Chapter 40
Queyue City, inside the meeting hall.

Huang Zu, who had hardly been seen before, finally showed up. His old body was sitting on the couch. Although his aura was still there, he could vaguely feel that his majesty was gradually passing away.

Huang She was his deputy, followed closely by Jiangxia generals such as Su Fei, Deng Long, Zhang Shuo, Chen Jiu, etc. Huo Jungui was sent by Xiangyang to join the army, and his status was higher than that of the captains, ranking among the Zhonglang generals. Down.Gan Ning sat at the end of the captains, close to the door.

Huang Zu coughed and said, "Sun Quan, my son, invaded Jiangxia and broke our Xisai Mountain camp. How should we deal with it now?"

Deng Long cupped his hands and said, "I would like to report to you, Sun Ce died suddenly, and Sun Quan is a child. He didn't think about Nei'an County, but instead attacked me with troops. This is really a way to die. We should send out troops to defeat him now, so that he doesn't dare to underestimate him." I am a soldier in Jiangxia."

"Master Fu, Sun Ce is dead. Although Sun Quan is young, the Sun family's soldiers are still there. Xu Kun, Huang Gai, Ling Cao and other old troops are still with the army. We should guard against them with caution." Su Fei said worriedly.


Zhang Shuo sneered and said: "I am afraid that Governor Su is too cowardly. Sun Ce is so powerful in Jiangdong that we can be forgiven for our defeat at his hands. Now his younger brother Sun Quan has succeeded to the throne and has not won any victories. We will die without a fight." You are so worried that you are really cowardly!"


Su Fei was quite angry at Zhang Shuo's words.He is not a timid person, he just feels that these people are too unreliable and usually does not train, but today he thinks that Sun Quan is young and has the confidence to defeat Jiangdong's troops.

It is true that Sun Quan was new to the throne, but his soldiers were not that timid.It is estimated that on the battlefield, whether they dare to risk their lives against Jiangdong's soldiers is a question.

"Captain Zhang!"

Huang Zu warned in a deep voice.He doesn't like to have arrogant people under his command who would disgrace the general.

Zhang Shuo lowered his head, first apologized to Su Fei, and then asked Huang Zu for a fight, saying: "General, Sun Quan is attacking. If you want to defend against the enemy, Shuo is willing to be the vanguard to defeat the Jiangdong vanguard and show our prestige in Jiangxia."

"it is good!"

Huang Zu nodded with satisfaction and said, "If the army goes on an expedition, you are allowed to be the vanguard."

Seeing this, Huo Jun stood up from the table, cupped his hands and said, "General Huang, Jun believes that it is true as Governor Su said, our army should plan first and then fight, and we must not be hasty."

"you are?"

Huang Zu saw Huo Jun emerging from the crowd. His eyes lit up with his Zhongjia, who was both civil and military. He looked at the unfamiliar face, it was not a general under his command, and asked.

Huang She moved his knees and whispered: "Father, it is Huo Shenjun who was appointed by Liu Jingzhou. He was the one who thought Sun Quan would send troops to invade and asked us to be on guard."

Hearing this, Huang Zu looked at Huo Jun a few more times, his face full of heroism, and he mentioned that Sun Quan was attacking, so he softened his tone and asked, "If Huo Canjun has a different opinion, please speak up."


Huo Jun straightened his back and said: "General, the Xisai Mountain camp is steep and difficult to defend and difficult to attack. The soldiers and horses from Jiangdong fell in one day, which shows that they have planned for a long time and did not send troops hastily. However, our army has lacked training in recent months. If a soldier has no fighting spirit, he may not be able to compete with the enemy's fleet master."

"Therefore, Jun thought it would be better to avoid the enemy's sharp edge and lead the boat division to retreat to both sides of Xiakou and lure them to attack. When the enemy is tired, select elite warriors as vanguards to attack the enemy's camp and wait for the hard work."

Another naval commander, Chen Jiu, said: "I would like to inform you, Huo Canjun's words are unacceptable! If our army retreats to both sides of Xiakou, the soldiers from the east of the Yangtze River will definitely take the boat division to plunder the surrounding villages and pavilions, which may displace the people. It will be detrimental to disrupt the public sentiment in our county."

Su Fei and Chen Jiunai were the left and right commanders-in-chief of Jiangxia, respectively controlling the naval power of Jiangxia.

Huang Zu frowned slightly. Huo Jun's plan could not be said to be impossible, but it could only be said to be too cowardly, as if his men could not defeat Jiangdong's soldiers and horses.

"Then what does Governor Chen have to say?" Huang Zu asked.

"I thought that the rising spring water would be beneficial to our army, so why not lead the navy to fight now? Take advantage of the spring water, go down the river eastward, and confront Jiangdong's navy. The enemy's morale is high now. If we avoid it, our army will lose The river water is beneficial, and it is also beneficial to the enemy's battle."

Chen Ji volunteered and said: "Although our army was defeated by Sun Ce, it has recovered its strength after several years of training. We should lead the army to fight and compete with the people from Jiangdong to avenge the shame of the battle of Shaxian."

