Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 287: The Army Defeats Hanzhong

Chapter 287: The Army Defeats Hanzhong
There have been three Shu roads from Bashu to Hanzhong since ancient times. From east to west they are Jinniu Road, Micang Road and Ziwu Ancient Road (Lizhi Road).

The Jinniu Road runs from Chengdu, Fucheng, Baishui Pass, over the mountains and ridges, to the west of Hanzhong, outside Yangping Pass.Historically, when Liu Bei captured Hanzhong from the north, he took the Golden Bull Road to the outside of Yangping Pass. He adopted the suggestions of Huang Quan and Fazheng, crossed the mountains and ridges to Hannan, occupied Dingjun Mountain, and defeated Cao Cao.

Micang Road starts from Langzhong and Hanchang (Bazhong) in Bajun, crosses Micang Mountain, and reaches Hannan.Historically, Zhang Lu was defeated by Cao Cao, abandoned Nanzheng, and retreated south to Bazhong, taking the Micang Road.At the same time, Zhang Henan was plundering the people of Bajun and was defeated by Zhang Fei. He also followed this path.

As for the Ziwu Ancient Road, it is divided into two sections: the northern section is located in the high mountains of the Qinling Mountains, and the southern section is located south of Hanzhong, over Daba Mountain to Linjiang (Zhong County).

The roads to Shu were steep, and apart from the Lychee Road, which flourished in the Tang Dynasty, the only roads capable of large-scale marches were the Micang Road and the Jinniu Road, but the terminals of these two roads were not in Liu Zhang's hands.

Zhang Feijun arrived at Fucheng and met Liu Xun. They held a banquet for more than thirty days.However, Zhang Fei did not just drink and ignore affairs.During his stay in Fucheng, Zhang Fei sent people to inquire about the movements of Ma and Han's advance.After learning that Han Sui was taking the Qishan Road to conquer Hanzhong, Zhang Fei decisively gave up the Jinniu Road and instead entered Hanzhong via the Micang Road.

Entering Hanzhong via Micang Road, Zhang Fei led his sergeants to march west from Fucheng. They first went to Hanchang in Ba County to rest and regroup, and met up with General Yan Yan of Ba County.

Yan Yan, a local warrior in Ba County, became the garrison of Ba County by virtue of his qualifications and his past exploits against thieves.Now Liu Zhang saw that Zhang Fei was so active in his northern expedition, and set out from the north of Micang Road to attack Hanzhong. He temporarily transferred Yan Yan to Zhang Fei's army to serve as an army guide and help him in his northern expedition.

At this time, Zhang Fei was carrying a gourd and pouring wine into his mouth, with veteran Yan Yan accompanying him.

Yan Yan was very enthusiastic about Zhang Fei's arrival.Zhang Lu had ruled Hanzhong and Bazhong for a long time, and Yan Yan wanted to quell the chaos and make contributions.It's a pity that Liu Zhang is weak and cannot pursue thieves.Now that Zhang Fei was able to come, Yan Yan went out to see him and led him directly to the top of the city to show him the road to Micang Mountain.

"General, please look at this. Going north from Hanchang, along the Danqushui (today's Ba River), this is the Micangshan Avenue. The river valleys are intertwined and winding, making it difficult to pass. Fortunately, on both sides of the Danqushui, An army can be reached by the river."

"Crossing the mountains and ridges for hundreds of miles, when you encounter the Dangqu River, you reach Hanping Pass. Hanping Pass was built on Micang Mountain by Emperor Gao. It was previously controlled by our army, but Zhang Lu took the opportunity to capture it. It is no longer owned by Berkshire County.”

Lu Xun looked for an opportunity and asked, "How is the defense at Hanping Pass?"

Yan Yan shook his head and sighed and said: "To be honest with you, Zhang Lu, the demon Taoist, has a powerful Five Dou Rice Cult, and many people in Bazhong are bewitched by him. A few years ago, the prefect of Zhao (Zhao Ze, the prefect of Bajun) summoned The generals wanted to retake the Han Ping Pass, so Zhang Lu summoned the Zhi people to fight. The Zhi people were brave and defended according to the danger. Arrows rained down, and the soldiers suffered many casualties. They could not break the pass, and finally withdrew and returned."

Seeing that everyone had no doubts, Yan Yan opened his arms and gestured, and said: "If you pass Hanpingguan and cross Micang Mountain, you will reach Hanzhong. However, Hanzhong is vast, and Micang Road has three roads, east, middle and west. The middle road goes to Nanzheng and the west road As far as Chenggu, take the east road to Mianyang. As far as Hanzhong, if you want to go to Guanzhong, there is also the Qinling Mountain Road, which is difficult and dangerous than the Daba Mountain Road."

