Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 289 Nanxiang surrenders the enemy

Chapter 289 Nanxiang surrenders the enemy
Yan Pu persuaded Zhang Lu to let Zhang Fei go to Hanzhong, but in fact there was no need for him to let him go.According to the previous policy, Zhang Fei asked Yan Yan to find a way out of the Hanping Pass, and then led his army in front of the pass.

When Pang De walked out of Ziwu Valley, Yan Yan climbed over the mountains and found the path leading to the back of Hanping Pass.

The next day, Zhang Fei asked Yan Yan to lead [-] elite soldiers to encircle the rear, and agreed to attack Hanping Pass in the early morning of the next day.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Fei ordered Feng Xi to be the forward, and he supervised all the armies to be the rear, and stormed Hanping Pass.Under the leadership of Yang Ang, the garrison in the pass used bows and crossbows to defend the city.At that time, Yan Yan went from a small road to the north of Guan and led his army to cooperate with the main force to attack Hanping Pass.

Facing the attacks from both front and rear, Yang Ang was unprepared and at a loss. He was defeated by Zhang Fei and Yan Yan. With no way out, he led his army to surrender to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei stationed at Hanping Pass. After a brief rest, he asked Yan Yan to supervise the transportation of grain and grass. He led his army over the Micang Mountain Road and entered the Hanzhong Basin, stationed at the foot of Dry Mountain.

Hanshan (now Hanshan), Zhang Feijun's camp.

In the camp, Zhang Fei discussed with his left and right men the next direction of march.

"Our army has entered Hanzhong, how should we march now? Take Nanzheng directly, or divide our troops to take Mianyang." Zhang Fei asked, looking at the map of Hanzhong.

Yang Ang pointed his hand at Zheng and said: "General, there are more than [-] years of Hanzhong's savings in Nanzheng, millions of stones of grain and grass, and trillions of money. If we can get it, even if our army has difficulty defeating Ma Chao, we can borrow Nanzheng's grain supplies." , enough to force Ma Chao back."

Yang Ang was originally a powerful man from Nanzheng. When Zhang Lu was in Hanzhong, he promoted old people from Badi and placed them in the position of nobles from Nanzheng.Now that Yang Ang has surrendered to Liu Bei, he will lead the way and advise Zhang Fei.

Lu Xun nodded slightly and said: "Now we should take advantage of Hanzhong's unpreparedness. Ma Chao is trapped in Baokou and Nanzheng is empty. We must quickly capture Nanzheng and surrender Zhang Lu."

Just when Zhang Fei was about to adopt Lu Xun's suggestion, the scouts hurriedly came in from outside the tent and shouted: "General, Ma Chao killed Zhang Wei and defeated his army. Zhang Lu was frightened and led the troops of Nanzheng to attack Walking southeast. The money and baggage were all stored in Nanzheng and were not damaged."


Zhang Fei was surprised and said, "Why is Ma Chao so fast?"

Looking at Nanzheng on the map, Zhang Fei had no time to hesitate and shouted hurriedly: "Come here, order Wu Lan to set off immediately and rush to Nanzheng. Don't let..."

"Wait a minute!"

The situation was urgent, but Pang Tong stopped Zhang Fei's arrangement.

"Why the military advisor?" Zhang Fei asked in confusion.

Pang Tong's mind was spinning rapidly and he said: "Nanzheng is north of the Han River, and Ma Chao has the advantage of cavalry. Zhang Lu abandoned the city and left. It was expected that Ma Chao had ordered people to quickly capture the Nanzheng treasury, and also ordered people to patrol the Han River with his cavalry. When they saw our army crossing the water, they attacked it with cavalry. Now we are competing with Ma Chao for Nanzheng, but our army has no advantage in terrain and is being dragged down by the Han River."

Hanzhong Basin has a special terrain and the Han River runs through the basin.To the north of the Han River, the terrain is flat, with thousands of hectares of fertile farmland; to the south of the Han River, there are mountains and only a few plains.Therefore, in the Hanzhong Basin, whether it is Nanzheng or important cities such as Mianyang, Chenggu, and Yangpingguan, they are all located to the north of the Han River.

Zhang Fei and Ma Chao wanted to fight for Nanzheng, so they had to cross the Han River.Although the Han River in Hanzhong is not vast, a bridge must be built to cross it.Zhang Fei crossed the Han River and cut off his retreat.Once the war goes unfavorably, the army north of the Han River may be destroyed.

