Ji Han Da Sima

Chapter 442 General Hussars!

Chapter 442 General Hussars!

In the spring of the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an.

In the Battle of Pingjiao, Huo Fan launched a surprise attack on Jiaozhi County from the sea, occupied Longbian, the government office, and captured the Shi clan members. Shi Xie led his army to the north. Seeing that his front and back were attacked and his foundation was lost, he surrendered to Bu Zhao and Lu Dai.

Huo Jun arrived at Panyu and Jiaozhou was flattened!

At the same time, Cao Cao usurped the Han Dynasty and named the country Wei. Wu Chu heard that Liu Xie was killed by Cao Cao, so Liu Bei was given a mourning uniform and given the posthumous title of Emperor Xiaomin.

Xu Shu, Pan Jun, Mi Fang, and the ministers of Yi and Liang states reported that Cao Cao had usurped the throne, the emperor had been killed, and China had no master. Liu Bei was asked to ascend the throne as emperor.

Liu Bei refused to accept it, saying that it would be better to punish the thieves and then discuss the revival of the Han Dynasty.

A few days later, reports were reported from various places: the Yellow Dragon appeared in the Lei Pond, soared for nine days and flew straight away; the Phoenix emerged from the Dabie Mountains and disappeared into the Yangtze River; the turtle carried Luo Shu and left Chao Lake and was caught by fisherman Tu Chun; the Jianwei found beautiful jade, and the prefect Li Strictly sent to Wuhan.

For more than a month, auspicious signs, prophecies, and nursery rhymes appeared all over the Southern Han Dynasty, seeming to pave the way for Liu Bei to become emperor.

The next month, Liu Zhang, Zhang Lu, and Sun Shao, as well as senior officials of the old Han Dynasty, went to the throne to ask Liu Bei to ascend the throne of emperor. Liu Bei refused to withdraw and refused to see everyone.

At the same time, Huo Jun, who was far away in Jiaoling, also received a letter from Zhuge Liang.

Now that Shi Xie has surrendered, all the Jiaozhou treasury has been seized by the Han army. It is not difficult to select thirty-six pearls from them.

The jade seal is the emperor, and the pearl is the crown!

Looking at the arrangements in the letter, the corner of Huo Jun's mouth raised. It can be said that the process of Liu Bei becoming emperor was clearly arranged by Zhuge Liang. There must be auspiciousness and auspiciousness, prophecies and prophecies, etiquette and etiquette.

Pearls, a specialty of the Guangdong and Guangxi regions, can be traced back to the Qin and Han dynasties. During the Three Kingdoms period, pearls had become a local specialty product and were often used as tributes. When Shi Xie ruled Jiaozhou, he would pay tribute to Wuhan every year with pearls.


The first two rounds of pushing and pushing are all preludes, and the core is the third wave of collective playing.

Bu Zhao stroked his short beard and said: "Your Majesty is the emperor, and you will be rewarded based on your merits. The rise of the Han Dynasty will be a great success for you!"

Seeing Bu Zhao's doubts, Huo Jun stood up and walked around, saying: "Kong Ming's letter said that the king recalled his past friendship. He has followed General Nianguan for more than thirty years. He has made outstanding achievements and worked hard. He is worried about his temperament and does not want to be inferior to others, so he is worried about his position as general. In order of priority."

"It must be Da Sima!"

As he spoke, Bu Zhao smiled and said, "I think Zhong Miao will be a great general based on his merits."

Bu Zhao looked surprised and said, "If Zhong Miao is not a general, could he be a great Sima?"

Huo Jun nodded and said with a smile: "Now, after two pushes and two concessions, the ministers have made three pushes, and the king can take the throne. The pearl was requested by Kong Ming to decorate the emperor's crown."

Zhuge Liang only mentioned two issues in the letter. One was to persuade Liu Bei to proclaim himself emperor, and the third wave of memorials required Huo Jun to name him in succession and present Jiaoling auspiciousness; the other was the issue of the order in which the heroes were ranked.

"Shizai ordered Mr. Lu to select thirty-six high-quality pearls and asked his attendants to send them to Wuhan on horseback." Huo Jun said.

Huo Jun glanced at Zhuge Liang's letter, shook his head and said: "The general is not for me, he should be General Guan!"

After Huo Fan was ordered to retreat, the people in the hall looked thoughtful and asked: "Zhong Miao, will your Majesty be proclaimed emperor?"

The third wave of joint names is headed by Liu Xi, the Langya king of the old Han Dynasty, followed by the Wei general Liu Pu, Taifu Zhang Zhao, Taichang Liu Xian, Guangluxun Han Xuan, former general Huo Jun, military advisor general Zhuge Liang, left general Guan Yu, right general Zhang Fei...


