Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 26 Timing

Chapter 26 Timing
Hearing this, Huo Jun was instantly frightened out of his wits. This was something he had hidden deep in his heart. If someone said it out loud, he would definitely die if Liu Biao's people knew about it.

Subconsciously, Huo Jun reached for the sword, held the hilt, prepared to strike, and then turned around to look.

But when he saw Wang Can with a smirk on his face and no one else around him, Huo Jun breathed a sigh of relief and removed his hand from the hilt of the sword.In Xiangyang, Wang Can was the only one who was familiar with him and knew about his plan to go to Jiangdong for Liu Bei.Once you know the purpose, look at the means, and it’s easy to work backwards.

Huo Jun calmed down and said, "If Zhongxuan doesn't write a letter to Yuan Shang, how can he come to see me?"

"Write a letter?" Wang Can got on the bullock cart and said, "Can can just have his hands, so there is no need to think too much. On the contrary, Zhong Miao must have been holding back his words for a long time!"

Huo Jun also climbed into the car, signaled Huo Xiong to drive away, and said with a wry smile: "Please Zhongxuan keep this confidential matter secret, otherwise Jun's life will not be saved."

Wang Can pursed his lips and said, "Can Can be the person who harms his friends? Now I see Zhong Miao because I want to tell you something important."


Wang Can leaned into Huo Jun's ear and said: "Just after the discussion, Can saw Cai Mao having a secret conversation with brothers Kuai Liang and Kuai Yue. Although he could not hear his words, Kuai Yue seemed to have already expressed concern about Zhong Miao's talk about Jiangdong. Feeling suspicious."


Huo Jun frowned slightly, having some concerns in his mind, he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Zhongxuan for telling me!"

Kuai Yue should not have guessed that his purpose was to get Liu Bei to go to Jiangdong, so what was he suspecting?
It is not that there are no capable people in Jingzhou. The longer you plan, the more flaws you will expose and the easier it will be to be discovered.Perhaps the matter of hiding silk in the belly of a fish needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible and a big one should be done.

Then he persuaded Liu Qi to make great achievements and show off his power, and went to Yangzhou with Liu Bei.Even if it doesn't work, it can further stimulate Liu Biao. When Sun Quan attacks Huang Zu, with the facts verified, Liu Qi's request to fight will be reasonable.

At that time, there were prophecies inside and Sun Quan invaded outside, so Liu Qi asked for a fight on behalf of his father.Under this circumstance, Liu Biao would most likely agree.

So when will the silk hidden in the belly of the fish achieve the best effect?

Huo Jun looked at Wang Can and said, "Can you do Jun a favor?"

"What's the matter?" Wang Can replied.

Huo Jun leaned over and whispered in Wang Can's ear.

When he first listened to Huo Jun's narration, Wang Can's face was dull and he nodded slightly.But as Huo Jun spoke, Wang Can's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

When Huo Jun finished speaking, Wang Can's expression suddenly changed, and he lowered his voice and said, "Zhong Miao, you are desperate. If Liu Jingzhou knows about this, even the eldest son will not be able to protect you!"

Compared to Wang Can's excitement, Huo Jun was calm and said with a smile: "Why did Zhong Xuan's color change so drastically?"

Wang Can looked solemn and said: "Huo Zhongmiao, this matter is related to your life, so you must not be careless."

Huo Jun took Wang Can's hand and whispered: "Therefore, only Zhongxuan can help Jun. If someone says that this was done deliberately, just say a few more words. The prophecy may be a matter of human nature. , or heaven, it depends on which one Liu Jingzhou believes in!"

"Okay!" Wang Can gritted his teeth and said, "At that time, I will ask my friends to help with a few words. As for success or failure, it depends on what Zhong Miao does."

"Don't worry!" Huo Jun said: "Sun Quan has raised his troops to attack Jiangxia. Liu Jingzhou has to believe it even if he doesn't believe it."

"hope so!"

Wang Can sighed and said, "Now that the plan to go to Jiangdong failed, Zhongmiao stopped. When Cao Gong decides on Hebei and sends his troops south, Jun can follow Can and submit to Cao Gong. By then, with Can's words, he can also win for Zhong Miao. Official position."

Although Wang Can cannot be reused in Jingzhou, his connections are not as wide as usual.His great-grandfather Gong served as Taiwei, his grandfather Wang Chang served as Sikong, and his father Wang Qian served under He Jin.

If it weren't for Dong Zhuo's chaos, Wang Can's identity and ability would be enough to gain a foothold in the central government.As a powerful man, Huo Jun wants to get to know Wang Can and become close friends, which is a fantasy.

Huo Jun was silent for a while and said: "Zhongxuan's good intentions are already known to Jun! However, Jun thinks that the matter in Jiangdong can generally be accomplished."

Compared with the doubts of outsiders, Huo Jun is full of confidence.When the external environment was shaping the Jiangdong threat theory, Liu Biao, as the leader, must have had doubts. But if the threat theory came true, Liu Biao, who had an enemy of Sun Quan who killed his father, would not believe it.

The clay figurine still has some anger. As the overlord of Jingzhou, how can Liu Biao not have anger?Liu Biao and Huang Zu also sent troops to intervene in the Jiangdong war before, but were severely defeated by Sun Ce. Now that Sun Ce is dead and the threat is no longer there, they will definitely send troops to teach Sun Quan a lesson.