Zhang Fei subconsciously grasped the hilt of the sword and said in a deep voice: "The battle for Nanzheng is related to the gains and losses of Hanzhong, and it must be taken. Although we are fighting across the river now, we still have to fight for it."

Pang Tong looked at everyone and asked: "Although the Nanzheng treasury is precious, it is not the most precious thing in Hanzhong. Why ignore the pearl now, cross the river to risk it, and compete with Ma Chao for Nanzheng?"


Everyone looked at a loss. Nanzheng's treasury contained millions of stones of grain and grass, as well as trillions of dollars of money. These cannot be said to be the most precious things in Hanzhong. So what can be compared to the treasury and better than it?
Seeing that everyone was confused, Pang Tong smiled and said: "Hanzhong is a country of monsters. Zhang Lu taught and ruled it with five measures of rice. For more than [-] years, the Han barbarians obeyed happily. Now Zhang Lu is leaving Bazhong to the southeast. If he can capture Zhang Lu . Using the name of Zhang Lu to gather together the people and barbarians of Hanzhong, why worry about not being able to defeat Ma Chao."

After a pause, Pang Tong said: "The Guanxi soldiers under Ma Chao are vulgar and greedy for money. If they get money from Nanzheng, are they willing to fight to the death with our army?"

Zhang Fei's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "If I can get Zhang Lu and use his identity as a master, why should the people of Hanzhong not be able to use it for me? If we are short of food, we can lend it to the people and barbarians; if we are short of soldiers, we can recruit troops from the people." "Lack of ears and eyes, the barbarians are all my ears and eyes."

Since entering Hanzhong, Zhang Fei has known Zhang Lu's ability to confuse people.There is no shortage of things like money and food. After all, he uses Yizhou as a logistics support base.If he could cooperate with Zhang Lu and defeat Ma and Han, wouldn't it be easy to win Hanzhong?

Zhang Fei's mind was spinning rapidly and he asked: "Zhang Lu went southeast and fled to Bazhong. Does anyone know his road plan and destination?"

After saying that, Zhang Fei looked at Yang Ang with his copper bell-sized eyes, with a terrifying aura.

Yang Ang did not dare to look directly at Zhang Fei, and lowered his eyebrows and said: "There are many mountains in the southeast of Nanzheng, but among the mountains there is Nanxiang (now Xixiang County). Surrounded by rivers, the fields are fertile and the people are numerous. Today Zhang Shijun was defeated and left Ba In the middle, the only way is to go to Nanxiang, pass through Nanxiang and then enter Bazhong."

Zhang Fei geared up and said, "In that case, you are the guide and I will lead the cavalry to catch up with Zhang Lu on the mountain road and capture him."

"Wait, General!"

Lu Xun stopped Zhang Fei's action and said seriously: "May I ask the general, if you can capture Zhang Lu, how will you treat him?"

Zhang Fei said without thinking: "I will treat him with courtesy."

"Zhang Lu, the enemy of Liu Yizhou. I wonder if he accepts the surrender in the name of the lord, or in the name of Liu Yizhou?" Seeing that Zhang Fei didn't understand, Lu Xun asked again.

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment and said: "I have surrendered to my lord. If Hanzhong is taken by me, it belongs to me, including Zhang Lu."

Lu Xun hesitated for a while and said, "If Zhang Lu surrenders to the lord, I'm afraid something will change in Yizhou."

Pang Tong stroked his beard and asked, "Are Boyan afraid that Liu Zhang will suspect that the lord intends to seize the land, thereby cutting off our army's retreat?"

"Exactly!" Lu Xun nodded and said.

Zhang Fei didn't care and said: "If we can defeat the enemy and surrender Zhang Lu's demon path, Liu Yizhou will also understand. Moreover, my lord and friends in Yizhou will also help us explain in words, why are we worried about it?"

As he spoke, Zhang Fei smiled and said, "If I don't pursue Zhang Lu now, I might be escaped by him."

Seeing Zhang Fei's behavior, Lu Xun had no choice but to put aside his worries and said, "The general is leading his cavalry to pursue Zhang Lu. How should we arrange the majority of our army?"

Zhang Fei scratched his beard and asked, "Bo Yan, do you have any insights?"

Lu Xun pondered for a while, pointed to the west, and said: "General, divide your troops to capture Zhang Lu, and Ma Chao will advance to occupy Nanzheng. Now, in order to prevent Ma Chao from crossing the Han River south, Xun thought that our army could advance to the lower village on the south bank of the Han River, and be separated from Ma Chao. Water Confrontation.”

