Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 25 Bold

Chapter 25 Bold (3 more)
Xiangyang, Zhennan General Mansion.

On the central case, Liu Biao has not arrived yet.The hall was full of people, with civil and military ranks clearly visible.

As a member of the army, Huo Jun consulted the Jingzhou military and returned to the military service.Its location is remote and in a corner.As the leader of their military positions, military advisor Cai Mao was in charge. When he was talking to his cronies, the topic occasionally came up about Cao Cao in the north.

Huo Jun talked with his colleagues and explored the secrets of Jingzhou that he didn't know.

"General Zhennan, Jingzhou Mu, and Marquis Chengwu have arrived." The attendant shouted loudly.

"Meet the envoy."

Liu Biao walked forward, sat on the couch, and accepted everyone's etiquette.

Liu Biao looked at Liu Qi and said calmly: "The eldest son is patrolling Jiyang in the north. He enforces the law fairly and can convince the people. This is a very good thing. However, in terms of the law, the firmness and softness must be appropriate and not extreme."

"No!" Liu Qi said with cupped hands.

Liu Biao leaned on the couch and asked, "What's the situation in Hebei now? Can the Yuan brothers join forces to defend against the enemy?"

Kuai Liang shook his head and said: "Ming Gong didn't know something. Yuan Tan wanted to join forces with Yuan Shang and stationed troops in Liyang. However, Yuan Shang was wary of Yuan Tan and sent a small number of soldiers to accompany the army. Yuan Tan requested more troops, but Yuan Shang refused. Yuan Tan killed him in anger. Now Cao Cao's troops are marching into Hebei, and Yuan Shang and Yuan Tan join forces to resist."

Liu Biao sighed and said, "Yuan Tan killed Feng Ji. There is already a rift between the brothers. How can we resist Cao Cao?"

"What can you do now?"

Kuai Yue lowered his eyes, cupped his hands and said: "To report to Duke Ming, it depends on Duke Ming's persuasion to Yuan Tan and a letter to reconcile with Yuan Shang, so that the two of them can join forces. Now it is better to write a letter to persuade Yuan Shang to reconcile with his brother Yuan Tan. Don't do it." Do what your brothers want to do to prevent Cao Mengde from benefiting."

"Yes!" Liu Biao nodded and said: "Hebei is rich in products and has a large population. If the Yuan brothers are in harmony and use the power of Hebei, they can stalemate with Cao Cao. Theft cannot be due to civil strife and lead to Cao Cao's gain."

"Where is Zhongxuan?"

"Chan is here!" Wang Can appeared from the corner and replied.

Liu Biao ordered: "Last time you persuaded the two Yuans, you have done a good job. Now write a letter to persuade Yuan Shang to be magnanimous, harmonious with his brother, and work together to control Cao Cao."


Huo Jun, who was kneeling below, sighed secretly, which meant that Liu Biao felt that it was useful to write a letter to persuade him to make peace.The Kuai Yue brothers may have seen Liu Biao's desire not to cause trouble, and came up with this strategy. It not only satisfied Liu Biao's desire to struggle, but also perfunctory today's work, only causing Wang Can to write.

Today's Liu Biao looks very much like the Buddhist bosses of later generations. When encountering such a boss, his subordinate Wenwu will just go to work and lose the desire to fight.

In Huo Jun's peripheral vision, he could already see some older people dozing off.

"Ahem!" Liu Biao coughed, trying to attract everyone's attention and asked: "What do you think of Jiangdong? Do you need to be careful?"

Everyone raised their heads slightly and looked at Liu Biao, trying to understand Liu Biao's deeper meaning.Huo Jun was in high spirits, and Liu Biao was able to ask about Jiang Dong, indicating that the recent rumors in Xiangyang still had an impact on him, so there was no need to resort to such tactics.

After a while, Cai Mao seemed to have read through Liu Biao's thoughts and said: "I'm telling you, Duke Ming, although there have been rumors recently, it will not change the overall situation. In the Jiangdong incident, Sun Ce died suddenly, Sun Quan came to power, the people were not in line, and the generals were not inferior and wanted to attack us. Jingzhou is in trouble! Moreover, Jiangxia has Governor Huang in charge, so Ming Gong need not worry."

After a pause, Cai Mao said in order to comfort Liu Biao: "If Ming Gong is worried, he can send soldiers to support Jiangxia and assist Huang Zu in garrisoning to control Jiangdong."

Before Cai Mao finished speaking, Huo Jun stood up from the table and said in a deep voice: "Jun disagrees with Cai's military advisor. The Sun family in Jiangdong is a tiger and a wolf. Sun Jian robbed Luzhou County, was brave and violent, and finally died at the hands of the envoy; Sun Ce killed the famous surname. , separatist power outside the river, died suddenly at the sword of a common man."

"When Sun Ce was establishing his business, he coveted Jiangxia and invaded frequently. Jingzhou's soldiers killed and injured tens of thousands, and many of the people were plundered by him, and all their property and boats were taken away. Jiangxia was in danger, but fortunately Sun Ce died suddenly and saved it from being lost."

