Chapter 5
As the sun set in the sky, Wang Can asked the boy to notify a few friends, and then took Huo Jun to the Jingren Wine House.

There were hotels on the streets as early as before the Qin Dynasty. "He Guanzi Shibing" said that "Yi Yin was the bartender, Taigong slaughtered the cow", and the so-called "bartender" was the waiter.

When the two arrived at the wine house for the first time, the beautiful girl came out with her graceful waist and beautiful flowers. She said with a smile: "Sheng Wang, how many distinguished guests are there?"

Business was booming in the Han Dynasty. In order to attract consumers, hotels often used young and beautiful girls as waiters.For example, after the talented man Sima Xiangru of the Western Han Dynasty eloped with the beautiful woman Zhuo Wenjun, they opened a tavern. .

Wang Can held the girl's delicate hand familiarly and said with a smile: "Today, I am inviting a friend to a banquet in the private room of the North Hall. There are six guests in total."

When the girl raised her hand and was about to lead the way, she caught a glimpse of the slender and heroic Huo Jun from the corner of her eye and secretly raised her eyebrows.

Huo Jun returned the greeting with a smile. When the girl blushed slightly, she turned around to lead the way and said, "Since we are here as distinguished guests, and you are coming with me, the private room has been prepared."

Secretly, the girl approached Huo Jun, walked smoothly, and ordered the bartender: "We have distinguished guests today. Let's have some wine and cook the mutton."


After entering the private room, Wang Can raised his eyebrows at Huo Jun and asked frivolously: "Zhong Miao has been here for a long time. Today, I am going to welcome my friend. I have to sing and dance to entertain him. I'll call the singer here..." After that, he was ready. Call the bartender.

Suddenly, Huo Jun looked a little dazed. It seemed that this scene was very familiar, but the scene was different.

"No, you can go and press it later~" Huo Jun quickly changed his words and said: "There are many sages tonight, Jun should not be too presumptuous."

I came to Jingzhou for a great cause, how can I ignore the importance? If others see it, my impression will be lowered.After all, their backgrounds are different from those of Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang. They have rich backgrounds in Xiangyang, so they are known as the "crouching dragon and phoenix chick".

"All right!"

"Zhong Miao, you are a true gentleman..." Wang Can said sadly.

Wang Can was a little frustrated. His real purpose was just to find himself a bartender.Huo Jun didn't want to, and he couldn't enjoy it alone.

After a while, footsteps sounded, and four scholars came out from behind the screen.


"Ji Bo, Zi Xuan, Gong Ti, Zi Hua."

After the five people greeted each other one by one, Huo Jun bowed and said, "I am Huo Jun, named Zhongmiao, from Nanjun. I have met four talented people."

"Don't dare!"

The long-faced scholar returned the greeting and said, "I am from Yi, named Ji Bo, and I am a friend of Wang Sheng from the same hometown. I have heard of Mr. Huo for a long time, and it is a great honor to meet him today."

Wang Can and Yi Ji were both from Gaoping County, Shanyang County. They were from the same hometown as Liu Biao. They both went south to seek refuge with Liu Biao during the turmoil in the Central Plains.Being alone in a foreign land, relationships with fellow villagers are particularly important. Yi Ji and Wang Can often communicate with each other.

The burly and heroic scholar raised his hands and said, "I am Fu Xun, courtesy name Gongti, from Niyang in the north."

"I am Wang Kai, whose name is Zixuan, and I am the brother of the Wangsheng clan..." The handsome scholar introduced himself.

"I am Sima Zhi, named Zihua, from Wen County, Hanoi." The plainly dressed scholar introduced.

Wang Can hugged Huo Jun's arm and said with a smile: "This is a friend I met while traveling in the Chu region. He is a rare hero in Jingchu. He is good at arithmetic, a master of legalism, knowledgeable and well-versed in general trends. In the old battle of Guandu, He is the one who asserts that Cao Cao is the victor; he is the one who knows Liu Jingzhou's victor over the Changsha rebellion."

After saying that, Wang Can looked at Fu Xun and said, "You know people's lives, so you might be able to comment on Zhong Miao."

"Don't dare disobey orders!" Fu Xun said with a perfunctory smile.As a friend, Wang Can is still reliable. He knows that Huo Jun is just a powerful person and has difficulty getting on the table, so he praises Huo Jun's talents to everyone.The purpose of asking Fu Xun to comment on Huo Jun was to elevate Huo Jun's status.

Fu Xun is not an ordinary person. His ancestors are the descendants of Fu Jiezi, and his father Furui is the prefect of Daijun, and the descendant of the Fu family in the North.Since entering Jingzhou, he has been very popular among the scholars in Xiangyang by virtue of his ability to recognize people.

There are complex factions in Jingzhou. Before entering Xiangyang, Huo Jun had already conducted an investigation, and he had carefully considered starting with Wang Can.

If we take Liu Biao as the center, the Xiangyang gentry is his tool to govern the place. The Cai family, Kuai family, and Pang family are the representatives, such as Cai Maonan, the prefect of Nanjun, Kuai Yue, Jingzhou Biejia, and Huang Zu, the prefect of Jiangxia.Therefore, these noble families had a great say. Under their momentum, Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Hui, Wolong Zhuge Liang, and Fengxiao Pang Tong also emerged.

