wuxian.

Wu County, Prefectural Governor's Office.

Liu Qi sat high on the couch, looking at the letter sent by Cao Cao, his face extremely solemn.

Cao Cao's words in the letter are: "I have inherited the emperor's order and been ordered to attack the criminals. Now I have a million soldiers and a thousand generals. They go south on the second route and drink from the Majiang River. Yanhui points south, Liu Cong accepts the surrender, and Liu Bei is defeated. Let’s go. The people of Jianghan will surrender.”

"The general is a descendant of the Liu family, the heir of Liu Cheqi, and when he enters the court, he can succeed the previous emperor and serve the emperor. Why not surrender, surrender, offer soil, and enjoy peace and happiness together, so as to avoid the ruin of life. Fortunately, don't wait and see. , reply quickly."

In addition to Cao Cao's letters, there are also letters from his second brother Liu Cong and his third brother Liu Xiu.Liu Cong confessed his sins to Liu Qi, told about the past brotherhood, and persuaded Liu Qi to surrender to Cao Cao; his third brother Liu Xiu was outstanding in literary talent, and expressed his affection and reason to Liu Qi, and asked him to surrender. The three brothers were happy together. The lintel of the Liu family in Shanyang.

Liu Qi took Liu Bei's letters from the side of the case, stamped them on the three letters, and asked: "Now Yuzhou is settled in Xiakou. Please ask my soldiers and horses from Yangzhou to rescue him and jointly defend Cao Cao's army. What do you think?"

Without waiting for anyone to speak, Zhang Zhao stood up and came out of the queue, raised his hands and said: "Your Majesty, in the past we relied on Jingchu on the left side of the Yangtze River to resist Duke Cao in the north of the Yangtze River. Now that Jingchu has been lost, Duke Cao and I share the danger of the river. If you follow Xiangdong, can Jiangzuo An be the enemy?"

"In view of Zhao's view, it is better for you to welcome him, and to surrender the seven counties of Yangzhou to Cao Gong. This is the policy of Wan'an. Moreover, Cao Gong, holding the emperor in arms, conquers all directions, and uses the imperial court as a pretext to make you a minister. How can he use it as a minister? I am rebellious to you!"

Liu Qi looked displeased and said, "What Mr. Zhang said is that he is betraying his trust and righteousness?"

"Yuzhou and I made an alliance with Jiangzuo, advancing and retreating together. If we betray it now, Gu'an will have the honor to go to see Yuzhou. Moreover, Yuzhou is fighting alone, but is forced to be trapped in Xiakou. If we don't save him at this time, we will be lonely and uneasy!"

Liu Qi had governed Yangzhou for a long time. In order to enhance his status and make others feared, he gradually learned to be a loner.

Zhang Zhao shook his head and said: "What the envoy said is not unreasonable, but one moment and another moment. Now Cao Cao is in great power, and he is powerful in the sea. There are six or seven in the land, no one can defeat him, and there are millions of soldiers and horses." If you look at me on the left side of the Yangtze River, there are only [-] to [-] soldiers and horses. The people are few and the soldiers are few. How can we defeat them now?"

"I entrust you to treat Zhao with great kindness, and Zhao is unwilling to renege on it. I am willing to tell you sincerely, so as to avoid the pain of defeat and exile."

Liu Qi fell silent, feeling shaken in his heart.

Then, Liu Qi looked at Wang Can again and asked, "Why does Zhongxuan think so?"

Wang Can lowered his head slightly, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Young Master, Can can don't know anything about military affairs, so he doesn't dare to speak nonsense."

After saying that, Wang Can subconsciously touched the letter from his good friend Sun Meng in his sleeve, feeling a little ashamed.

He and the scholar Sun Meng fled to Jingzhou together during Dong Zhuo's rebellion and lived together in a foreign land, and their relationship was irreversible.Later, Sun Meng was named Danjin Tinghou because his father, Sun Rui, had made great contributions to the Han emperor.

Scholar Sun Meng was also ordered to go from Jingzhou to Xuchang and became an official under Cao Cao.When leaving, Wang Can once wrote "Poetry to the Scholar Sun Wenshi" as a farewell gift.

With the encouragement of his close friends to surrender, and with Cao Cao's millions of troops and his strong presence in Jiangdong, Wang Can was already shaken.I chose not to express my opinion now because of Huo Jun's face.

Wang Can had great trust in Huo Jun. He chose to work for Liu Qi mostly because of Huo Jun.Otherwise, he would have been in Jingzhou to welcome Cao Cao south to Jingchu.

Wang Can did not express his opinion, which made Liu Qi very passive.

Lu Ji took the opportunity to make a speech and said: "There are many divisions in the world. In the past, I governed Yi and I was the prime minister of Qi Huan Gong. He united the nine princes and brought peace to the world. His contribution will remain in the world. Now Cao Gong is the emperor, conquering the south and the north, quelling the war, and becoming famous in the history books. Now I have you surrender. , obeying the laws of heaven can also benefit the people."

"In ancient times, the weak defeated the strong few, and the strong defeated the weak many. Cao Gong was good at using soldiers like Sun and Wu, and he was superb and unpredictable. He defeated Yuan Shao at Guandu, captured Lu Bu at Xia Pi, and killed Ta Dun with the white wolf, all of which were his military strategies. It is unmatched by anyone in the world.”

"Looking at Yuzhou, Yuan Shu conquered Xuzhou, conquered Lu Bu and abandoned Xiaopei, and conquered Cao Cao and lost Runan. Is it possible to defeat Cao Gong? Therefore, if Yuzhou is used to defend Cao Gong, he may suffer the defeat of Xuzhou, the loss of Runan, and the loss of Xiaopei. Death."