The auspicious activities performed in conjunction with the third wave of collective performances were for Guan Yu to salvage a jade seal from the Han River, and for Huo Jun to open an engraved pearl from a seashell.

Huo Jun put down Zhuge Liang's letter and said, "I want to be a hussar general."

Bu Zhi frowned slightly and said: "How can a hussar general be as good as a great general? The king regards General Guan as the great general and Zhong Miao as the hussar general. I'm afraid he will feel that he is treating Zhong Miao poorly!"

Huo Jun smiled lightly and said: "He is not a hussar general, but a hussar general. His rank is the same as that of a general, and he is also a minister."

"Therefore, Kong Ming wanted to follow the old example of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and respect the Hussar General as the Hussar General, with the same rank as the general and above the three princes. This letter is sent to Jiaoling in order to allow a certain person to choose an official position."

Worrying about the monarch's worries and solving the difficult problems that the monarch worries about, Zhuge Liang's handling of the official ranks of Huo and Guan was relatively reasonable and reasonable.

Although he raised the hussar general to the position of general, the general lost his uniqueness. But out of respect for Huo Jun, Huo Jun was asked to choose one of the two, and the free one was given to Guan Yu.

Although this distribution method seems like child's play and makes Liu Bei lose his authority as an official, it is indeed one of the solutions. Not only did it meet Huo Jun's needs, but it also solved Guan Yu's problems.

Of course, Huo Jun's awards were not limited to this. In order to highlight Huo Jun's dignity, he was added to the list of ministers, participated in state affairs, and was granted the title of Xuzhou pastoral minister.

Since Huo Jun was asked to choose, or because of his fondness for Huo Qubing, and because he considered Guan Yu's thoughts, he chose General Hussar.

Gai Shi knew the whole story, Bu Zhao nodded and sighed, and said: "The military advisor acted like this, both respecting Zhong Miao and not treating General Guan poorly. This is the best policy."


Huo Jun stopped and said with a smile: "From now on, the military advisor should be called the prime minister!" Hearing this, Bu Zhao's expression moved slightly and he asked in surprise: "Could it be that your Majesty wants to restore the old system of the Han Dynasty?"

The prime minister presides over government affairs and assists the emperor. His position is high and powerful, and is beyond the reach of any human being.

In the Western Han Dynasty, the prime minister had been the deputy of the prime minister for a long time. Later, he deposed the prime minister and respected the prime minister alone. After Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty, in order to balance the central positions, the prime minister was changed to Da Situ.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the first and last prime minister was served by the powerful minister Cao Cao.

After the founding of the Southern Han Dynasty, Liu Bei successively promoted the two positions of General and Prime Minister. It is difficult not to think of Liu Bei's desire to learn from the system of the Western Han Dynasty.

Huo Jun sat back on the couch and said with a smile: "It is neither the old system of the Pre-Han Dynasty nor the system of the Chinese Han Dynasty. It should be the new system of the Ji Han Dynasty!"

Huo Jun, who was the official secretary of the Han Dynasty, participated in the establishment of the Central Committee of the Southern Han Dynasty and knew that Liu Bei was inclined to the political system of the Western Han Dynasty due to the prosperous national power of the Western Han Dynasty.

Due to his innate personal preferences and his understanding of the political system of the Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bei was not keen on the power system of the monarch alone, but preferred the monarch and his ministers to rule the world together. This coincided with the political pursuits of Zhuge Liang and Huo Jun.

Zhuge Liang often uses celestial phenomena to describe the relationship between ruler and minister. The ruler is like the North Star, his ministers are like the three stars, his subordinates are like the constellations, and the people are like the stars. The monarch is kind to the subordinates, and the officials respect the superiors according to etiquette. The ministers control the guards like the stars control the guards. Beichen.

Since the king and his ministers are like stars, the celestial phenomena should have their own trajectories and cannot deviate from each other. Under such rules, the king has his own scope of authority, and his ministers have their own scope of authority. The king and his ministers have their own rights, and each performs his or her own duties. Therefore, Zhuge Liang often disapproved of the rule of a single man.

Huo Jun had the ideas of later generations and did not admire the autocratic centralization of monarchy, but emphasized centralization of power. Centralization of power does not mean autocratic monarchy, but autocratic monarchy must mean centralization of power. There are similarities and inconsistencies between the two.

Centralization strengthens the central power and weakens the local rights; monarchy strengthens the monarch's power and weakens the rights of ministers.

Although the views of Liu, Ge, and Huo cannot be said to be exactly the same, fortunately, the three of them do not agree with the rule of a single man, but prefer a political system in which the monarch and his ministers co-govern.

