Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 251 The first meeting with Liu Fa

Chapter 251 The first meeting with Liu Fa
In order to avoid suspicion, Liu Bei, Lu Su and others entered the city by land on horseback, while Huo Jun took a boat to Jiangling Water City, one day apart.

However, Liu and Huo thought too much. After Liu Qi saw the Fa Zheng, in addition to daily management, he played with the singer day and night, which was very enjoyable.

no way!This group of more than a dozen singers is very fresh, and their looks are also outstanding.After all, he was filial to Prime Minister Cao, how could the Jiangling nobles dare to neglect him.

It was not until he was about to discuss the treaty with Liu and Huo that Liu Qi reluctantly left Wenrou Township.

Liu Qi walked a little unsteadily, his feet walking on the ground as if he were stepping on cotton. He saw that Huo Jun, Liu Bei and others were already waiting for him in the hall.Liu Qi smiled and told everyone not to be polite and just take their seats.

"Zhongmiao fought for a long time and came back with great success. It was a lot of hard work. I have prepared a banquet to celebrate Zhongmiao and the Jingchu soldiers." Liu Qi said.

"Thank you, Ambassador!"

After a pause, Liu Qi said: "Liu Zhang from Yizhou sent envoys to establish an alliance between the three families. I think it might be possible, but I don't know what uncle and Zhong Miao want?"

Liu Bei pondered for a while and said: "Liu Zhang is weak and has no great ambitions. If Cao wins, he will return to Cao, and if Wu Chu wins, he will return to Wu Chu. If you don't accept it now, Liu Zhang will definitely surrender to Cao Cao. Although Liu Zhang is incompetent, Yizhou is rich and can send troops to provide food. , to make up for Wu Chu’s shortcomings.”

Since the end of the Han Dynasty, except for Yizhou, all other major states have been devastated by war.For example, Cao Cao went south to Jianghan, Liu Liu entered Jiangzuo, and Jingzhou and Yangzhou were more or less exposed to large-scale wars.

Today, except for a small amount of civil strife, Yizhou is generally prosperous and stable.Wouldn't it be a big loss if we didn't take this opportunity to ask Liu Zhang for military supplies?

Liu Qi looked at Huo Jun again and asked, "What does Zhong Miao mean?"

Huo Jun smiled and said: "Forging an alliance with Liu Zhang will only bring advantages and no disadvantages to our Wu and Chu families. Liu Zhang cannot control the tyrants of the gentry internally, and cannot retreat from Hanzhong Zhang Lu externally, so he is not afraid. His support of Tianfu is beneficial. Even if the state cannot send troops to help, it can still provide us with food, just like serving Cao Cao as before."

Although Liu Zhang was weak, he knew what was going on.He offended Wu Chu. If he wanted to avoid suffering, he had to pay protection money in exchange for peace.That is, in the name of Yucao, he sent money and food to Wu Chu to please the two Lius.Of course, it is also related to preventing Cao Cao from going south and the death of the three families.

Liu Qi nodded, feeling justified.They, Wu Chu, are not easy to mess with. He, Liu Bei, and Huo Jun worked together to defeat the invincible Cao Cao. How can they be kind people?

"In this case, we will form an alliance with Liu Zhang and the three families will protect themselves against the Han thief Cao Cao." Liu Qi said.


Huo Jun lowered his eyes and corrected him: "Three families wear clothes and take edicts to fight against thieves, and together they prosper the Han Dynasty and support the Han family's world."

Liu Qi had no ambitions. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to say that the three families were protecting themselves? It would be more impressive to think that the three families were ordered by the emperor to fight against thieves.


Liu Qi nodded and said: "I am ordered to punish the thieves and rejuvenate our Han family. Zhongxuan drafted a document for our three families to let everyone in the world know about this."


Wang Can stood up from his seat and responded.

As he spoke, Liu Qi smiled and said: "We have decided on an alliance between the three families. We invite Mr. Fa to the banquet tonight. It will be the best of our three families. We will discuss the rest at a later time."


