Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 38 Chongli

Chapter 38 Chongli (Chong Sanjiang for further reading)
In the early morning, when Yinshi passed, fierce drumbeats sounded in the military camp...

With the sound of a drum, the soldiers in each camp got up to wash themselves, and the cooks started cooking.Before the second drum sounds, the soldiers in each camp prepare to have a meal. When the drums sound, the corps commanders and chiefs call on the soldiers, and the commanders of each camp need to go to the school grounds to see Huo Jun.

On the school grounds, Huo Jun had already finished washing up and was waiting for officers above the camp commander level.

Holding the long sword in his hand, Huo Jun cleared his throat and said: "Today I will train my ears and eyes. The villages will be arranged in square formation according to yesterday's positions. They will listen to the military flags and orders, practice advance and retreat, and distinguish the military trumpets. The superior ones will be rewarded, and the inferior ones will be rewarded. Punishment.”

There are four military training methods invented by Huo Jun, namely, training of marching troops, which is the formation; training of courage, which is military discipline; training of ears and eyes, which is the formation of troops; and training of hands and feet, which is personal martial arts.

It is not difficult to train an army. According to Wu Qi’s Art of War, if one person learns to fight, teach him to become ten; if ten people learn to fight, teach him to become a hundred; if a hundred people learn to fight, teach him to become a thousand; if a thousand people learn to fight, teach him to become ten thousand; if ten thousand people learn to fight, teach him to become ten thousand; Learn to fight and teach to become an army.

Huo Jun has 500 soldiers, so it is not difficult for them to train [-] members of the Gao clan who have just joined the team.In terms of military discipline, it requires years of accumulation before it is feasible.

The most important thing at the moment is to allow Gao Xiang's troops to move forward and retreat freely under Huo Jun's command.

"No!" More than twenty officers responded with cupped hands.

After receiving the order from the leader, he returned to the camp and told his corps commander and chief about today's affairs.

The three-way drum sounded, and the five-color flags were laid out on the school grounds. The red flag was in the front. One hundred people were divided into three uncles. Each uncle also held a red flag, but the borders were of different colors, marked with blue edge, yellow edge, and white edge.

The army of the Han Dynasty was organized on the basis of two and five, with five men in a group, ten men in one Shi, 50 men in one tuen (tunnel chief), one hundred men in one hundred (bo-chan), 500 men in one song (junhou), and 1000 men in one unit. /School (camp captain), 5000 people per battalion (general)

The blue flag on the left is divided into two bo flags, and the bo flag is also a blue flag, mixed with other border colors; the white flag on the right is also divided into two bo flags, and the flag colors are the same as before. …

In ancient times, there was a lack of communication equipment and communication relied on shouting, so semaphores on the battlefield were crucial.And this is also the most difficult place to get started. You need to compile a set of semaphores and make them familiar to your subordinates.

Huo Jun is not like the disciples of generals who are taught semaphore, but as a modern person, he knows the rehearsal combinations in mathematics, and different meanings can be created by using different combinations.Just like Morse code, ·—represents A, and ··is N, the same is true for semaphores.

Huo Jun has been in Zhijiang for many years and through self-study, he has developed a set of semaphores.As the size of the army grew, he also made improvements to the flag in order to evolve, such as not changing the flag color but changing the flag edge.If the number of people continues to increase, he can make a fuss from the tassel on the top of the flag.

When the sound of drums stopped, thousands of soldiers were divided into five groups and formed a square formation on the school field.

Huo Jun stood on the school field and saw that the flags of the five divisions were roughly the same. However, within the five divisions, they were distinguishable due to the different colors of the flag edges.

The spring breeze blew by, the flags rustled, and Huo Jun Zhongjia's robe moved with the wind.Gao Xiang and Huo Du stood on the left and right with their swords in hand.

Seeing that it was time to start, Huo Jun said to the two people behind him: "The army is all controlled by flags and drums, so as a general, flags and flags must not be forgotten and must be kept in mind. You two listen to my instructions and remember the orders I give."


Huo Jun glanced at the people in the audience and said in a deep voice: "Sound the horn to signal the armies to lay down with five-color flags."


The loud sound of the trumpet sounded, which was the delivery of military orders on behalf of the Chinese army. All the officers in the phalanx looked at the high platform.

"Raise the big red flag!"

Among the fallen five-color flags, the big red flag symbolizing the front was raised, and the red flag in the front of the phalanx was raised high, indicating that they had accepted the military order.

"Raise the red flag."

Another triangular red flag was raised on the high platform, and the triangular red flag was immediately raised in the front part.