"For this reason, I thought that I should surrender to Cao Cao to avoid war with Wu. I regretted it too late!"

Liu Qi opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.In his opinion, there was almost nothing logically wrong with Lu Ji's words.Otherwise, how can it be explained that Cao Cao's territory was conquered more and more, and Liu Bei was driven to Jiangzuo instead.

Now he is hesitant, and he really wants to surrender to Cao Cao. The reason why he doesn't let go is Liu Bei, Huo Jun, and Liu Cong.

First, Liu was invited by him to station troops in Jiangxia and advance to Jingzhou.When Liu Biao died of illness, he failed to capture Xiangfan and retreated to Xiakou, where he was attacked by Cao's army.Now Liu Bei asked him to send troops to rescue, so he should send troops due to circumstances.Secondly, Huo Jun once wrote a letter saying that he was thinking about a strategy to defeat Cao Cao, and asked Liu Qi not to make a hasty decision; finally, Liu Qi hated Liu Cong for coming to power and took away his Jingzhou pastoral, causing Wu Chu's policy of Yu Cao to be destroyed, and he was very upset. untie.

As the situation developed, and everyone tried hard to persuade him, and Liu Cong wrote an apology, the above three reasons were gradually shaken.Of course, if Liu Qi really plans to surrender, he will probably discuss it with Liu Bei. With his temperament, he is not capable of backstabbing and selling people.

Liu Qi was challenged by civil and military officials, but he was unwilling to make a decision immediately. At that moment, he was at a loss.Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew by. Liu Qi made up his mind, coughed a few times, and said, "The cold wind in autumn and winter makes me tremble. Please go inside and put on more clothes."

After saying that, Liu Qi quickly walked out of the hall and turned to the side hall.

When the scribes in the hall saw this, they all shouted "envoy".Only Pan Jun hesitated a little and followed.

"Your Majesty!"

When Liu Qi saw Pan Jun following him, he was slightly surprised and said, "Chengming?"

"Could it be that Cheng Ming is also trying to persuade Gu Gu to surrender?"

Pan Jun walked behind, shook his head and said: "Jun does not advise the envoy to surrender to Cao Cao, nor does he advise the envoy to go to war. But he is willing to explain the pros and cons to the envoy."

Seeing that his master was like this, he had been kind to him in the past.Pan Jun also didn't want Liu Qi to be unaware of the changes in the situation and end up confused.


Liu Qi found a side room and sat down, saying, "Can you please elaborate?"

Pan Jun sat on the couch and asked, "Do you have the desire to become king and hegemony?"

Liu Qi looked confused and replied hesitantly: "I have no intention of seeking hegemony. I only want to protect my state and counties to ensure the people's livelihood. The fight with Cao today is forced by the situation and is not what I want!"

Liu Qi was confused until today. It felt like an invisible hand pushed him to the position of Yangzhou Mu, and then confronted Cao Cao.

Pan Jun pondered for a while and said: "Since you have no intention of seeking hegemony, why don't you surrender to Cao Cao?"

Liu Qi pondered for a long time and said: "Jingzhou is my emperor's foundation, and now it is presented to Cao Cao by Liu Cong. He is very unhappy and wants to take back Jingchu's foundation to tell the spirit of the late emperor. And Liu Yuzhou is trapped in Xiakou because of me. If we don’t save him, we will feel very uneasy.”

Pan Jun analyzed it for Liu Qi and said: "If you surrender to Cao Cao, you can gain the honor of being a minister and a marquis. However, your foundation will be lost and your righteousness will be lost in Yuzhou. If you fight Cao Cao, if you win, you can advance to Jingzhou and regain your ancestors." If you fail, you will suffer humiliation and may be imprisoned. Let me think about it, after this battle, where will the Duke and Yuzhou go?"

Although Pan Jun's words are short, he speaks thoroughly.Not only did he tell what he could gain by surrendering Cao Cao, but he also pointed out the conflicts that might break out between Liu Qi and Liu Bei after Liu Qi's victory.

Liu Qi frowned slightly and said, "Where are you going with Yuzhou? What do you mean?"

Pan Jun explained further and said: "Cao Cao is a tiger and wolf, and Yuzhou is also a tiger and wolf. In the past, Yuzhou took advantage of the envoy's power to occupy a large territory. But because of Liu's chariot and cavalry, he did not dare to attack the envoy. If Cao Cao is defeated now, he will dare to Ask if Yuzhou will take the opportunity to invade Wu and Chu."

Liu Qi scratched his beard and said tangledly: "I am as close to Yuzhou as an uncle and nephew, and I am related to Yun Chang. How can Anhui invade Wu and Chu? And in the past, I had an appointment with Yuzhou. When I take Jingzhou, Yangzhou will be surrendered to him."

Pan Jun opened his mouth slightly. He never thought that Liu Qi had made such an alliance with Liu Bei.

Out of consideration for Liu Qi, Pan Jun still said: "When we go to Long to look at Shu, people's hearts are insufficient, which is really natural. Both Yuzhou and Cao Gong turn to the envoy for help. If the envoy returns to Cao, the world will be unified; if the envoy helps Yuzhou, it will be difficult to know what will happen next. .”

"Jun has received great kindness from the envoy, so I will explain the pros and cons. I hope that the envoy will make a decision as soon as possible, think about the pros and cons, and make a plan early to avoid any mistakes."

Like Wang Can and Huo Jun, he also received a letter from his master Song Zhong.But he is a typical scholar of the Han Dynasty, who eats and thinks about whom.Although his heart moved Cao Cao, he was unwilling to sell Liu Qi. He still wanted to analyze Liu Qi and let him make his own decision.

Liu Qi nodded and said, "I should think deeply about it alone!"

 gone today

(End of this chapter)

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