The alliance between the three families was finalized, and Fa Zheng was asked to attend tonight's banquet in place of Liu Zhang. It happened to be that he could meet with the two monarchs, Liu Bei and Liu Qi, to discuss cooperation matters in depth.

At the banquet, Liu Qi was in charge, Jingchu civil and military officials were present, and Liu Bei and Fazheng were seated on the left and right respectively.

Liu Qi stood holding a bottle, with a slight appearance of a human king, and said: "Unfortunately, the late emperor passed away last year. His orphan brother Cong Yin, together with Kuai Yue, Cai Mao, Zhang Yun and others, tampered with the last order and conspired to surrender Cao Cao, which made the world abandon him. "

Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were captured by Liu Bei, Cai Mao was killed by Liu Bei, and Zhang Yun was delivered to Liu Qi.Liu Qi did not hesitate and killed Zhang Yun, threatening to avenge his father.

As for Kuai Yue, I have to say that he is lucky.When Cao Cao conquered Jianghan, he and Cai Mao needed to accompany the army, but Kuai Yue had to ask Cao Cao for orders and returned to Xuchang first with Guang Luxun to escape the disaster.

"Cao Cao raised millions of troops to attack Jianghan and plot against Wu and Chu. At the time of crisis, General Huo advocated war and joined forces with Liu Yangzhou to defeat Cao Cao at Chrysostom and save the Han Dynasty. This wine should be served Respect Liu Yangzhou and General Huo."

After speaking, Liu Qi toasted to Liu Bei and Huo Jun, and everyone followed suit.

"The alliance between the two families will never be abandoned!" Liu Bei said in a deep voice.

"Jun's meager strength depends on the envoy to sit in the rear and make Wu and Chu work together to resist Cao."

After toasting, Liu Qi took Fazheng's hand and said with a smile: "Liu Yizhou knows about my great achievements in Wu and Chu, and secretly thinks about serving the country. Now I am sending Fajun as an envoy to discuss an alliance between the three families to get rid of the national thieves. Liu Yangzhou was not very happy when he heard about it. From now on, the three states of Yi, Jing and Yang will form an alliance, and all the princes should work together to prosper the world of our Han family."

"Congratulations to the Son of Heaven!"

"Congratulations to the Three-State Covenant!" "Congratulations to the envoy!"


Following Liu Qi's order, the singers danced and the drums sounded.It was a great pleasure for the guests to drink wine while drinking wine.

While everyone was feasting and having fun, Liu Bei's passive skill was triggered and he took the initiative to talk to Fazheng.

Liu Bei and Fazheng were not far away from each other, only two or three steps apart, and asked: "Xiaozhi is sent as an envoy on Liu Yizhou's order. I wonder what the alliance between the three families is like?"

Fazheng saw that it was Liu Bei, and said in deep thought: "The three states of Yi, Jing, and Yang have dangerous mountains and terrain, as well as the natural chasm of the Yangtze River. With Cao Cao's current situation, the three families can protect themselves. However, they want to enter the central plains of the map. ...I’m afraid it will be difficult.”

Fa Zhengxin has a good impression of Liu Bei.Not only the heroic appearance of a dragon and phoenix when I first saw Liu Bei, but also Liu Bei's behavior that was different from Liu Qi.Liu Qi can often speak for the occasion, but has no strategy; while Liu Bei acts in a measured manner and speaks with substance.

Liu Bei raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Wu Chu sends troops to the Central Plains, and Bashu comes to help. Is it necessary?"

Fa Zheng thought about it for a while and said: "It's not that it can't be done, it's that if we don't have enough strength, it will be difficult to do it. You have the ambition of the Northern Expedition, but Zhang Lu is blocking the Northern Expedition in Yizhou, so you can only support food and grass. Therefore, if you want to do the Northern Expedition, you can only support it with food and grass." It depends on the strength of Wu Chu. If Wu Chu is used to fight against the Central Plains, I am afraid it will be ineffective."