"Wuding opened the mountains and opened the road to Shu. The Qin army arrived and Shu was destroyed!" Pang Tong said with emotion: "The mountains in Bashu are steep and steep. If there are no Shu people to clear the way, outsiders can easily enter!"

Lu Xun touched the corner of Pang Tong's clothes with his hand, indicating that he should not speak so suspiciously.

Pang Tong seemed to know that his words were wrong, so he mentioned a few interesting legends about Shu Road and skipped the topic.

Yan Yan, a warrior, didn't think much about it. He smiled and said, "Master Pang knows my Bashu very well!"

"Micang Avenue goes up to Qinlong and down to Canglang. The Hanping Pass is steep and steep, and the people have wings to control the mountain road. It is difficult to break!"

Pang Tong looked at Zhang Fei and asked, "General Yide, what's your plan to break the barrier?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Zhang Fei.Yan Yan also looked at Zhang Fei with expectant eyes, hoping that Zhang Fei could surprise him.

Zhang Fei took a sip of wine and said bluntly: "Since it is a big mountain, are you afraid that there will be no way? Find a small path to go around, take advantage of it when it is not prepared, attack from both front and back, and break the Hanping Pass."


Yan Yan hesitated a little and said: "What General Zhang said is indeed a strategy. However, I am afraid that Zhang Lu Bu has a heavy army, and there are also sergeants guarding the trail. Moreover, the Ji people are good at marching in the mountains, and they will serve as Zhang Lu's wing and guard Hanping Pass. I’m afraid it’s quite a lot.”

Zhang Lu was an extraordinary person. He separatized Hanzhong, and then took the opportunity to go south and capture the mountainous area in the northern part of Bajun. Through religious brainwashing, he gained the support of the Tao people.This is why Cao Cao was able to move the people north after acquiring Zhang Lu.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Fei raised his head and laughed, saying: "General Yan didn't know that Zhang Lu was already in danger. According to reports from the scouts, Han Sui's troops arrived at Yangping Pass, and Ma Chao went south along the Qinling Road. There were tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in each department. How many troops could Zhang Lu have under his tent? Soldiers and horses? Thirty thousand or forty thousand? If we divide our troops to resist the horses and Han, how many men and horses can be left at Hanping Pass?"

Yan Yan's eyes lit up and he said: "The number of sergeants under Zhang Lu's tent is no more than 3 and [-], and even if there are people to help, the number is less than [-]. We divide our troops to guard Yangping Pass, and guard Ma Chao at Qinling, Shu Road, and Hanping Pass." There must not be many people left behind."

Zhang Fei took a sip of wine and boasted to Lu Xun and Pang Tong: "Who said I have no plans? This time I go north to Micang Mountain and enter Hanzhong, this is when you and I make achievements!"

Zhang Fei has been fighting for so many years and has gradually mastered it.The current military strategy cannot be said to be comparable to that of Guan Yu and Huo Jun, but against ordinary generals, it is not a problem to defeat them and win.

"The general is wise!" Pang Tong praised.

Seeing Zhang Fei drinking again, Lu Xun frowned and said, "General Yide, why are you drinking again?"

In Fucheng, Zhang Fei and Liu Xun held a banquet for 30 days and drank until they were drunk.Lu Xun and Pang Tong advised Zhang Fei not to drink excessively and not to forget the military orders.Zhang Fei said, "This is not the time to march and fight. If you don't drink now, how can you drink in the future?"Therefore, Lu Xun and Pang Tong did not stop Zhang Fei from drinking in Fucheng.

Zhang Fei laughed a few times, threw the gourd in his hand into Lu Xun's hand, and said with a smile, "Bo Yan, is this wine?"

Lu Xun took the gourd, took off the cork, took a sip, and said in surprise: "What General Yide drank was not wine, but cold water."

Zhang Fei was afraid that he would be greedy and wanted to drink, so he filled his gourd with water, and when he wanted to drink, he mixed it with mountain spring water to satisfy his craving.

Zhang Fei put his hands on his belt and said, "Since I promised my lord and military advisor not to drink alcohol, how dare Fei drink again."

As he spoke, Zhang Fei pointed his finger to the north and said with a smile: "After breaking Hanzhong, Fei will drink with you all for three days and three nights, and you will not come back until you are drunk!"

"General Zhang is so heroic!" Yan Yan said with admiration.
Hanzhong borders Guanzhong to the north, Bashu to the south, Longyou to the west, and Shangyong to the east.It is located in the mountains, with rugged mountain roads and hundreds of miles of Shu roads. The environment is isolated and it can be a refuge in times of war.

