Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 4 Xiangyang

Chapter 4 Xiangyang
When the rooster crows, although the sky is dark, concubine Li Qian wakes up early to check Huo Jun's luggage and prepare breakfast.

In the early morning, Huo Jun, served by Li Qian, put on a black cotton robe made of juan silk with intricate cloud patterns painted on it.The Han sword is worn on the waist for decoration, the jade pendant is tied on to hold down the clothes, and the head is wrapped in a scarf and a leather crown.

Li Qian looked at Huo Jun and was very satisfied with his appearance.Both the clothes and the decorations were carefully selected by her. Combined with Huo Jun's strong figure and three-dimensional facial features, it gives people a sense of nobility yet elegance, and a hint of sharpness. Hidden in between.But the most satisfying thing is Huo Jun's talking eyes in this life.

"Mr. Lang, are you sure you will treat the donkey as a gift?"

Looking at the donkey that was being led by the servants and neighing continuously, Li Qian asked again.


Huo Jun suppressed his laughter and said, "You have carefully selected this donkey. It keeps neighing, but it is the best among donkeys."

Li Qian learned that Huo Jun treated the donkey as a gift, and also knew that Wang Can loved the donkey's croaking the most. He spent a few days finding a donkey with a weird temper and croaking all the time. He tied it with red silk and dressed it up. .

"All right!"

Li Qian showed an indescribable expression. She seemed to have not only done a stupid thing, but also done a stupid thing very seriously.

Compared to Li Qian's worries, Huo Du kept urging the two brothers Huo Hu and Huo Xiong who were accompanying him, telling them that they must protect Huo Jun.Although Huo Jun retains the force of his predecessor, the world is chaotic and accidents often happen, so he still has to be on the safe side.

When bidding farewell, Huo Du even leaned into Huo Jun's ear and said that he had hidden a pair of iron armor in the oxcart and could use it in case of emergency.And Li Qian was already crying. It was the first time in so many years that Huo Jun had left her side.

After a while, Huo Jun left Shijin in an ox cart and walked straight east.Xiangyang is hundreds of miles away in the northeast of Maicheng, and it takes a lot of time to just travel by land.Fortunately, Jingzhou has well-developed waterways. Huo Jun drove an ox cart west to Jinling in Jiangxia County, where he could transfer to a boat and go north up the Han River to Xiangyang, which saved a lot of time.

One cart, one horse and one donkey attracted the attention of many people on the road.

Of course, there were also small groups of thieves, but seeing that the two brothers Huo Hu and Huo Xiong were burly, armed with weapons and crossbows, and one of them was a cavalry, they decisively gave up this quarrel.It would be a massacre for cavalry to face unorganized infantry, let alone cavalry carrying crossbows.

Under Liu Biao's rule, Jingzhou was doing well and the public security was good. There were no large groups of bandits blocking the road. If Huo Jun really existed, he would not dare to take just two of them on the road.

Time is neither long nor short.Huo Jun and others spent a few days arriving at Jingling, spent some money, boarded a grain ship, and set sail to Xiangyang.

Xiangyang, during the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Chu established Beijin garrison, and Qin also inherited it.After entering the Western Han Dynasty, Xiangyang County was established north of Xiangshui River, which governed the area south of Hanshui River and east and north of Zhonglu County.As the world became more peaceful and the population grew, Xiangyang, which occupied a waterway transportation hub, gradually became an important town.

Liu Biaodan rode into Jingzhou. With the help of Cai and Kuai, he successfully conquered Jingzhou despite defeating the local powerful and clan thieves.But in fact Zhang Xian, the governor of Jiangnan, united Lingling and Guiyang counties and did not obey Liu Biao's jurisdiction.Under this situation, for safety reasons, Liu Biao moved the county of Jingzhou to Jiangling and moved it north to Xiangyang.

The Battle of Guandu, a duel between Yuan and Cao, also affected Jingzhou.Under Huan Jie's lobbying, Zhang Xian sided with Cao Cao, and Liu Biao also sided with Yuan Shao.Different from the outcome of the Battle of Guandu, Zhang Xian of Cao Cao's faction died of illness, his power was destroyed, and Liu Biao successfully unified Jingzhou.

Liu Biao unified Jingzhou, because he had ruled in Xiangyang for a long time, and also for the convenience of resisting Cao Cao.Coupled with the great chaos in the Central Plains, a large number of people from Guanzhong, Sili, and Nanyang rushed into Xiangyang, and the population surged. There were hundreds of thousands of people, and they were very prosperous, so the state governance was not changed.

Xiangyang was not only the political and economic core of Liu Biao, but also its military core.As far as the defense system is concerned, there is Jingshan Mountain in the south as danger, Dengsai in the east as solidity, Liuziguan in the west as obstruction, and Fancheng in the north as defense.If these peripheral defense lines are breached, and even if troops approach the city, Xiangyang can rely on its moat with an average width of about 220 meters to confront the enemy and wait for reinforcements from its own side.

When Huo Jun arrived, it was close to noon. There were a lot of people entering the city. There was a lot of traffic and a lot of people. In addition, the houses and buildings on the street were as high as Yongyong, such as Zhi, making it very noisy and prosperous.The brothers Huo Hu and Huo Xiong from remote rural counties were dazzled.

Huo Jun was unmoved. The prosperous street scene with tens of millions of people in this area was not as good as the fairs in the counties and villages of later generations. After all, he had seen the prosperity of tens of millions of people in the metropolis, with people drunken with money, lights and lights, and the night was like daylight.

