Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 250: Seeking the Lord

Chapter 250: Seeking the Lord
Three poles high in the sun, the state capital is laughing.

There were warblers and birds in the house, and Liu Qi was blindfolded playing hide-and-seek with his beloved concubines.Liu Qi captured Jingchu, and his thoughts gradually became wild. Without Liu Biao on his head, no one could take away his position, so he gradually became more and more wanton.

Most of these singers were beauties offered by the Jiangling clan to please Cao Cao after he went south.However, Cao Cao was defeated and these beautiful singers were taken over by Liu Qi.Seeing that the singer was so beautiful and without external pressure, Liu Qi's thoughts were already racing.

"It's here!"

It's hot in summer, and the singers in thin clothes are playing around Liu Qi.

"Is it here?"

Liu Qi looked for the sound and pounced, but his pounce was in vain.

"It made you a step slower!"

The plump singer covered her mouth and snickered.

Liu Qi sniffed the rouge smell in the air, smiled and said, "When I catch you, I'll see how I punish you."

"I'm so scared!"

Another singer, with a graceful figure and a look of feigned timidity, was endearing as she spoke in a soft voice.

"Are you afraid now?"

Liu Qi pretended to be displeased, blindfolded and touched in the opposite direction, saying, "It's too late~"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Qi turned around suddenly, grabbed the graceful singer, raised and lowered her hands, and said greasyly: "Are you afraid?"

"I'm so scared, please be gentle!"

When the other singers saw someone being caught on purpose, they secretly cursed that person as a bitch, but their bodies leaned over, fearing that they would lose Liu Qi's favor.


Just when Liu Qi was enjoying himself happily, an ignorant attendant reported outside the house and said: "Envoy Qi, the envoy of Yizhou, Fa Zheng, is asking to see you!"

Liu Qi, who was kneading the dough, felt irritated and said, "Didn't you tell that Fazheng? Wait until Liu Yangzhou and General Huo return to discuss the alliance of the three families."

"Your Majesty, Fa Zhengyan has something important to do, and I have come to write to you to pay homage to your Majesty." The attendant said bravely.


Liu Qi felt dissatisfied, but thinking about the importance of Fa rectification, he reluctantly gave up his fun.

Patting his round buttocks with both hands, Liu Qi said helplessly: "I'll let you wait for now. I'll be punished by being alone tonight."

"You can wait for your envoy."

Those singers reluctantly let Liu Qi go, and Liu Qi also felt nostalgic.

After waiting for a long time, Liu Qi put on his formal clothes and walked to the main hall to meet Fa Zheng.

Fa Zheng wears black Confucian clothes and behaves in a measured manner.Although his appearance is not as outstanding as that of Zhuge Liang, Lu Su, and Huo Jun, the shrewdness in his eyes and the constant sizing up of Liu Qi seem to tell him that he is an unusual scholar, and this trip is not as simple as an envoy to discuss an alliance.

"Envoy from Yizhou, Commander of the Military Council, Fa Zheng, pays a visit to Liu Jingzhou on the orders of our Lord. I present five thousand pieces of Shu brocade and two hundred war horses to congratulate you on your great achievement in defeating Cao." Fa Zheng said with his hand in hand.

Liu Qi looked through the documents presented by Fazheng. The article was written by Xu Jing. It was full of the righteousness of the Han Dynasty and downplayed the conflicts that occurred between the Yi and Jing families in the past.

The previous conflicts between Jingyi and Jingzhou were mostly initiated by Liu Biao. If Liu Zhang ignored them, there wouldn't actually be many conflicts between the two families.Of course, it is not impossible to investigate Liu Zhang for helping Cao Cao.

Putting down the document, Liu Qi said: "I already know the heart of Yizhou. Cao Cao usurped the superiors and caused chaos in the Central Plains. It is very comforting for Yizhou to have this thought. The matter of the alliance between the three families cannot be decided by one person for the time being. Please wait for a few days, Mr. Fa."

Fa Zheng was quite disappointed when he saw Liu Qi's answer.Under this situation, Liu Qi could not confirm the covenant that the three alliances had almost formed.Could it be that he didn't know that he was sitting in Jingzhou, with Yizhou on his left and Yangzhou on his right, so he had to be the leader of the alliance?Liu Bei wanted to object, but he had no right to do so. He was destined to be on the opposite side of Cao Cao.

In order to ensure that he was not mistaken, Fa Zheng went on to say: "If the alliance between the three families is completed, my lord would like to respect Shi Jun as the leader of the alliance. I forgive Zheng for being brave enough to ask, how do you want to attack Cao Jun?"

Liu Qi was stunned for a moment, his mind went blank.

He doesn't know how to defeat Cao Cao!

The success of defeating Cao today was not only due to Huo Jun's blood, but also to Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Wenpin and others who actively advocated the battle.What idea could he have? For him at the moment, stabilizing Jingchu is his top priority.

After coughing a few times, Liu Qi said: "Let's see how Yi and Yang Prefectures cooperate. This matter should be discussed in detail, and there is no need to rush it."


Fazheng bowed his head in salute, helplessness and disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Liu Qi is not a wise master. If Liu Qi had great ambitions, how could he respond like this?

Yizhou, the land of abundance, has no pressure whether it is to provide food and grass or to send troops to fight.If Liu Zhang could provide food and troops to help Cao Cao, he could certainly also send troops and food to help Liu Qi. Unfortunately, Liu Qi didn't have this idea.