"Looking at it from a high point of view, Huang Taishou is now old and has been defeated at the hands of Sun Ce. He is no longer as wise and brave as before. Now Jiangxia is barren, with little wealth and grain. The boats and war equipment are useless and not repaired. He is lazy in farming and has no troops. . If Jiangdong comes to attack, they may not be able to defeat Jiangdong's soldiers." "And Sun Quan, although he came to power at a young age, has great ambitions. In order to consolidate his position, he first conquered Lujiang Li Shu, massacred its city, and plundered its people. Now Jiangdong refuses to accept, and Jun Lian Sun Quan will definitely march westward, hoping to break Jiangxia's military power and take advantage of the situation to subjugate the unruly people at home."

Cai Mao looked ugly and said: "The contradiction what Huo Shenjun said is that he is talking about the danger in the east of the Yangtze River, but he is not talking about Sun Quan's expedition to the west. Now that the east of the Yangtze River is in turmoil, Sun Quan, in order to stabilize the situation, will repair the internal affairs of officials and withdraw military power externally, so how can he easily send troops. "

Huo Jun sneered and said: "Ming Gong entrusted the importance of Jingzhou to Your Excellency, but the military advisor did not take it seriously. How can it be called dedicated?"

With that said, Huo Jun raised his hand to Liu Biao and said excitedly: "Ming Gong, Sun Ce used force to control Jiangdong, but his foundation was weak and the counties were not convinced. Sun Quan's succession was unstable because his reputation was not enough and it was difficult to convince the generals. If you want to take control of Jiangdong now, , it is the best policy to imitate Sun Ce. Use military force to make achievements, show prestige on the left side of the Yangtze River, and make the civil and military forces surrender."

"So Jun believes that Jiangdong must be prepared, and Sun Quan must be prepared. Maybe next year, Sun Quan will march directly into Jiangxia and attack Jiangxia. If it is feasible, Ming Gong can first send generals to lead the army to conquer it, so that the Wu people do not dare to advance lightly. "

"Huo Shenjun~"

Just as Cai Mao was about to refute, Liu Biao spoke up and said: "Degui and Zhongmiao are sergeants in Jingzhou. How can we attack with words? Let's leave it like that for the time being. The matter in Jiangdong is over!"


After returning to the table, Huo Jun's expression had already calmed down.He was so excited in front of Liu Biao mainly because he hoped to leave a deep impression on him. Only when Sun Quan attacks, Liu Biao will remember his words today, and his remonstrances in the future will have greater weight.

However, looking at Liu Biao's attitude today, the trick of hiding the belly of a fish in silk must still be used to strengthen Liu Biao's sense of crisis and form a double verification of prediction and fact with Sun Quan's invasion of Jiangxia in the future.

When the discussion was over, the crowd retreated.

Cai Mao went to find the Kuai brothers and said, "Huo Zhongmiao must be a person with a false reputation!"

"Why did De Gui say this?" Kuai Yue asked.

"Our envoys caused a rift between Liu Qi and Zhang Yun, but Huo Jun didn't know it, so he still asked Liu Qi to severely punish Zhang Yun. This made it easy for me to win over Zhang Yun and let him serve Mr. Cong." Cai Mao said angrily: "Today, I firmly assert that Jiangdong invades our Jingzhou , how can you be called a sergeant?"

Kuai Liang comforted him with a smile and said: "No one is perfect. Maybe Huo Zhongmiao is good at military strategy but not good at political wrestling. And he is still young. He is too arrogant to talk about Guandu and Liu Zhang. De Gui doesn't need to keep it in mind. .”

Cai Mao snorted lightly and said, "Huo Zhongmiao has returned to Liu Qi's tent. He is bound to conflict with us. How can we let him go so easily?"

"Huo Jun is nothing to worry about. He just joined the army and has no real power. De Gui and Zi Xu command the central army, and Mrs. Cai is in the house to help. It is easy to do this. The matter of Mr. Cong is the most important thing at the moment!" Kuai Liang said.

Cai Mao saw Kuai Yue thinking silently and asked, "Brother Yidu, why don't you say anything?"

Kuai Yue pondered for a while and said, "I was thinking about what Liu Xuande and Huo Zhongmiao said about Jiangdong."

"What's wrong?" Kuai Liang asked.

Kuai Yue shook his head and said: "Liu Bei and Huo Jun are planning more than this. The matter in Jiangdong may not be as simple as we expected."

Cai Mao sneered and said: "Huo Junruo says again that Jiangdong is dangerous and needs to send troops to attack. At that time, Liu Jingzhou will order him to lead hundreds of soldiers to Jiangxia to garrison in order to avoid making noise."

Hearing this, Kuai Yue laughed and said, "Although De Gui's strategy is simple and clear, it is actually the best strategy."

At this time, Huo Jun, who had just come out of the assembly hall, was grabbed by his clothes and shouted loudly.

"Huo Jun, you are so bold. You plotted against Liu Xuande to take Jiangdong. First, Liu Xuande took advantage of Yuan Benchu's death to persuade Liu Jingsheng to attack Jiangzuo. Now I abuse the prophecy and force Liu Jingsheng to attack Jiangzuo. You can hide it from everyone, but you can't hide it from me."

 Three updates in a row, trying to ensure the reading experience within my scope

(End of this chapter)

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