In the front, Huo Yuan drew his long sword and shouted: "The marching drum sounds!"


After the order was conveyed, the military drummers in each village waved their drum hammers and struck the drum heads.

"go ahead!"

Accompanied by the sound of marching drums, the three hundred soldiers at the front advanced slowly.

"Lower the red flag and raise the white flag."

A white flag was immediately raised in the front, and the three hundred soldiers turned straight to the right.

"The horn sounded, the big blue flag was hoisted, and the red flag was hoisted."

The left part got the order and moved forward immediately.

"Blow the horn and lower the big red flag."

As soon as the horn blew, everyone looked at the high platform again. Huo Yuan, who had received the military order, ordered the flag bearer to lower the red flag and stop the advance at the front.

Huo Jun's eyes were fixed on the school field, and a series of flags + military orders came out of his mouth.What seemed to others to be a language written in heaven, formed in his mouth an order to mobilize the army.

"Blow the trumpet to signal the ministries to obey the order. The five major colored flags are divided into five ministries. Planting the five-color flag, followed by the five-color pennant, is to coordinate the department." When Huo Jun conveyed the military order, he also introduced the key points of the flag language to the two men.

Gao Xiang and Huo Du listened to Huo Jun's instructions, and while instructing their men to copy them, they listened carefully to the key points of Huo Jun's words.

The more Gao Xiang listened, the more he admired Huo Shenjun in front of him. This kind of thing was originally secretly passed down by his family, but Huo Shenjun taught it to them.Moreover, the main points of the complaint were clear and logical, as if these strange flags were the language he usually spoke.

For Huo Jun, formation of troops is not something that ordinary people can learn. People in the late Han Dynasty lacked mathematical and rational training and their logical thinking was not strong enough. Unless they were born with talents and received excellent education from an early age, it was still relatively difficult to learn.

And the more troops and horses involved in this kind of army mobilization, it means that you need to think twice about these contents.This complex logical arrangement often consumes a lot of people's energy.Once the scale reaches the upper limit of brain operation, it means that the number of troops you dispatch has reached the upper limit.

After commanding for about half an hour, Huo Jun saw that some of the military formations on the school field had begun to become chaotic, so he ordered his men to rest and regroup.

"How is it?" Huo Jun asked Gao Xiang and Huo Du.

"It's okay, it's more complicated than 500 people." Huo Du replied.Gao Xiang scratched his head and said, "I can only remember the key points and forget everything else."

Huo Du had previous experience of commanding 500 men and was familiar with it, while Gao Xiang was a little unfamiliar with Huo Jun's training method.

Huo Jun ordered: "Later, Huo Bibu will command the drill first, and you two will observe each other."



The starry sky was brilliant, the cicadas were chirping in the field, and Huang She was holding a banquet again, chatting and laughing with the guests.

Huo Jun found an opportunity where no one was around, and stepped forward and asked, "Young General, what do you want from the Lord?"

Huang She blushed slightly and said, "Huo Shenjun's worries are unfounded. Sun Ce died suddenly not long ago and Sun Quan came to the throne. How dare he invade Jiangxia? Moreover, my father has ordered Xisai Mountain and other border camps to tighten martial law."

After saying that, Huang She patted Huo Jun on the shoulder and said: "Zhongmiao is eager to seek merit, and She can understand it. It's better to be patient and wait for the eldest son's army to go south. Then there will be opportunities to make merit."

After saying that, Huang She took the singer's hand and moved her hand up and down, feeling very unhappy.

Seeing this, Huo Jun silently got off the boat and boarded the boat heading to the camp.

Huo Jun stood on the boat, looked at the boat behind him that was used for the banquet, and sighed, feeling helpless.

Since his arrival in Jiangxia, it seems that he has not had much impact on Jiangxia. He continues to drink wine, dance and go boating.He had only met Huang She a few times because of banquets. He had never met Huang Zu, the governor of Jiangxia, and it seemed that whether he came or not made no difference to him.

Sun Ce had only been dead for a few years, how could these people dare to be so lax? No wonder Sun Quan came to the door in the future and chopped off Huang Zu's head!
After getting off the boat, Huo Jun did not return to the camp, but found Gan Ning's camp.Gan Ning's newly built camp is right next to Huo Jun's camp. Although the two sides had conflicts over the camp in the early days, due to Huo Jun's humility, the relationship between the two sides improved instead of falling.

After the announcement, Huo Jun entered Gan Ning's tent and saw Gan Ning drinking and talking with Su Fei, feeling a little excited.

"Brother Xingba!"