Wang Can, a free and easy man, knew that he could not convince Huo Jun, so he didn't take it to heart.If you have close friends, you can help them in times of crisis.

"Zhong Miao, since Chengming has taken charge of Jiangxia, I am hosting a farewell banquet tonight. Would you like to come?" Wang Can asked.

Wang Can's ability to make friends is really outstanding. He not only maintained friendly relations with northern scholars, but also had good relations with local scholars in Jingzhou.

Pan Jun, courtesy name Chengming, was from Wuling and was Jiang Wan's cousin.He entered Xiangyang in a weak position and studied under the great scholar Song Zhong. Wang Can also praised Pan Jun's talents.He is similar in age to Huo Jun, and he had drank and interacted with Pan Jun before.

At this time, Huo Xiong shouted: "Mr. Wang, the wine shop has arrived!" Wang Can held on to the carriage rail and was about to get out of the car, and said, "I miss Zhong Miao a lot, why don't Zhong Miao go see me? "

Huo Jun shook his head and said with a smile: "I offer a bottle to someone, and the adopted son of the Yan family is apprenticed to me. It's hard for me to leave."

Hearing this, Wang Can winked and joked: "It seems that the cook at Zhongmiao's house is very beautiful!"


Huo Jun reached for the money bag next to him, threw it directly into Wang Can's hand, and said: "Drink a few more drinks today, and I'll pay for the singer's expenses."

Wang Can took the money bag and said with a smile: "Zhong Miao is so heroic!"

With that said, Wang Can put the money bag into his sleeve and laughed happily.That laughter could still reach Huo Jun's ears from a long distance away.

"go home!"


The ox cart, driven by Huo Xiong, stopped in front of the yard after a while.

Huo Jun entered the courtyard and saw a Confucian scholar already waiting in the hall and talking to Deng Fan.

"Zhong Miao!"


The first one and the second one stood up to welcome Huo Jun back and said.

"Brother Zihua!" Huo Jun walked into the hall and said with cupped hands, "I'm sorry for the delay in Liu Jingzhou's discussion today."

"Nothing!" Sima Zhi looked at little Deng Fan and said with a smile: "I happened to have a few words with Fan'er. Although he stuttered, he is indeed as talented and intelligent as Zhong Miao said. It is really a piece of jade. If you train, you will achieve success.”

Although Sima Zhi was from Wen County, Hanoi, he was not related to Sima Yi. He was just an ordinary scholar in Wen County.If we were to forcefully trace their relationship, they might have had the same ancestor hundreds of years ago.

When the Central Plains was divided, Sima Zhi was young and knowledgeable, so he went south with his fellow villagers to avoid chaos in Jingzhou.Encountering thieves in Luyang Mountain, all the villagers abandoned the old and the weak and ran away. Only Sima Zhi guarded his mother, praying that the thieves would kill him and spare his mother.The thief took pity on his filial piety and let the mother and son go.

After arriving in Jingzhou, Sima Zhi worked in Xiangyang, read poetry and books, and served his mother for several years.Although he had a good relationship with Wang Can, he did not become an official because of his low reputation.Now Huo Jun valued Sima Zhi's character and knowledge, and specially asked him to be Deng Fan's first teacher.

Huo Jun sat on the couch with him and said, "In this case, I wonder if Zihua can accept him as his disciple and teach him? Jun should not treat Zihua unfairly with his academic qualifications and training."

It is not easy for one person to farm in Xiangyang, serve his mother, and study scriptures.Zhuge Liang at least had a wife to help him, but Sima Zhi was too poor to have a wife.

Huo Jun was able to invite Sima Zhi to be Deng Fan's master because he knew that he was short of money and wanted to help his friends and find a good teacher for Deng Fan.

If you want to find someone in Jingzhou who pays equal attention to moral character and knowledge and surpasses Sima Zhi, the only one is Longzhong Wolong.After all, in history, Sima Zhi was one of the Three Dukes of Cao Wei. He was known for his open-mindedness, integrity, and honesty.

Sima Zhi did not hesitate, raised his hands and said: "Since Zhong Miao trusts me, Zhi is willing to accept Fan'er as his disciple."

Just kidding, if you are so poor that you have no money to marry a wife, why should you be reserved?

This money came from a legitimate source. It was neither a robbery nor a gift from Brother Zhongmiao because he felt sorry for himself. A gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way, that's all.

As a powerful man, Huo Jun was able to blend in among these people not only because of Wang Can's introduction, but also because Huo Jun was willing to spend money.Huo Jun cannot be said to be rich because of the resale of Ba Yan, but he can also be said to be small rich.

"Fan'er, let's have tea and pay homage to our master!"

At some point, Chef Deng had already come to Deng Fan's side and signaled her son to kowtow and acknowledge him.

Deng Fan took the tea from his mother and bowed to Sima Zhi.

Sima Zhi took the tea and took a sip, indicating that the etiquette was complete and he accepted Deng Fan as his disciple.

At the same time, Huo Hu came into the hall carrying meat and vegetables in his left hand and fine rice in his right hand.

Huo Jun ordered: "Put the Xiu Xiu and academic materials on the oxcart, and then send them to your husband's home."


(End of this chapter)

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