Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 39 Raid

Chapter 39 Raid
At dawn, the mist on the river is hazy, covering both sides of the Yangtze River.The towering Mount Xisai stands on the edge of the Yangtze River, overlooking the mountains.

Today's Xisai Mountain is filled with thick fog, making it difficult for sunlight to penetrate.The flags of the Jiangxia military camp on the top of the mountain were flying, and the patrolling and guarding soldiers did not know where they were.

Dong Da was lying on the blanket, awakened by the urge to urinate. He glanced at his brothers who were still sleeping soundly, and with the faint light, opened the curtain and walked out.

Xisai Mountain has steep cliffs and fast water, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is supported by the rolling Huangjing Mountain and has become a strategic location guarding the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.Sun Ce had previously defeated Huang Zu, and he was defeated this time, and then he attacked Xiakou and won a great victory.

Sun Ce died of illness a few years ago. Huang Zu retook Xisai Mountain on the bank of the Yangtze River and rebuilt a fort here as an outpost. Dong Da, as a county soldier, was sent to guard the border.

"Why is it so quiet today? Have everyone on patrol gone back to camp to sleep?" Dong Da yawned and muttered.

But he didn't care. Jiangdong hadn't attacked for several years, so they didn't hang around. When it was time to change defense, they went back.

As for the military order from Jiangxia, they had long forgotten it.Just kidding, those nobles from Jiangxia were having a feast on a boat, but they were left to endure hardships on the border. How could it make sense? Just deal with it.

Dong Da's head was empty, he walked a dozen steps to the north of the camp, unfastened his belt, and peed.The steep cliff on the north side of Xisai Mountain is as sharp as a knife, and is more than a thousand meters long from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Such a natural toilet is naturally the first choice for these lazy people.

The morning breeze blew through, making my balls feel cold.

At the same time, the fog on the river was also blown away a little. Amidst the sound of the river lapping the shore, more than a dozen warships flying the "Sun" flag came into the wind. The bottom of the ship cut through the river. With the blessing of the southeast wind, it brought up waves of waves. and water splash.

Then, as the morning wind became stronger and stronger, the fog gradually blew away, and Dong Da gradually widened his eyes.Under his gaze, thousands of warships stretched for dozens of miles, with numerous warships and flags covering the sun, like a giant dragon lying on the Yangtze River.

"Jiangdong!" Dong Da said with a look of horror on his face, forgetting to even lift his pants.

When Dong Da was about to shout loudly, he heard a sudden tragic wail from the camp. He turned around and saw that Wu General, led by the 'Ling' flag, had already made a surprise attack on their camp.

Hundreds of Wu soldiers appeared out of nowhere, waving their sharp blades to kill the sleeping soldiers.

When his mind suddenly woke up, he also discovered the patrolling soldiers. They were not asleep, but had their throats cut and were covered up with vegetation.

The frightened Dong Da lifted up his pants and walked down the mountain along the path of Beiya before Wu Jun noticed him.Along the way, he stumbled down the mountain road, slipping several times along the way. If he hadn't quickly caught a thorn with his quick eyes and hands, he would have almost fallen off the cliff and died.

Finally, I found my boat on the bank of the Yangtze River at the foot of the mountain.Just when he was about to board the boat, a sharp arrow shot out of the air and hit him in the back. Dong Da screamed in pain and threw himself on the river. The bright red blood dyed the river surface red, and his body went up and down with the waves of the river. ups and downs.

After looking for the arrow, I saw the person who shot the arrow, holding a hard bow, standing on the hillside, his eyes like a torch.

This person is none other than Ling Cao, the bandit-breaking captain of Jiangdong!

After a while, the Xisai Mountain camp hoisted a flag with the word "Sun" in it, and it had been occupied by Ling Cao.

On the boat in the distance, Xu Kun calmly said to Sun Quan: "Master Fu, in the past I followed Sun Quan to rebel against Huang Zu, and it was at Mount Xisai. At that time, Huang Zu relied on his bravery and had many soldiers. , was severely defeated by our army, and more than [-] warships were captured, and tens of thousands of people were captured, and their vitality was severely damaged. Although several years have passed, it is expected that Huang Zu has not recovered his vitality, so it should not be difficult to defeat him. "

Saying that, Xu Kun sneered and said: "And Huang Zu and Huang She, father and son, guard the border, but they like literary strategies and are lax in their war preparations. They were able to defeat them in the past when they were in their heyday, let alone today!"

Sun Quan held his sword and said with a smile: "Xu Pinglu has a general plan in mind, and I believe it deeply. Now the sergeant warship is under the command of the general, let's see if we can capture Jiangxia in one battle."