"Brother Yunlong!"

"Zhong Miao!"

Su Fei's character is Yunlong. His temperament is different from that of Brother Yunlong, but similar to that of Brother Yunfei. He is a pure soldier, knows the general situation, and knows Gan Ning's bravery. He has recommended him to others several times, but it is a pity that neither Huang She nor Huang Zu can reuse him. .

As for the reason, it is very simple. The father and son hated Gan Ning, thinking that he was stubborn, cruel and vulgar, and they could not urinate in the same pot as the nobles who pursued literary style like them.

But this was also Huang Zu and Huang She's father and son's insufficient understanding of the world. They thought Jingzhou would be the peaceful paradise of the past, but they didn't know that Jingzhou had become someone else's meal.

Su Fei brought a wine bottle to Huo Jun and asked, "Zhong Miao, weren't you having a banquet with the young general? Why are you here again?"

Huo Jun poured himself a glass of wine and said with a smile: "What's the point of drinking with those group of insects? They are a group of people who enrich their own pockets and flatter themselves. Jun is ashamed to be a co-conspirator with them."

"Ha ha!"

Gan Ning raised his wine bottle, toasted him with a glass of wine, and said with a smile, "I'd like to give Zhong Miao a glass of wine."

"Wait for the two of you!"

Su Fei changed the topic and said: "I have recently watched Zhongmiao's military and horse drills. His soldiers are neat and orderly, and they can use their fingers like an arm. Even in Jingzhou, few people can match this."

"Indeed!" Gan Ning nodded in agreement.

"Brother Yunlong's strength lies in selecting generals and men, commanding the boat divisions, and training the sailors; his strength in achieving hegemony lies in the confrontation between two armies or the fierce battle of the navy, driving the boats, uniting the brave men, and beheading the enemy." Huo Jun said. .

Huo Jun is not proud of his talent. Everyone has different talents and can play different roles.The true commander of the army cannot solve everything by one person.

Su Fei was able to become the governor of Jiangxia, make Sun Quan bear a grudge, and find the forgotten pearl of Gan Ning, which shows that he is still capable.

As for Gan Ning, when the two armies were fighting fiercely, they relied on strong generals like Gan Ning to change the battlefield situation.The more he got to know Gan Ning, the more he marveled at Gan Ning's superior strength in water combat, which was as extraordinary as Guan Yu's in cavalry combat.

Hearing Huo Jun's praise, Su Fei and Gan Ning were quite impressed.Especially Gan Ning, he admired Huo Jun very much. Huo Jun not only had outstanding military strength, but also Huo Jun's extremely high cultural quality.

Gan Ning is similar to Zhang Fei. Although he is cruel, he respects the scholars who are close to him.

Gan Ning was domineering in his youth, but after his twenties, he began to study the theories of various schools of thought in an attempt to make a difference and establish a reputation.After Liu Yan entered Shu, Gan Ning was promoted to be a strategist, and later promoted to a prefect of Shu County. It can be said that he was both civil and military.

Huo Jun hugged Gan Ning's arm and said with a smile: "Although Jun is good at running the army, he is quite puzzled by water battles. I wonder if Xingba can teach me how to fight bravely on water. If Xingba does not give up, Jun will You can also train the Xingba tribe in exchange."

"Good!" Gan Ning was quite excited and said, "Ning has had this intention for a long time, but I'm afraid Zhong Miao won't want to do it. How can he not want to do it now?"

The three of them chatted for a long time, and Su Fei asked curiously: "Why is Zhong Miao so diligent in training troops recently?"

Huo Jun hesitated a little and said: "Jun thought that Jiangzuo would send troops to Jiangxia, so he was ordered by Liu Jingzhou to reinforce Jiangxia. However, when he reported it to the emperor, he didn't take it seriously and only asked his men to be on guard."

"Jiang Zuo is invading?"

Gan Ning and Su Fei looked at each other but said nothing.

"Exactly!" Huo Jun said: "Sun Quan has been on the throne for two years, and his position is initially stable. However, his prestige is not enough to convince the public. Now, in order to deter the counties, he may use troops in Jiangxia. However, I see that the troops are slack and have little training. That’s why I worry about it.”

"Ha ha!"

Gan Ning slammed the wine bottle onto the table and spilled the wine. He raised his voice and said, "If Sun Quan dares to come, it will be the time when I, Gan Xingba, will make great achievements."

Su Fei drank the wine and said proudly: "This is also the time for me, Su Yunlong, to show off."

 Douluo fan, if you are interested, you can check it out
(End of this chapter)

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