However, despite being surrounded by mountains and mountains, the environment is blocked.Now enemies are coming from three sides. Ma Chao is marching from Guanzhong to the south, Han Sui is marching from Qishan to the east, and Zhang Fei is marching from Bajun to the north. Each has tens of thousands of troops, or a hundred thousand men, enough to break his turtle shell.

Hanzhong, Nanzheng.

Zhang Lu was horrified when he heard that three families had invaded at the same time. He summoned his cronies to discuss life and death plans.

Zhang Lu looked worried and said: "I have been alone in Hanning for more than [-] years. I thought I was helping the people. Now I am suffering from the war. How should I respond?"

After a pause, Zhang Lu said: "Since Ma and Han are the soldiers sent by Cao Gong, what if they want to surrender their land and surrender?"

During Zhang Lu's administration, Hanzhong County was renamed Hanning County, which administered Hanzhong and Bazhong.Later, some of his subordinates wanted to honor Zhang Lu as King of Hanning, but Zhang Lu hesitated and refused.Zhang Wei, who was in charge of the military, admonished and said: "Shijun is sitting in Hanchuan, and there are [-] households in Hanchuan under his rule. The land is rich and fertile, surrounded by dangers, and there are people to support him. Why abandon the establishment that has been established for decades and easily Surrender to Cao Cao."

"Han Sui dominates Longyou. Now he is Cao Cao's vanguard. How can he do his best? Wei materials believe that Han Sui is afraid of the dangers of Yangping Pass and does not dare to attack the city easily. Master Shijun can just send more troops to Yangping Pass."

"Zhang Fei raised troops from Micang Road to invade. However, there is Hanping Pass in Micang Mountain. The master ordered the general to lead his army south for reinforcements. He also recruited Du Yi, Pu Hu, Yuan Yue and other leaders of the tribe to lead their tribesmen to fight, which was enough to stop Zhang Fei. Outside the Pass."

As he spoke, Zhang Wei talked eloquently and said confidently: "Although Ma Chao is brave and an elite soldier in Guanxi, the Baoxian Road is steep and difficult, which is not conducive to riding horses. My younger brother Wei knows military affairs, and he is willing to lead more than ten thousand soldiers and horses. Stand in danger and defend, confront Ma Chao, hold on without fighting, and force Ma Chao back for the sake of your master."

"If Ma Chao retreats at this time, Han Sui will retreat. The two groups of soldiers and horses retreat, and there is nothing to worry about, Sergeant Zhang Fei. I can unite the troops in Hanzhong and strengthen the Han Dynasty to level the pass, which can solve this military difficulty for my master!"

Zhang Lu was still hesitant and said: "Ma Chao and Zhang Fei are both the best generals in the world. Han Sui has been in the northwest for decades. I'm afraid it will be difficult to follow the public principles."

Zhang Wei was displeased and said emphatically: "Master, there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Hanning today, and there are steep mountains. The troops in Guanxi are strong, but I will not fight them, but rely on danger to defend. Why can't I retreat from the enemy?"

"I hope the master will be ready to fight!"

The Five Pecks of Rice Sect founded by Zhang Lu and the separatist Hanzhong County were not his efforts alone.His younger brother Zhang Wei made a great contribution, so Zhang Lu could not defeat his younger brother Zhang Wei who wanted to go out to fight.

Zhang Lu hesitated for a while and said: "In this case, we will send 8000 troops to Yangping Pass, led by Yang Ren; Yang Ang will lead 1 troops to the south to increase Hanping Pass, and let Du Yi, Pu Hu and other people from Bazhong lead their troops to help; to the north, Ma Chao, let Gongze lead [-] troops to fight, guard Baokou, and not allow Ma Chao to advance into Hanzhong."

"No!" Zhang Wei, Yang Ang, and Yang Ren accepted the order.

I have to say that Zhang Wei is able to take charge of Hanzhong's military. He is not weak in ability and has good knowledge.Han Sui did not work hard, so he used the name of conquering Hanzhong southward to go deep into Wudu and stopped outside Yangping Pass.

According to Cheng Gongying's suggestion, Han Sui waited and watched the situation in Hanzhong. If Ma Chao defeated Hanzhong, he would invade Hanzhong in the name of Yizhou Governor and divide Nanzheng's money with Ma Chao.If he could not break it, he would plunder the people's capital of Wudu, annex the powerful Qiang commanders of Wudu, and strengthen his own minions.

Wei Kang, the governor of Liangzhou, complained secretly and had no choice but to ask his subordinates to send a message to Cao Cao to prevent the situation from getting out of control.

Ma Chao walked south from Baoxie Road for more than a month. After experiencing hardships, he was exhausted and his horse was exhausted, and finally reached Baokou.However, when he met Zhang Wei who was taking advantage of the danger, Ma Chao secretly complained, thinking of his ambition to make a contribution, he finally managed to hold on.Find a place to camp, try to lure Zhang Wei out of the camp, and defeat Zhang Wei.