"We need to divide our troops and march westward to the south bank of Mianyang to see if we can persuade Yangping Pass to surrender. If Yangping Pass belongs to Ma Han, we can also have the sergeants retreat to Dingjun Mountain to camp to prevent Han Sui from crossing the Han River south, so as to avoid a flanking attack on our army by Ma Chao."

Yang Ang cupped his hands and said: "I have a good relationship with Yang Ren, the guard general of Yangping Pass. Now Ang Ke writes a letter to see if he can offer the pass to surrender to our army."


"When Bo Qi bothers you." Zhang Fei was very happy and said with a smile: "After Bo Qi and I leave, we can discuss the arrangement of the army with Boyan and Shi Yuan."

"No!" Everyone clapped their hands in response.
Hanzhong Nanxiang is not a county town, but a rural pavilion.In history, due to a large number of people fleeing south from Hanzhong and living deep in the mountains, the population grew.Historically, after Liu Bei captured Nanxiang, he named Nanxiang a county.

Why was it renamed Xixiang County?
Without it, the Marquis of Xixiang, whom Zhang Fei worshiped, foraged in Nanxiang County.Therefore, Nanxiang was renamed Xixiang County, and it has not changed its name to this day.

Perhaps the world has its own destiny, and the place where Zhang Fei eats must be the place where he makes achievements.

Zhang Lu led his family, old and weak, and thousands of people on his left and right to travel to Nanxiang.The sun was scorching, and the old and weak were exhausted. Zhang Lu took a rest in Nanxiang, and the believers in the village donated food to Zhang Lu.Sitting in the shade of a tree, Zhang Lu avoided the sun and asked, "Gongmiao, have you contacted Du Yi and Pu Hu?"

Yan Pu wiped the sweat from his face with a kerchief and said, "I have ordered people to report to Bazhong. It is expected that the two of them have led their tribesmen to meet them on the road."

After a pause, Yan Pu said: "Master, according to the report from the scouts, Zhang Fei has defeated the Han Dynasty."

Zhang Lu took a sip of water, sighed and said: "I once said that Han Sui, Ma Chao and Zhang Fei were all extraordinary generals, but you did not listen to me and relied on your own strength, but you were defeated by Ma Chao. Now even if you block the praise, Zhang Fei will break through." If Han is at peace, I cannot defend Hanzhong."

The world has been in chaos for decades, and there is nowhere to be found to be peaceful and prosperous.Jingchu enjoyed peace for more than ten years, but was eventually affected by war.The roads to Shu in Yizhou and Hanzhong are difficult and dangerous, but how long will peace last?As the situation in the world becomes clear, Hanzhong and Yizhou will be destroyed sooner or later.

Just as Zhang Lu was sighing, the sound of horse hoofbeats suddenly sounded from the riverside.




The soldiers on the lookout shouted loudly: "The enemy cavalry is coming!"

"Enemy attack!"

Frightened sounds resounded in the forest, including the screams and cries of old, weak, women and children.


Listening to the shouts of the children on the left and right, Zhang Lu looked flustered, held Yan Pu's hand and said, "Gong Miao, what should we do now? But are there Guanxi cavalry?"

Yan Pu took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "Master, from what we can see now, there are only two sergeants, Zhang Fei and Ma Chao. If Ma Chao is not greedy for money and goods from Nanzheng, he would lead his troops to pursue this place. Master, it is feasible to surrender to Ma Chao. If so, Zhang Fei leads his troops to pursue him, so you should think carefully about it."

"Master, let's go quickly!" Li Xiu took the horse and called to Zhang Lu.


Zhang Lu's eldest daughter cried loudly when she saw that Zhang Lu seemed to be abandoning the family.

Listening to the cries of his children, Zhang Lu pulled the reins and asked hesitantly: "Can you bring your family?"

Li Xiu stepped forward to help Zhang Lu mount his horse, and said anxiously: "Most of the family members are old and weak, and it is difficult to move quickly, for fear of being captured by the enemy."

Seeing that Yan Pu was indifferent, Zhang Lu asked, "Does Gong Miao want to leave?"

Yan Pu shook his head and said sadly: "Pu's five sons are all on his left and right. It's hard to let go. If you want to leave, Master, please do so quickly."

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Lu couldn't bear it when he saw his children crying again.