As soon as Sun Quan finished speaking, he heard the report from the soldiers, saying: "Captain Ling has captured the Xisai Mountain camp and has now hung up our army's flag."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Sun Quan was very happy. It was too simple to win the battle.

"Ling Xiaowei followed his grandson in his rebellious expeditions. He was often the first to ascend and was extremely brave. Now he is the vanguard, just like the tip of a sword piercing Huang Zu's heart. From now on, when the emperor of the government governs the army, Ling Xiaowei can be reused." Xu Kun warned.

"Yes!" After listening to Xu Kun's instructions, Sun Quan grasped the hilt of the sword and responded in a low voice.

The relationship between Xu Kun and Sun Quan is also difficult to say. They seem to be cousins, but after Sun Quan came to power, in order to gain Xu Kun's support and consolidate Jiangdong, he married Xu Kun's widowed daughter Xu.

From then on, the two of them were both son-in-law and cousins.In order to help Sun Quan ascend to power, Xu Kun also tried his best to improve his prestige. He often asked Sun Quan to fight in name, and he made suggestions behind the scenes.

Sun Quan also knew that although he already had a wife, Mrs. Xie, in order to marry the Xu family and support the Xu family, he made Mrs. Xie a concubine.Mrs. Xie refused, so she died early. I don't know if it was Sun Quan's hand.

It was also very painful for Sun Quan to marry the Xu family. Not only was his wife a widow, she was also very jealous and did not allow him to take concubines.However, in order to win the support of his cousin, he still had to endure it.

After some operations, the two parties gained further room for trust, so Xu Kun strongly supported Sun Quan, and Sun Quan also believed in Xu Kun.

Sun Quan had no choice but to do so. Xu Kun was not only Sun Ce's right-hand man in raising the army, but he actually served the Sun family back to the time of Sun Jian.

At that time, Xu Kun resigned from his official position and joined Sun Jian's army as a subordinate. He followed Sun Jian in the north and south. Because he had made great contributions in defeating Hua Xiong, he was worshiped as a partial general for his military exploits.Therefore, Xu Kun was not only a shareholder during Sun Ce's period, but also a shareholder during Sun Jian's period, and now he is Sun Quan's father-in-law.

Even if Sun Quan doesn't want to, what can he do? When he first came to power, he had to rely on his father-in-law's power to intimidate the Sun family's veterans. Only with the support of the veterans can he consolidate his position.

But now that he has been in office for two years, the forces that should be integrated have almost been integrated, and the veteran Sun family has also recognized him as the lord.So Xu Kun let Sun Quan...


News of Sun's invasion reached the Jiangxia camp.

Gan Ning, who was helping Huo Jun train the navy, heard the news and handed over the work to his subordinates.With his bare feet, he hurriedly came to find Huo Jun.

"Zhong Miao!"

"Zhong Miao!"

Gan Ning was wearing wet straw sandals, and his trousers were rolled up to his knees, exposing his thick leg hair.He was walking in the camp with long strides. When he was still a few steps away from Huo Jun's tent, he shouted loudly.

Hearing this, Huo Jun came out of the tent with a bamboo slip in his hand and asked doubtfully: "Xingba, why are you in such a hurry?"

Gan Ning panted slightly and said, "It's just as Zhongmiao said. Sun Quan led the army to invade. With Ling Cao as the vanguard, he took the lead in taking the Xisai Mountain camp. His navy went upstream, and according to Xiakou, it was no more than a mile away. Two days’ voyage.”

Huo Jun held the bamboo slips and clapped his hands, feeling quite excited.

He has been in Jiangxia for two or three months, and he has also received letters from Xiangyang in the past few days, saying that Cai Mao has made many excuses to delay the dispatch of troops.Therefore, the situation on the Jiangxia battlefield will inevitably affect Xiangyang. If results are achieved, with Liu Biao's strong support, it is imperative to send troops. If there is a setback, Cai Mao may have room to operate.

Huo Jun was worried that Jiangxia would not do enough, but judging from the situation in Xiangyang, he had to find a way to make some achievements.

After pacing for a while, Huo Jun said to Gan Ning in a deep voice: "Xingba, you and I have come at a time when we have made great achievements!"

"I think so too!"

Just when Gan Ning finished speaking, Huang She's entourage also arrived at the camp and sent an order: "The prefect has an order, and Huo Canjun and Captain Gan are ordered to come to the government office to discuss the troops."


The two looked at each other and immediately left for the government office.

Although Gan Ning was not highly regarded by Huang Zu, Gan Ning had [-] soldiers and was a captain. He could be considered a force in Jiangxia's army of no more than [-] people, so he and Huo Jun were both qualified to attend. discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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