Liu Bei nodded slightly, he quite agreed with Fa Zheng's words.The three alliances may seem powerful, but if they really want to threaten the north, only the three alliances will unite.After all, except for Wu Chu, Liu Zhang had no intention of the Northern Expedition.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei was eloquent.He was not thirsty, but he was slightly excited when he thought of Huo Jun's plan to divide the north and the south.

But Liu Bei calmed down again. Now it is not easy to get the four counties of Yangzhou, let alone the land of three states.It is better to do the things right now and wait for the opportunity to come.

After a pause, Liu Bei asked: "As Xiaozhi said, if the three families form an alliance and Ma Chao from the northwest is added, what do you think?"

"Northwestern Ma Chao?"

Fa Zheng stroked his beard and said: "The heroes of the northwest are standing together. Ma Chao and Han Sui can be allies. Whether they can fight Cao Cao together is unknown. But judging from the current situation, it is a feasible strategy."

There were more than a dozen warlords, large and small, in the northwest, ranging from tens of thousands to thousands. Ma Chao and Han Sui were only the two largest warlords.The alliance itself was not easy, let alone uniting the forces of a dozen warlords.

Then, Fazheng said meaningfully: "It is better to seek help from others than from yourself!"

Liu Bei was slightly dazed, but he remembered Fazheng's words in his heart.

Liu Bei raised his wine bottle, toasted Fazheng, and said, "Sir, what do you think of my Wu Chu civil and military skills?"

Fa Zheng looked at the heroic Huo Jun, and saw Wang Can, Pan Jun, Lu Su, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and others, and praised: "General Huo became famous at a young age, shocked China, defeated Cao Cao, and became a hero of the country. Wang, Pan, Lu and other kings are all heroes of the moment, Gai Fei Ba Shu can easily compare."

Liu Bei smiled brightly and said: "Why do you say that there is no one in Bashu? Bei Guan is filial, straightforward, has a strategic plan, and can understand the situation. How can he not be a talented person in Yizhou?"

Hearing this, Fazheng felt relieved and said humbly: "I have made you false, and Zheng has lived in vain for decades, and has achieved nothing so far. He is just a despicable person in Yizhou, how dare he be called a talented person."

Liu Bei comforted him and said: "How can you predict tomorrow's events today? Don't you hear that Fu said that he lifted it among the building blocks, Jiao Ge was lifted among the fish and salt, Guan Yi was lifted by the soldiers, Sun Shu'ao was lifted by the sea, and Baili Xi was lifted. Take it to the market. If you get the opportunity, you can also spread your wings in the sky."

Fazheng smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Liu, for the compliment!"

Since talking with Liu Bei, Fa Zheng already has an inclination in his mind.Liu Bei has been able to turn around the Central Plains and rebuild his foundation, which is by no means comparable to the second generation like Liu Qi.He is able to recognize talents and has great ambitions. Jiangdong may be just the beginning of his career.

Bashu, Jiangzuo, Jingchu...

But what would happen to Jingchu if Liu Bei was invited to Shu?
Fa Zheng's heart was full of thoughts, but he made up his mind to further communicate with Liu Bei.

Just when Fazheng was thinking secretly, Lu Su, who had been observing for a long time, whispered to Liu Bei: "Fa Xiaozhi seems to have unfulfilled intentions. My lord, why not have a deep conversation and get the inside story of Yizhou. Although Yizhou is temporarily unavailable, But we need to prevent Cao Cao from taking it."


Liu Bei glanced at Liu Qi, who was sitting in the middle, and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhi is on an envoy to Jiangling and Wu Chu. I wonder how long he will stay?"

Fa Zheng replied: "I have returned to the envoy, you can still stay for a few days. I want to see the heroes of Jingchu, but I want to disturb the two princes to discuss the alliance."

Liu Bei replied: "If there is an opportunity, we will discuss the matter of the four alliances in detail. Ma Chao in the northwest is adjacent to Yizhou, or Yizhou can travel to answer the question."


(End of this chapter)

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