Chapter 23

A tall horse stopped in front of the government office. A strong, rugged general with cheeks rushed into the government office with anger and pushed away the intercepting attendants.

"Who are you waiting for? How dare you rush into the government office without permission?" the attendant shouted nervously.

"This is Zhang Yun, the general of the bandit gang. Where is the eldest son?" Zhang Yun pushed aside his attendants, looked around at the crowd and shouted.

Liu Qi in the room looked dissatisfied when he heard Zhang Yun's roar, stood up and went out.

Holding back his displeasure, Liu Qi said, "General Zhang Zhonglang can come in and talk."


With a wave of the whip, Zhang Yun glanced at Liu Qi and walked into the hall.


"The eldest son only needs to call me Zhang Zhonglang. There is no need to refer to me as a relative." Zhang Yun said coldly.

Liu Qi couldn't hold back his anger and said, "Zhang Zhonglang broke into the government office privately. Isn't it against the rules?"

Zhang Yun threw the whip on the case and said: "Is it reasonable for the eldest son to punish Zhang Biao? Because of the eldest son's power, more than ten of our soldiers were killed and injured, and there were many complaints. How can I run the army?"


Liu Qi was not used to his cousin either. He slapped the case and said angrily: "If your soldiers hadn't invaded the county people, how could I be here? If you didn't punish him severely, where would you leave Liu Jingzhou's face?"

"Then why is there such a heavy punishment, even killing Zhang Biao." Zhang Yun glared angrily and said.

"As a general, Zhang Biao robbed property, which is a capital crime. Why can't he be executed?" Liu Qi raised his voice to save his face. "Zhang Yun, Liu Jingzhou allows you to station troops outside, so that you can protect the country and the people, not to cause you to stir up trouble."

Zhang Yun looked sideways at Liu Qi and said with a sneer: "Ignorant people would think you are Liu Jingzhou. Don't forget, you haven't succeeded to the throne yet!"

"Zhang Yun!"

Liu Qi pointed at Zhang Yun's nose, as if he wanted to say something harsh, but he was worried and finally gave up.

Zhang Yun picked up the riding crop on the ground and said threateningly: "Liu Qi, Yun should bear in mind what happened today."


Liu Qi sat on the couch angrily and reviewed calmly.

Huo Jun walked out from behind the screen and said, "Eldest son, Zhang Yun is unruly and rebellious. Although he is a relative, he cannot be used."

Liu Qi hammered the table, venting his frustration, and said: "Although I have known Zhang Yun since childhood, I am not close to him. What happened in Jiyang was originally the fault of his officers and men. If he does not reflect on himself now, Instead, you blame me, which is really unreasonable!"

Huo Jun, who felt guilty, comforted him and said, "That being said, the young master's actions not only won the hearts of the people, but also earned the reputation of the whole government as an upright king. I will live up to the young master's journey north."

"That's all."
The autumn wind was bleak, blowing off the fallen leaves from the trees and drifting into the courtyard of the inn.

In Jiyang Villa, Huo Jun sat on the couch and made tea for Xu Shu.

Huo Jun put down the teapot and asked, "How is Ming Gong doing these months?"

Xu Shu took the tea cup and said with a smile: "Since my lord left Xiangyang, he visited famous families in various places and went to banquets every day. There is no shortage of wine and meat. Now he is a little blessed."

After Liu Bei and Huo Jun separated, Guan Yu trained his soldiers in water warfare according to the assigned tasks, and he himself made friends with the noble families and powerful people in Nanyang.Over time, he ate too much wine and meat and lacked exercise, and Liu Bei gained weight.

"Is there any gain?" Huo Jun asked.

Xu Shu nodded and said: "My lord has no children, so he recognized the outstanding Kou of the Kou family in Changsha and named him his son. He received support from his clan and joined his tribe to strengthen the reputation of the navy."

"Liu Feng!" Huo Jun asked in surprise.

"Exactly!" Xu Shu replied, "Does Zhongmiao know about the young general?"

"Liu Feng's name is just like Jun's young friend." Huo Jun replied.