Turning over and dismounting, Zhang Lu hugged his family members and sighed: "I have no ill intentions. I abandon my family members now. Although life seems like death, how can I bear it!"

"Zi Lang, Gong Miao, you two are my envoys and have always promised to surrender." Zhang Lu held his young son in his arms and said angrily: "If Ma Chao comes, I will surrender to Duke Cao alone. If Zhang Fei comes, Liu Zhang will have an affair with me." The revenge of killing my mother makes me a slave to Wu and Chu, not a guest from Yizhou."

"No!" the two responded sadly.

Zhang Lu and Liu Zhang were at odds with each other and had been vendetta against each other for decades. The reason was that Zhang Lu's mother was killed by Liu Zhang.Now you let Zhang Lu surrender to the murderer of his mother. How can you bear it?

After a while, Zhang Lu ordered his soldiers to stay outside and the old and weak inside to stay in the forest.Yan Pu and Li Xiu held flags as envoys to discuss surrender.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Fei reined in his horse and stopped, and the riders from the left and right came with Yan and Li.

Zhang Fei asked in his loud voice: "Is Mr. Zhang willing to surrender?"

Yan Pu came on foot and saw Zhang Fei sitting on the horse. He glanced at the name on the flag and knew it well.

When he got closer, Yan Pu saw Zhang Fei pointing his whip at him again. He was quite rude and pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "In ancient times, no one has been surrendered like this. If a general does not respect the virtuous and courteous people, can he live in Hanzhong?"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei looked ashamed, turned over and dismounted, cupped his hands and said, "Zhang Fei has met you sir, thank you for your warning."

Yan Pu did not dare to accept the courtesy and said: "The meritorious Cao Yan Pu has met the general."

"Military Commander Li Xiu pays homage to the general." Li Xiu responded.

Zhang Fei glanced at the figures in the woods from a distance and asked, "Is Yan Gongcao planning to surrender on behalf of Duke Zhang?"

Yan Pu bowed and saluted, and said: "Gong Xuande sent an edict to punish thieves, and his kindness spread throughout the sea, and he defeated Wu and Chu. My lord has heard of the name of Duke Xuande's benevolence, and now wants to surrender to Duke Xuande. I wonder if the general dares to accept it?" "

"The general was invited by Liu Zhang, but Liu Zhang killed his mother's enemy for my lord. Now my lord is a slave in Wu Chu and is not a guest from Yizhou. I hope the general will accept it!" Li Xiu said.

Zhang Fei was not worried when he heard Zhang Lu's attitude. Instead, he was overjoyed.He originally wanted to open up territory for his brother. If Zhang Lu surrendered to Liu Zhang, who would Hanzhong belong to?

And Zhang Fei was not happy to see Zhang Lu respecting his elder brother so much.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Fei hurriedly helped Yan Pu and Li Xiu up and said, "Fei has heard about the incident between Mr. Zhang and Liu Yizhou. If he can ignore the revenge of killing his mother, how can he talk about being kind and respectful to the Lord? Fei has always been a respectful and filial person. . And my elder brother has said that if Mr. Zhang is willing to surrender, Fei should treat him with courtesy."

After a pause, Zhang Fei thought for a long time and said: "Gong Zhang surrendered to my brother. Fei is willing to go to the lord to express his gratitude to Duke Zhang as the general of Zhennan. As for the title, I can't be a county marquis."

Zhang Fei led his army into Shu, and Liu Bei gave him certain authority.But Zhang Fei couldn't say he had or didn't have this kind of authority, it was very vague.Now that Zhang Fei is far away in Hanzhong, he can only make a bold promise.

In order to avoid making people think that the reward was small, Zhang Fei added: "My brother is kind and courteous, and he treats others generously. If Mr. Zhang can help me to retake Hanzhong, the reward will be even higher. The two monarchs and Mr. Zhang will give rewards to Fei. Report them one by one and don’t dare to make any mistakes.”

"Fei Su heard that the talents of the two princes can be the best in Hanchuan. If the two princes do not give up, they can temporarily join Fei's account as a staff officer. If you can defeat Ma Chao, you will also have other achievements."

Yan Pu was overjoyed, and he raised his hands and said, "General Zhang said, I and I should repay the favor to our master."

After hearing the conditions given by Zhang Fei, he saw that he was surrounded by cavalry and could not tolerate Zhang Lu's refusal to surrender.

After a while, Zhang Lu presented the county seal and surrendered to Zhang Fei.

 This month’s guarantee is 19 words, please rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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