Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 24 Xiang

Chapter 24 Return to Xiang
After the Jiyang incident was over, Liu Qi walked around the surrounding area, publicized his severe punishment of Zhang Yun's subordinates, and then returned to Xiangyang with satisfaction.

Compared with the traveling speed, returning to Xiangyang was slower. After all, Huo Jun also brought Deng Fan and his son with him. In order to accommodate the two of them, he hired an extra ox cart.However, once we arrived at the Bishui shore and got on the boat, our speed returned to normal.Go south along Bishui and then cross the Han River to reach Xiangyang.

Along the way, the sense of accomplishment that he may have achieved made Liu Qi very happy. He thought about how his father would praise him after he returned to Xiangyang.However, Huo Jun looked alone at the water of Han River, with a smile on his face at first, and then his heart became heavy.

Liu Qi caught such abnormal behavior and asked, "Is Zhong Miao having something on his mind?"

"It's not something I'm worried about." Huo Jun looked at Xiangyang City on the other side and said vaguely, "I'm just thinking about it a little bit!"

The other party didn't want to tell, and Liu Qi didn't force him to ask.

In fact, Huo Jun was thinking about the effect of the rumors spreading in Xiangyang City, and thinking about how to further promote the development of the situation.

Through his excellent operation, Zhang Yun has already had a conflict with Liu Qi. Perhaps Cai Mao will reach out to win over Zhang Yun. Zhang Yun will stand on the opposite side of Liu Qi just like in history.

Now, once Liu Cong marries Cai's daughter, he will have a series of help from Cai, Cai Mao, Kuai Yue, Zhang Yun, etc.

Huo Jun looked at Liu Qi who was drinking. What teammates did Liu Qi have?

He tried to make friends with northern scholars, but even the capable northern scholars looked down upon Liu Qi.In the past, he relied on Liu Biao's favor, but now things are not going well both internally and externally.Even without his own involvement, Liu Qi would have been forced to lose his inheritance rights.

After thinking deeply, Huo Jun sighed secretly in his heart.Next, after Liu Cong gets married and his power begins to show, he can further persuade Liu Qi to go to Jiangdong and make achievements.

Hope it doesn’t cause another trouble!

"Zhong Miao, you are not married, how come you have adopted a son?" Liu Qi, who was drinking, asked out of curiosity: "How about Qi find a good family of a noble family for you and arrange a match for you? A parent and a son are better than a son of a moth."

Huo Jun, who came out of his thoughts, smiled and said: "The current situation is turbulent and it is difficult to get married. Thank you to the eldest son for your love. As for recognizing Fan'er as his adopted son, Quan Dangjun appreciates Fan'er and sees that he is talented and intelligent, and he may be able to achieve great things in the future. .”

There are also different grades of adopted sons. There are adopted sons like Liu Feng who have inheritance rights, or adopted sons like Cao Zhen who changed their surname but have no inheritance rights, or adopted sons like Qin Lang who have no rights.Huo Jun fell into the latter category when he adopted Deng Fan as his adopted son.

If the time is switched to the Ming Dynasty, adopted sons also have a special meaning. The gentry used the form of adopting adopted sons to raise slaves.Now that it was legal to raise slaves in the Han Dynasty, it naturally did not have the special meaning that it had in the Ming Dynasty.

"A big deal?"

Liu Qi looked at Deng Fan who was standing on the deck, looking at the river with a curious expression, and muttered: "Little brat, what big things can you achieve with your stuttering?"

Hearing this, Deng Fan turned around, faced Liu Qi's disapproving gaze, and stuttered: "I once heard that the flying general Li Guang and the famous scholar Sima Xiangru were all stutterers (Note [-]). What does stuttering have to do with achieving great things? "

"There is also a famous minister named Zhou Chang."


Liu Qi looked at Huo Jun and said in a surprised tone: "Li Guang and Sima Xiangru stuttered, but Qi really didn't know about it. The fact that this kid can answer this question must have been taught by Zhong Miao."

"Ha ha!"

Huo Jun smiled without answering and touched the horn on Deng Fan's head.Deng Fan was often ridiculed for his stuttering. After becoming his adoptive father, Huo Jun also taught him how to resolve the ridicule of others. At the same time, he also used the deeds of Li Guang, Sima Xiangru and other great figures to inspire him to improve himself.

"Go back!" Huo Jun said, "Get your luggage and we are about to land."

"No!" Deng Fan stepped on his short legs and pulled the edge of the boat with his small hands, and carefully touched back to the cabin.