Xu Shu introduced Huo Jun and said: "The young general is very brave. Although he is a descendant of the Kou family in Changsha, he has the blood of the Liu family... The Lord recognized his benevolence and filial piety and gave him the surname Liu as his adopted son."

Listening to Xu Shu's introduction, Huo Jun sighed inwardly. The world is so small. He thought that going to Jiangdong would change history, but unexpectedly Liu Bei accepted Kou Feng as his adopted son.

Liu Bei's adoption of an adopted son is different from Huo Jun's adoption of an adopted son. The main reason for Liu Bei's adoption of an adopted son is that Liu Bei has no children and only has two daughters. In order to continue his heirs, he had no choice but to adopt children.And he took in his adopted son simply because he saw Deng Fan's potential in the future and could contribute to the prosperity of the Huo family.

Speaking of Liu Bei's childlessness, it's not that Liu Bei couldn't have children, but that he was killed by Lu Bu when he was in Xuzhou, and his children unfortunately died in war.This also caused Liu Bei to hate Lu Bu so much that he talked about Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan in front of Cao Cao and asked Cao Cao to execute Lu Bu. (Note ①)

Huo Jun shook his head and said: "Although Ming Gong is more than forty years old, Jun sees that he is in good health and can still have children, so there is no need to rush for a while."

Xu Shu explained further and said: "What Zhong Miao said is reasonable, but the Kou family in Changsha has a lot of wealth, and Kou Feng also has tribes. The current master recognizes the young general as his adopted son, and he is planning for Jiangzuo."

"Well!" After a pause, Xu Shu also stated his purpose and said: "My lord is worried about Jiangdong. The later he goes to Jiangdong, the more likely Sun Quan's foundation will be. Now I heard that Mr. Huo is in Jiyang, especially Send me here to see if I can help Zhong Miao?"

Jiyang and Xinye are approaching, and Xinye will know the news of Huo Jun's arrival in Jiyang soon.Liu Bei was worried that Huo Jun alone would not be able to leverage the situation, so he sent Xu Shu to inquire about the progress and see if he could help Huo Jun.

Huo Jun took a sip of tea leisurely and said, "Does Yuan Zhi know the recent situation in Xiangyang?"

Xu Shu pondered for a while and said: "I heard from a merchant that there is a nursery rhyme in Xiangyang that has been very popular recently. Moreover, Liu Cong will marry Cai's daughter, and Xiangyang Cai will become more and more favored."

"Can Yuan Zhi remember the content of the nursery rhyme?" Huo Jun asked.

Xu Shu recalled a little and said: "My son is a Wuyue wolf, and he goes wild when he succeeds. He avenges his father for the first time, and takes the head of the thief in three years. This is basically this nursery rhyme, and it is discussed all over Xiangyang."

"Who is Yuan Zhi looking at Zhang Yun? What is Liu Cong doing?" Huo Jun asked.

Xu Shu furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought, and suddenly realized, "This nursery rhyme was originally spread by Zhong Miao. Now let's look at the current incident between the eldest son and Liu Cong..."

Huo Jun nodded slightly and said: "Yuanzhi can tell Duke Ming that the situation is still under Jun's control. The eldest son has already intended to make a contribution. Waiting for the nursery rhyme incident to happen, or waiting for the powerful troops to send Jiangxia, the matter of going to Jiangdong will be a matter of course. , and don’t be impatient!”

Xu Shu couldn't help but clapped his hands and sighed, saying: "Zhong Miao is really a genius in the world. He can move Jingzhou with one person's power. Who else can he do without the emperor?"

While sighing, Xu Shu thought of his friend in Longzhong. He was 21 years old, studied poetry and books, had great ambitions, and was also talented.I wonder what the scene will be like when that friend from Longzhong meets Huo Jun in front of me.

After some chatting, Xu Shu learned of the progress. In order to prevent Liu Qi from noticing, Xu Shu returned to Xinye from Jiyang overnight to convey Huo Jun's intention to Liu Bei.

After Xu Shu said goodbye, Huo Jun was drinking tea alone.

Huo Hu was admitted to the hospital and reported: "Master, the shepherd boy and his mother came to the door to talk about the adopted son."