After hearing about Sha Xian's battle, Huang Zu gasped for breath and his face felt burning pain.

When Sun Ce's troops entered Lujiang, Liu Xun, the prefect of Lujiang, asked him for help.He led the men of Jiangxia and five thousand troops sent by Liu Biao to fight Sun Ce in the Xisai Mountain area.

In that battle, all the main forces of both sides went out and fought fiercely for a whole day. In the end, they were defeated and left because they were no match.Sun Ce attacked Xiakou again and won a complete victory.In that battle, Jingzhou lost more than [-] ships and suffered tens of thousands of casualties. Seven of his wife, concubines and children were captured by Sun Ce.After this battle, Jiang Xia was severely weakened. Fortunately, Sun Ce was assassinated, otherwise Jiang Xia might not be able to be used by him when Zhang Xian rebelled.

"General~" Huo Jun said as he prepared to speak again.

"No need to say more!"

Thinking of this, Huang Zu clapped his hand on the armrest of the table and said in a deep voice: "Assemble the troops and horses, lead the boat division to fight, I want Sun Quan to know the bravery of my Jiangxia son."


When all the generals present saw that Huang Zu had made up his mind, they all stood up and bowed their hands in response.

After leaving the meeting hall, Huo Jun and Gan Ning looked unhappy.Huo Jun was worried about the development of the war. In his impression, Huang Zu fought with Sun Quan several times and basically lost them all, and in the end it was his head.

Gan Ning's dissatisfaction was due to the order of battle. Since Chen Ju took the initiative to fight and Su Fei was passive about the war, Huang Zu appointed Chen Ju as the front guard and Zhang Shuo as the vanguard.But Su Fei was placed in the middle and rear of the fleet. Gan Ning returned to Su Fei and was placed in the middle.

After a long silence, Gan Ning asked: "Zhong Miao, can you win this battle?"

Huo Jun pondered for a while, then sighed and said: "Zhang Shuo and Chen Jiu are not brave men. In the past, they embezzled military funds and the officials were resentful. Now they fight to the death. How can the soldiers follow suit? Moreover, their subordinates are slack in training and their morale is not high. It is possible that they will not be able to do it." Fight with Jiang Zuo."

Huo Jun has been in Jiangxia for so long, and he knows almost everything about the inside and outside through conscious inquiry.Not to mention that the chief secretary Zhang Feng was greedy for military expenses, Huang Zu's generals basically ate the soldiers' blood, so Su Fei didn't eat much.

"Zhong Miao, stay!"

Just as Huo Jun was leaving, Huang She walked out and called out to Huo Jun.

Huo Jun saw that it was Huang She and signaled Gan Ning to return to the camp first.

"Major General!"

"Zhong Miao!"

Huang She walked up to Huo Jun, raised his hands and apologized, saying: "Zhong Miao's prescient words cannot be accepted by She, and I am deeply sorry!"

Although Huang She was not a qualified major general, he liked to drink, have fun, and entertain guests. He was a rude director and found it difficult to listen to other people's opinions.But he has the good habits of a scholar. He can admit his mistakes and apologize.

"Don't dare!"

Huo Jun returned the favor and said modestly: "It's just speculation, not the truth."

Huang She hugged Huo Jun's arm and said in a friendly manner: "Zhong Miao first arrived in Jiangxia. I wonder how he is going to dispatch his troops now?"

In the meeting hall, Huang Zu assigned everyone tasks, but only gave Huo Jun's vague instructions to act according to circumstances and obey his orders.

In general, it is not difficult to guess what Huang Zu means. Huo Jun has almost cooperated in the large-scale training of their army. It is not a good thing to suddenly add Huo Jun to the systematic combat team. It is better to let him stay in the Chinese army and obey the command. .

Huo Jun shook his head and said that he had no idea for the time being.In this kind of large-scale battle, if his 1000 people cannot go to the battlefield, they will hardly be able to play any role.

Huang She smiled and said, "Zhongmiao has a talent for military strategy. Why don't we follow She on board the ship to make plans and help She lead the army? How about that?"

Hearing this, Huo Jun was overjoyed. He really wanted to sleep on the pillow.He was still worried about how he could make some movement, so Huang She invited him on board the ship. Perhaps it was Huang She who could change the situation of the war.

Of course, the premise is that you can figure out a way to defeat the enemy!
Military orders were issued, flags wavered, clouds moved in the water villages in the north and south of Xiakou, and boats shuttled back and forth.As a pioneer, Zhang Shuo had the task of detecting intelligence and took the lead in sailing out of Xiakou stronghold to observe the enemy's movements.Following closely behind were the commanding officers of the Governor Chen Ju, with ships, battleships, and galloping horses filing out, and another giant dragon formed on the Yangtze River.

In the camp, Huo Jun tried his best to let the soldiers take everything they could use to the boat, such as firewood ash, soybeans, fine sand, sulfur and other items.

(I’ve reached 9k words today. I’ve been typing since the morning and now my eyes are dazzled and I can’t type anymore. I’ll continue tomorrow!)

ps: Zhou Fu is slow, please understand!

(End of this chapter)

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