Liu Qi looked at little Deng Fan leaving and said, "A cowherd boy can be so courageous and smart, and he will definitely achieve success if he is taught."

"After returning to Xiangyang, Jun should find a teacher for him." Huo Jun said with a smile.

Historically, Deng Ai almost relied on his own exploration and self-learning to climb to a high position.Since childhood, he has been given a generous family education. I wonder what will happen to him when he grows up.Regarding Deng Ai's education, Huo Jun has already chosen a good teacher for him.

Liu Qi felt melancholy and said: "Every cattle herding boy can have such knowledge, how come my son is timid and inactive and refuses to listen to his teachings."

Feeling a little depressed, Liu Qi looked at the river and remained silent.
In the evening, Liu Biao walked to the backyard in a depressed mood. Cai Yin greeted him and asked, "My husband's brows are furrowed. What is it that makes your husband so unhappy?"

Liu Biao said angrily: "Qi'er punished the subordinates of Zi Xu (Zhang Yun). Zi Xu's superior said that Qi'er's punishment was too severe and hurt the soldiers. Qi'er also said that Zi Xu's behavior was illegal. Go straight to the government office."

Cai Yin took off his outer robe for Liu Biao and said: "Although the eldest son enforces the law impartially, he is too strict and makes it difficult to get along with his subordinates. Moreover, Zi Xu is his close relative, so he should be able to persuade him with good words. I never thought that Ji Yang's matter would become even more serious." It's not a good thing to make a big fuss."

After many years of getting along with each other, Cai Yin knew why Liu Biao was unhappy, and deliberately followed Liu Biao's words, and her words were mixed with unfavorable remarks about Liu Qi.

Liu Biao sat on the couch and said helplessly: "My sister only has one son, Xu, and she asked me to take good care of her before she died. He also failed to live up to expectations. I asked him to station troops outside, but he caused trouble, violated the county people, and quarreled with Qi'er. Brother Put peace first!"

Cai Yin rubbed Liu Biao's shoulders and patted his back, and said with a smile: "Zixu set up the military market to raise military supplies. Now his subordinates are deceiving the superiors and concealing the truth. He is also being covered up. Invading the county people is not his original intention and cannot be done too much. also."

After a pause, Cai Yin said: "Zixu is easily deceived outside, and it is not conducive for my husband to be in charge of Xiangyang's military. Now it is better to transfer him back to Xiangyang to take charge of the Xiangyang Central Army, which will also help my husband to supervise."

Liu Biao pondered for a long time and said: "Now that the Jiyang incident has happened, it is difficult for Zixu to command the army outside. The Central Plains is in turmoil, and many of it affects Xiangyang. Let him return to take charge of the Xiangyang Central Army, which can also consolidate military power."

"Exactly!" Cai Yin said warmly: "Zixu has been stationed abroad for many years. His relationship with Qi'er, Cong'er, Xiu'er and others is very unfamiliar. Now that he comes back, we can get to know each other. After all, in troubled times, we can't There is no clan member whose relatives are my arms.”

Liu Biao sighed and said, "Yin'er is right. I'm old, and the foundation of Jingzhou will be handed over to Qi'er sooner or later. It's better to let him get acquainted with Zi Duoduo now."

Cai Yin's smile became even warmer and she said, "My husband is still in good health and can still manage Jingzhou for decades. How can I be old?"

"Decades, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Liu Biao sighed, recited the nursery rhymes that were common in Xiangyang City, and asked: "Madam, do you know that your son is a Wu Yue wolf, and he will be rampant when he succeeds?" "Is this a nursery rhyme?"

Cai Yin thought for a while and said, "I heard a little bit about it. I heard it from a woman with a garbled tongue."

"The first time I took revenge on my father, I took the head of the thief in three years."

Liu Biao leaned on the desk and recited this nursery rhyme, feeling something bad in his heart.If the descendant is Sun Quan, then who is Huang Zu or me?
Cai Yin seemed to notice Liu Biao's strangeness and said with a smile: "Husband, this is just a nursery rhyme, how can you take it seriously? Although I have little knowledge, I still know that Jiangdong is in chaos. It is difficult for Sun Quan to take power at the moment, so how can he lead his army to attack."

Liu Biao did not feel relieved by Cai Yin's words. Instead, he frowned suspiciously. In his opinion, he still needed to ask his subordinates for their opinions.

①: "Historical Records: Biography of Sima Xiangru": "Xiangru stuttered but was good at writing books."

"Historical Records: Biography of General Li": "When he is wide and quiet, he speaks little. When he lives with people, he paints the ground as a military display. He shoots wide and narrow to drink."

(End of this chapter)

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