According to the address in Wang Can's letter, Huo Jun looked for his residence.



A crisp sound of horse hooves sounded first, and five strong cavalrymen opened the way, holding spears and halberds, pressing the bridles and walking slowly.Judging from his appearance, he is wearing Hu clothing and a leather ben on his head. He is probably a northern cavalry soldier.His eyes were very sharp and he looked around at everyone.

The leader, Wu Bo, rode forward and shouted: "General Zuo is going out, and those who are idle should stay away."

There are five people in a team, and the leader of the team is Wu Bo.Their task is to lead the way and clear the way, followed by the high-ranking officials' cars.

"It's General Zuo again. He's been here several times in the past few months!"

Passers-by complained slightly, but spontaneously moved to both sides of the road.After a while, a road was cleared that was large enough for the three carriages to travel in parallel.

Seeing that the road was open, Wu Bo rode his horse forward to guide the people in front of him to get out of the way.At the same time, a dozen knights in red clothes followed behind them, walking in twos and twos.Afterwards, the middle-aged general in white robes held a bow and walked with a spear in his hand, his eyes alert to the surrounding movements, ready to attack at any time.

Huo Jun looked over from a distance. When he saw the white-robed general, his first impression was that he was handsome, and secondly, he felt that he was brave.

"Zhao Yun?"

The subtle voice was caught by the white-robed cavalry general, who looked in the direction of Huo Jun coldly.

On the carriage, Liu Bei, the general of the left, was sitting in the carriage with colorful decorations. He was wearing a Jinxian crown on his head, with an easy-going expression, a white face, a short beard, and a pair of eye-catching big ears.If any fortune teller sees it, it should be said that it has a blessed appearance.

"Zilong." "Shijun!"

Liu Bei looked at the people on both sides who were avoiding him, and said: "We travel frequently to Xiangyang, and the people will be disgusted if they see carriages and horses for a long time. Please don't make too much noise, and just proceed with caution."


After Liu Bei's message, although there were still shouts and crowds, the movement of cars coming and going was much smaller.

Looking at Liu Bei's driving away, Huo Jun felt envious in his heart, "This is what a real man should be like!", but he paid more attention to the changes in Liu Bei's driving before and after, and secretly nodded at his performance.

Going in and out of Xiangyang for a long time, the momentum is too grand, which seems to show off one's fame, but it will make the people unhappy.After all, no one wants to give way to someone else, and to one person for a long time.It is no wonder that such a subtle thing was noticed by Liu Bei, and it was able to gather people's hearts. When Cao's soldiers went south, more than [-] people went south to follow him.

Those who achieve great things, success or failure lies in the details, not deceiving others!

"Let's go find Brother Zhongxuan!"


Huo Jun calmed down and found Wang Can's residence in a secluded alley under the guidance of passers-by.His residence had a small courtyard, which was not large in size. It probably had two or three rooms, which was consistent with his status in Jingzhou.

Huo Hu stepped forward, knocked on the courtyard door, and shouted: "Friends from Zhijiang are visiting."


After a while, the child pushed open the courtyard door, stuck his head out and asked, "Who is visiting me?"

Huo Hu offered the 'famous thorn' from his sleeve, handed it to the child and said: "Zhijiang friends Huo Jun, Huo Zhongmiao came to visit you at the invitation of your master."

Business cards are business cards used when visiting.It was called Ye in the early days, but later it was called "Ci" in writing. The writing was written on the paper slips with a pen, and because the name "Ci" was on the bamboo slips, it was called "Ming Ci".

At the end of the Han Dynasty, those who were highly praised by scholars often received a large number of famous assassins.For example, Guo Tai, one of the Three Sages of Jiexiu, was admired by scholars. When he traveled to Luoyang, a large number of people threw assassins at him, and he often "carried full of assassins".

"Nanjun Zhijiang?"


"Please wait a moment, Mr. Huo!"

The child bowed politely and trotted into the house anxiously.

"But Brother Zhongmiao?"

Then I heard a burst of rapid footsteps, and the short Wang Can ran out and shouted happily.

The moment Wang Can pushed open the courtyard door, he saw Huo Jun bowing his hands, leading two attendants behind him, and a donkey making a donkey's cry.


Seeing this, the child covered his mouth and laughed. There were also many pedestrians in the alley. They all looked over and saw that there was only one donkey, so why were four donkeys braying just now?

Huo Jun was not ashamed. He raised his hands and said, "When you come to the door to worship me, you should have the courtesy of meeting me. Now Jun knocks on the door with a donkey's crowing and a donkey as a courtesy. How about that?"

While talking, the donkey tied with red satin was also neighing.

"Haha, Zhong Miao is really my close friend!"

When Wang Can saw Huo Jun's actions, he put his palms in his hands and laughed, saying: "Wonderful, wonderful, this gift is enough! Even a thousand pieces of gold can't replace it."

"Please go to the hospital quickly!"

Wang Can brought Huo Jun and three other people inside, and said with a smile as they walked: "Brother Xian is here to visit. Tonight, I will prepare a banquet at the Jianren Wine House, and invite all the sages to meet me and welcome me~"

"Catch the wind and wash away the dust."

Thinking of the word invented by Huo Jun, Wang Can suddenly couldn't think of it. Hearing Huo Jun's reminder, he smiled and said: "Yes! Just take it as a wind and wash away the dust."

"Thank you, brother!" Huo Jun greeted as he walked through the small courtyard: "I wonder how my brother's second son is doing with his studies?"

"It's just a stubborn talent." Wang Can sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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