In addition to the Xiangyang gentry, Liu Biao also appointed his relatives to control the military and political power. After Zhang Xian was pacified, his nephew Liu Pan took charge of Changsha, his confidant Liu Xian served as the prefect of Wuling, and his nephew Liu Hu served as the general and commanded the army.

In addition to relatives, there is also a small force in Jingzhou that is both loose and powerless. They are northern scholars from the Central Plains.They had no foundation and could only rely on Liu Biao, serving as his guests and making suggestions.

In other words, if Huo Jun wants to have the qualifications to advance and make Liu Bei think highly of him, he needs to start from these three forces.

Among them, although the Xiangyang gentry had a strong voice, they were too exclusive and Huo Jun could not integrate into it; Liu Biao's relatives had no connections of their own; the only ones who were easy to contact were the northern gentry, and this force was easily accessible to Liu Bei first.

Of course, entering this circle through Wang Can can only be said to be a coincidence.

As for how to seduce Liu Bei and let him treat her with honor, maybe it lies in the Yi Ji.

Huo Jun did not dare to underestimate the four of them, and saluted them again and exchanged greetings.The banquet began. After thirty years of drinking, the six of them gradually became acquainted with each other, and the topic started to open up, chatting about the current situation.

Both ancient and modern people like to give advice, especially those talented scholars who cannot be reused.

While slightly drunk, Yi Ji asked: "In the previous battle of Guandu, Yuan was strong and Cao was weak. I wonder how Zhongmiao was so sure that the Cao family would win and the Yuan family would lose?"

Huo Jun pondered for a while and said: "Yuan Shao founded his business in Hebei, but he wanted to imitate the ancestor (Liu Xiu) of Zhongxing. However, Yuan Shao's martial arts was not as good as his ancestor, and his literary and political skills were not as good as that. He only won the hearts of the people and barbarians."

"Having held Hebei for nearly ten years, it was difficult to quell the bandits in Yanshan. As for Gongsun Zan in Youzhou, it took Yuan Shao eight years to pacify him, and even Ju Yi could not tolerate it. This shows how well Yuan Shao employs people and manages troops. From a certain perspective, Yuan Shaotu has a reputation for kindness and is able to convince everyone, but he cannot find the opportunity to employ people, nor is he skilled in the art of war."

"But Cao Cao used his troops to keep strong. After several defeats, he was able to recover, defeat Liu Bei, capture Lu Bu, and kill Yuan Shu. After hundreds of battles, his soldiers were strong and stronger than those in Hebei. Therefore, although the land was not as vast as Yuan's, the soldiers were not as good as Yuan's. There are many clans, but Cao Cao is able to use them after getting them, and he is good at using troops, so he is worse than Yuan Shao."

Later generations often say that most of Liu Xiu's opponents were thieves, and the gold content of the war was low.But in reality, Yuan Shao's start was much simpler than Liu Xiu's. He controlled the prefectures and counties of Hebei, with only Zhang Yan in the west and Gongsun Zan in the north. However, these two people wasted Yuan Shao's ten years.

On the other hand, it only took Liu Xiu two or three years from entering Hebei to pacifying Hebei and proclaiming himself emperor. He quickly went south to pacify the Guanzhong and Henan areas. He did not give anyone else a chance to become powerful. It was only 12 years until the world was unified. year time.

Cao Cao is completely different from Yuan Shao. Cao Cao conquers the east and west, uses troops every year, and his soldiers are growing rapidly. In the World War II of Baima and Yanjin before the Battle of Guandu, although Guan Yu contributed, what is more important is the majesty of Cao Cao's own soldiers and horses. .

Of course, this does not mean that Yuan Shao's military ability is not good. It can only be said that his military ability is not as good as Cao Cao's, let alone Liu Xiu's.

After taking a sip of wine, Huo Jun continued: "In addition to military affairs, in terms of the general situation. At that time, Liu Jingzhou, Sun Ce, and Zhang Xiu were watching the world, helping Yuan Ze and Yuan Sheng, which could change the overall situation. However, Zhang Xiu surrendered to Cao Cao, and Liu Jingzhou After conquering Zhang Xian, Sun Ce died. Cao Cao no longer has any external troubles, so he can concentrate on wrestling with Yuan Shao, but Yuan Shao is still harassed by Zhang Yan."

After looking at everyone who was thoughtful, Huo Jun said meaningfully: "In addition, Yuan Shaoquan is divided into various disciples, each with his own party members, and An Neng can work together. This is an internal trouble. If you know that people cannot be used well, it will be difficult to control the army. There are secret worries both inside and outside. This is the reason why the Cao family defeated the Yuan family in the battle of Guandu!"

Listening to Huo Jun's analysis from the inside and outside, everyone fell silent.If Huo Jun's decision about the Battle of Guandu is true and not an afterthought, how terrible it would be.What he said was almost confirmed on the Guandu battlefield.

Wang Can also came out at the right time and boasted: "Zhongmiao lives in the land of Jingchu. He can solve problems thousands of miles away, which is rare in the world."

Fu Xun carefully looked up and down at Huo Jun, who was in his early 20s, and praised: "It is rare to have such a handsome man in the land of Jingchu. From what Zhongmiao said, do you know about military affairs?"

In the Han Dynasty, when the economic center of gravity had not yet moved south, Jingchu was still a barbaric place in the eyes of the Central Plains people, and some vague discriminatory words would be attached to it.Even so, Fu Xun was still amazed by Huo Jun's comments.

(End of this chapter)

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