Fa Zheng originally wanted to test Liu Qi's ability, and then look for an opportunity to sell himself at a good price.But seeing Liu Qi today, Fa Zheng's wish was destined to come to nothing.

After walking out of the Prefectural Mufu's Mansion, Fazheng sighed and said to himself with a regretful tone: "Sitting in Jianghan and Wuchu without knowing it, his ability is not as good as that of his father Liu Biao, how is he different from Liu Zhang?"

Liu Yan and Liu Biao both belonged to the Liu clan with great ambitions, and both left a large amount of inheritance for their descendants.However, it is a pity that the descendants of these two people have no ambitions and are just household dogs.When Liu Bei became powerful, Liu Qi could not check and balance him; when governance was lax, it was difficult for Liu Zhang to manage Yizhou.

Fazheng's mind was racing with thoughts, and he thought to himself: "There are only two people I can see now, Liu Bei in Yangzhou, and Huo Jun in Nanjun. Liu Bei has moved to fight in the world, and he has ambitions, which may be seen. But Liu Bei is far away in Jiangzuo, and it is difficult for me to take care of him when I live in Yizhou." "

"Huo Jun was born in the civil and military fields. He is famous in China and is a hero among thousands of people. The current master, Liu Qi, is weak and I don't know if he is unwilling to be inferior to others. However, the following are guilty of being superior and have a terrible reputation. They are not a good choice."

"Maybe we can first observe Liu Bei. If Liu Bei doesn't recognize talents, how can I hide my talents from the world because of my reputation? You should observe Huo Jun as a person and see what his ambitions are!"
Not to mention that it is rare for Fa Zheng to miss the Ming Dynasty. The two Liu and Huo who were thinking about him were taking a boat on the Han River, entering the Yang River, and rushing to Jiangling.

On the way, Liu Bei and Huo Junchang chatted about the gains from the Battle of Chrysostom.

The Battle of Chrysostom was a large-scale battle. It started from Liu Bei's defense of Jiangxia as an outpost, and ended with Huo Jun plundering Hannan people and returning to Yinan. The battle lasted for a year, and involved about 30 soldiers from Jianghuai to Jianghan. Ten thousand, more men and horses than those involved in the Battle of Guandu.

Liu Bei stood on the deck and said: "From the north of Zhongmiao to Xiangfan, the two armies gathered a total of about [-] soldiers and more than [-] horses. Unfortunately, the fire at Chrysostom destroyed many of the armored soldiers, so the armored soldiers could not be captured. Many. Killing generals such as Lou Gui, Lu Zhao, Yue Jin, Cheng Yu... Cao Cao has been seriously injured after this battle."

Through Liu Bei's fragmentary narration, Huo Jun could hear the joy in Liu Bei's tone.The Battle of Chrysostom almost wiped out most of the troops and horses that Cao Cao had accumulated over more than ten years of fighting in the north and south, completely ruining Cao Cao's hope of unifying the world.

But Cao Cao was also lucky. He used Jianghan's soldiers to act as naval forces and took out most of the main force in the north.Otherwise, with the losses caused by the Chrysostom Fire, Cao Cao would have vomited blood and would not dare to stay in Xiangyang.

Cao Cao suffered heavy losses, but Er Liu was well fed.

Thirty thousand soldiers were reduced and the baggage was seized, which was divided equally between Liu and Liu.However, in addition to this, all the captured civil and military personnel, who were originally under Liu Biao's account, belonged to Liu Qi, and Liu Bei accounted for a small number of talents.Except for a small number of scholars who had followed Liu Bei and fled south, most of them had returned to Liu Qi's command.

Of course, there is also something interesting about the ownership of talents. Liu Ba, a famous scholar in Jingnan, is unwilling to play for Liu Qi.Liu Bei thought he was famous and wanted to invite Liu Ba to come out, but Liu Ba also disgraced Liu Bei, which made Liu Bei lose face.

In order to win back Liu Ba, Zhuge Liang, who was far away in Jianghuai, specially wrote to Liu Ba, fully understanding the righteousness and expressing that Liu Bei was indeed a wise master and could serve for him.

Liu Ba wrote back to Zhuge Liang, stating that Duke Cao unified the world for the sake of the people.Er Liu was motivated by selfish desires, coveting his own wealth and honor, and preventing the unification of the world. How could he continue to serve Er Liu.Er Liu is not worthy of his service, so he should travel around the world until Duke Cao returns.

After writing the letter, Liu Ba was afraid of being punished by Liu Ba, so he ran to Jiaozhi County.Seeing that Liu Ba was so ignorant of good and evil, both Liu and Liu felt deep hatred.

In addition to these, Cao Ren burned Jiangling and withdrew his troops, which also caused considerable losses.Thousands of civilians were killed and injured, most of the houses needed to be rebuilt, and all the Jiangling treasury was burned down.

Huo Jun looked at the rivers on both sides of the river and said: "Although Jiangling has suffered losses, its essence is still there. Feeding the people for several years shows how fertile it was in the past. The emperor took control of the four counties on the left side of the river, and more than [-] soldiers were surrendered. He rested for several years, and the soldiers There may be sixty or seventy thousand horses.”

Liu Bei said meaningfully: "If you want to expedition to the north to prosper the Han Dynasty, there will be some shortcomings!"

Hearing this, Huo Jun smiled and said nothing!
(End of this chapter)

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