Of course, this is obviously related to the shortcomings of Liu Bei's personal ability. Liu Bei is good at uniting his ministers and recognizing talents; Zhuge Liang is good at governing the country and appeasing hundreds of officials.

Since the monarch and his ministers co-governed and discussed matters, the prime minister system of the Western Han Dynasty was undoubtedly one of the most representative systems.

Now that the Southern Han Dynasty has been founded, Zhuge Liang is not the prime minister, who can be the prime minister?

Therefore, the Southern Han Dynasty did not simply imitate the system of the two Han Dynasties, but wanted to create a national system that was in line with the Southern Han Dynasty itself.

"Ji Han's new system?"

Seeing Bu Zhao's confused look, Huo Jun explained: "There is no permanent system in the world, and there is no eternal law. Although I, Ji Han, have promised to inherit the two Han dynasties, how can I only serve the old government of the two Han dynasties? When Kong Ming was appointed prime minister, he was to assist the emperor in governing the country!" "

Bu Zhao stroked his beard and thought, and laughed at himself: "Every king has his own official position, but since Pingjiaozhou, someone doesn't know the arrangements for the future?"

Shi Xie led his army to surrender, and the war at Jiaoling came to an end. Huo Jun, as the governor of the Guangdong War, asked Lu Dai to be responsible for the smooth communication with the barbarians from all directions in Guangdong, and to arrange the officials at all levels of counties and counties step by step.

Now that Jiaozhou and Guangzhou are in peace, the two prefectures of Guangzhou and Jiaozhou that were previously split due to the war will be re-merged into Jiaozhou.

Huo Jun recommended Lu Dai as the governor of Jiaozhou instead of Bu Zhi, the former governor of Jiaozhou. Although Bu Zhi could accept the loss of the governor of Jiaozhou, he still had distracting thoughts.

Maybe the speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Huo Jun comforted him and said, "Zishan has been in Jiaozhou for a long time, and now he has contributed to the peace of Jiaozhou. If he is appointed as the governor of Jiaozhou again, wouldn't he mean to treat Zishan poorly?"

"Ding Gong was the prefect at first, and later he was appointed as the governor to quell the chaos. Now he has achieved the same level of achievement as the king. He is the governor of Jiaozhou, let alone the king."

Bu Zhi's position as governor of Jiaozhou is occupied by Lu Dai. Although there is no specific appointment now, Bu Zhi's merits will definitely lead to promotion. For example, after Liu Bei founded the country, he could choose one of the two states, Jing and Yang, to be the governor.

Although Liu Bei became king, in order to ensure his rights, he did the same thing as Cao Cao and still served as state pastor. For example, Cao Cao was the pastor of Jizhou, and Liu Bei took charge of the three states of Yu, Jing, and Yang. The military and political affairs of the two states were handled by Da Sima's Mansion, and the person in charge was Zhuge Liang.

If Liu Bei becomes emperor, in order to free up official positions for more people, it is hard to say whether Jing and Yang will create new states, but they will definitely appoint governors.

After receiving Huo Jun's enlightenment, Bu Zhao felt a little better and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is about to found the country, but Zhao has been overthinking it!"

Seeing this, Huo Jun changed the subject and said: "Jiaozhi is remote, and it is where Shixie's old rule was, and has a prosperous population. I want to designate the land west of Jiaozhi as a new county. I wonder what Zishan thinks? Maybe there is a recommendation from the county governor? "

Bu Zhi pondered for a while and said: "Jiaozhi has always been a place where scholars lived. Although they have moved to Wuhan, they still have many disciples and old officials. It is feasible to designate a new county to divide and rule."

"As for the candidate for the new governor of the new county, Tao Ji, the captain of Hepu, should be qualified for the job. The foreigners do not know the etiquette, and the children only know their mother, but not their father. Tao Ji can obey the foreigners and give him gifts. He fought bravely in the southern expedition. At present, he is a suitable candidate to serve as the governor of the new county."

Except for a few areas, Jiaozhou is really a barren land. The Han Dynasty's governance of Jiaozhou not only exploited the barbarians, but also actually brought civilization to the local area.

It is hard to imagine that the Jiaozhou barbarians at the end of the Han Dynasty were still in the era of matrilineal society. They knew their mothers but not their fathers. Since they were located in the tropics, they lived by picking all year round and lacked agricultural planting technology.

Huo Jun nodded and said: "I am ordering Tao Ji to go to Panyu now, and I will personally review his capabilities. If it is as Zishan said, he can be the governor of the new county."


(End of this chapter)

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