As for Zhang Fei's troops, under the guidance of Yan Yan, they trekked a long distance and finally reached the Hanping Pass.According to the previously discussed strategy, while luring the enemy into battle, they were looking for a small path to bypass them.

Under the fierce attack of these three armies, the eyes of Zhang Lu and Zhang Wei were attracted, and all the Hanzhong soldiers and horses came out, thus ignoring Pang De's troops who were struggling to advance in Ziwu Valley.

It rained heavily for more than ten days in the summer, causing the plank road to collapse or rocks to roll down. Pang De ordered his men to build a bridge.If the road is really impassable, go over mountains and ridges and take long detours.Compared with the 30 days of heavy rain that Cao Zhen encountered, Pang De was much luckier.

Moreover, there were only three thousand elite soldiers under Pang De's tent, which was not as large as Cao Zhen's army.Due to the long detour and lack of military supplies, Pound killed horses to satisfy his hunger.Even so, the number of sergeants under Pound's account was reduced a lot, with 300 casualties.

When Zhang Wei divided his forces to resist the three armies, Pang De was still walking on the road.It took three thousand elites more than forty days, four to five hundred war horses, and all their baggage to get out of the difficult and dangerous Ziwu Valley Road.

Pound was lucky to be able to get out of Ziwu Valley.Zhang Lu only commanded Hanzhong and had only [-] to [-] soldiers. Under siege by three armies, he reluctantly divided his troops to resist.It was difficult to take care of the Ziwu Valley to the east, and Pound led his elite troops to sneak across the valley road.

Of course, what is even more fortunate is that although there is Ziwu Valley Pass in Ziwu Valley, it has been plagued by wars for many years and no one has been able to defend it.

As for why Zhang Lu didn't stick to Ziwu Valley Pass, it was because Ziwu Valley Pass was close to Guanzhong.At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang ordered the repair of Ziwu Valley Road and the construction of Ziwu Valley Pass.

"How far is it from Hanzhong ahead?" Pang De asked.

Pound, who had always been known for his bravery, was now in ragged clothes and his hair was in a messy bun.Sitting on the stone, eating cooked horse meat.

"General Pang, we are still two to three hundred miles away from Hanzhong. There is a golden garrison seven miles away, and Hanzhong sergeants are stationed there. Perhaps because the general went south from Baoxie Road, there are only a few hundred old and weak people in the garrison." The scout said happily.

Although Ziwu Valley is far away from Hanzhong and the road is difficult and dangerous, Zhang Lu must not be unprepared. In the past, he ordered people to set up a golden garrison in the east of Hanzhong to support the people of Guanzhong going south, and at the same time to guard against attacks by bandits.However, due to the fighting on the front line, there are not many soldiers holding the Golden Guard.

Pound was frightened at first when he heard that there were people guarding him, and then he heard that there were few soldiers, so he took a long breath.If there are soldiers and horses waiting in full formation now, he will definitely be defeated!

After chewing a few mouthfuls of horse meat, Pang jumped onto the boulder, looked at the exhausted Kansai soldiers, drew his sword and shouted to attract the attention of the soldiers.

Although he was embarrassed, Pang De's eyes showed murderous intent and he shouted: "After going through many hardships, we have arrived in Hanzhong. I heard that there is a garrison seven miles ahead. The camp has hot water, fine rice, and broth."

Looking at those hungry eyes, Pound shouted loudly, "There are beauties too!"

With that said, Pound threw away the horse meat in his hand and shouted. "Horse meat is hard to eat, but Virtue desires to enjoy fine rice, broth, and beauties. Who is willing to go with me?"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

More than [-] hungry and thirsty Kansai warriors raised their swords and spears and shouted.

Seeing that his morale was ready, Pang De picked up the long spear, climbed on his horse, and led the group of soldiers who were as hungry as wolves to attack the golden garrison.

The war horses galloped, and Pang De's troops arrived. He took the lead, broke through the golden garrison, and slaughtered them.

The next day, Pang De led his troops to march westward, encircling thousands of people and breaking them into fortresses.More than ten thousand soldiers and civilians entered Baokou.

Hanzhong is shocked!

ps: The lumbar muscle strain has recurred and the pain is excruciating, so I need a massage.One update for now, if things get better, three updates tomorrow.

 The Golden Guard was built during the Zhang Lu period, and the Golden City was built during the Zhuge Liang period.Yesterday's Queyue City was also known as Xiakou City. It existed during the Huang Zu period and was mentioned in the plot of my novel Jiangxia.

(End of this chapter)

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