Deng's mother held Deng Fan's hand and followed step by step. Her appearance was natural. It was obvious that Deng's mother had received a good education since she was a child.And today she also wore a white and red straight-skirted deep dress, looking beautiful yet dignified.

"I have seen Huo Canjun!" Deng's mother led Deng Ai to sit on the couch and performed etiquette.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mrs. Deng!" Huo Jun returned the greeting with cupped hands.

Deng's mother took a deep breath and said: "Fan'er is talented and intelligent, but I have little knowledge and a poor family. It is difficult to teach Fan'er to become a talented person. Fortunately, Mr. Huo is kind and righteous and is willing to accept Fan'er as his adopted son. I am very grateful."

Ever since that day Huo Jun wanted to adopt Deng Fan as his adopted son, Deng's mother was actually moved.Although they have been cared for by the Deng family over the years, how much care can they take? Their family is still poor, otherwise Deng Fan would not be allowed to herd cattle at such a young age.She didn't know how long she could hold Deng Fan back in this chaotic world.

Now that a nobleman has taken a liking to Deng Fan and allowed him to keep his original surname, it can be described as a great joy.However, Mother Deng was very reluctant to give up. After all, her child was only five or six years old. He was about to leave her and go to a strange environment alone to get along with strange people...

But she was reluctant to leave. After returning, Deng's mother was suddenly ostracized by her clansmen and taxed. Under the huge pressure, Deng's mother could not make up her mind to accept the nobleman's request, and Deng Fan became his adopted son.

As she spoke, Mother Deng's eyes filled with tears, and she held back the tears and said, "Call me foster father."

"Ah, mother!" Deng Fan looked at Mother Deng pitifully.

"Call me foster father." Mother Deng emphasized.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Huo Jun couldn't bear it and said, "Mrs. Deng, if Fan'er goes to Xiangyang with me, where will you live?"

Mother Deng was silent for a long time and said, "Maybe I can go back to my parents' house for a while."

Huo Jun frowned and said, "I'm not married. Now that Fan'er has followed me to Xiangyang, it's hard for me to take care of her. Mrs. Deng might as well go to Xiangyang with Fan'er to take care of her. Qijun will also hire you as a cook to help the family." Don’t be short of money for cooking.”

"Cook?" Mother Deng was stunned for a long time and said, "Most of the cooks are men, and the concubines are women. It may not be in line with the rules."

The profession of cook did not flourish until the Tang and Song Dynasties.During the Qin and Han Dynasties, there were chefs as a profession, but there were few cooks.

Huo Jun smiled and said, "Madam, do you know what's going on?"

"I have little knowledge and have never heard of it." Mother Deng shook her head and said.

"During the reign of Emperor Xiaoming of this dynasty, celebrities from Wu County in the east of the Yangtze River were outraged and punished one after another. Their mother went to the capital to offer food. Emperor Xiaoming took pity on her filial piety and pardoned her crime." Huo Jun said: "Fan'er is only six years old now. Although he is taken care of by Jun, Isn’t it sad that he didn’t get his mother’s love?”

"Jun hires Madam as a cook. From now on, she can make a living and take care of her children. It should be considered a matter of both worlds. There is no need to be too restrictive." After saying that, Huo Jun said with a smile: "My servant is clumsy and cannot be described as delicious. Madam is here to serve. The cook is a great favor to Jun."

"Thank you, Mr. Huo, for your appreciation!" After pondering for a long time, Mother Deng looked at the young Deng Fan and couldn't bear it. She saluted and said, "If you don't mind that my cooking skills are vulgar, I am willing to serve."


①: "Three Kingdoms: The Biography of the First Lord": Zhixian Lord and Shu were fighting for months, and Lu Bu took advantage of the opportunity to attack Xiapi.Cao Bao, the general in charge of Xiapi, rebelled and welcomed Bu.The first lord Bu Lu's wife, the first lord transferred to Haixi.

 Compared with Lu Bu's murder of Liu Bei's wife and children, I suspect that the tigers and wolves under Lu Bu's command may violate Liu Bei's wife and children.

  After all, Cao's army was like that when they entered Yecheng~ Lu Bu's group of soldiers from Dong Zhuo's men would probably be even better.In short, Liu Bei hates Lu Bu for various reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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